Right my honeys, I've been fairly busy over the last month and I've decided to post one more two-shot before getting back to my regular updates. I can't help how the inspiration flows and this one, I'll have to warn, is EXCEEDINGLY dark. This story is NOT for the faint of hearted, it will be bloody, messy, sad, have a lot of controversial themes and is set in a totally AU Canon setting. Meaning that the Bleach world will get turned upside down.

I wanted to write a totally Quincy!Ichigo fic, so this is my take on a short two-shot. I'm trying to let it become too complicated but this plot is very heavy so I can't tell where it will take me next. I'm also posting this story very late, passed 12 AM again and I'm tired so I won't say much more except please not:

The introduction to this story is written in Afrikaans (translations will be provided at the end of the chapter in my footnotes). Only a small German tagline is added at the bottom. I will please ask all my German readers NOT to point out my mistakes as I'm apologizing here for them now if there are any. I'm not going to change them just because you don't like it. I am fluent in Afrikaans written, it is my first language so don't even bother to try and correct that. Please know that most of the German in this fic is sourced directly from the Bleach Manga (except for the small tag line), meaning that it comes from how Kubo Tite wrote it and explained it...not me.

The warnings for this story includes: M/M lemons, dark setting, angst, speech trauma, a Quincy!Ichigo, Canon AU, Evil!Soul Society, Sort-of-Good! Quincy, Ichigo is different in this fic because I'm working with an unexplored concept, you'll see in a while what I'm talking about. This story may also contain the use of a soft of aphrodisiac.

The set pairing is: Yhwach (ユーハバッハ ) x Kurosaki Ichigo (黒崎 一護).

Still Doll: Composition Of The Soul Part 1

Soos die reviere vloei met bloed en die duisternes van die nag oor die maanloose hemels val, buig ons onder die sondes van die siel. Daar sal nooit hoop vir kinders van die donkerte wees nie. Staan prag onderlangs die rooi reёn wat die skaduwees weerkaats . Dit is gesing dat oor nege honderd jaar ʼn vergete god se krag sal weermals die skadu omhels, sy gedagtes sal die siel wegsteek negentig jaar later en oor nege sal daar geen meer hoop vir die onvergevende siele wat op die aarde loop bly nie. So sal die Koning, die Keiser en Vader van Skadu, weer die kinders van sy bloed sien dans in the palm van sy hande en op die punte van sy vingers.

Dans tog mooi vir die bloedorstige Marionettespel (1*)

Tanz für die blutrünstigen Marionette Vorführung (2*)

'This is an absolute tragedy, Haschwalth.' A haunting baritone noted sorrowfully, dark eyes gazing intently at the smoking remains of a once humble family home and the larger part of a suburban street that was reduced to ashes, dust and shattered pavement beneath calf-length black booted feet. The howling wind was tugging restlessly at a floor length, crimson red cloak; the heavy and regal fabric dancing restlessly behind an imposingly tall frame as an arc of pure blue lighting sailed through the stormy summer night in heavy warning. Igniting a dark and ominously overcast sky, near pitch black with growing menace, dimly for mere seconds before a deafening clap of thunder echoed harshly in the distance. There was a dying street lamp glinting off of the King's imposing white uniform, throwing eerie shadows over a menacing cloak as a rounded golden disk, inscribed with the Quincy cross, lighted brightly against the being's right shoulder. The newly risen Quincy Emperor could only sigh softly in restless emotion; eyes, darker than a midnight sky and as fathomless as the ocean depths, closing absently to discern a startlingly powerful reiatsu that was swirling oppresively and distressingly around the remains of a once prided family home.

In his mind, there was certainly no doubt just who was behind this unneeded and startling destruction. He could recognize the handiwork of a ruthless Gotei-13 assassination more than a mile away even in the pitch blackness of a stormy night. And indeed, just like he had left the Silbern Fortress that night to search for the last living descendants of his dying race to hopefully find his heir, he had only been a few kilometres away before the tail end of this astounding collision of powers had come to a deadly conclusion. Whoever had fought back though, had put up more than just a valiant struggle. It was quite frightening, the intensity of the fading reiatsu that the dark haired being could still feel skittering erratically across his skin. This was certainly no mere human power, it carried the feeling of Captain Class Shinigami or higher...perhaps a Noble if he were to measure the refined intensity that it carried. But it was fading quickly now, a testament to the fact that the assassins had either completed their job or had managed to drag a prisoner through a Senkaimon mere minutes before. Hissing in irritation at the mournful sight that was laying in devastation by his feet, Yhwach leaned his head back the instant that the heavens ruptured and poured an icy sheet of large, heavy, raindrops from above.

