A/N: Hi!!! I am a new author to Harry Potter fan fics but I have be told ::Cough.koneko.cough:: I am a good author. Any who this is rated PG13 because I was told to rate it that, this is an L/J fic, obviously. Those who couldn't tell have problems (L/Js are soooooo cute) so I hope you like it and please, please, please, please review or I won't write anymore… and then Koneko would kill me and then I couldn't write, and that would be a bad thing. And I should mention this is a bit of a AU fic.

Oh and the disclaimer thing: unless I am suffering from hallucinations and memory loss I am not J.K Rowling and therefore I do not own any Harry Potter characters.

So here it goes… Presenting to you…

Fading Lily

Lily huddled into the shadows in the corner of her room, the moonlight shining on she tears, which were silently streaming down her face. She cradled her arm and stared trying to wipe the blood of her face and the floor. Her father had been drunk again, that was the 5th time this week. She wasn't sure she could handle much more of the beatings, which were getting increasingly worse since she started Hogwarts. Before that it had only been every once in a while, when her mom left for some trip for her job, starting when Lily was 6. It hadn't been to bad, just a few bruises every now and then a black eye, but it had gotten worse, much worse. Her father didn't like abnormality, which is why Lily suffered from being a witch, he liked everything perfect, and when it wasn't he got mad, and when he was drunk like tonight it only made it worse.

'It's my fault, I shouldn't have upset him,' Lily thought to herself. 'I was made a school prefect, so what? Petunia's right that only makes me more of a freak. Father had every right to be mad at me.'

She climbed gingerly on to her bed, careful not to touch her broken rib or arm. Then, curled up into a ball. Looking very much like a five year old instead of a 15 year old. She closed her eyes and tried to make the pain go away, searching her mind for any happy thoughts. Quickly her mind turned to Remus Lupin, who had been her friend since the train-ride to Hogwarts. He was quite then, like she was, and seemed to have something to hide, like she did. It turned out that he was a werewolf. You find these things easily when you study as much as she did, and you would notice if your only friend went missing every full moon. Needless to say Remus and Lily were instant friends.

But then he had met James Potter and Sirius Black who he became even closer with. They never really noticed Lily; except for the pranks they pulled on her, though there were only a few since Remus tried to stop them from doing anything to her. But slowly her and her only friend had grown apart. And now were only friends at a distance.

'You brought it on yourself, you know.' She scolded herself, 'if you weren't so shy and ugly and unfriendly maybe he and his friends would like you more, James has at least tried to talk to you. James,' she sighed 'He was the only other person that tried to be her friend. And she didn't know why, but she felt strange around him, and strange isn't good. 'Strange gets you broken arms and broken hearts,' she thought before she could stop herself. 'Not to mention you are going to have a hard time hiding this on the train and thinking of an excuse to tell Madame Pomfrey,' coming back to her most pressing problem. Besides you still have your mother, even though she is at an archeological dig in Cairo, she does send you lovely letters and she does love you.' And with that thought, ignoring the rumbling in her stomach telling her she hasn't eaten much since she got home from Hogwarts she fell asleep.


"Hey Remus… Remus… REMUS!" James yelled trying to get his friends attention.

"Oh… oh… what… James, what the hell was that for" Remus replied coming out of his daze he was staying a James's mansion with Sirius for the last week of summer.

"You were totally spased out Moony." James said simply "What were you thinking about."

"Lily, I don't know, she seems to be hiding something, and she always seems sad you can see it in her eyes. I have been trying to figure it out since we meet the first year." Remus replied.

"Lily… Lily… Lily who?" Sirius asked dumbly. "I've heard of her, haven't I?"

"Yes you have, padfoot, you idiot. The only reason you can't remember her is because she is not one of your x- girlfriends." Remus explained, obviously annoyed. Sirius said nothing, only looking slightly rejected.

"Lily… Evans right." James said " The top person in charms, red hair , green eyes, quiet, always with a book." Remus looked at James shocked,

"Yeah" he replied "I didn't think you knew even that much."

"Well…" James added blushing slightly "I just noticed her, she seems to stand out, she is different then most people."

"Yes she is." Remus said looking at his friend, he really hoped James didn't like her like that, Remus saw what James does to his x-girlfriends and he really thought that Lily couldn't take a heartbreak.

"I should owl her see how she is doing, I have this strange feeling something's wrong. Maybe its nothing, but I'm going to owl her. " Remus said gathering parchment and quills, "She could come sit with us on the way to Hogwarts, maybe she will open up a bit. After last year I'm starting to worry about her."

A/N Hi hoped you liked it… any suggestions please put them in your review.OI know it was short but it is kinda just an intro. Please, please, please, please review. J TTFN… he he he he he he