As promised here is Chapter 14, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gossip Girl nor their characters but this story is all mine! I do wish I owned Ed Westwick (CB) :)

Two months, that's how long it'd been sense Blair had awoken with no memory. He'd stayed by her side for the remainder of the week telling her about the things they'd done, all she things the two of them had shared. Her eyes would grow larger and state that some of those things just didn't sound at all like her and he would smile while she laughed before pulling her hands up and burying her face within them and memory or no memory he couldn't help but think she looked so damn cute!

The doctor had told him and her parents that he was certain she would regain her memory one day but when that would happen he just simply didn't now. He'd began to hate himself partly, he hated that they wasted so much time trying to defend their relationship at all, when during those months they could have been focusing on so much more. He knew he should've fought for her fought for them for what they had. Instead he wasted months of either denying or pushing her away and that was time he'd never get back and now it was all a waiting game, time was all they had left but he knew when that day came when she'd remember he would be there waiting for her because their love was unlike anyone's it was timeless, what he'd felt for this girl and still did was beyond this life and then some. He hated leaving her, but his father was insistent on his return back to the Academy, Chuck had faltered a bit and spilled some of the details to his dad about him being involved with a girl for a few months, about her accident and her losing the memories that they once shared. He didn't exactly go into detail about how'd they met and he was grateful his father didn't ask either. But his dad still demanded that he'd return, he said he was sorry but there were more important things then some fling because whether he wanted it or not he knew his son had a great future planned out before him.

He'd grown mad at his fathers words, because Blair was definitely not some fling, she was the real deal to him and if anything were ever to be in his future well then it'd be her! But now sense he was back at the Academy, he couldn't help but miss her more. It was extremely hard not having here with him not hearing her talk or see her smiling face. Serena was devastated when he told her the news, he'd also shared the secret with Nate, and at first to his friend just couldn't believe it, but he too felt for Chuck he'd never seen anyone so serious about a girl before like his friend seemed to be. He hated what'd happened to Blair and all three of them hoped that she would regain what ever memory lost because they were apart of that memory too.

"Hey Chuck, so are you excited?" he'd approached him in their room and took a seat on his bed.

"I think excited would be an understatement, I'm more then prepared to get the hell out of here!" he smirked because in all reality, for years he'd loved this place but now he couldn't get further away.

"Wow never thought I'd here you say that." he laughed a little. "I mean it was you who was practically obsessed with this place."

"Yes well things change, people change." he smiled a little because he had changed, not that the Military still wasn't important to him but it wasn't his number one focus no longer.

"So I take it your not reapplying back here to go to Wentworth College then?" that had been the plan for as long as he'd known Chuck, he was going to finish out his high school education then enroll in the college here as well.

"Nope, not at all, I'm actually enrolled to start at Columbia University in the fall" he noticed Nate's eyes grow wide and couldn't help but laugh a little.

"You do realize that there is nothing about that school that screams discipline right or any kind of Military background at all, plus Bart is gong to kill you!" It was true Bart was going to flip the hell out once he found out.

"Yes well Bart no longer runs my life! By the time I start Columbia I will be 18 and what I want to do is what I'm going to do!" it was nice and refreshing for once to make his own decision, for years he'd let his father dictate everything and now it was his time.

"I'm glad to here that, it just sucks that your going to be so far away, I mean with me going to Berkley and all. California is a long way from New York, but I understand why your doing it." he was glad to see Chuck taking a stand for once, but he knew too why New York was his friends new home. Blair!

"Yes well Blair is defiantly a big perk about going to the Columbia, but someone once told me that if you love someone then you'd do anything to be with them no matter what" he looked to Nate, it was him who said that no matter what Serena would always be there with him. The would make time for each other to be together.

"Yeah I guess that someone is rather cleaver huh?" they both laughed in unison

"Cleaver indeed Nathaniel" he smirked at his life long friend.

"So do you think she'll be there, Blair I mean?" he noticed the longing look upon Chucks face and couldn't help but feel for him even more, to find that one and to finally find love and she not even remember him or anything they once shared would kill him.