He hated to see the innocence of this world besmeared by the darkness of his enemies, such needless annihilation was totally uncalled for. And the sheer beauty of the young woman that was laying so deathly still upon the bloodstained pavement...was more than just collateral damage to him. 'What have they done to another of my children? How many more will I have to lose before this bloody thousand year war is finally over?' Resting white gloved fingertips upon an unmarked forehead, a soft prayer from a far away, distant, language fell from pale lips as the ancient being paid no mind to the hip length black locks that were falling over his shoulder to brush her bloodstained cheeks. She had been Echt (3*), he could sense it more clearly now that he was close to her rapidly cooling corpse. Quite a powerful one too. Such a terrible loss, even though the Quincy Emperor could clearly suss out an unknown and exceedingly powerful Hollow taint that had spoiled her blood. Casting dark and unreadable eyes over the curled position of her body, Yhwach drew back several steps when he noted the fact that it seemed as if she had been protecting something precious with her very life and the last of her breath.

The deep wounds on her back, still stained pure carmine under the washing rain, was nothing but proof to his current train of thought as the dark haired being dragged distressed fingertips through rain dampened locks in thought. The revelation had settled a stone of pure dread in the pit of his stomach, unsettled black strands falling forward to stick to pale cheeks as an intense array of regretful emotions swirled restlessly in unreadable dark midnight blue eyes. Yhwach knew instinctively that there was only one thing that a woman protected so fiercely without regard to her own life. Her young. And dear god, if he was going to have to start looking for the body of a young child in this tragedy as well, Yhwach was sure that he would lose the strict control that had been chained so tightly around his settling powers. Now was not a good time to lose control, he thought to himself in reprimand. Soul Society had not yet been alerted to his awakening presence and the Father to the Quincy Race would very much like to keep that secret sealed until he had rebuilt the Wandenreich from the bottom up. Challenging Seireitei's strict rule over the Three Worlds was not an easy task, he knew that, and it would be several years still before a single strategic move could successfully be made against them.

'Of all the things―.'

'Your Majesty? We should leave. The Human authorities are likely to arrive in the next few minutes and a crowd has already started to gather―.' Holding up a white gloved hand for silence, the hip-length dark haired being closed his eyes for several moments as he reached out the range of his senses to feel for another high density reiatsu close by. His powers were not nearly as fluid as it once was, it would get there eventually, but they would have to do for now. Even if it would decrease the amount of time he could spend outside of the Shatten Bereich (4*)that night. Frowning deeply in concern when he felt nothing but a strange void presence brushing against his senses two blocks away from here, he forced himself to concentrate more fully on a small flicker of Gemischt (5*) reiatsu that was still alive. When he found nothing but that gaping void and a few other distressing sensations, the King decided to follow the strange instinct alighting across his skin from that indiscernible presence. There was a lot of unrest in Karakura it would seem, he could count several weak Shinigami in the children's park that was not too far away as well as a staggeringly strange Hollow reiatsu that was exactly aligned with that untraceable presence―.

'Heika (6*)?'

'Be quiet for a while, 'B', and don't concern yourself about the humans and Shinigami. Even if we encountered our enemies tonight, none of them will know who or what I am. Cast out your senses for now however, and prepare for a possible confrontation. I think that my fallen daughter was protecting a child. I can't sense a Gemischt presence, in fact there shouldn't be one, but there seems to be something happening a few blocks away from here.' That was all that Yhwach needed to say in those moments, the rain never once weighing down his form as he seemed to blur out of existence the instant that a controlled flow of reishi formed beneath booted feet and lead him into the shadows of the night. A flicker of blonde hair and a white cloak was trailing mere feet behind him, the younger Quincy displaying a strained effort to keep up with the King's speed as Haschwalth obeyed his Heika's words without second thought. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed before soft grass replaced tarred road beneath their feet, Yhwach finally able to take in the startling sight that greeted him under the dying flickers of artificial streetlamps. The periodic flashes of lightening was also lighting up the skies, the abrupt storm seeming to reach the peak of its intensity in those moments.

Both older beings were soaking wet by now, the rain never once letting up in its assault. But even through the heavy sheet of water distorting his vision; the Quincy Emperor could clearly observe the sobering scene that was spread a few meters in front of him. Vibrant and messy orange locks, like a beacon of colour, was a mere prelude to the sorrowful sight that a small six-year-old form, partially protected from the world beneath a barely alive Shinigami soul, made. There was a Zanpactō grasped desperately in small hands, the large daitō far too big to be his own as a streak of visible reiatsu ignited across a blood red hilt, dancing blue tassels and a light blue sheath. The child was completely bathed in blood, his tiny form shivering in cold and pure distress as the fabric of blue pyjamas remained painted with the evidence of his mother's and possibly his father's death as well. Several gasping cries were echoing mournfully into the night, struggling and desperate sobs that echoed in tandem to the strengthening void presence that Yhwach had felt before. There was also a partial Hollow mask, settled in pitch black over the child's left eye as a small tapering horn jutted dangerously from the left side of his head.

