A/N: Sorry this update took several months, summer is a busy time for me. Thank you for all the reviews! I really appreciate the encouragement and am glad to hear some of you are enjoying this story so far!

Chapter 8

Snape just wanted to get through the day. The little sleep he had in his chair the night before only served to give him a crick in his neck along with a throbbing headache. He rubbed his temples as he exited Dumbledore's office. They had spent an hour going over all the information about his son's supposed mother. Dumbledore had decided a quick affair would be more logical for the situation and Snape agreed. The fewer memories he needed to invent for the Dark Lord to see, the better.

He stalked down the corridors, heading for dinner and the announcement of Harry Potter's departure. He really wasn't in the mood to hear the whinging and tears likely to come from the Gryffindor table. And he certainly wasn't looking forward to sitting next to Thornback for another meal. The man had kept his promise thus far, but Snape found it suspicious that he ended up next to him at every meal.

Snape sighed as he entered the room and saw the only available seat. Thornback glanced over at him, nodding cheerfully.

"Severus, good evening!"

Snape grunted, then ignored the man in favor of glaring out at the students. He noticed Weasley and Granger talking in hushed whispers, looking worried. It only served to further annoy Snape and he turned to his own table. Draco immediately met his gaze, looking upset. Snape figured Lucius had contacted his son about their failure already, though he most likely placed all the blame on Bellatrix and possibly Draco for leaving Potter with his wand.

Dumbledore tapped a knife against his glass, drawing the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Good evening. I have an announcement to make about one of our students." Dumbledore paused, smiling, "Mr. Harry Potter will not be attending Hogwarts for the unforeseeable future. Due to unfortunate circumstances, he will instead be receiving his education elsewhere. This was a decision both Mr. Potter and I agreed would be safer for him and for all of you. It is important to remember in times such as these that our choices are our own to make, but the consequences are often shared by others."

Dumbledore clasped his hands together in front of him, nodded once and sat down. Snape thought he heard him start a conversation with Filius about Ice Mice before the Great Hall erupted into discussion.

"Well, that's a surprise!"

Snape closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Thornback. "If you knew the boy, it would not be. Potter attracts trouble on a daily basis." He turned back to his food, hoping Thornback would get the hint.

"Hmm, yes. Well it's a shame. The boy seemed quite adept at Defense. And such nice eyes!"

Snape gripped his fork, focusing on taking deep breaths. Thornback had enough sense to turn his attention elsewhere, otherwise he might have left the hall with a fork stuck in an unfortunate place.

Snape rose from the table, appetite gone and left the hall. He would have to discuss the man with Dumbledore and keep an eye on him now, instead of resolutely avoiding him. He didn't like the comment about Harry's eyes.

He rubbed a hand on his neck, trying to massage out the crick. Thoughts of the boy sitting down in his room right now had been plaguing him all day. His son. He had a son. Snape had tried to ignore it before, but after the events of the previous night it finally seemed to hit him. He didn't even know how to be a father.

He reached his quarters, pausing at the door. They would be spending the entire weekend together. Snape felt a momentary rise in panic, then quashed it in anger, wrenching open the door. Harry jumped, startled at the noise. His books and school supplies were neatly placed on the end table and Snape guessed the boy had been anxiously awaiting his return.

"Good evening," Snape strode into the room, removing his teaching robes to reveal slacks with a white dress shirt and vest. He banished his robes to his room, then turned to Harry who appeared in shock from the sight.

"I don't wear those all the time you know."

Harry blushed slightly and nodded, "Right, of course."

Snape walked over and sat heavily in his chair, continuing to massage his neck. "I'm sure you are wondering how the announcement went?"

"Yes, sir."

Snape sighed, "As expected. There was quite a bit of discussion amongst the students when I left."

Harry opened his mouth, but hesitated, clearing his throat. "Did, um, Ron and Hermione seem okay?"

Snape bit back his immediate retort with difficulty, knowing it wouldn't help their tenuous relationship. "They were upset. Though I am sure they will see themselves to the Headmaster's office tonight. Albus will calm them down."

Harry stared into the fire, biting his lip. Snape felt awkward, not used to offering words of comfort. Especially about the Gryffindor duo whom he would rather ignore all together.

"This won't last forever. You'll be able to tell them eventually."

"Yes, but they'll hate me until then!" Harry turned to look at Snape, "And when will I be able to tell them? In two years when we graduate? Because I'm definitely not going to defeat Voldemort before then!"

"Don't say his name." Snape kept his voice calm, "And why should you be the one to defeat the Dark Lord? I would think the Headmaster might have a slightly better chance." Snape tried to keep the annoyance from showing on his face. He thought he'd misjudged the boy, but apparently the hero complex was not a wrong assumption.

Harry looked back to the fire, shoulders deflating. He appeared to be struggling for words. "It has to be me. And the Headmaster agrees."

Snape leaned forward in his chair, "The Headmaster agrees? You are a student! I cannot believe he would place that expectation on you."

