"EW, What is he?"

"Suzie, get back!"

Murmurs and whispers filled the game store as the man behind the register quivered. "G-get back! I'll call the police!"

In front of him, a teenage looking body with a gigantic spider for a head walked towards him. "Hand over all the money. NOW!"

The man shivered violently. "B-b-b-but-t I c-can't. You have to ma. . make a purchase."

A massive spider leg inched forward. "That's too bad." The man threatened, but a voice cut him off.

"You know?" The cashier's eyes glows with hope as he saw a familiar green teenager. "I can think of about half a dozen animals off the top of my head that squash spiders like pancakes."

The villain, Fang, scoffed. "Show me one."

The front of the shop is blasted apart as Fang's body smacks into and crushes half a car. He does not get up, completely unconscious. The massive green rhino turns back into the boy. He looks smug for a moment before seeing a game on the ground. "DUDE! New Immortal Fighters game? Didn't even know it was being made!" He turned back to the cashier. "I'll buy it!"

The cashier's gaped expression barely let him reply. "Uh. . . just take it."

The boy looked confused before the crowd started cheering for him. Hearing things like "Go Beast Boy!" and "Titans RULE!" Beast Boy sweat dropping before taking bows to the crowd.

. . . . .

"WHAT THE HECK?!" A man ran away as a bulldozer is chucked to the side.

"What happened to the steamroller?!" A man cried out, receiving a, "You idiot! That's Steamroller!" in response.

The massive robotic man with steam roller arms terrorized the construction yard. The massive villain smelt something like smoke and looked down. His feet were now welded to the ground. He turned to see a teenage orange girl with crimson red hair floating in front of him. "I apologize, but you are doing 'the trespassing'. Please leave."

Steamroller tries to move his legs, finding himself stuck by he welding. He then looks at the alien girl.

She realizes and rubs her neck awkwardly. "Aha. . . sorry!" The robotic man swung at her, but she flew over the hit. Her eyes glow green as green energy forms around her fists. With a warcry, she charges him and beats him into the ground. She floats over the downed enemy as the workers cheer similar cries as were heard for Beast Boy.

She blushed with a big smile, nodding and waving to the onlookers.

. . . . .

A french accent cheered with the open safe. "Huh HUH! I knew I'd do it." A man in a full grayish white jump suit and toboggan. He had a stereotypical french mustache. He tried to enter the bank safe, but an electric field shocked him back. He got up slowly, rubbing his head.

"Man, not trying to sound offensive, but you could not sound any more French?" The burglar jumped back into a fighting stance upon seeing the metal teen.

"Oh, missere Cyborg? Ze other brats are near, no?" He quickly ducks right and makes a break for the window. He tries to jump out, only to be shocked back, just like with the safe. Cyborg had placed electric fields around the building before making his presence known.

Cyborg shook his head. "Blanc, I don't need help to whoop yo' butt!" Cyborg merely cracked his knuckles before the French thief cracked.

"No! I surrender!" Blanc held his hands up in defense

Moments later, Cyborg walked from the bank with the villain in hand, meeting cheers outside. Cyborg fist pumps. "BOOYAH!"

. . . . .

All the machines run rampant as all the monitors display demonic faces. Citizen's looked wide eyed, some sweating from the awkward situations. The machines began tying up people, getting screams from them.

A fat man danced around in a chuckle. The man stopped as a demonic camera pointed at him. The fat man began a monologue. "Greetings America. It is I, CONTROL FREAK! Don't bother flicking your infernal remotes. I've taken over your air waves!" He chuckled. "Now. . . I trust you're all comfy at home on your tacky sofas from 'Rooms to Go?' Lots of nibbles at hand? Well tuck in! And why not smoke between gobbles? Yes, go for the gusto America! Live like there's no tomorrow. . . because as far as you sorry lot are concerned-" He smiled wickedly. "THERE VERY MUCH ISN'T! AHAHAHAAH-"

A small techno square landed as a flash filled the whole room. All the machines fell down as the lights flickered off. The monitors all blanked black.

