Date Night

Part 3 of 3

PART 3: The Morning After


The brunette made her way to the bathroom of his loft, where she heard the water running. Upon hearing that, she decided to go there to check if Toby was there. And indeed he was. There he was, topless and clad in his pajama pants, brushing his teeth. He smiled when he saw her, and quickly rinsed his mouth out so he could talk to her.

"Morning, Spence," he greeted warmly.

"Why'd you leave bed so early?" Spencer asked, yawning.

"I didn't want to wake you," he answered truthfully. "You looked so innocent and peaceful and cute while you were sleeping, so I left you there. It's not that early, anyways. We should be grabbing breakfast soon. Oh, and I needed to get to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth and do this..."

He leaned forward and pressed a short kiss to her lips.

"I think you should brush your teeth, too," he said, chuckling. "I love your lips, but morning breath isn't good for anybody."

She laughed and grabbed the spare toothbrush that she always left there, in case she ever stayed the night. After brushing her teeth, she went back to Toby. He put his arm around her, and they walked to the main room of his loft, near the exit door.

"Normally, I would love to cook for you, but why don't we head down to the Brew to grab breakfast?" Toby offered, cupping her cheeks. "I know you need your morning coffee, and what I make isn't the most satisfying version for you."

Spencer smiled and said, "I don't mind your coffee, but going to the Brew sounds really good right now." She hopped onto her tip toes and placed a kiss on Toby's lips. "Is my morning breath better now?"

"Definitely," he answered, taking both of her hands. "Now, it's like a minty heaven, and I have the desire to kiss you again."

"Well, maybe you can after we get me some coffee!" Spencer exclaimed, grabbing his hand and marching towards the door. She was a bit surprised to find that Toby was trying to restrain her from going to the door.

"As much as I love your body, I don't think the world needs to see you, since you're my girlfriend," Toby said, grinning. "Spencer, you weren't planning on going downstairs in your underwear, were you? I certainly wasn't planning on going down without a shirt."

Spencer bit her lip and blushed before saying, "I really wasn't thinking straight, huh?"

She pulled Toby's light blue shirt over her head. For some reason, she really enjoyed wearing his shirts. He was pretty fond of the sight of his girlfriend wearing his shirts, too, so it was a win-win situation. Toby grabbed a random hoodie from his closet, and then the couple made their way downstairs to the Brew, fully clothed this time.

The two of them sat down together at a table.

"I'll go order," Toby said, and kissed her cheek.

It felt like the second part of their date, although it was much more lazy. He smiled to himself slightly before yawning and walking to the counter to order. He always remembered exactly what Spencer's favorite order was. Of course, things were awkward when Emily showed up. He had almost forgotten that she was the barista.

"Tobes, hey!" Emily exclaimed. "You're up pretty early! What can I get you?"

"Yeah, it's a good day for me," Toby said, grinning. "Um, I'll have a small chai tea latte and a bagel and cream cheese. Oh, and also, I need a tall coffee, extra dark, no sugar, as well as another bagel and cream cheese."

"That's a lot of food for one person," Emily said, raising her eyebrows. "Is this all for you? You're not planning on hibernating and leaving town again, are you?"

"No, Em, I'm not," Toby said, chuckling and shaking his head. "Half of it is for my beautiful girlfriend."

"I should have known by the extra dark coffee," Emily said, chuckling. She spotted Spencer sitting at a table and checking her phone. "She spent the night with you?"

He scratched his head and mumbled, "Well... yeah. Is that bad?"

"No, it's just... Hanna always says you guys don't do that kind of stuff together when you're alone," Emily explained, biting her lip.

"What do you mean by 'that kind of stuff?'" Toby asked nervously. "Did you mean... sex?"

She nodded her head.

"Um, well, she's my girlfriend, so I thought we were... you know... allowed to..." he stuttered as he spoke. "I don't really like talking about this—"

"I'll just get your order ready," Emily cut him off, walking towards the coffee-maker. She started brewing up their orders, and putting their food on plates. She slid them to Toby, and then pressed buttons on her cash register system. "That'll be five ninety-nine."