"I invited her and her family, whether they or she will be here I'm not sure" he'd sent out her invitation last week, she'd texted him to say thanks and he'd told her that he missed seeing her face and hearing her voice and she surprisingly told him she missed talking to him too, he was still hanging on every minute or every second that she'd begin to remember but still nothing had changed.

"I see" he shook his head before deciding to change the subject "I still cant believe in two days we will be graduating man!"

"Yeah I know me either, but I'm glad its finally almost here" he to was relieved from the subject change.

"Dorota... Dorota!" she yelled and yelled for her maid, because for some odd reason there was a box setting atop her bed and she didn't know who it belonged too.

"Yes Miss Blair" she came running into the room.

"Can you please tell what this is and more importantly who does it belong to because clearly it isn't mine!" she looked it over once more

"It came this morning Miss Blair, and it belongs to you." she noticed the confused state of mind the young girl was in and was about to grab for it when Blair held up her hand. "It from the Academy, the one you went to, I can take away if you need me to"

"There will be no need," she turned to look at the box once more, before telling her maid to leave "You can go now Dorota, thank you!" watching her leave she then shut her door and locked it before turning to face the box the held all those memories and times she still couldn't recollect. As she walked closer and set down she pulled the box towards her, opening it she began to pull things about. Things she couldn't believe she actually wore or done. "Ugh surely to goodness I didn't wear something so ugly, its Camo for crying out loud!" boom for some reason she didn't know where that word came from but out of her mouth it left, and for some odd reason she could see blonde hair swaying in her mind, she shook her head quickly before reaching in and pulling out a clock that had the oddest numbers on it she'd ever seen. "2200 hours, meaning 10 o clock" how in the hell did she know that? reaching she began to pull out more and more. "Medals of achievements, high wall climb?" suddenly pictures started to resurface in her mind she could see her pulling and crying that she couldn't do but she could also hear a faint voice yelling tell her she can. "You can do this, you can do anything you put your mind too" she smiled after reciting the words. "Golden bangles" she then places then onto her wrist and begins to feel the coolness against her skin rubbing them up and down her arm, picture of a boy grabbing her and pushing her against a wall lifting her feet from the floor and wrapping them around him, she can feel his touch it all seems to real.

Time seemed to tick by but she couldn't stop the feeling of something familiar coming back to her, she then pulled out a black hoodie with the tiniest purple bird on it looking at it everything about it seemed so familiar to her. "Hollister, sense when would I buy anything from there?" Okay things were defiantly weird. Pulling a card from the big pocket in the front she flipped it around to read it. "StL Bungy Inc" she then remembered some of the things Chuck had told her about the two of them going up in a air balloon before bungee jumping, she hadn't believed him at first. She'd honestly thought he was completely crazy but then again she was crazy too because she couldn't remember the last 6 months of her life. She then took a picture out of the box it was her and Chuck it had to of been after they'd jumped both of them were holding onto each other like crazy tight, and had the most goofiest smiles and almost looked like they were in mid laugh, it was then she remembered more about that day. "Are you ready to take that fall" she spoke each word remembering his face "Yes I'm ready to fall into infinity with you" she smiled because it was her who'd said that. "Then Infinity it is!" it is then she remembers him kissing her it was hearty and full of passion, while they feel together never letting go of one another. She raised her head because she remembered everything about that day, the weather what he was wearing, the feeling that took over her body when they were falling together it was unlike anything she'd experienced before.

Pulling one thing after another out of that box brought back so many memories, flooding her mind once more of the thoughts she'd once forgot. Her smile would grow brighter by each passing item, she'd even managed to pull a few of his shirts, yes she was certain they belonged to him, she smelled them and could remember his sent the way his cologne seemed to drive her crazy. She then pulled more pictures of the two of them out some of which were taken in Aspen Colorado, and it was then she remembered it all, the trip down there. It was his hometown, his mother's home where she'd grown up, but with that memory also brought the things he'd shared with her about his mother. Her death had took a toll on him but she didn't care she'd love him anyways no matter what. With everything thing finally gone through she couldn't help but feel content she'd finally regained all the memories of him and her, her time at Wentworth Academy. Making friend with Serena, Nate. All of it came back even some of the rather hard times she wished she didn't have to remember, if she thought correctly her and Chuck were on the outs when she'd left but yet why was he here? why did he come to New York was it to see her or for something else? Either way she needed answers.