Control Freak hit the button on his remote. Nothing happened. He hit it again. Again. Again. He gets angry. "What's going on with this blasted thing?"

"Portable EMP." An authoritative voice announces from behind.

Freak turns around, finding nothing. He turns back to his front, screaming in fear. "ROBIN!"

The Titan leader stood with his arms crossed with a small smirk.

Freak smiled wickedly and pointed the remote at him. "Begone!" He his the remote, and nothing happened. He suddenly looked afraid. "Oh yeah. . ." He looked up as a chop hits his neck, knocking him out. The crowd cheers.

. . . . .

A rock anthem played through the speakers as everyone clutched their ears. A man with spiky hair in a prison outfit rocked out with his guitar. He cackled as he played. "OH YES!"

Black energy coated the speakers as they exploded, muting the sound. He looks over, finding the blue hooded teen. A monotone voice came, mockingly. "no."

The man hopped down, inspecting his guitar. The black energy had broken it as well. He chucked it aside and picked up a bass guitar with a smile. "Sounds like someone wants to get. . . funky."

Raven got a small, nearly invisible smile. A black covered bass guitar floated by her. Punk Rocket began playing a simple bass beat. In fact, he began playing the bass battle from Scott Pilgrim.

Raven never laid a hand on the guitar as she made the instrument play the other half, the winning half, of the base battle, making Rocket's eyes widen. He points an accusing finger. "You think you can make a fool of me?!"

The next second, he was embedded into the wall by a black blast. Raven walked past him as she picked him up with her energy. "Yes." However, unlike the other Titans, the crowd looked intimidated as she hauled the bad guy out.

. . . . .

GNN News: Lori Prince Live.

A graying blonde haired man with a receding hairline and glasses appeared. "Good evening and welcome to Lori Prince Live. Tonight's subject: Families of heroes! Tonight we will speculate what influences may have an influence on some of our younger heroes."

"Joining me today is Gotham P.D.s own . . . Jim Gordon. How are you Jim?"

The mustached police commissioner appeared, giving a curt nod. "I'm good, Lori. Good."

Lori addresses the audience. "And also joining me today is world renowned business owner, Lex Luther. Mr. Luther, good of you to join us with your busy schedule."

Lex Luther appeared from another location, leisurely sitting on a comfy chair with a skyline view of Metropolis. "Always good to have a connection with the people. How can the common man understand me if I don't speak of common matters?"

Gordon gives a 'hmm' with his eye brow raised.

Lori started things off. "So, to start off, Mr. Gordon what are your thoughts on the super teens?"

"As it's well known, Robin, the leader of the Titans, originated from Gotham, so I've had a good idea about the team's ethics since I first heard of them. It's obvious they take most after the morals of the Batman. They save lives however they can, and are given the proper praise they deserve."

Lex put in his two cents. "I'm sorry if my information is wrong, commissioner, but haven't you and your department tried numerous times to arrest Batman for vigilantism? Why is it that these children get a by? While they have shown to have their heart in the right place, the truth of the matter is that they are kids. These problems they deal with should not be their concern."

Gordon's eyes narrow. "While I agree in some respects, the situations are much different. The Batman is a lone man with no supernatural element to him. He chooses his life. While I do appreciate the majority of his help, I do consider his case vigilantism, hence why we try to capture him."

Lex's brow tilted. "And the Titans?"

"Are comprised mostly of teens who obviously did not choose the lifestyle they live. They also have a much closer relationship with the police. The normal life was not an option for them, so they chose to help out the people. We should simply be grateful they chose to help instead of turning to crime like many that they fight." Gordon replied, confident in his answer.

Lex smirked, expecting the reply. "Yet their leader is no different from Batman, being his former protege, and how can we trust these kids? What do we know of their back stories? We know their leader is the disciple of a known vigilante, their technical expert is more machine than man, the changeling used to operate with the Doom Patrol which takes very drastic black and white measures, an alien with little proper understanding of our ways, and a mystery girl who, frankly, is more fear inspiring than safe inspiring. She's possibly the most dangerous of all."

