Chapter 1

"Vlad, why don't you just go home to your family?" Danny asked, throwing a ball of plasma at his enemy in white. "Oh that's right, Mom didn't fall in love with you."

"Shrude, very shrude." Vlad said, quickly avoiding the blast. He smiled as he recovered something from his pocket. "But you, my boy, will be going home."

"What makes you say that?" Danny demanded, shooting another beam at the halfa, only for it to bounce off of Vlad's quickly made shield. If only he couldn't make shields so stinking fast!

"Because you're going down quicker than you think." Vlad smiled before flying at the boy and grabbing him around his neck. Vlad forced Danny down hard, creating a small crater in the parking lot of Casper High.

Danny looked up, anger flashing in his eyes to cover up the pain in his back. He shot Vlad off of him allowing himself to get back up to his feet.

"Good Bye, Daniel." Vlad said, throwing a capsule on the ground at Danny's feet.

Danny closed his eyes as the smoke emitting from the broken capsule blinded him. He tried to wave it away but only ended up breathing it in, getting himself to cough. He flew upwards, trying to escape whatever was irritating his throat and eyes so badly. Once he was over the school he found he could open his eyes as the coughing subsided.

"Great, where'd he go?" Danny asked, looking around only to find the man was gone. He quickly flew away, going through the school to find the boys bathroom before changing back to human. He walked out and acted normal as he walked out to find his friends back at lunch.

"You ok Danny?" Sam asked as the boy sat back down next to her at the table. "You look sick."

"I hope Vlad looks worst." Tucker subjected.

"It must've been something in that" Danny paused trying to think, he shook his head "whatever Vlad threw at me." He started to cough again, worrying his friends.

"You're sure you're ok, man?" Tucker asked once he had stopped coughing.

"I'm fine." Danny said, trying to blow it off. "Can we finish our lunch?"

Sam looked over at the boy next to him, worry and wonder mixing in her mind.

"…oh, and it's got an upgraded video card!" Tucker said, excited for the release of a new PDA. The three friends were heading over to Danny's house after school to have a normal afternoon. Well as normal as you get for one being a techno-geek and the other being half ghost. Danny mentally shrugged, what'cha gonna do?

"What does PDA even stand for?" Danny asked, looking over at Sam.

Sam shrugged her shoulders, knowing that would set their friend off.

"You don't remember what it stands for!?" Tucker exclaimed, surprised and disgusted with his friends. He held his most recent PDA close to his cheek and said to it, "Don't listen to them. I love you!"

"It means Personal Digital Assistant." Sam informed Danny.

"Isn't that what phones are trying to become?" Danny asked.

"In the future your phone will be able to do almost everything." Sam said, trying to do a take-off of old movies.

"That was actually pretty good, Sam." Danny said, laughing. His laughing ended up turning into coughing getting the three to stop. He had to bend over as his coughing grew into hacking.

"Danny." Sam said, worried as she placed a hand on his back. "Calm down."

Danny finally stopped coughing, allowing himself to stand up only to realize he had weird spit in his mouth. He quickly thought it was mucous and spit it out in the small amount of someone's front lawn they were passing.

"Danny!" Sam said.

"Sorry, but I had to." Danny tried.

"Hey, what is that?" Tucker asked, bent down looking at where Danny had spit.

"Eww?" Sam stated.

"No, I'm serious." Tucker said.

"It's ecto goop." Danny said, realizing what Tucker had noticed.

"Well that's weird." Sam said, looking at it too. She turned to Danny and asked, "Are you sure you're not sick?"

"It could be allergies." Danny said as Tucker stood back up. "I haven't had to deal with them since I got my powers so maybe my ghost half has more of a problem with them."

"I don't know. Have you ever seen a ghost with allergies?" Sam asked, worried as the three started walking again.

"No, but that doesn't rule out that they can't get them." Danny said, a small cough escaping.

"I guess." Sam said, thinking.

"Come on, we've been planning a ghost free week-end for a while now." Danny said, putting his hands in his pockets. "Let's just finally veg."

