[1] This is the second part of my MKR reincarnation trilogy, the others being "HIKARU'S STORY" (fin) and "UMI'S STORY" (coming soon). It would be better if you had read part one but I would try to make this story as self-sufficient as possible. All three stories are interrelated but have different circumstances.

[2] HIKARU, FUU and UMI are 19-year-old, college students at the same university and lives together in one apartment. Those already part of the story since "Hikaru's Story" are LANTIS (reincarnate name is Tooya), ZAGATO (Saito), EMERAUDE (Esmeralda) and FERIO (still called Ferio). Oh and MIRA, you know, that girl whom Lantis saved in season two.

[3] I've been sending out EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS whenever I update a story so if you want to receive one then please leave your email address.

[4] I hope you'll enjoy this chapter just as much as I enjoyed making it. And though F+F is not my fave pairing, I'll try to do justice to their, uh, love affair. SMILES AND KISSES TO ALL!!!

*This chapter coincides with Chapter 5 of "Hikaru's Story".

DISCLAIMER: I do not own MKR or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 1

This has got to be the worst day of my life! Whoever invented that 'when it rains, it pours' phrase ought to be shot. Stupid man doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

Fuu brushed her drenched hair from her face and grimaced at the aptness of her thoughts. She had long since stopped running in the pouring rain since it seemed like it was getting her wetter. So she decided to just walk home with all of the grace she could muster despite her looking like a drowned cat (she prefers that better than a rat).

And if she had been a less refined lady than she was, she would have cussed explicitly from Tokyo to Timbuktu. People always thought her mild-tempered as an angel but she was only human. She had her bad days just like everybody else.

It all started when God decided to wake her up in the most awful manner and timing. She had another one of those dreams where she left Cephiro…and Ferio. Those dreams, more often than not, end with him running after her and always reaching her. It was not realistic but it never failed to cheer her up.

But last night's dream was different. He just stood there…did not run after her. So she just kept on walking away from him, turning around once or twice to look back. But still he just stood there and she kept on walking.

Not long after, she woke up with a start and found herself on the floor rather than her bed. She could feel a bump rising at the back of her head then realized that she was late for her class. She quickly reached for her glasses atop the bedside table only to realize that she had knocked it down during her fall and was now lying with a deformed shape where her buttocks had landed.

She sighed in resignation and fumbled through doing her morning bathroom ritual and changing her clothes. Afterwards she took a case from her vanity drawer and went on to put the contact lenses that she rarely used. A couple of failed attempts later, she had managed to keep the darn film on her eyes. She rushed out of the apartment and ran all the way to the campus, having missed the bus.

When she got there she found out that her class was cancelled for the day. She just shrugged good-naturedly and went to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. At the cashier she realized that she left her wallet at home. Not recognizing anybody in the crowded room, she was not able to borrow money and was forced to give back the food. Then she realized that she also left her history report that was due today. The said paper was on her desk underneath her wallet.

It was a good thing that the professor was very understanding and had even lent her some yen for lunch. This was one of those days when Fuu was thankful that she had a goody-two-shoes reputation. Had she been a slightly delinquent student, she would have instantly gotten an F and a reprimand from the professor.

When things started to look up, she realized that the higher she was, the harder she would fall. In the middle of chemistry lab, her eyes got irritated since she was unaccustomed to wearing contacts. She removed them for a while to soothe her eyes under the open faucet. It was then that her group mate had accidentally knocked a beaker of hydrochloric acid and the liquid spilled directly in the contact's case.

The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur…literally. Fuu had just wanted to go home and lock herself in her room and let the day pass. But her conscience wouldn't let her play hooky. She had never cut class before and she wasn't going to start now. Not when she could still see within three feet of her.

That had got to be the worst decision she had ever made. Well, next to her decision of leaving Ferio. By the end of her last class, a migraine had already made itself known and was making things more difficult for Fuu. During her walk back home she was shoved, bumped, tripped and yelled at. Good thing there was no hentai around for all hell would break loose if she was groped too.

The bright city lights of Tokyo had given her enough aid. She didn't think she could have walked upright if the streets were dark. But as usual, just as she was about to thank Kami-sama for the very few, very small blessings, something bad would come her way again. This time it was the sudden rain. She had waited it to stop but when it seemed that it wouldn't, she braved running in the downpour then slowed down to a walk in resignation. She wouldn't melt under the rain but she could get into an accident if she kept on running.