Lori nodded along. "Excellent points on both sides. How then would you want to deal with crime, Lex?"

The tycoon smiled. "The only way we can! Increased technology available to out men in blue. I'm sure my company alone could make strides in that department."

"There are many men in my department that would die before selling out to you." Gordon cut in rudely. "You have a reputation, Luther. Not all of it good, especially from Superman's point of view."

Lori cut in. "You think we should fully embrace these heroes?"

Gordon nodded. "As I said, I appreciate the Batman's efforts, and his student is far more cooperative with the law. He's trustworthy. Cyborg is heavily affiliated with Star Labs, which works constantly for the betterment of man. The Doom Patrol has long since been accepted as an asset to the world for its efforts. Martian Manhunter is an alien, yet none of us hold any qualms against him. Starfire seems even more trustworthy than him, even. I say, let their track record speak for itself."

Luther retorted. "And what about Raven?"

". . ."

"Exactly. No matter how much you justify it, you cannot account for everyone, and that's unreliable."

Without any comment, Lori coughed to ease the tension. "And with that, our segment will end today. Thank you for joining us-"

"Thank you, Lori." Lex said politely.

Gordon once more nodded.

Lori smiled. "This has been Lori Prince Live."

. . . . .

The TV screen flicked off. Raven sat cross legged in the center of the living room. She faintly heard the door open up.

"Man, at least you go a fight. I was itching for SOMETHING, but the French guy just gave up!" Cyborg complained.

Beast Boy snickered. "What were you expecting from him?" He saw Raven floating, legs crossed. "How'd yours go? You give em' the old red eyes super scary routine, or was it interesting?" He mimicked a monster as he spoke his sentence with a smirk.

Raven opened one eye. "Meditating."

BB sighed. "Come ooooooon, you do that ALL the time. Maybe you could just once take part in bragging? You're supposed to be a bad ass prideful demon, right?"

The ending sentence makes her flinch very slightly as Cyborg slaps the younger Titan upside the head. "Good going."

BB rubbed his head. "I was saying it as a compliment. . ."

"Where's Robin and Star?" Raven said, changing the subject.

Cyborg snickered. "Romantic date." Cyborg started heading towards the kitchen. "What do you want? Steak stuffed turkey? Bacon lasagna? OH! Maybe some deep dish meat pizza!"

"DUUUUDE!" Beast Boy cried out in disgust.

Raven smiled slightly, but it quickly went away. "Decide for yourselves. I'm going out." She slowly descended through the floor.

Beast Boy stared wide eyed. "Since when does Raven go out?" He looked to the metallic teen, who shrugged.

. . . . .

The TV flicked off as a pink haired girl tossed the remote onto the couch. "Ya' know. Luther is kind of a jack ass."

Behind her, a large hairy man chuckled. "Don't let the criminal world hear you say that. He's bad news."

The girl scoffed. "He's a man in a suit. Who cares?"

"If he gives Superman trouble, then everyone should stay on his good side." Mammoth warned, but with a smile.

She rolled her eyes. "I understand THAT, but he's still a regular guy. The day he messes with me is his unlucky day." She snaps her fingers with visible pink energy to emphasize her point.

"Ah, cram it." Gizmo cut in, rudely, not that such a thing was uncommon. "If you're done with the crudmunching news, we got a meeting."

Jinx's muscles tensed. She righted her self. "How can we have a meeting if I didn't call it?"

Gizmo just looked her in the eye before leaving the room. She looked at Mammoth, who seemed to give away that he knew about it. This made her narrow her eyes.

They three arrive in a messy room with twelve seats around a table. She sat at one end of the table, Mammoth and Gizmo right beside her. She leaned forward with her elbow on the table to hold her head up. In the next seats were See-More, Kyd Wykkyd, six Billy Numerous', and finally Private Hive. She was still more than irritable about having more than five members in the 'Hive Five', but they talked her into it. They now only took five people out at a time just so the name made sense.