"You look good man" coming up while patting his friend on the back.

"Thank you Nathaniel, so do you." he smirked while he added the rest of his badges of achievements to the rest.

"Well its all about to start, so I guess I'll be seeing you down there" he turned to leave.

"See you then" he gave himself one last once over to make sure everything was in place, it was then his phone buzzed he needed to remember to turn it off before the ceremony was set to start, but he quickly pulled it out reading the text it was from his little brother Chris telling him he was down there now, so he quickly turned it off and left the room too.

"Chuckster!" it had been way to long sense he'd seen his brother that was for sure!

"Christopher, its nice you was able to make it" he then hugged his little brother.

"Don't call me Christopher" he made a sour face "You now how much I hate it when Dad and Mom do!" he then laughed

"Oh but if I didn't do anything to piss you off at least once a day then what kind of brother am I" he laughed too before lazily messing up his siblings hair.

"Yeah well I already got one pain in the ass of a brother I don't need another one" he stated while glancing a look towards Carter.

"Yeah well I definitely nor could I ever be as bad as Carter is!" it was then he pulled his little brother towards him once more before take their leave.

"Charles I still cant believe that today has finally came" his father had finally arrived and was setting to his left while Christopher was to his right.

"Yes me either, but I am glad that it finally has, I think its time for a change so to speak." he winked in his younger brothers way

"Yes well it wont be to much of a change I do hope, you are going to attending Wentworth College next year are you not, I know that was the plan." he turned to look his oldest son in the eyes

"Yes well it may had been the plan, but things have changed, I have changed! I'm no longer a fourteen year old boy Dad!" he knew this talk was coming but he just didn't know how well it would go.

"What are you talking about what happened to sticking with the plan, its been laid out for you as long as I can remember, I made sure to have all of the best people know who you were so you'd have these opportunities that no one else can have Charles!" he was trying to stay calm

"Yeah well that's just it, it was your life dad. Not mine! Everything or decision I've ever made in my life it has always came down to what you want what you'd think was best, and somewhere between all of that I forgot to live my life for me, and that's what I'm going to do now, after graduation I'm going to Columbia University, I've already gotten a full scholarship there, and I did all of that on my own for my grades and everything I've worked so hard for I did it all for myself I got in that university myself not because of who my father might be!" he still remembered the day he received his acceptance letter plus the full ride there too.

"I cant believe your going to throw all of this away to go to some common university what are you thinking!" he rose from his seat, he couldn't set here any longer.

"Its not some common university, its one of the better universities in New York. And what was I thinking I thought I done told you I was going to think for myself for once in my life I'm doing what I want to do not what you want me to do!" he noticed he younger brother growing ridged next to him so he turned and smiled at him hoping to relieve some of the tension.

"Whatever Charles, you'll soon figure out what a huge mistake you've made, you'll see!" he shook his head before taking his leave, he just couldn't set with his son no longer so he found a seat a couple rows back from where he initially was.

"This next diploma is going to one of the most talented individuals I've gotten to watch grow from a young boy to a man, he has went over and beyond to achieve what he has. He's also served as a commanding officer for the last 3 years and this year alone served as your Lieutenant Commanding Officer. I know that whatever he chooses to do in his life then he will do nothing more but succeed. I now present to you Charles Bartholomew Bass" after watching the boy make his way to the stage he saluted him.

"Thank you General Bateman!" he to saluted, something simple he'd done for years. "Thank you everyone who has believed in me, who has invested so much time into make me the best that I can be, I only want the chance to show you that I can continue that process no matter what road I choose to go." he smiled before making his leave from the stage but not before noticing her long chestnut locks blowing in the wind, at that moment it was like time stood still and it was only them two and the rest of the world just faded all around them. He seen her smile at him and he couldn't help but feel his mouth pull to do the same. He instantly made his way towards her, not caring about anyone who might be looking at that very moment.

