Well hey there anybody who might still check this story. I should just start off by saying I'm sorry for not putting out any update sooner than now but I've sort of forgotten about this story. The next chapter has been almost finished since about two weeks after the last chapter was published but I was starting to lose interest in writing it when I hit a writer's block. I knew where I wanted to go with the story but I wasn't quite sure how to set it up. Not to mention all of the new Dragon Ball material that has since come out since this story was first started has been keeping my attention and stopping me from going back and watching through the OG Dragon Ball to write this story. When I first started the story, Battle of Gods was fresh and nobody knew what to expect next. My original plan was to make Robin a special Blue Haired SSJ with the idea of sort of the opposite of the red hair of the SSJ God. But now with all the new material and the new series I want to go through and rewrite the story and set up new ideas that I've come up with due to inspiration from Resurrection F' and Super. I'll keep this story up for a while as I write the few starting chapters to my new story and I'll write it based around the thoughts that there's more Dragon Ball coming. It's also going to have a similar start to this one where Robin gets dropped in right when Battle of Gods was the newest thing to come from the series.

Thanks everyone who has continued to come back and check the story and I should be back sometime in the near future.