"Thanks, Em," Toby said, smiling and sliding her a five dollar bill, plus one.

"Your change is... one cent," Emily said, smiling back and giving him a penny from the register. "Have a nice day. Oh, and Toby..."

"Yeah?" he asked.

"You better not hurt Spencer now that I know you guys are that close," Emily warned, folding her arms. "I'll hurt you if you hurt my friend, Cavanaugh!"

"Yes, ma'am," Toby said, chuckling and walking with the food back to his table with Spencer. He slid her food and her drink to her immediately. "Here's a bagel, and your coffee, no sugar, just how you like it."

Spencer smiled at him and said, "Thank you for remembering."

"Thank you for being in my life," he replied, shooting her the most sincere smile she'd ever seen.

She hadn't ever met a guy who said something like that to her with such sincerity in his eyes. The emotions looked genuine to her, and everything felt right. Over a year since they first got together, but everything still felt right. She still got that spark. She fell in love all over again... every time she looked at him.

Their silent gazes caused them to shift to reaching over for their food. Breaking the eye contact, Toby took a bite of his bagel, and Spencer did the same thing. She fiddled with her coffee awkwardly, and then looked up at Toby to see if he was looking at her. Feeling her gaze, he looked up as well.

"What's up?"

"I just saw Emily over there, and I was wondering if she spoke to you when you ordered," Spencer said, biting her lip. "I didn't know she was the morning barista. I thought her shift would be later in the day, like the afternoon."

"Maybe she took an extra shift for more money," he said, shrugging. "And yeah, I did talk to her. She just asked a few questions. Very personal questions."

"Personal... how?" Spencer asked curiously.

"Well, just some intimate questions about our relationship," Toby responded with a quiet laugh. "Is that enough information for you, Spence?"

She smiled and said, "Yeah, I think I'm good now."

She looked back down and focused on eating her food again. But, she could feel his gaze. She ignored it at first, but it felt so heavy that she just had to look up. She knew he was looking at her, and she couldn't help but wonder why. So, she asked about it.

"You keep looking at me," she observed aloud. "Why?"

"...because I was just thinking," he answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"Thinking about what?" Spencer asked.

"You ask a lot of questions," he commented, chuckling faintly.

"Toby," she said firmly. "Thinking about what?"

"You," he said, a small smile forming on his lips. "Of course, you."

"What about me?" Spencer asked.

"Okay, you really have a lot of questions," he said.

"Tell me!" she demanded.

"It's a bit embarrassing," he said, smirking.

He knew she wanted to know.

"Toby, tell me, please," she pleaded, kicking him lightly from under the table. She leaned so close to him that he could feel her breathing on him. She slowly closed the distance between them, kissing him softly. Her hands ran through his hair, and they got into it. She finally pulled back and repeated, "Please."

"Okay, fine, it's not that big of a deal," Toby said, laughing. "I was just thinking about... you know... how much I love you."

"Really? You're lying!" she cried. "At least give me a better lie than that."

"Fine, it's just that the truth is a bit weird for me to be thinking about!" Toby defended himself. "You know... our future. Are we gonna have a family? What's it gonna be like? But, I was thinking about how much I love you, too. I do love you a lot."

Spencer grinned, and kissed him again.

"It's not weird," she informed him. "I like it when you think about stuff like that. And by the way, I love you a lot, too."

Their lips met again, and it felt good. Not just because he kissed well or anything, but because she was in love with him. She was in love with everything about him.

They had something really good, and she did think about their future a lot. Whether or not they would be together in the future, she was going to spend every moment hoping they were. She was planning on having a future with him because she was completely, totally, absolutely in love with Toby Cavanaugh.

So, there's my last part! I hope you guys liked this story, it'll be changed to complete. I really enjoyed writing it, and Spoby date night has been something I've wanted for a long time, so I decided to just write it. It seems like my dreams are coming true, though! There's going to be a Spoby date night scene, possibly a double date with Hanna and Caleb (Haleb-Spoby date night) in 5x11! I can't wait.

Oh, and don't forget to leave a review if you read/liked this story! Thank you so much. :)