The sheer presence that was pouring from the tiny soul was staggering, so menacing with uncontained power that the Quincy King was fairly startled when a pair of haunting mismatched eyes snapped instinctively in his direction the moment that another crack of thunder echoed through the night. That left eye, hidden beneath the broken edges of a Hollow mask, was a telling gold and black as the right shimmered a very familiar glowing blue. An indication that the little one's dormant Quincy power was rising to the surface now. But that was not all, Yhwach could clearly sense a touch of innate Shinigami in the child as well. There simply had to be, the small orangette wouldn't have been able to hold onto that reiatsu glowing blade as fiercely as he was in any human form otherwise. And that was the most confusing fact for the Emperor, the small being seemed mostly human in those moments. It was utterly mind bending! How does a single soul composed of so many components balance itself whilst remaining alive and contained in a six-year-old human body? It seemed utterly impossible and yet, there was the proof sitting right in front of his eyes. A thoughtful frown was furrowing Yhwach's brows, dark eyes widening in surprise when the child carefully pulled himself from beneath the Shinigami that was laying protectively over him.

'Heika? What should―.' Cutting off Haschwalth's steady voice next to him, the older being was just about to cross the last few meters when it dawned on him just who the Shinigami was. A small hand had reluctantly retracted from the large Zanpactō's hilt, gripping a bloodstained white haori desperately as a series of hitched sobs echoed in a response to the spiky black haired Shinigami's fading reiatsu that was becoming less and less with every second that passed. Even though not a single word had left the little boy's lips, his actions had spoken the truth of the bond for him as the Quincy King felt his heart shattering at the sight. In those moments it simply didn't matter who was on what side, such innocence did not deserve to be tainted the way that it had been that night. It was utterly unforgiveable, Yhwach simply would not allow it anymore. Curling gloved fingertips into frustrated fists by his side, the dark haired King worked considerably hard to reign in his own power that was rising erratically from the shadows beneath his feet. Forced to act several seconds later, however, when he caught sight of a moving figure; he only had a brief second to call out to Haschwalth warningly before intricately buckled black boots glided across a perfectly controlled stream of reishi in the blink of an eye.

'Don't move, child.' A soft baritone breathed commandingly, an imposing form bowing protectively over a much smaller one so that the edges of a red cloak shielded the little one from sight and a reishi blade materialized in the palm of his hand. It took a split second too long for it to solidify though, a flicker of gratitude colouring dark eyes as a spark of blades collided in air in front of Yhwach and Haschwalth instinctively stepped in to take over where the Quincy King couldn't. Making sure that mismatched eyes could not see the battle of carnage taking place behind the child's back, the Emperor drove the curved tip of his blade into rain wet grass softly as he rested a consoling palm upon the top of a small head. 'Don't be afraid, little one. I'll protect you, I promise.' Watching concernedly as a steady stream of tears fell from mismatched eyes fearfully, the dark haired being gently allowed a flow of his powers to light across the young soul as a chocked child-like wail spilled from plump strawberry red lips and small arms curled tighter around the large daitō that the child refused to let go of. Just as Yhwach was about to inquire the child's name, seeking to distract his attention from the fear that must have been experiencing, he was startled when a surprisingly strong grip curl around the edge of his cloak.

'R-run, I-Ichigo...n-now!' A small orange head was shaking harshly in the negative at those heavily breathed words however, the child refusing to move from where he was as his body seemed to adhere to exhaustion and shock of the last hour and he found himself strangely comforted by the stranger's warm presence that was encircling him so protectively. 'P-please get away―!'

'I won't harm your child,' Yhwach assured steadily, his dark baritone seeming to carry little reassurance in that aspect even when his own actions mere moments before would have spoken for his unusual sincerity in this situation. But once the dark haired being saw pain glazed chocolate brown eyes gazing up at him from where the fallen Shinigami had pushed himself to lean on his elbows, he knew that it was an instinctive response any parent would have had whilst they were so close to death and their child was in danger. The Shinigami though, must have been more than just powerful to have survived with that array of injuries. 'T-there won't be much time...' A surprising steady tone spoke moment later, trembling fingertips encircled in green kaidō as they worked to stem the bleeding from a gaping wound in the spiky black haired being's stomach. Shiba Isshin was shakily turning his attention upon the dark haired man that was bowed so protectively over his son, chocolate brown eyes scanning the depths of dark eyes for any threat before he drew in several gasping breaths that were hitched with his pain. 'I r-recognize your power, Quincy. But I d-don't know who you are. T-the b-backup division will be here to d-drag me away soon and I-I can only do so much. I-I've little reiatsu left, let alone enough to seal my wounds.'

