Ben yawned as he exited the elevator. He placed the straw of his smoothie in his mouth and slurped it up as he walked over to Rook.

"Morning," Ben said in greeting.

"Good morning." Rook returned the greeting. "Magister Tennyson wishes to speak with us about our next patrol."

"What about it?" Ben sipped on his smoothie. "We walk around Undertown and arrest any bad guys. It's the same every day."

"I do agree that our patrols have been quite repetitive lately. But that is not always a bad thing. Perhaps Magister Tennyson wishes to reassign us." Rook looked down at his partner as they walked.

"Maybe," Ben said, shrugging his shoulders. He held out his smoothie. "Want some? It's spinach and carrot."

"No thank you." Ben shrugged and brought the straw between his teeth, chewing on it.

"Ever get the feeling that something big is gonna happen?" Ben asked.

"Are you feeling that now?" Rook looked at his partner in confusion.

"Kinda, like you said, it's been repetitive. Normally when things get boring like this, something big always happens." The door in front of them slid open and they saw Max with a short alien. He had long white eyebrows and a beard. His face seemed a bit squished. He was wearing a brown robe and was holding a staff that seemed to act more like a walking stick. "I hope this isn't our big thing." He tossed his smoothie in the garbage and he and Rook approached the two. "Hey grandpa."

"Good morning you two," Max said. "I have someone I would like you to meet."

"I am Satis, faithful servant of the Avatar." The alien introduced himself, bowing his head.

"The Avatar?" Shock was evident in Rook's voice.

"I'm gonna guess it has nothing to do with the elements or blue creatures," Ben said with a smirk.

"Ben," Max said in a warning tone.

"What? It had to be said."

"The Avatar is the greatest being in the universe. He has many powers, including destroying and creating planets. The Avatar can do anything," Rook said.

"Well, mostly anything," Satis corrected. "But that's not why I'm here. I am here because I need your help."

"With what?" Ben asked.

"The fate of all life is in danger," Satis said. "Not just human life, alien too!"

"What is wrong?" Rook asked. Satis tapped the ground with his staff. A pool of darkness covered the room. The plumbers looked around as they saw a destroyed city.

"Soon there where be a cataclysmic event that enslaves all life," Satis said.

"Yeah, we got that part." Ben grunted in pain as he was hit with Satis's staff. Rook covered his mouth to hide his snickers.

"Pay attention!" The alien shifted the view around them. They were in space, looking at all the planets. There were ships heading towards one planet in particular. Before they could get close a red symbol appeared in the sky, and shot them all, destroying the ships and leaving nothing left. The scenery changed again. The symbol they saw floated over a planet and shot it, destroying it.

"What is that symbol?" Rook asked.

"It is the symbol of the Avatar, more precisely it belonged to the previous Avatar," Satis answered.

"Okay, so we find the previous Avatar and beat him, no big deal," Ben said. He held up his wrist and smiled at the omnitrix.

"I'm afraid you can't do that," Satis said.

"Why not?" Rook asked.

"He is currently locked up and being watched by the Avatar. You do not need to worry about him." Satis tapped the ground and the black space receded, returning everything to normal. "And as far as I can tell, he is not the cause of this."

"Okay, then who is?" Ben asked.

"A young girl named Molly." Satis tapped the floor again and a holographic image of a girl appeared. She seemed to be the same age as Ben. She had short black hair with a splash of red over it. There was a star tattoo on her right cheek, with a stripe on the other. Her right ear was pierced three times. She wore a red crop top and ripped jeans. She had a jacket wrapped around her waist. The most striking feature about her was the metal wristband on her right wrist. Red marks and burnt skin stretched out from under it.

"She looks kinda cool, and harmless," Ben said. "Are you sure she'll do all that?"

"Yes, she is the ultimate creation. As far as I can tell Molly was never supposed to exist, but he manipulated time to ensure that she would. She is his puppet and pawn," Satis said.

"And 'he' is the previous Avatar?" Rook asked. Satis nodded in confirmation.

"You must do something about Molly before she does exactly what he wants."

"Alright, where do we find her?" Ben asked.

"In the year 2083," Satis said.

"What, when exactly does this event happen?" Ben asked. "If she isn't even alive yet, assuming she's not a time traveler or something, how are we supposed to stop this?"

"Simple, I will take you to her!" Satis exclaimed with a smile.

"But, if you could go to her yourself, why do you need us?" Rook asked.

"She is his creation, and has been marked as such, my magic doesn't affect her," Satis said with a frown. "And I am too closely connected to the Avatar, he cannot send me to a time where there is another Avatar. In Molly's time my master has passed, and a new Avatar has taken his place. Avatar's cannot travel in time to the reign of another. It's the rules."

"I see, it makes sense," Rook said.

"That doesn't answer the question of when this thing even happens!" Ben shouted.

"She'll manipulate the fabric of time, just like her creator. Is that good enough for you?" Satis squinted at him, a smile on his face. Even though his voice sounded angry, the smile showed that he wasn't all that mad. In fact, he sounded like he was playing a game.

"Yeah okay that answers my question." He grunted as Satis hit him again with his staff.

"Now, are you ready to go?"

"Wait, we're going now?" Ben asked, looking at the tiny alien.

"How are they going to get back?" Max asked. Satis smiled and tapped Ben's watch.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" Ben looked at the omnitrix and noticed there was a new setting. There was an image of an hourglass with a rewind symbol over it.

"It's a one time trip. Press that and you'll return back here, but be careful." Satis warned him. Ben looked up from his watch only to find him gone.

"Where did he go?" Ben looked around, not finding the small guy anywhere. He was shocked to find that he and Rook were outside. "Okay, where did we go?"

"It seems Satis has transported us through time." Rook gestured to the nearby street, where there were hover cars.

"Okay, that's cool." Ben smiled. "Well, since we're here we might as well hunt down this Molly girl." He walked down the sidewalk. Rook followed behind him.