Harry shrugged, still not meeting Snape's gaze. He hadn't planned on telling the man about the prophecy yet, or possibly at all. He hadn't even gotten to tell his best friends. Saying it aloud made it real and the panic living in his stomach since Dumbledore revealed the prophecy to him suddenly grew at an alarming rate.

"It was the prophecy. The one Vol-um...You-Know-Who wanted last year. He only knows the first half and that's why he killed my...family. Apparently, 'one must die at the hand of the other' and 'neither can live while the other survives'." Harry paused to glance at Snape. The man was staring at him, brow knit together. Harry couldn't tell if he was angry or not. He hoped not.

"I don't put much stock in prophecies," Snape spoke quietly, holding Harry's gaze. "You have come up against the Dark Lord too many times already, and it would be foolish for me to say you will not again. But you are not alone, Harry. The Order, Professor Dumbledore, myself, and countless others have been working towards his defeat. Do not believe you must be the one to end it all."

"But Professor Dumbledore believes it has to be me," Harry replied, surprised by the gentleness of Snape's tone.

"The Headmaster is a great wizard, of that I have no doubt. And he cares for you deeply. But that does not mean he is perfect or all-knowing. He is still a man."

Harry took a deep breath then nodded, turning back to the fire, "Okay." Snape's words comforted him somewhat, but he wasn't sure if he agreed. He had seen Trelawney making a real prophecy in his third year and it had come true. He couldn't ignore that.

Snape watched the boy, knowing he hadn't convinced him. "Harry, promise me you will not go after the Dark Lord alone. Come to me or the Headmaster. Or anyone in the Order. We want to help you."

Harry turned back to Snape, the words coming from him still sounded odd after years of caustic remarks. "I promise."

Snape nodded, "Good. Now let's get some sleep. We will go over all the information you need to know about your background tomorrow." He stood and Harry followed. "Your room is here," Snape waved to a door Harry hadn't noticed before, though it was in plain sight now. "Breakfast is at 8, don't be late." He turned, heading towards his own room. Harry looked at the door. He assumed he would be sleeping on the couch. He looked over at Snape as he heard his door open, "Good night, sir."

Snape paused, hand on the door, "Good night." Then he disappeared into his room, leaving Harry to wonder about this new side of his Potions Professor for the rest of the night.

The weekend passed faster then Harry would have liked. Dumbledore had informed the staff of Donovan Snape's attendance Saturday morning, and apparently most of them were in shock trying to picture Snape as a father. Snape spent the rest of the time drilling Harry on his new background for hours and Harry felt extremely confident about it now. It was the reaction of the rest of the school that made him nervous. He had been the outcast at Hogwarts before, and for all his childhood, so he knew what to expect. He just wished he didn't have to experience it again.

Snape had shown him the Daily Prophet that morning at breakfast. A photo of Harry Potter and Mad-Eye Moody boarding a snow-covered train graced the front page. Harry didn't feel like reading it, and handed it wordlessly back to Snape.

He stood staring at himself in the mirror before dinner. He really did look like Snape's son, but for some reason, he just couldn't wrap his mind around it. He tried calling Snape 'dad' in his head a couple times and it just made him cringe. It was easier to think of him as just his Professor still.

Harry sighed, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Meals had been fairly awkward with neither of them knowing what to say unless it was about their soon-to-be deception. Harry had considered asking Snape what his favorite color was, but hadn't got up the courage. He was pretty sure his answer would be a silent glare.

He headed out to the main room, finding Snape seated at the table. Harry pulled out his chair just as the meal appeared before him. They ate silently for several minutes. Harry was just about to force out the color question when Snape spoke.

"You never told me the Sorting Hat wanted to place you in Slytherin."

Harry startled slightly at the words. "Er, well, I guess I tried to forget it myself. Would you have believed me?"

Snape stared at him for a moment, "Probably not. Though I do remember the sorting took a bit longer with you."

Harry took a bite of pudding, then decided he might as well explain. "I told the Hat I didn't want to be in Slytherin. Anywhere but, actually."

Snape hummed in response, continuing with his meal. Harry was surprised. He knew Snape was trying to look nonchalant, but he could tell the man was bothered. A smile found its way to Harry's face.

"I had just met Draco Malfoy."

Snape glanced up and surprised Harry with a small smile of his own.

"Ah yes. I can see how that might have influenced you."

"Yes, well, it didn't help that Ron also went off about evil wizards all coming from Slytherin and I had no idea about any of it. I mean, I didn't even know magic existed and suddenly I was at a school with floating candles and talking hats."

"Why didn't your relatives tell you about magic?" Snape questioned.

"They aren't really fans of the idea. I guess they thought if they never talked about it, nothing would ever happen. Obviously that didn't work."

Snape appeared to be thinking while slowly picking at his meal. Harry didn't want anymore questions about the Dursleys, not after his back had suspiciously healed itself after the other night. He had a feeling Snape was deciding the right moment to bring it up and Harry was not going to give it to him.

