Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker

This Story is dedicated to my Nan. Judy Mary Smart. Who has passed away peacefully after months of suffering. Rest in Peace Nan and be with the ones you love. You will always be remembered NEVER forgotten. May you watch over us and protect us. We love you good luck on your next life.


What if the Pevensie children stayed in Narnia? What happens when their parents find the door to Narnia with their other siblings? In has been 20 years since they last saw each other. Now what will happen?


High King Peter II Pevensie the Magnificent, Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane, King of North Narnia was 33 years old and was waiting for his wife to give birth to another child.

They already had Peter III who was 13, Evelynn who was 12, Braxon who was 11, Lilith who was 10, Michael, McKenzie and Michelle who were 9, Justin who was 8, Arthur who was 7, Addyson and Audrey who were 6, Aura who was 5, John who was 4, Harvey who was 3 and Nathan who was 2.

"Your child has been born my King", the servant says bowing

"Thank you", King Peter says stepping into his bedchamber to find his wife with a newborn in her arms, "Aurora"

"Peter it is a girl", Queen Aurora says

"She will be another Daddies Princesses. I love you all", King Peter says gathering his family

King Caspian X. King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, Emperor of Telmarine Empire, Archduke of Doorn, Lord of the Seven Isles of the South. Sat with his wife Queen Susan Pevensie who was 32 known as Queen Susan the Gentle, Empress Susan of Telmarine Empire, Lady of Cair Paravel, Archduchess of Doorn, Empress of Seven Isles of the South, Marksman Queen and Queen Susan of the horn. She ruled the South of Narnia. Her 12 year-old son Prince Caspian XI played on the floor with his eight sisters and six brothers: Cassandra (11). Arron (10), William (9), Sarah (8), Laura (7), Nicole (7), Helen II (6), Louise (5), Kate (5), Paige (4), Calvin (3), Caimir (3), Chase (3), Iliana (2) and David (1). Queen Susan looks at her love and says, "The best thing in the world is being here"

King Edmund, King of Narnia, Edmund the Just, Duke of Lantern Waste, Emperor of the 5 Isles of the West, Count of the Western March and Knight of the Noble Order of the table and King of the West who was 30 kissed his wife under the moonlight. His wife's name was Grace. Queen of Narnia besides him. They had 12 kids named Christopher who was 9, Helena who was 8, Sarai who was 7, Christian who was 6, Tristian and Mary who were 5, Clara who was 4, Fredrick who was 4, Jeffery who was 4, Matthew who was 3, Lukas who was 2 and George who was 4 weeks. Edmund found himself lucky to have a wife such as Grace. She had helped him. Now here they were married. Life couldn't be much better.

Queen Lucy who was 28, Queen of Narnia, Queen Lucy the Valiant, Lady of Cair Paravel. Empress of Galma and the 8 Isles of the east, Queen of the east of Narnia. Queen Lucy was the youngest and 8 years ago wedded a man named Nikolaus. She was 6 months pregnant with child again and couldn't be more happier about it. Her children where Astraea (7), Kalani and Isadora who were 6, Ainslee who was 5, Charlotte who was 4, Chloe, Casey and Cody who was 3, Dakota who was 2 and Sebastian who was 1.

None of the Kings or Queens thought about where they had came from little did they know some people were coming. And Coming soon…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and I'll update as soon as possible:)