Darkness, no sound, no light, no shadow. No thoughts, no good, no evil. No anything. A void where there is nothing.
Nothing, a concept showing the absence of something. Something is a certain undetermined or unspecified thing. Something means existing. Existence, in its most simplest of terms, is the state of being real. To be real, to breathe, to be alive.
An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions if their life has meaning, purpose, or value.
If someone could question their thoughts on reality and their sense of well being... when they know they should be dead right now...
Confused the shit out of Jack!
Why was his brain still working? Why hadn't it shut down yet? Don't people say they see a 'light at the end of the tunnel' when they pass? Jack just saw nothing, blackness. He couldn't hear anything, either. But he could hear his own thoughts still. That meant he was still alive right?
Jack tried to remember what happened. He jumped in the fight between Bean and Chase. Bean died at the hands of Chase. Chase then cradled Jack in his arms once he realised what had happened. Jack passed out.
He remembered that much...
So what the fuck was going?!
Did he slip into a coma? Did Chase put a spell on him to halt everything until he could get help? Jack laughed to himself... was there such a spell? The monks couldn't have done anything... could they? Nah... it was said before the truce started, that after the fight that the truce would be over. So why didn't it make se-
Jack...please wake up...
What was that...? Jack thought he wasn't able to hear anythi-
Jack...I know you can hear me, you can wake up now.
Who was that? Why did it sound so similar? Jack was asleep?
Spicer! Open your fucking eyes!
Jack bolted awake and instantly regretted it. His head was pounding and the light was too bright for his eyes. The sounds suddenly came all at once, all creating a high pitched ringing in his ears. It was painful and caused his head to start pounding. Jack hissed at the throbbing in his head and almost jumped at the cold wetness placed on his head. Jack opened his eyes slowly again and saw that the light was a lot dimmer, curtains were shut perhaps...? No... he looked around the room and saw cave walls. Cave walls? Where was- then he noticed the Chinese decor and his eyes quickly darted to find the owner of the home.
He looked beside him and he turned his head to see the Warlord. Jack's eye widened at the sight of him. Chase's ember eyes were dry and tired with dark circles underneath. His skin was slightly scaly, probably from the lack of upkeep of his soup. His hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Jeez... how long was Jack out for?
"Chase?" Chase's irritable gaze softened immediately.
"I'm glad you are awake." Jack didn't understand.
"What happened?" Chase sighed and ran a hand over his face as he lent back into the chair he was sat in.
"After you act on impulse like an idiot then decided to charge in and be reckless as usual and getting hurt in the process..." Jack cringed and realised that Chase was 100% back to himself. He was right Chase would never-
"I took you straight to the Xiaolin Temple so the Monks could patch you up along with their medical team. Luckily, I missed all of your internal organs when I penetrated your chest." Jack looked back at Chase with shock. He did what?
"You nearly died from blood loss. You will have to thank Omi for his blood transfusion." Chase chuckled, leaning his face on his hand. "Thank Omi... I'm so tired I can't even remember my own affiliation..." Jack smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry Chase..." Chase smiled at the genius.
"Don't worry about it, just rest... Denahi will look after you for now. I can sleep now knowing you are okay." Jack looked past the warlord to see the black panther pad up to the bed and rest his head beside Jack's hand. Jack petted the cat and watched the Warlord stand.
"I'm going to lie down for a few hours. Denahi wake me up if anything is amiss or you need me." The panther purred and meowed deeply to his master. Chase nodded and left the room sluggishly.
Jack sighed when Chase left.
"So what now?" The panther turned to the boy and changed into his human form.
"What do you want to do? Sleep some more? Sit up and see if you can take some soup? Master doesn't want you walking around just yet... Not without him present." Jack nodded understanding.
"He seems pretty much back to normal now. Yet something isn't right." Denahi smiled.
"That's because of his soul. Master is mean to be resting now so his soul can settle in. He's been more worried about you. Perhaps after he's had more sleep he would be better company." Jack nodded understanding.
"I could try some soup actually... I'm not sure if I'm hungry or just sick from being tired." Jack chuckled wearily, and tried to sit up wincing at the pain in his chest. Denahi instantly moved and gently helped move Jack into a comfortable seating position.
"Thank you." Jack smiled at the warlord's almost double and noticed that the panther turned man looked a little uncomfortable.
