The Mortal Instruments Fan Fiction
All of Me
Disclaimer: The Mortal Instruments totally belongs to Cassandra Clare and this fan fiction was inspired by the song All of Me by John Legend. This plot is totally my own.
Chapter 4
Sylvia's POV
Morning chill woke me up. I fell asleep on the couch after I heard Jonathan left. I did not want him to leave but I was too afraid of the dark to go out and look for him. So I decided to wait him up for a slight chance that he might came back. He did. The blanket that wrapped my body was prove that he did. I was pretty sure that I did not took my blanket with me while I was waiting for him last night. He must put it around me. The thought warmed up my cheek. I was pretty sure I dreamt of him kissing my forehead.
What in the world was I thinking? I just met him yesterday. And he was the evil-lord! Gosh, put yourself together Sylvia!
I wrapped the blanket around my body and went to the room where he must be sleeping. He was in the bed, sleeping, a wave of relieve washed over me. I moved deeper into the room he was sleeping soundly and did not seem to realize that I came into the room. He was shirtless but his body was wrapped modestly beneath the blanket. His shoulder peeked above the blanket. His breathing was even and his white blond hair was disarray, so pale like moonlight. He looked so beautiful, so much like an angel. Suddenly the corner of his mouth lifted up in a knowing smile.
"What are you staring at Sylvia?" he said with the heavy huskiness on his voice.
I stumbled back and move to slap him on his bare shoulder as he opened one of his black eyes. Dancing with heavy sleepiness and humour. "That was not funny!" I said.
"Ow...what? You staring at me or I caught you staring at me?" he said, now moved to sat up on the bed.
"I was not...staring at you. I was just checking you up,"
"Oh really? I was pretty sure you was standing there for about 10 minutes," that face he made. I really wanted to slap it off his face, that lazy smile and dancing eyes.
"Time seems longer as you count it and I was not staring at you," I argued even knowing that he was right.
"Whatever you say Sylvia," he said and stretched himself. I can't help but stared at him. Despite the scar, his body
"You are staring again Sylvia," he said and I slapped him again and hard on his arm and he yelped in pain.
I moved out of the room with a smile in my face. I was pretty sure he must be staring at me with sceptical smile on his lips.
Jonathan's POV
She was really like nothing I had ever encountered before in my life. That smile on her face, the way she looked at me could drove me crazier than Dahak's demon poison. I knew for a fact that she was staring at me, it's just that I did not know whether it was because she was attracted to me or afraid of me since to consider the fact that I did told her a gruesome stories.
"Jonathan, breakfast is ready," she called on me. I did not realize I was standing there, staring into emptiness as if I was following the ghost of her movement that I caught in my mind.
"Coming," I answered, trying to sound as unflustered as I could. I put on my discarded shirt and went out of the room. The smell of waffles and bacon enveloped the air and I belatedly acknowledged that I was hungry. I went in to the kitchen and she pushed a platter of breakfast towards my direction like how a bartender would push tall glass of beer along the counter in cowboy movies. It stopped right before it reached a position where the possibility for it to fall was confirmed. "Thanks," I told her and she nodded and smiled at me. I was pretty sure there was butterflies in my stomach.
"Where did you go last night? I thought you left," she asked. The tone of her voice suggested that she was serious. I could not tell her about my meeting with the dark shadowhunter. She would freak out if I told her. So I decided to lie to her. I told her that I needed a space and time to give thoughts about things, so I went out for a walk. I saw the doubt in her eyes. I did not enjoy lying to her. It sucked so much. I had told a lot of lies, so many lies that I lost track of it sometimes. Confused between the truth and the opposite.
The day went out normal enough for me. She asked a lot of question about Shadow World, I answered what I could answer. The day went by and it was already midnight. I laid on the bed, unable to sleep. My mind would not stop buzzing.
"My son,"
A whisper. "Who's there?" I asked aloud but not loud enough to woke her up.
