Authors Note: Sorry this took forever I apologize. Explanation will be at the end. I know you're all here for the chapter so lets get on with it. I hope you all enjoy.

Reviewer Shout-out:

Guest (You Know who you are)


Death-Note92 - Sup Jake

Thuggin 4evea

SEluv42-42-564 (Guest) – haha Yeah I'm old haha.


Thanks to you all.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Soul Eater in anyway shape or form.

Chapter 8

He was still fuming. Even given the time it's been he was still pissed off. He was hoping a little game of basketball would help him calm down. The nerve of that guy. Threatening him. The only reason Soul didn't fight back was because he didn't want to do something that might get Maka mad at him. He let out a sigh as he noticed he was finally approaching the courts.

As Soul arrived down at the basketball court, and saw Black Star and Kidd already waiting for him. He also noticed Tsubaki was with them as well. As Soul made it to his friends he gave them a sincere smile. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming," Soul said as Black Star passed him the ball.

"No problem Soul," the blue haired ninja said. "So what's wrong man. Why the sudden need to blow off steam?"

Soul let out another sigh as he began to dribble the ball. "Just some shit involving Maka and Justin," Soul said as he threw the ball up trying to make a basket.

Tsubaki watched the ball go through the hoop. She then turned to at Soul. "What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked sounding concerned.

"Well Maka's fine. Justin on the other hand." Soul paused and looked up to the sky. "He saw me kissing Maka the other night." Everyone turned and looked to Soul. He noticed them all looking at him, waiting for him to say more. He let out a sight before speaking again. "He confronted me. Nearly pushing me over the railing in the hallway."

Kidd looked to his friend concerned. "Why don't you tell Maka what happened?" He asked.

"That's just the thing Kidd. He threatened me if I told her. He said he'd hurt me, but I'm afraid he'll just hurt Maka instead," Soul said sounding defeated.

"I could always kick his ass," Black Star said dribbling the ball. " he'd be no match for a big star like me."

"Thanks for the offer dude, but I don't think it will help my situation at all," Soul said as he looked up to the sky. 'This whole situation is uncool,' he thought to himself. "So are we gonna play or what?" Soul asked grinning to his friends. The four friends then began to play an actual game. Soul and Kidd versus Black Star and Tsubaki.


Maka was still skeptical about what Justin told her about his and Soul's conversation. Soul doesn't just get that angry for no reason. Something happened out there and Maka wanted to know what. She let out a sigh as she looked up from her plat and saw Justin smiling across from her. They've been at the restaurant for a while now and Maka still has barely touched her food.

"Maka, what's wrong? You haven't even touched your food?" Justin said sounding concerned.

Maka let out another sigh. "Its Soul. I've never seen him that angry for no reason before. Its not right," Maka said as she took another glance at Justin. She noticed his face became more serious. "What did he talks to you about?

Justin saw this as the perfect opportunity to taint Soul in Maka's eyes. "He asked me what my supposed problem with him was. He thought I was lying when I said I had no problem and he went berserk. Calling me a liar and other rude names I'd rather not repeat," he said in a matter-o-fact tone.

Maka gave the boy an odd loom before talking. "Okay then," she said with a skeptical tone in her voice.

"So how about you come stay at my place with me tonight. Riley is out of town so we'd have the place to ourselves," he said with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"I don't know. I should really check on Soul," Maka said as she looked down.

"Come on he just needs some time to cool off Maka. Give him his space," Justin argued back.

"Well okay. I guess you're right," Maka said back still a little concerned.


Soul opened the door to the apartment and saw it was still empty. He looked over to the clock and saw that it read 10:06 pm.' Huh. I figured Maka would be back by now,' the white haired boy thinks to himself. Soul walks over to the couch and sits down, deciding to wait up until Maka gets home. He turns on the tv and begins to watch some comedian do stand up.

Its been a little while now and Maka still is not home. Soul looks over and sees that the clock now says it's 12:13 am. "Ugh. Where the fuck is Maka?" Soul asks himself out loud. He then just dropped his head down on the couch covering his face with his forearm. "Today fuckin' sucks." Without realizing it, Soul ended up falling asleep there on the couch.


