It's All Roses From Here
A/N: I am attempting the biggest writing task I've ever taken up ever. Four hundred and forty seven drabbles. Yes FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN drabbles. I've got prompts for each one and I'll be writing five per chapter.
IT IS GOING TO BE CRAZYYYYY. Wish me luck guys; I really want to finish this. Y'all can request pairings and stuff and I'll try to match it up with a prompt and write it for you.
I have no idea how frequently I'm going to update this thing, but since they're drabbles, often hopefully.
Read and review everyone! Thank you :D
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Prompt: Violins
Characters: Lucy, Layla
She grew up listening to violins.
Her father never allowed her to attend the extravagant balls they used to throw and so she would huddle in her blanket and peer down from the corner of the grand staircase that led to the enormous hall and listen.
She would hear the beautiful melodies, haunting strains and echoing symphonies of the instruments in fascination and wonder until she fell asleep. Her mother would always find her right before supper and take her to bed as the violins slowly faded into silence and the next day she would pretend it never happened.
It was their little secret.
But when her mother died, Lucy found that the violins made her cry rather than smile.
Prompt: Insomniac
Characters: Natsu, Lucy
Natsu found he couldn't sleep properly anymore.
He would toss and turn and sit up and lie down and count dragons and shut his eyes and open his eyes and groan until Happy smacked him with his tail to get him to shut up.
Erza wasn't very pleased with him after he nearly fell asleep in the middle of a fight and so she forbade him from any more missions until he learnt to go to sleep again.
He nearly punched the smirk off of Gray's face.
So one night, after he spent nearly two hours mentally trying to map out Igneel's position, Natsu decided to go to Lucy's place.
No he did not care if she was asleep or that it was one in the morning. He wanted to see her- the rest didn't matter.
When he slipped into her bed through the window, she screamed and shouted and hit him and complained and whined and shouted some more before finally giving up and falling back into the bed next to him.
Somehow, the warmth of her body and the scent of her fruity shampoo and lavender soap made him yawn and he contentedly snuggled closer to her and after countless days of insomnia, Natsu fell asleep.
Prompt: Paper Aeroplane
Characters: Loke, Lucy {AU}
He liked to send her paper aeroplanes when she wasn't looking.
He would fill a blank sheet of paper with the cheesiest pick-up lines and proclamations of his undying love, just to see her squirm or blush or scrunch up her face in plain disgust.
He never signed them.
Sometimes he wrote her true things, his rambles and his floating whimsical thoughts and would watch her face soften as she read them and when she looked up to search for him, he wouldn't be there.
As he sent her more paper aeroplanes, they began to have deeper meanings; more than just shallow lines and toying words. At one point of time he realised he meant the words he sent her.
He considered himself a pro at throwing them because no one ever caught him and so he kept sending them and as they got more and more expressive, he got more and more casual when throwing them.
One day the blond haired girl, who sat three rows to the right and two benches in front of the brown haired, known to be a playboy, boy, turned around in the nick of time.
She caught him holding the plane in his hand poised to throw and she smiled.
(he never had to throw a paper aeroplane again)
Prompt: Dandelion seed
Characters: Laxus, Mirajane
Their love was whimsical, fragile and terribly one-sided.
One day he'd be all over her, when the lights were dim and everyone was gone. He'd kiss her like he was a dying man and she was his saviour. He'd run his hands through her long white hair and whisper sweet nothings.
Another day he'd treat her like he barely knew she existed.
She always let him though.
His eyes would seek hers across the bar as she carefully made her way through the ruckus of the guild serving everyone with a smile. Sometimes he would watch her every move making her feel like a deer under a hunter's gaze.
When he did that she knew he would find her in the kitchen, in the guild when the lights were dim, in the alley right beside her home and he would kiss her.
And then he'd blow her away like she was just another dandelion seed in his garden of flowers.
Prompt: Feather
Characters: Jellal, Erza
His hands are rough and dry and calloused, while hers are as soft as feathers.
He realises this when he holds her hands for inspection after a particularly gruelling match to check for any injuries. He doesn't voice his thought, but he still holds her hand longer than what is required of him.
He wonders how because she fights as much or even more than he does and yet her skin is still baby-like and untouched.
He believes it has something to do with the pureness of her heart and ability to love and that angels all have skin like hers, while demons like him don't deserve it.
Years later he asks her about it and she laughs and pulls out a bottle of moisturizer from her purse and shows it to him with light coating of red on her cheeks.
He feels completely idiotic.