Chapter 1- White

White. Everything was white; drifting in a realm of nothingness. I felt weightless, as though I were a feather suspended in the air. I let the freedom lull me as I slowly regained use of my senses, one by one. My sense of smell came first- fresh mint and lavender assaulted me in a delicious concoction of perfume. It beckoned me forward, encouraging me to explore my other senses. Next came my hearing. A steady, rhythmic beeping and whir of machines blended together to create a harmony of white noise. My taste returned as I swallowed against the rough dryness in my mouth. Gradually I became more and more aware of my body, my sense of touch falling into place. I lay rigid like a plank bundled in what felt like sheets. My left arm felt cool and uncomfortable and I became aware of a faint pain present in my head.

Instant regret filled me. No. Take me back. This world was in no contrast to the effortless feeling of floating. I longed to return to the white realm I had come from. Finally, left with no other choice, I opened my eyes.

At first I was confused. Had I somehow made it back into the white nothingness? Steadily as my eyes adjusted I noticed that, while this world was indeed prominently white, there was more depth, more colour. The first thing that was evident was that I was in hospital. That fact alone would be enough to make anybody panic. White curtains enclosed the bed I found myself in. Everything was white; white sheets, white walls, white ceiling. Tubing ran out of my left arm and connected to a bag of clear fluid and a clamp-like clip was connected to my left index finger. I was vaguely aware of weight by my side as I absorbed my surroundings.

Carefully I propped myself up to a sitting position wincing slightly as my headache picked up. Black blue bruises coated my porcelain skin, running up and down my thin airs. Dull pain confirmed that they carried on down my body.

My heart stopped as I took in the weight beside me. A person. They sat at the side of the bed in a plastic chair, their head resting on the mattress. They had their face buried in the sheets and I could hear soft snores as they slept. Cold sweat formed on my forehead and instinctively I slid as far away from the person as I could.

The background beeping picked up as I cowered in the corner of the bed from the intruder. The person was obviously male, given their body shape and cropped hair. Short, messy brown hair was the only distinctive feature I could gather from his awkward position. The beeping grew louder and the boy stirred.

I glanced at the source of the noise. A heart rate monitor sat next to the bed, connected to my finger.

The boy softly sighed and pushed himself up. I froze. eyes met mine. A lopsided smile stretched across the strangers face and his eyes lit up. Thick from sleep, his voice shattered the silence, "Thank god!" His features were soft and friendly; his hair framed his face and accentuated his brilliant eyes. He reached out to take my hand but I pulled away, scared of the stranger. Confusion filled his face. Just as he opened his mouth to continue the white curtain was thrown back.

An old man I could only presume to be my doctor entered. He too smiled as he met my eyes. "You're awake," he said enthusiastically, "that's great!"

I was filled with inescapable feeling of dread. I felt tears surface as I tried to recall how I had ended up here. The longer I grasped for memories the more they slipped through my fingers like water. I had no recollection of anything. I felt as though I was drowning. My mind was blank, there was nothing there. Pain cut through me at the realisation and I cried out. There were no memories of a childhood or a school life. No memories of growing up or having friends. Nothing. The only thing left was the unavoidable feeling of loss. I slipped back into the comfortable white realm of nothingness.

A/N- Hey guys,
So this is my first fanfiction and I'm not really sure how everything works on this website yet. Please bear with me.

I know you can't really tell whats going on from this chapter, but more is to come!

Thank you in advance
- Rino