Chapter 5

"Sam!" Tucker exclaimed as the girl rushed in, snapping in place her helmet as she did so. "Did you get it?"

Sam held out a vial of green liquid as the two men walked over to her. She quickly turned to see Maddie and Danny, almost gasping at what she saw. Maddie's skin held a green glow as if the human part of her was disappearing. Her hair was graying though still held red steaks in it. Danny's hair was a lighter gray than his mother's and his body had started to shine a ghostly white as if his Phantom form was showing through.

"What is it?" Jack asked, taking the vial from Sam's hands.

"Hopefully a cure." Sam said, praying that Vlad wouldn't trick them.

Jack stuck a needle into the vial and pulled it in, taking only half into the syringe. The man went over to Danny first and inserted the needle into the IV drip to add it to the mix of chemicals trying to keep him alive. The man quickly went over to his wife and did the same thing, using up the last of the green liquid Vlad had given them.

Sam and Tucker went closer and watched Danny as his hair went quickly to a pure white before reverting quickly back to black. Sam looked over at Jack, hoping he didn't see his son show his Phantom side only to see he had his eyes glued to his wife as she did the same.

Jack looked up at the heart monitor attached to his wife as it started to pick up speed again, beating closer and closer to 94.

Danny opened his eyes, his blue irises glazed over with a shimmering green before he blinked to clear them. He looked up and focused on Sam and Tucker as they hovered over him.

"How you feeling, man?" Tucker asked.

"Strangely energized." Danny admitted, moving his arms to sit up.

Sam quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him down. "Act normal, kay?" she looked up to make sure Jack was busy asking his wife if she was ok before turning back to the boys she'd called friends for so long. "Vlad said that it would do that to you cause of you being what you are. Actually you didn't even need that shot."

"Don't say shot." Tucker quickly said, holding his stomach.

"Let me guess, Vlad was aiming to give this to Dad, huh?" Danny asked, rolling his eyes. "At least he loves Mom."

"It finally came to our favor this time." Sam nodded.

"So what was the antidote?" Danny asked, leaning his head back onto the pillow.

"The ectoplasm of a halfa." Sam said, keeping her voice down.

"What?" Danny asked, his voice squeaking as he fought yelling that one simple word. He cleared his throat to ask, "I've got Vlad's blood in me?"

"It was either that or show your Dad you were Phantom." Sam pointed out. "You were already close enough with your gray hair."

Danny sighed as he closed his eyes to rest. "That fruit loop's going to be the death of me."

"Don't say that. Not with our lives." Tucker said, shaking his head.

"Ya, it's your job to jinx us." Sam snickered to show she was joking as she punched Tucker in the shoulder.

"So who was it that gave you the antidote, Sam?" Jack asked, turning his attention to the three kids.

Sam bit her bottom lip, not sure if to give away that part of the secret. She knew it would be a quick dot-to-dot if they really thought about anything.

"Vlad did, Dad." Danny explained, a smile on his face.

"Vlad?" Maddie asked, surprised as she turned her head towards the kids.

"Ya, Jazz made me keep in contact with him after the reunion." Danny lied, working up a story for them all. "We talk some and he had said a while back he was working on learning more about ghost diseases."

"Go V-man." Jack clapped. He turned back to his wife and gave her a hug, still being careful of her fragile body.

"So who's up for playing Super Smash Heroes?" Danny asked, looking up at the two friends.

"You just want to play as Éclair." Sam teased, glad to see his skin regaining its youthful bounce as he blushed to what Sam said.

"I play as other characters too." Danny defended. "They just added her."

"You played as her sister before this one." Tucker pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest.

Danny's lips pulled up in a half smile as he desperately tried to come up with a retort only to get nothing but laughs from his two friends.

The end