"And guess what!?" Tucker said, reaching into the pocket at his knee as he tried to keep up the speed of his friends on one foot. He pulled out a DVD case and showed his friends. "I got the new Super Smash Heroes!"

"Is that the one that's got Éclair as a playable character?" Danny asked, taking the case to look at it as Sam went and opened the door.

"Uh, Danny?" Sam said, turning around to face her friends only to stop. "I know you like her but that doesn't mean you have to have a nose bleed moment."

"Huh?" Danny asked, touching his upper lip to realize his nose was bleeding. He quickly threw Tucker the game back and rushed in the house.

Sam and Tucker rushed after their friend to find him standing over the sink in the down stairs bathroom. He was holding toilet paper to his noise to stop the bleeding.

"Danny, Sam, Tucker? Is that you?" Maddie's voice called, hearing the ruckus. She came to the open bathroom to see the same sight his friends came to. "Danny?! Are you ok?"

"It's just a nose bleed." Danny said, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Panic flashed in his eyes as his mom came over to inspect him, worried she would see the green flecks of ectoplasm that was in his blood. Just in time, a coughing fit took over, allowing him to turn away from his mother.

"You don't sound ok." Maddie said once he stopped coughing. She grabbed his chin to force him to look her in the eye.

"I'm fine, mom." Danny tried, his voice a bit muffled since he was still holding the paper to his nose. "I think I'm just dealing with allergies."

"Alright." Maddie said, worried still but she let go of her son's chin.

Danny took the, now bloodied, toilet paper away from his noise to see it had finally stopped bleeding and threw the paper in the trash can. He quickly cleaned his face and said, "Really, I'm fine."

Maddie stayed in the bathroom as she watched her son walk out, his friends following close behind. She glanced down and noticed the bloody paper but was surprised to see it had a type of green glow to it. She pulled back the mirror and grabbed a pair of tweezers from the medicine cabinet before picking up the bloody paper. She raised it up to look at it closely surprise in her face as she realized it did have green in it. Surprise changed to worry as her scientist and motherly instincts merged. She quickly left the bathroom, heading down to the lab with the bloody paper still in her grasp.

"Well that was close." Danny sighed as the three made it into his room.

"I was sure she'd notice." Sam said, sitting herself down on Danny's bed.

"Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to tell them." Tucker admitted, taking a seat at Danny's computer table.

"Ya, and before we know it I'm on a dissecting table." Danny said, scrunching his shoulders up only to be over taken by another coughing fit.

His friend's waited until he had stopped coughing before Sam said, "Maybe you should ask your mom for some allergy meds."

"I might just do that." Danny said, scratching the front of his throat.

"Wait a minute. I thought your mom would be out of town today." Tucker realized.

"Oh, ya that ghost whos-it canceled last night." Danny said. "Dad's happy though cause they had asked him not to come."

"ouch." Sam said, snickering.

"Danny, can you come down to the lab." Jack said, sticking his head into the room.

"Sure Dad, what's wrong?" Danny said, turning around to see his dad's scared face.

"Just-uhm-come down to the lab." Jack said before rushing out.

Danny looked over towards his friends, wondering what was going on. Sam's only reply was the shrug of her shoulders.

The three went back down the stairs and headed for the kitchen only to find Jack was putting on a white protective suit.

"Sam, Tucker. Put on those suits." Maddie said, getting their attention to the woman already in the suit as she collected some papers before heading downstairs.

"What about me?" Danny asked, stopping his mom.

Maddie turned so she could see her son through the protective screen on her helmet. Tears could be seen at the edges of her eyes as she tried to be brave. She took a breath and tried to steady herself. "Sweetie, just trust us, please."

"Okay…" Danny said, watching his friends put on the suits as Jack left them alone for the moment, following his wife.

"You don't think…" Tucker started, worried as he zipped on the suit.

"How could they've!?" Danny asked, starting to panic. He grabbed his arms trying to hold himself together. "I don't want to be dissected."