"Alright. What's this about?" She asked, grumpy. They seemed nervous for some reason.

Gizmo would have started, but being directly beside her kept even his mouth shut.

One of the Billys spoke. "We 'ave been wonderin'." The next Billy continued in an outburst. "Our teams a joke!" Three more yelled in unison. "Yeah!"

Jinx's eyebrow raised. "Asides from the name being a disaster these days, how so?"

"Look." See-More started. "The city knows that we're powerful and a force to be reckoned with, right? At this point, we're the only group still around capable of trading wins against the Titans. Despite this, the villains don't give us any respect, and it's easy to see why."

She scowled. "Explain."

Private Hive took charge. "The villains look at us as a joke. We're no different from the Titans in most of their eyes. We steal stuff, but don't do any more. We've come to the conclusion that if we want to be taken seriously, we need to do something serious."

Jinx tilted her head. "Like what? We steal things and fight the Titans. Not much else."

Gizmo grumbles before stating the obvious. "You stink brain. If we want to be serious bad guys, we need to show how stinkin' bad we are. We need to kill one."

The room fell into silence. All the members looked at their leader, who's face was shocked. "You. . . you're suggesting we start killing to prove a point?"

Mammoth scratched his head. "Ain't much different from when we first started fighting them, right? Even if we didn't succeed in killing em', we still tried."

Jinx replied, her voice louder. "Yeah! When we were controlled by Brother Blood! We don't kill for shits and laughs! Personal fortune. That's all."

"We have to think bout a rep, girl." Billy retorted. "Yeah, what he said." Another spoke.

Jinx replied mockingly. "Oh, so killing is going to make us seem SO much more cooperative with people. Please! Red X goes around without killing, and no one says anything about him!"

Mammoth held his hands up defensively. "Look, this ain't something that needs an answer right here, right now."

Jinx scoffed. She looked around them. ". . . You're all already on board with this, aren't you?" She saw no indication otherwise. "And what happens if I say no?" The looks seemed slightly ashamed. No reply came. She narrowed her eyes as she got up. She stepped towards the door.

"Ji-" Mammoth was cut off.

"I'm going out." She slams the door

. . . . .

Ah, 7 p.m. The time of day when the sun starts to set. Raven sat cross legged with her back leaning on a concrete wall. She sat at the edge of the park, watching all the people go by.

Of course, she wasn't one to like being noticed, so she changed her hair color to black. Her eyes were made a deep blue. Being early spring, it was still cold enough to justify the navy blue hooded jacket. The hood was up as well. Ironically, it was a jacket sold in stores as a 'Raven jacket', so it fit with her look. She also wore regular jeans and her usual boots. Her hood was up as she watched everyone.

A couple moved through the park, Raven looking them over. They didn't look like they were dating or anything, just moving through having a conversation. They seemed intelligent enough, the guy smirking as he seemed to have the edge in an argument before the girl said something to make him suddenly stop and have to think. She thought about who that reminded her of. Robin and me. He understands me more than most.

She then saw two younger kids, male and female. The female seemed a few years older as the boy was attempting to prank her. However, just before his ball of mud hit her, she ducked away without even looking at him, making the boy fall in the mud and embarrass himself. Raven smiled weakly. Seems about the same as me and Beast Boy. Try as he might, he always fails.

Another boy joined that group, bearing a large resemblance to the girl, but a few years older. He playfully put the younger buy in a head lock while lecturing him. Raven noted the protective behavior. Cyborg. . .

She then heard a loud screeching 'PLEASE!' The high pitch almost hurt Raven's hearing. She saw two high school girls, one walking ahead of the other annoyed. "Come on. You'll love it. They have this excellent show at the end with fireworks and a whole bunch of fun things!" The other one sighed heavily. Raven snickered. That one's easy.