"Come to me, my son,"
Lilith? "Mother?" I called her out. Somehow, I found it wrong to call her that, the word tasted like a bad wine in his mouth, purely unpleasant.
"Summon me, I'll come to you in the darkness of the night,"
Well she could just say she wanted me to meet her outside. Whatever, I got off the bed as soundlessly as I could. I took my stele and traced the rune on soundlessness on both of my calves. I put on a black sweater that Sylvia gave me. It was a little tight but it was good enough.
It was so cold and dark outside so I traced a night-vision rune on my arm and decided against the warmth rune. I went again deep into the forest this time, mindlessly wandering around, I was totally depending on my sense to remember the way back to her house.
I stopped when my feet stopped. Apparently, my body knew how far was far enough to summon the Mother of Warlock. The enchantment to call upon her was in my mind and I remembered how to draw the pentagram. I drew it almost mindlessly, as if I knew nothing better. It was as if she was controlling me.
A burst of black flame burst upward inside the pentagram when she rose from it. Funny how black fire could burn and produce illuminate lights.
"Oh Jonathan, my son," she said. Her voice was like two granite rubbing against each other.
"Yes, mother, what is it that you called upon me so late at night?"
She was in her human form…well physically from afar. When I focused I could see delicate black veins tracing her skin, her black eyes like shards of glass and her long black hair flowing unnaturally considering there was no wind blowing. Her expression was considerate earlier, when he asked that question he could see the how vexed she was. She smiled cunningly.
"Well, Jonathan, you see, you had disappointed me deeply,"
"Mother, I apologise—"I did not get to finish what I was about to say when she interrupted me.
"What happened was unacceptable you ought to know better Jonathan, you ought to be more prepared!" she said. This time she did not sound like two granite rubbing against each other, but she sounded like an erupting volcano. It was not a pretty sound.
"But mother, I did not expect that the angel blades and weaponry won't work upon the dark shadowhunters, we was lacking of tools and man-power,"
"You should expect the blade won't work either. You should have prepared for the worse to happen. You are not stupid enough to think that filthy seraphic blades could be used by something demonic in origin. I could not help but thought of how you was so much like Valentine, your father. Who was so contained in his power and abilities the he forgotten that there are such thing as losing everything, at stake or not,"
"Don't call me that, you don't deserve to call me your mother until you accomplish what you started. This time Jonathan, do not put me down, or I'll make sure you'll die in agony. The best part of it is that I knew that no one except for me that would care for you, let alone grieve," she said studying me as if she was waiting for my reaction towards her razor sharp words. But I stayed immobile and nodded. "Good, till next time Jonathan Morgenstern," she said my name as if she was spitting filth out of her mouth before she vanished. Leaving the smell of acrid smoke in the air.
Even a demon wouldn't want to admit that she was a mother to me.
Sylvia's POV
When I woke, Jonathan was gone. I was slightly worried for him I waited for him a little while, still having faith that he'll come back. I did not know why she was hoping so much out of him, but she hoped that he'll come back, would say that he just went out for a jog. But he didn't.
After I got tired of waiting for almost an hour, I decided to go out looking for him. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and went out. It was so cold that my breath went out like puff of smoke when I breathed out and breathing in felt like frost in my lungs. I did not know where to go but I felt like my feet was guiding me, towards him. I was walking deep into the forest when I finally found him, asleep against a tree, his arm wrapped around his body, his face ghostly pale and he looked as if he was in deep pain even though he was sleeping. It was so different to be compared to his young and innocent face yesterday morning.
"Jonathan, Jonathan wake up," I tried to shook him awake but he was unmoving. I started to panic. His pulse was slow and weak but still beating. Thank god. I shook him harder, calling him out with urgency. "Jonathan please wake up! Jonathan!"
Suddenly his eyes flew open and he pushed her away hard enough to taken her by surprise. His eyes was wide and so dark, he never looked so vulnerable before. "Sylvia," he said her name. His voice was rough.