Not that she thought that anything else could go wrong.

I should have really just stayed in bed, she thought glumly as she fought another shiver from building. She was just wearing a thin, mint green, short-sleeved dress that stopped three inches above her knees. Definitely not something one should wear in a very wet weather.

Though she made it a point not to get strength from her dreams, they always seemed to indicate what kind of day she would have. Usually she would have a more or less wonderful day whenever she would dream of Ferio. If she didn't get one of those dreams then she'd be feeling down the whole day. But this was the first time her dream turned out that way and as a consequence today was a disaster.

What do those dreams mean?

What does last night's dream mean?


Did he really love me? Was that why he was running after me?

But he had stopped. Does it mean he no longer loves me?

As she blindly walked through the wet streets of Tokyo, she thought about her lost love, her stupidity of leaving Cephiro, and the much bigger stupidity of holding on to memories she knew would never be.

Hikaru and Umi always said to her that she was lucky. According to them, it was obvious that Ferio loved her probably as much as she loved him. And because of that she was lucky for they didn't know if their loved ones loved them back.

But to Fuu her situation was worse off, almost knowing that she had left someone so important behind. Almost knowing that there was a chance for her to live a happy life in that mystical world even without her family.

As long as she was with him.

But no matter how much she cursed herself for her stupidity…and no matter how much she wished to see him again…she knew it was all in the past. She should move on and forget about him no matter how hard and painful it could be.

She was nearing her apartment. She automatically stepped off the curb in order to cross the street. She was so distracted with her thoughts that she didn't notice the speeding car heading her way. It wasn't until the blinding headlights caught her attention. Like the proverbial road kill on a highway, she stood there rooted in fright. At the last possible moment she closed her eyes awaiting the inevitable pain that accompanied the accident.

But it never came. Well at least not in the magnitude she was expecting. She was vaguely aware of being dragged away and pushed to the ground. She was aware of rolling on the asphalt street and stopping abruptly. Most of all she was aware of the soft warmth underneath her.


Her eyes instantly opened at the sound of the voice. It sounded very familiar but she knew it couldn't be his. Despite their closeness, she couldn't see her rescuer clearly. All she could see through her tears that were mingled with the rain were an impish grin and a mop of wet hair that looked suspiciously green. She would have looked more closely but then she realized their disconcerting position.

It seemed that he had pushed her out of harm's way and had managed to break her fall by shielding her body with his. She was now lying atop him in the middle of the street.

How embarrassing!

It was a good thing it was dark because Fuu was sure that her face must be as red as Hikaru's hair. She immediately scrambled off the stranger and offered him a hand. As soon as their hands touched, there was a jolt of electricity that ran through her body.

Or maybe I'm just shivering madly because of the cold rain. Yes, that must be it.

"Daijoubu?" the man repeated again.

"Un." She replied quickly although she couldn't quite look at the man from embarrassment. "Are you? It seems you got the force of everything."

"I'm fine. Nothing I couldn't handle. You should really be careful especially when crossing the street."

"Un," her face reddening some more. They started crossing the street together with his hand on her elbow, guiding her and preventing her from stepping on potholes. When they reached the sidewalk, she bowed gracefully in gratitude. She wanted to get out of the awkward situation not just because she almost got herself killed but also because she knew she looked awful, all wet and soggy.

"Thank you very much for your help." She gave another bow then left. Had she been more attentive to her surroundings instead of her discomfited thoughts she would have heard the man asking her to wait.

She entered the building and gave an apologetic smile to the night guard since she was getting the lobby really wet. Soon the elevator came and a blond woman came out. She didn't pay any attention to her for she was anxious to get home.

"Tadaima!" Fuu yelled as soon as she entered the apartment. It wasn't very long when Umi greeted her and fussed over her drenched form. She was shoved to the bathroom and was ordered to take a warm bath. As soon as that task was done she went to bed, refusing dinner.

She was exhausted…

And frustrated…

Oh, Ferio, how I miss you so.

With that last thought, she promptly fell asleep, anxious to dream what kind of day tomorrow will be.