"Congratulations Chuck!" she smiled once more at him for he was standing directly in front of her.

"Thanks" he looked down before looking back up again. "I..I didn't think you'd come"

"What and I miss this, the day that I can finally call you all mine, the day that I will never have to share you again that day that we'd finally be able to come out into the light instead of staying in the darkness" she smirked when his eyes grew large it was then she noticed then tiny sheen of gloss to them and she couldn't help but let her eyes take into tears too.

"You remember" he stated letting his tears fall onto his cheeks not caring who was seeing him. "You remember us, everything?" he stumbled with his words to get them out he knew his emotions were getting the better of him.

"Everything!" she shook her head in reassurance while her tears feel from her eyes too "I remember it all, every single kiss, touch, moment that you and I shared, and I cant believe for the life of me that I'd ever had forgotten them!" she looks down before she begins to cry harder, once her memories came back, she couldn't believe that she'd ever forget something or someone like that. "I'm sorry for whatever I must have put you through during these past months, I know if its this hard on me then it had to be on you"

Chuck instantly grabs a hold of her pulling her to him before grabbing her face with his hands. "I don't care about any of that, none of it matters anymore all that matters is that your here with me right now, and you remember everything we once shared. I didn't want to live in a world without you Blair, because a world without you isn't a world at all. These past few months have been harder then anything I've ever had to experience in my life, not knowing if I'd ever have you in my world again. I am absolutely positively in love with you Blair Cornelia Waldorf, that I would go do anything as long as I knew you were there with me. You have walked into my life and I don't ever have plans of letting you go, or letting go of what was have." he licked his lips because even during every word he spoke he knew there was still so much more to say.

"Chuck, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I almost lost you once, and I don't want to lose you ever again!" she shakes her head in reassurance "Because my world wouldn't mean anything without you in it! You've came in and possessed everything I ever knew, you've taken over every single thought, breath, of my life. I carry you in my spirit my body just could not make it without you inside me. Everything about you drives me insane yet makes me feel whole all at once. I love you and I always will in this life and the next!" it is then she see's him starring at her intently.

"Your amazing! do you even know how fucking amazing you are!" he smiles at her as she begins to grin too, it is then there lips finally meet after months of waiting to taste her again he finally is. And he cant seem to get enough, he grabs her under her knees and lifts her up bridal style never letting their lips leave each other until he hears here squeal.

"Chuck what are you doing, don't you want to stay for the rest of your graduation, I mean you've waited for this day for years!" she laughed as he shook his head no

"No, I've waited for this, this moment for years for some absolutely amazing girl to walk into my life and turn it all upside down from anything and everything I've ever known, and you've manage to do just that! Your the one that I don't want to miss out on."

"But Chuck we have all the time in world" she shook her head because now they did, or least to her

"I could never have enough time with you, but for right now I'm willing to settle for what's offered to me, now what do you say lets get out of here finally" he smirked at her before wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "what do you say are you prepared to Fall In with me Blair Waldorf?"

"More then anything Chuck Bass, I would Fall In with you anywhere!"

Where there you all have it, and let me just tell you that I am honestly so sad to see this story has ended there were moments I didn't think I'd get it done lol but It was my readers and reviewers who kept me going plus my love for Chuck/Blair. This is my first official completed Multi Fic and I am relieved yet saddened too. I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I do have plans of possibly adding an epilogue that's if my readers request for one. But thanks again to all of you, your all way to amazing and nice, also thanks for the constructive criticism without it I cant become a better writer. I still have another Multi Fic called Free Fall With Me which has 2 Chapters left on it also. Plus When Words Fail Music Speaks has 3 Chapters left. I do have big plans on starting a new Multi Fic which will be be focused on Chuck/Blair but also other characters will make a play in also. But my main focus will of course me CB :) It will be called "The Real World" but if you haven't heard of the MTV reality TV show you should look it up, its going to be loosely based on that, where 7 strangers are brought together in one house to live for 3 whole months. There tempers will be tested, drama will be only make things worse, and love will happen to and at the most unlikely times. Thanks for following me! :)