"Jonathan, are you okay, you are so pale and what the hell was you doing her in the woods? It was—"I looked around as I spoke then suddenly I saw the remains of something drawn and black on the ground. It was a pentagram. I looked back at him. "What in the world was you doing Jonathan?" I asked. It was obvious that he knew what I was referring to. The look on his face was cold and indifference, so much different from the Jonathan I knew.
"It was none of your business," he said and he turned away to leave.
"Seriously Jonathan? Walking away like that. That is not going to resolve anything I tell you," I said.
He stopped and turned to face me. His face was still beautiful despite the cold expression. He walked closer towards me and I tried to act unmoved by him. "You act as if you know everything of me, you know nothing but a scratch of who I am. If you knew the real me, you should be cowering away, you would tell me stay away from you," he said. His voice was so monotonous yet it held a deadly unspoken truth.
He turned to walk away. "I know you, as you and that is why I never ask you to leave, I never cower though you does intimidate me. I don't know a lot maybe, but I know enough to justify that you are a good man indeed. Not the evil-lord you claim yourself to be,"
He looked at me over his shoulder with a sharp eyes like a blade made of ice, his jaw set and his expression was cunning.
"For god's sake, I was the last thing you claim me to be, my mother was a demon, my father a psychopath, my birth mother was afraid of me, his demonic son. My sister won't admit that I am his brother, won't even try to believe in me. You can't possibly expect me to be as you 'justify'. Even my demon mother don't want to be called as my mother. What make you any different? You saw the good part of me as you said it, but that part could be fake you know. Demon are expert in shadowing their true self,"
"I knew that good part of you was real,"
"How?" he said, challenging me.
"Because what you are now was led by pain, I can see it in your eyes Jonathan, I see kindness in you and you are what I 'justify' to be I know it for a fact, I've seen that part of you myself. This part of you is not fake, but it was inflicted on you. All that happened Jonathan, was not your fault in the first place. You was misled, know nothing better before than to just go with whatever it was," he look a bit taken aback by what I said. "You can save all of that feeling now in a box and bury it somewhere, open a new one and let new things teach you different lesson. Nobody can save you from yourself so help me on this, help me, help you,"
"I don't need any help,"
"Stop being so egoistic will you Jonathan?! I get it, you got nobody that care for you before in your life but now you got me," his eyes shoot up to mine as I said so. That flicker of warmth was reignited in his eyes.
"You care for me?" he asked, as if he did not believe I said so and I nodded at him. He moved closer towards me, I saw how wounded my evil-lord was. As he said so and with his eyes looking at like that, I was pretty sure I blushed like tomato. He gave a little laugh, not a mocking laugh, more like surprise or relief.
"Oh, Sylvia," he said my name as he got closer to me and wrapped his hands behind my head and kissed me. A delicious lick of heat wrapped around both of us as our lips touch and I circled my hands around his lean body, pressing him closer to me. He was so tall I had to stand on my toes as I kissed him. He lowered himself a bit and scooped me in his arms so that my feet was not touching the ground. The press of his lips was urgent and intoxicating, the low growl deep in his throat vibrated as bit slightly on his lower lip, teasing him. He moved to kiss the corner of my mouth before he pulled away. His face was still close with mine, the tips of our nose touched and he angled his face a bit so that our lips brushed slightly.
"I know it is just so early, so soon but I don't care, I love you Sylvia, I am sorry, I am so sorry for troubling you with my presence, with this confession but I love you still," he blurted out. I saw in his eyes that he did not plan to do so but he accidentally blurted it out. His cheek flushed deep red.
I smiled at him and peck on his lips before I said "I love you too Jonathan Christopher, and apology accepted," and I kissed him again.
A/N that was a long chapter. By the way thank you for reading and reviewing! This is not yet the end a lot still planned to come so stay tuned! Please tell me what you think and as always, all sort of criticism are always welcomed. THANK YOU! And please review…