"Hey, Denahi... What's wrong?" Denahi looked up suddenly and shook his head at the boy, whilst smiling.
"No, no. I'm fine, in my own little world. It's just that Master is out of sorts, we all know why and that is why we deal with it as it is. But it is just so strange. His exact words to me yesterday were 'make sure he is comfortable, make sure he feels at home, and make sure this... make sure that...' Master has never been like this since his third wife..." Jack's eyes widened.
"Chase was married?" Denahi laughed as he poured a bowl of soup for Jack. Jack saw that it was a creamy looking soup... perhaps it was chicken...
"I love how that's the question you ask..." Jack looked at the servant with confusion. He tilted his head like a puppy.
"What do you mean? Chase never said he had been married... and three times? What were they like? We're they pretty?" Denahi laughed at the boy spooning some soup and feeding it to the boy. Jack accepted and took it. Jack seemed to be stomaching it well.
"I'm surprised you aren't jealous, even after you professed you love to him as well." Jack blushed as he remembered what he had said before he passed out.
"I'm surprised I'm here to be honest-"
"He's honouring his word." Jack stopped, swallowed his spoonful he was given and waited for the panther to continue.
"I told him about his promise... and he said he knows and he remembers. It's best if I leave Master to talk about this to you, it is his business and not mine to talk about. But I can tell you that he will talk to you when you are both ready to talk. Just focus on getting back on your feet for now." Denahi whispered with a kind smile and lifted up the spoon with more soup. Jack smiled happily and ate some more.
The feeding carried on for a few more minutes before the bowl was finally finished. Jack hummed after the last mouthful had been swallowed. The strange feeling in his stomach finally stopped. Jack smiled and turned to the panther.
"You got any books- wait no dumb question Chase has a massive library... haha I meant can I have a book to read or something." Denahi laughed and nodded.
"Sure, of course. We do have board games by the way... you and I can play if you wish or I can ask other servants to join us?" Jack lit up and then paused.
"Would Chase wake up and get mad?" Denahi chuckled and shook his head.
"No his bedroom is a bit further down the hallway, as in all the way down...He might of thought of it should you get bored." Jack smiled and exclaimed.
"Alright bring out monopoly!" Denahi laughed at his enthusiasm and called upon other servants to join them.
About 2 hours later Jack was running the board as the richest tycoon, he managed to buy all the properties save for Mayfair and Park Lane. He was waiting for Denahi to give up but so far he was somehow avoiding paying Jack any money. Lucky roll of the dice but Jack was determined to win. Everyone else folded in for bankruptcy and it was just Denahi and Jack playing. Jack cackled with glee as he rolled a double 4 and landed on Chance and got the money in the middle.
"Really? Jack, you are too good at this game... I fold." Denahi gave up and sat back. Throwing his arms up in the air like he was throwing a tantrum but in reality it was just banter.
"I knew you would! Thank you!" Jack laughed and the rest of the gang in the room laughed as well. A cough caught the attention of the cats-turned-warriors and they all stood and moved away. Denahi stayed by Jack's side until he was told to move by Chase. So far the rest of the cats were told to move but Denahi was left.
"Sorry, Master, were we being too loud?" Chase shook his head and looked at his right hand cat.
"No I only heard you as I left my quarters. I also heard that Jack won monopoly." Jack grinned and then laughed evilly.
"Smashed it." Jack then grinned at the panther who then stuck his tongue out at the boy then laughed also.
"Jack has been fine Master, he's had a bowl full of soup and has kept it down. So he can have food." Chase looked like he was happy with that information and then told Denahi to leave.
"Thank you for keeping me company, Denahi." The warrior turned round.
"You're welcome, Jack. Master." Denahi then morphed back to his cat form and padded out of the room. Jack let out a breath he was hiding and looked towards his new companion.
"Hey Chase, you feel any better?" Chase sat beside Jack, looking a lot better. His hair was brushed and he didn't look as rough. He still had dark circles but they weren't as bad as before. His eyes looked refreshed as well.
"I'm feeling much better. However, if I continue to sleep I know I won't sleep later on tonight." Jack smiled know what Chase meant.
"How long have I been out?" Jack asked quietly.