"So, Slytherin. I know they won't murder me in my sleep because I'm your son, but who should I stay away from?"

"You need to befriend Draco."

Harry dropped his fork. "What?"

Snape sighed. "You have an advantage now of sticking close to your enemies without their knowledge. Draco will more then likely fawn all over you anyway and rejecting him again will only cause you more trouble."

Harry felt sick thinking about it. He didn't want to treat Malfoy with any kind of respect.

"Harry, Draco is a Death Eater now. He is trying to complete tasks for the Dark Lord that he will inevitably brag about to his friends. It's information that could save lives."

Harry closed his eyes and nodded. "I understand. But I won't like it," he felt the need to add. "And what happens when he tries to recruit me?"

"The Dark Lord will no doubt ask that very thing of Draco. You will be able to put him off for awhile, questioning the values and benefits, but eventually we will have to answer him."

Harry felt the dread building in him again, "It will have to be yes, won't it?"

"Most likely. But we can hold it off until at least the winter holidays."

"That's not much time."

"It's better than no time. It will give us a chance to get your Occlumency shields strong enough for the Dark Lord."

Harry stared at his food, appetite gone. He knew it might happen, but part of him hoped a solution would make itself clear before then. The thought of the Dark Mark on his arm made him sick. There was no way he could stand before the monster and treat him like a master. He would rather die. And it hurt that Snape didn't seem too bothered by the idea.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts as Snape grabbed his arm, hissing in pain. He rose from the table and headed towards the door, waving his wand. Black robes appeared in Snape's grasp and Harry caught a glimpse of a white mask.

"I must go. Use the floo to inform the Headmaster."

Snape was out the door before Harry could say a word. He raced to the floo, throwing in some powder and sticking his head into the flames.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Harry saw the bottom of the man's robes appear before him as he knelt down.

"Harry my boy, what is it?"

"Professor Snape just left. I think he was summoned to a meeting."

Dumbledore nodded, looking grim. "Thank you, Harry. Would you like to come up to my office and wait? I have a wizard's chess set that needs dusting off."

Harry shook his head, "No thank you, sir. I'll just stay here."

"Alright, but the invitation is open if you feel the need."

Harry offered a quick smile that was more of a grimace, then pulled his head out of the floo. He sat back on his heels, heart pounding. He wasn't able to call Snape his dad yet, but the thought of losing him now clawed at his insides.

He glanced at the clock above the mantle. 9 o'clock. They'd had a late dinner since Snape needed to finish brewing. He hadn't realized how much time had passed while they were talking. Harry stood and started to pace, then immediately sat down on the couch, only to get up again and pace some more. He found himself wishing he could see into Voldemort's mind again. What if Snape needed help? Did he have an escape plan? The man was meticulous, so he must, Harry figured. He was informing Voldemort about his newfound son tonight. Would that be cause for punishment? Harry collapsed into Snape's chair. It would be fine, he told himself. Snape was a brilliant wizard who had fooled Voldemort for years. He would return and everything would be great and he could go back to worrying about becoming a whole new person tomorrow.

Harry leaned his head against one hand and stared into the fire, jumping when it turned green and a head appeared.


Harry recognized Thornback and tried to relax.

"Er, he isn't here. He went to see the Headmaster." Thornback turned to Harry as he spoke, a bright smile appearing on his face, though Harry thought it looked rather predatory.

"Ah, you must be young Donovan Snape. I'm Professor Bernard Thornback. I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Thanks." Harry stared at the man, hoping he would just leave. Instead he continued to smile jovially. "Did you want to leave a message for Pr-my father?"

"No, no, no. It's fine. I'm sure I'll see him in the morning. Did you know, I went to school with your father?"

Harry shook his head, glancing at the clock. If Snape came back while Thornback was still here, it could be a disaster. Which made Harry wonder why Snape's floo was open to the other professors. He assumed only Dumbledore would have access to his private rooms.

Harry realized Thornback had been prattling on for awhile and tried to pay attention.

"You should ask your father about it."

"Sorry, what?"

"The Giant Octopus. It's quite funny."

"Oh, okay."

Thornback continued to stare, making Harry shift uncomfortably in the chair.

"Well, Professor. It's getting late and I have a big day tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, of course! I will let you get some rest. And if you need any help finding your way around tomorrow, just let me know. I'm always glad to help!"

"Thank you, sir. I'll keep that in mind." Harry tried to smile as Thornback gave him a wink, then disappeared.

Harry let out a sigh of relief. He stood and did his best to cast a warding spell on the fireplace. It wouldn't last more than the night, but he'd let Snape know in the morning. He wouldn't be happy about the visit. Harry himself was annoyed.

He sat back in the chair, trying not to think about Snape. He yawned and closed his eyes, repeating the information about Donovan Snape to himself over and over as he slowly drifted off to sleep and into a nightmare.

A/N: To be continued...Let me know what you think!