'You shouldn't speak―.'

'No,' Isshin interrupted harshly. 'I-I've passed on my Z-Zanpactō to my child so that he will have a piece of my soul with him at all times. T-The reishi string I u-used to control his own raging power snapped when they killed my wife and forced me from my gigai. E-Engetsu will help, b-but not much. T-that partial Hollow mask is telling enough, I-Ichigo's still far too young to control his powers himself.' Listening patiently to the dark haired man's possible dying words, the Quincy King frowned at the startling information that the Shinigami was imparting so freely as he remained unfazed by small fingertips that curled in his red cloak and the strange purr that coloured the air when gloved fingertips caressed a small tapering horn to settle the fearful sobs that were becoming quieter the more that the little one listened to his father's voice. 'I-I thank you for protecting him, b-but I can't ask you to look after him. L-little Ichi has more than a few special needs, c-can I implore you on your Quincy pride to impart this message to m-my wife's two relatives. They are also of your kin―.' Frowning in confusion when the Shinigami trailed off in his words, Yhwach gazed over his shoulder just in time to see a hip-length blonde haired figure coming to stand faithfully by his side.

'We should leave, Your Majesty.' Haschwalth said concernedly, light blue eyes taking note of the restless shadows that were dancing erratically by the Quincy King's booted feet. It would seem that they too had reached the end of their time in this world. 'You cannot stay outside the Shatten Bereich any longer. It's too dangerous and I felt a Senkaimon just opening into this world, only about a block away.'

'I know,' Yhwach hissed irritably, leaning down suddenly to pick up a small child that seemed to have become eerily still in the darkness of the storm. Mismatched eyes were startlingly blank, youthful features almost doll like as the six-year-old blinked indolently against the pouring rain and eventually rested his temple against the Quincy King's shoulder after several moments of quiet stillness. His father's blade was still clutched desperately in his hands, small black nailed fingertips twining restlessly with two dancing tassels as Yhwach cast his gaze over the fallen Shinigami one last time before making his choice. 'I cannot grant your request, Shinigami-san. Your wife, she was one of my beloved children. An Echt, even though tainted by the power that I suspect she passed on to her son. As Father to the Quincy Race; I refuse to let one of my own suffer the pain your child has by staying in this world. I swear on the original Quincy Pride that he'll become one of my own. I'll take him to the Wandenreich where he'll be safe, protected by me and shielded from any possibility of Soul Society ever discovering his presence. He may have been born in the darkness but there's no doubt that this child has my power running through his veins.'

'I cannot save you from your fate, my own power needs to remain undetected for several years still before I can make my awakened presence known. May this mercy I grant you, however, remain with you for those coming years. Had your son not survived this night, I would have killed you myself but now I'll implore you to survive whatever fate Seireitei dictates, Shinigami-san. Once your son is old enough, we'll come find you if you are alive and overturn the tables of fate.' Turning his back on the fallen form after his final words, the Quincy Emperor shared a regretful glance with chocolate brown orbs one last time before a gate into oblivion seemed to open up at the command of his fingertips. Yhwach did not need to look back to know that they had just missed the mass of black forms descending upon the once playful children's park, the howling sirens of the awakening Human World at the discovery of the tragedy as well as the streets stained by blood before everything went abruptly silent so that only cool darkness and familiar shadows stretched out in front of them for what seemed like eternity.

'Have you found what you were looking for tonight, Heika?'

'I have, Haschwalth. I think that I have.'

1*- (Afrikaans) English Translation: 'As the rivers flow with blood and the darkness of the night falls over the moonless skies, we bow under the sins of the soul. There will never be hope for the children of darkness. Stand proud beneath the red rain that reflects the shadows. It is sung that in nine hundred years a forgotten god's power will once again embrace the shadows, his thoughts will conceal the soul ninety years later and over nine there will be no more hope for the unforgiveable souls walking the earth. So will the King, the Emperor and Father of Shadow, once more see the children of his blood dancing in the palm of his hands and on the tips of his fingers.

Dance well for the bloodthirsty Puppet Show

2* - (German) English Translation: Dance for the bloodthirsty Puppet Show

3* - Echt – Pureblood Quincy
4* - Shatten Bereich – Shadow Territory
5* - Gemischt – Mixed Blood
6* - Heika – Your Majesty

Right, that's it. Sorry for the long footnotes, I thought it would be fun to play with my first language again. Thank you so much for reading, it's passed 1 AM here again and I'm tired so I can't say more. If I may please ask for a small review as a reward for my hard work, I'd be eternally grateful to you. The next update, I'm still deciding if I'll update part 2 of this in the next week or ad a chapter to an existing fic. But we'll see how it goes. Other than that, I can hardly think of anything anymore.

Yours Always
Chocolate Carnival