"A week, but that was because we put you under so we could make sure you would heal without fighting it." Jack nodded, that sounded about right... also explained the feeling of nothingness but he was able to still think/dream.
"Ah okay... How are feeling after..."
"My soul, you mean?" Chase asked and Jack nodded. "Yeah, does it feel weird?"
"A little, before my morals were stripped from me. Feelings that weren't there are now present. Something I get to relive and decide where I should be. I am staying Heylin by all means, but I do need to find myself again, to see where I settle now that I have my soul back. In theory I guess you could say I am now neutral. I want to stay Heylin as that is how I feel I am happiest. But we will see." Jack made a face at the idea of seeing a good Chase Young again but he decided he would probably follow Chase no matter what.
"Hey, if I'm honest.. I really hope you do stay evil... but you know I'm going to follow you no matter what right?" Chase smiled the type of smile that looked sickening on his features. Like it didn't belong but it made Jack melt just the same.
"I'm sure you would. My offer still stands..." Jack stilled as his memories fluttered in his mind.
"It seems you feel the same way.." Chase murmured against Jack's lips. Jack felt himself snap out of it at those words and forcefully pushed the warlord away from him, hurt and confused.
"Not only is it too fast, it's wrong! You aren't yourself! The real Chase would never done that and he would have killed me by now! To take advantage of the situation, usually would, but this?" Chase looked at him questionably.
"How can you be taking advantage of the situation?" Jack laughed grimly.
"Because you mean more to me than you realise..." Chase was silent at that admission.
"Jack? About yesterday..." Jack sighed knowing it was bound to be spoken about and shook his head at the warlord, to let him know it was okay. His mouth was full from toast.
"No please, let me." Jack melted at the tone and allowed the warlord to speak.
"You were right, not only what I was doing was foolish and fast, but I am also not myself. You were right to push me away and to not take advantage of the situation. I apologise for my behaviour." Jack eyes widened at the apology.
"Also, I have told Denahi that you and I shall discuss us when I have regained my memory. You deserve that much." Jack swallowed and felt touched, as much as this Chase was in the mindset of a Xiaolin Monk, he still held his pride and honour of his former self.
"Can we discuss it now, Spicer?" Jack's face erupted in a huge red blush.
"B-But you see me as-" Chase silenced him immediately with a kiss.
"Not anymore... Not after your bravery, loyalty and quick thinking to help me when I was practically defeated. I was very much a dead man where I stood and you were there to make sure nothing happened to me. You proved yourself to me and I am not squandering that. I am however going to beat the living hell out of you if you do something so fucking stupid as that ever again... are we clear on that?" Jack laughed and felt his eyes tear up at that. Chase wanted him and meant it. Chase rarely swore but it was funny but it also meant he was dead serious in how he felt.
"That sounds like a deal, Chase, but I can't promise I won't do it again... I love you. I will do anything to make sure live..." Chase smiled and kissed the genius again.
"I've lived long enough... it's you that needs to live Jack. You are merely just turned 20, you have years to go... and many more centuries with me..." Chase smirked and Jack smirked back.
"I look forward to that.." Jack said reaching up to trace Chase's face. Chase sat on the bed and placed his hand on top of Jack's.
"Good, because I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You are moving in with me. I will make room for a laboratory for you, and you will not be having a bedroom to yourself..." Jack giggled and stroked his new lover's cheek.
"You might have to help me shift some things... I can fill my jet with stuff but there are something's I've put together that I really don't want to take apart." Chase chuckled.
"Like that would bother me..." Jack reached forward towards Chase his other arm stretched, indicating he wanted to hold him. Chase leaned forward and accepted the hold Jack didn't know if Chase would allow him to touch his hair. He pushed his luck... might have been a bit creepy but...
"Are you sniffing my hair?" Jack jumped back embarrassed.
"S-sorry..." Chase laughed at the boy and didn't look at all upset.
"You just couldn't help yourself... right?" Jack laughed with a cute sound.
"Yeah..." Jack looked up into ember eyes and they just held mirth. Jack grinned with happiness.
"Let's both get better then we can decide to do from there... yeah?" Jack asked quietly hoping that would please Chase.
"Sounds good to me, Spicer."
But on a serious note, I'm glad I managed to finish this how I wanted it. I was going to split this chapter into two but I decided to leave it.
Hope you guys like it