Her eyes finally fell one a small family. Two parents played with their son under the shade of a tree. Raven couldn't help but draw a blank at this one. She studied the three, taking in the concerned looks from the mother when the child tripped to the laughing of the father at the son's muddy face. It was something she couldn't understand. Something she never knew and, thus, could never relate to.

By reflex, she started chanting. "Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos. Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos."

Blocks away, a certain girl was wandering through the streets. Sure glad I stole this thing. She toyed around with a silver necklace. The stone a brilliant violet. Her hair was down, blonde. Her eyes were still pink, but no cat like pupils. She wore a tight black hoodie with a pink interior showing on the down hood. She also wore tight black pants and shoes.

Finding an alleyway, she gets a small smile, quickly cart wheeling into it. She leaps through the fences and over the dumpsters, coming out to the next street without even a hitch in her breath. God, I love parkour. And she meant that. It always calmed her mind, kept her at ease. With a big smile, she saw the tall wall beside the street. The wall bordered the park. Too easy.

Taking a running start, she jumps off a post onto the top of the concrete wall, doing a cart wheel down it the going to full on flips while spinning down it. Little did she know, someone was at the base of the wall just a little while down.

Raven's eyes still locked on the family. She saw the son be picked up by the father, taking a seat on the man's shoulders. The wife smiled as she moved in and kissed her husband.

That did it. Outside of her control, a black spark of Raven's power came out, unnoticed by any of the park goers. The wall above her cracks. On top of the wall, Jinx lands on her hands in a flip as the softball sized chunk of concrete her hands land on breaks off.

Both girls have the exact same thought at once. CRAP! I SLIPPED!

There was a high pitched 'WAH!' as the blonde landed on the brunette with a shaking thud. Both girls rubbed their heads as they both snapped up. "I'm sorry!" Both said in unison.

Raven blushed in embarrassment while Jinx tilted her head with a chuckle. "I was the one that fell, why are YOU sorry?" Raven doesn't even reply as the two stand up, dusting off. Jinx tilts her head. I've never seen her around here, and I know everyone around. She smiles with pride. Part of seeing who's worth stealing from. "You're not from here are you?"

Raven was surprised. "I'm sorry?"

"Well, I've never once seen you, and I remember faces easily. You just move here?"

Raven wasn't sure how to respond, but thought quickly. "You. . . wouldn't be interested in knowing. I should go." She turned around to leave before Jinx scowled.

"You won't make friends with THAT attitude." She grabs Raven's shoulder, stopping her. "Besides, I fell on you. I need to make that up to ya'."

Raven was silently panicking. "I-I don't know if-"

Jinx held her hand out. "Jen." The brunette tilted her head with a 'what?' look. Jinx rolled her eyes. "My name? Short for Jennifer? Jennifer Arya" Made that up on the spot. God I'm good. She chuckled. "What about you?"

"Um." Raven thought quickly. "Arya? Is that-"

"Indian. At least I think. Not that I care much." She shrugged. "You?"

Raven's mind quickly flashed to her mother. Name. Name. Name. "Ra. . . chael. Rachael Roth."

Jinx smiled. "Definitely a new name. Well, since I owe you for using you as a landing pad, guess I might as well treat ya to dinner."

The seven hells is up with this girl? "You don't- I mean, I'm not-" Her stomach growls in answer. Right. . . I didn't stay home for dinner.

Jinx smiles. "Guess that answers that." She tugs on Raven's arm lightly, leading the way.

Raven looks around wildly. What did I just get myself into?

. . . . .

"You know." Jinx spoke with a mouth full of pizza. "When someone gets a large pizza, you eat the other half."

Raven's eye twitched as her stomach growled. She had yet to touch the food. "You're so elegant with food."

The blonde swallows and smiles. "Sorry. Comes from living with a group of guys."

Raven finally is roped into conversation, playfully replying. "I know the feeling."

Jinx smiled a Cheshire cat grin. "Finally! A reply! Now, if only you'd eat the damn free food." Raven started to refuse before another growl and reluctantly starts picking up a piece.

Between bites she nearly whispers. "I'm not good with handouts."

