summary: The guardians have a fight with the nightmares jack crashes through father times tower and must go through his childhood again.


Back to childhood

Chapter 1

Experiment interrupted

The guardians were in a fight with some rogue nightmares roaming Russia. It had been thirteen years since their battle with Pitch, and he hadn't shown any signs of coming back. They doubted that he would be coming out of his lair anytime soon, but the nightmares weren't his he was just their leader and didn't have much control over them, and so the nightmares without their leader ran around causing havoc. The guardians were now having to clean up the mess left behind, and in the most inconvenient place possible, an abandoned power plant. Bunny threw his boomerang through a nightmare and it lodged its self into the main control board. Bunny froze but when nothing happened he relaxed but only for a moment for as soon as he yanked the boomerang out a whip hit the board, an alarm went off and the lights started to swirl around in a red colour. The sudden burst of electricity knocked a small section of ceiling down onto Tooth's wrist. As small as it was it was still heavy and it pinned the dainty fairy to the ground causing the guardians to have to stay behind and help (not against their will for they could've just walked out). When they got Tooth's wrist free, the alarms had gone crazy beeping faster and faster giving the guardians almost to no time to do anything, and BOOM a mushroom cloud appeared over the power plant as it was ripped apart. The guardians, being the immortals they were, survived if not a little singed and knocked out but alive. They were flung across the world.

Jack crashed through a roof of a tower covered in ivy and looking hundreds of years old, crashing through several floors and finally through what looked like a portal. A stunned Father time who had recently been testing out a new idea, had been interrupted by an immortal boy falling through his roof and into his experiment. Father time walked over to his now fading experiment, it was a portal for those who had little faith left in the world for if another dark age were to occur it would help to heal but it wasn't finished yet and was meant for mortals not immortals, and an immortal boy had just fallen through it. He cautiously look over at the boy not knowing what it would do to see the boy sleeping on the floor with a staff in his hand clutching onto it as if he would die if he didn't. To his surprise the boy started to glow and then a blinding blue light flash in front of his eyes, and the boy had disappeared. He lifted up the hoodie to find a small boy inside. He looked almost exactly the same as the boy who had been laying there a few seconds ago except he had brunette hair and looked like a new born baby. He teleported in some baby clothes for the extremely small baby including a nappy and put them on the baby. The oversized baby grow made him look even smaller than he was. The baby shivered and he put on his overalls, tiny socks and boots along with a coat and hat all decorated with snowmen and snowflakes as he had found the name Jack Frost in the trousers and recognised him as the newest guardian and spirit of winter.

Meanwhile… somewhere in Canada, something that looked a lot like a meteor fell from the sky and crashed into the snow covered ground. After a while the so called 'meteor' groaned and sat up checking himself over. The oversized rabbit stood up and opened up a massive hole in the ground and jumped down, landing smoothly on the floor of a spring wonderland sniffing for something. Finding what he was looking for he muttered "North" and set off down a long tunnel.

Somewhere in the Sahara desert, a small man fell from the sky into the sand creating a puff of sand. Climbing to his feet he made a symbol of a rabbit over his head and flew off on a cloud of sand into the night.

In Japan a cluster of feathers fell into Mt. Fuji. Gaining consciousness the fairy flew towards the trail of sand in the sky, following it.

Over in Ireland the world famous Santa Claus crashed into the town of Cork. Finally getting up he threw a snow globe and walked through to Russia where the sleigh was parked. He sighed with relief when he found it and his reindeers unscratched. After a couple of hours of soothing and checking over the reindeer, he turned to see the large rabbit known as Bunny bouncing towards him with a smile of relief on his face to see his friend unharmed. A minute later Sandy flew into view followed by Tooth, "thank goodness you're all alright" sighed North forgetting all about Jack until a particular sandman flew into view waving a couple of flags in front of them. When they all turned to him he flashed symbols above his head something like a snowflake, a staff and a question mark. "Where's Jack?" asked Tooth. "I don' know how we could forget the blighter" said Bunny in his Australian accent.

Back in his tower, Father Time had been scanning the youngster and found that the baby state was not permanent but Jack would have to go through his childhood again until he was the age he was when he was chosen. He set off into the night carrying Jack in his arms; his goal to reach the guardians with Jack and explain what happened and what needs to be done.