Maka was very uncomfortable. Justin kept trying to sneak his hand up her shirt. She just kept moving it away but he kept on persisting. She was getting beyond annoyed. "Justin. For the tenth time, stop that."

"Come on Maka. You know you want to," Justin tried to argue back.

"No Justin. I don't." He then tried slipping his hand into her pants and that's want Maka got really angry. She smacked him across the face and stood up.

"What the hell Maka?" Justin yelled as he saw Maka grabbing her shoes.

Maka slipped her shoes on and looked back to him. "Fuck off Justin," she said before she stormed out the door of Justin's apartment.

When Maka arrived back at the apartment building she let out a sigh as she entered the room. She opened the door to find the living room light on and the tv showing some comedy movie. She looks around and finds Soul passed out on the couch. She smiles upon looking at her friends sleeping form. She notices a bit of drool falling from his mouth. 'Well I can't just leave him there,' Maka thinks to herself and then kicks the couch.

Soul jumped and the sudden noise and shake of the couch. "Wha?! I'm up!" Soul shouts rapidly sitting up. He then hears the sound of a soft laugh and turns around to see his meister standing there with a smile. "Oh hey Maka. Where the hell have you been?" He asks rubbing his eye with his hand.

"Well I was gonna stay at Justin's tonight, but he pissed me off," she explained crossing her arms over her chest. "So I came home."

Soul gave her a quizzical look. "What did he do?" He asks as he swings his legs off the couch and motions for her to sit next to him.

The tough girl mask began to break as the recollection of what happened came to her. She let it a sigh before talking. "Well we were laying there and he began to err... touch me. And I told him to stop but he kept on trying." Maka began to feel tears come to her eyes. "Do you think that's all he wanted? You know, for me to put out?" She asks as tears begin to flow from her eyes. "I thought her was a nice guy."

Soul felt sad looking at Maka crying. He hated seeing her hurt. It hurt him just as much. Soul then wrapped his arms around Maka and pulled her into his chest. "I don't know Maka. I don't know the guy. But I'm here for you," Soul said softly as he pulled her away and looked her in the eye and brushed some hair from the girl's face smiling at her.

"Thanks Soul. I'm glad you're here," she said with a smile as she buried herself back into his chest. She was truly glad she jade him at this moment.

"And I'm not going anywhere Maka. I'll always be here." Soul looked up to the ceiling. "I'm more than just your weapon. I'm your friend too Maka. Till the end."

Maka looked back to Soul. "And I'm your register and friend as well," she said giving him that cute genuinely happy smile. "Till the end."

The pair remains like that for the rest of the night just talking until they couldn't stay awake any longer. When it was about five in the morning, Soul looked to the pigtailed girl and let out a sigh. "Well I can barely keep my eyes open and we have class in a few hours. I'm gonna hit the hey," he said as he began to stand up. He was stopped when he felt a warm hand holding his and looked back to see Maka holding him.

She looked up and her eyes met his crimson eyes. "Please stay. Sleep with me."

"But Maka. What about..." he was cut off.

"As friends," she said.

Soul gave her a soft smile. "Alright. You win," he said as he climbed back on to the couch with her. She let out a small squeal of happiness as she pulled him close to her burying her face in his chest. "Goodnight Maka."

"Goodnight Soul." And from there the two feel asleep in each other's arms. Soul had to admit, he couldn't have happier.

Authors Note: Okay so thanks for reading. And sorry for the wait its just a lot has been going on in the past 2 weeks. First the Subway I work at was one of the main caterers for the Meijer Games (Michigan Olympics) and we put out over 1500 footlong subs in three days. Next my sister came down to visit and get some stuff for her future endeavors. And some shit happened with a girl I like which re-sparked my depression and I relapsed after six months. I ending up cutting again and I feel really shitty about myself. Anyway hopefully I put out chapter nine faster. Thanks for reading and please read, review, recommend, favorite, and follow so I can pike rainbows and shart pixie dust. This is DG27 signing off. Deuces