"Jeeze." Jinx held her hands up, nearly giving up. "You're stubborn as hell aren't you?"

"You're the one that's still trying." Raven points out.

"Of course! Now, what brings you to Jump?" Jinx asks.

Raven got uncomfortable. "Well. . ." Why do I have to do this? This is Robin's schtick. "I just needed to get away from my previous home." Okay, at least THAT'S true.

"And where are you from?" Jinx tilted her head.

Once more, the image of Raven's mother came to mind. "Gotham."

Jinx was surprised. "Dang. That's one famous hell hole. No wonder you left. No offense."

Raven smirked. "None taken, but there are much worse places."

Jinx chuckled. "Naturally. Did you ever see Batman?" Her curiosity made her go a mile a minute. "Was he badass? Ever get a good look at his face? What about-" Raven cut her off by clasping her hand over Jinx's mouth.

"No, I never saw him. If you ever DID see him, rest assured you were about to have a very bad night." Raven replied simply. She decided the less questions she had to answer, the better. She decided to ask her own. "But here it's the Titans right? What are they like?"

Jinx immediately pursed her lips, remembering the earlier conversation with her team. She shook her head, getting a smile back, but Raven noticed the look. "The Titans are. . . pretty damn good. The bad guys rarely get anything over on them. They're a lot more public than the bats." Jinx took a sip from a drink. "Kind of surprising since their leader is a stick in the ass Batman impersonator."

Oh god, if you only knew. Raven continued. "What about the others?"

Jinx scowled. Alright, time to play the fangirl. Her face lit up. "Well, of course there's Cyborg, the metal jock tech guy. Pretty much combine a football quarterback with a super nerd. Impossible not to enjoy."

Raven smirked. Pretty accurate.

"Then there's Starfire. Honestly, she deserves to be blonde more than me. Very much a good girl, but dim witted."

She has a lot of moments of wisdom. Raven thought, but only had to remember one of Star's many outbursts to see where this girl was coming from.

"Then there is Beast Boy. Too much energy for his own good. He's about as smart as the animals he turns into. Though, to be fair, if I could turn into a T-rex, I wouldn't care at all about learning things."

Again, pretty accurate. . . but she sounds indifferent. Not much a fan. God only knows what she'll say to me.

"Hmm The last one is Raven, but no one really knows a lot about her. Wears a lot of blue. Doesn't talk much. She's easily the wisest of the whole bunch, but can't get much read on her personality. Though if I had to guess, she's probably someone easily annoyed and smarter than most people. Easily my favorite of the group."

. . . . . . HUH?! A loud burst was heard from outside the pizza place. The source? Raven's powers just exploded a trash can in a nearby alley.

Jinx looked out the window. "You hear that?"

Raven spoke a little too quickly, slightly red. "Could be anything."

Jinx then saw that Raven's half of pizza was gone. "Shit girl! You eat fast. I didn't even notice."

Raven noticed the darkness outside. "What time is it?"

Jinx looked at a clock. "Nearly 10. Jeeze." She frowned. "Here I was actually having fun, too."

Raven blinked a few times as she processed that sentence. She. . . thought I was fun? That might be the greatest joke I've heard this year. "So, what now?"

Jinx tilts her head. "Um, you give me a number or something? I wouldn't mind hanging out more."

"I. . . don't exactly have a phone."

Jinx looked offended. "What?! That's just a crime." Jinx then chuckled at some joke Raven didn't get. OH, the irony. She walks to the cashier, getting a pen and paper. She quickly writes a note and comes back, handing it to Raven. "You call me then, whenever you're free. Or text."

Raven blushed slightly. "Um. . . I'll take calling. Never texted before."

Jinx cackles. "Okay, you are new. Okay, let me know when to hang." She smiles. "Can you find your way home?"

Raven gives a tiny smile. "I can get there no problem."

Jinx gets up, smiling as she pats Raven's shoulder and leaves the pizzeria. Raven takes a few breaths in and out before leaving as well with a smile.