"You sound like you're leaving things out Grell," Hannibal commented.

"No one ever tells a story completely straight Doctor! Where's the creativity in that?" Grell's rhetoric chaffed the Doctor mildly.

"I can't help you unless you tell me the truth." Hannibal scolded gently.

"The truth is I wanted to kill her because of her stupidity."

The Doctor suppressed a small smile of familiarity with the notion.

"I thought she was strong, I thought she had it in her to do what had to be done but I was wrong." Grell sounded wronged as he sighed, "Love was never so sour on my palate."

"Love can be like that sometime Grell - it doesn't mean we resort to self justice to fix it."

"And a girl must bare her heart breaks with patience, isn't that so?"

The Doctor looked at Grell's mouth and noticed that the teeth weren't as sharp as he perceived.

He tilted his head a fraction up, locating the round faced clock on the eastern wall, discreet and out of the line of sight of patients who were seated in the stuffed chair, "Time's up. We've made some progress Grell. Consider not giving up the meditation as yet. See you next appointment." He showed Grell to the door.

Grell stepped past a scruffy brunette with a swish of his red coat.

The scruffy brunette gazed at him with a puzzled almost dazed air.

"Will, come in!" Hannibal greeted Will Graham warmly, "It's good to see you."

Will was still distracted by the red headed, effeminate man he had glimpsed.

Hannibal herded Will into his office.

Will looked out the door and back at Hannibal, "Did someone just leave here?"

"Yes, of course - A patient Will."

"A red head with a red coat?" Will asked again.

"Yes, why do you ask Will?" He looked concernedly at his friend.

"I'm not seeing things," The young FBI consultant was relieved. Then he mused for a moment, "I asked because he doesn't seem real, he's very Technicolor, very flawless. No scars."

"He must be very careful to not injure himself."

"Yes, that must be it." The self deprecation was not missed from the statement.

Hannibal was suddenly keen, "What else did you see Will?"

Will rubbed his face and shifted his weight slightly. He stretched himself as if it were an effort to go on.

"He's someone with transgender issues. He sees weakness as a sin. He doesn't conform. He's also very isolated and lonely.

And he's righteous…

And he might be a psychopath."

There was a pause.

"I said might be… I could be wrong… that was a person and not a crime scene. Crime scenes are easier to extrapolate. They are honest. A crime scene can't hide the truth."

"Will, I might need you're help." Hannibal requested. Will was wrong, people can't hide. At least not from him.