This was inspired by Shinku Ryuuga's 'Sora's Life: Game of the Year Edition'

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended

"Gimme a break, Kairi!" = Normal Talking

'I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?' = Thinking

"Firaga!!" = Techniques

Game Over = Game Notifications

Kingdom Hearts LIAG

Chapter 1

Sora was in Twilight town to take some time to relax after the entire adventure that was his Mark of Mastery. Sora was walking to the top of the clock tower. "So this is where Roxas spent his time relaxing." Sora said as he sat down on the top of the tower where Roxas had sat years previously.

'You would have to be an idiot to fall from up here.' Sora though as he remembered a memory of Roxas falling from the tower and then waking up and believing it was a dream.

He stayed there for a while before deciding that he had spent enough time relaxing. 'Well then, I should probably get back to the islands.' Sora thought as he jumped back to his feet. However a sudden wind hit him from behind in mid jump causing him to start falling down the tower.

"AHHHH!" Sora's screams of terror were so loud that they crossed the boundaries between the worlds.

[In Castle Oblivion]

"AHHHH!" The screams reverberated inside the chamber where Ventus was spleeping.

The scream was so loud that Ventus's arms moved and covered his ears to stop the sound from entering in fear of waking without a heart and becoming a Nobody.

[On Destiny Islands]

"AHHHH!" The scream caused several residents of the island to jump, startled.

"What the heck is that?!" Riku said as he heard the loud screams of terror his hands moved to cover his ears. "And why the hell does it sound like Sora!?" Riku yelled as thoughts, about what his friend had gotten himself into, appeared in his head.

[Back with Sora]

Sora was falling back first as he screamed. If he took the time to think he would have found the answer to his problem. However his terror influenced mind he was unable to see the obvious way to survive.

Sora's neck was the first part of his body to it the ground. The moment it hit the ground he felt unimaginable Pain.

The next moment the pain disappeared and he felt nothing around him. Sora slowly opened his eyes and found himself in some sort of black void.

"Huh. Where am I?" Sora said as he looked around. "What is this place? Is this the afterlife? Because it looks more like a…"

Game Over

"…Video Game?" Sora finished as he saw the floating words in front of him that signified losing the game. Soon other words started forming under it.



Lived 16 years: 1600 Points

Became Keyblade Bearer: 1000 Points

Unlocked Different Keyblade forms [48]: 4800 Points

Saved Worlds [24]: 2400 Points

Collected all Ansem Reports [26]: 2600 Points

Saved Riku from Darkness: 1000 Points

Saved Kairi: 2000 Points

Beat Sephiroth [3]: 3000 Points

Won Olympus Coliseum Tournaments [6]: 600 Points

Won Underdrome Tournaments [9]: 900 Points

Mastered Drive Forms [6]: 600 Points

Defeated Organization XII Members: 1300 Points

Awakened sleeping Worlds [7]: 700 Points

Subtotal = 21900 Points


Allowed Riku to be possessed by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness: -3000 Points

Failed to prevent the opening of the DTD: -7000 Points

Lost Memories at Castle Oblivion: -2000 Points

Used Anti-Form [7]: -700 points

Failed to become a Keyblade Master: -2000 Points

Failed to save Terra, Ventus and Aqua: - 9000 Points

Died in the most Pathetic way POSSIBLE: -10000 Points

Subtotal = -48700 Points

Total Score = -11800 Points

Rating: Loser! You Suck! How the hell is it even possible to die like that, you fool!?

Negative Score! Unlocked Worthless Sora

Became Heartless! Unlocked Dark Sora

Roxas Absorbed! Unlocked Dual Wield Ability

Sora stared, then slowly blinked. "What… the…Hell!?" He said as he looked at the Rating. "How the hell was I supposed to stop falling?!" He asked rhetorically. The moment he asked that more words started appearing.

You could have just glided down to safety you idiotic fool!

"Oh…" Sora said wide eyed as the solution came to him. "Ugh! Why didn't I think of that?" he said as he face palmed.

The score disappeared and new words started appearing.

Load Game

Return to Main Menu

"…Load Game…" Sora said as he decided to see if he could go back.

There are no save files to load from

"Of course there aren't. I didn't even know i could save at all. Alright then … Return to Main Menu…" His sight was blinded for a moment. His eye sight slowly came back to him he saw the words floating in front of him.

Kingdom Hearts: LIAG

New Game

Load Game



"Yes! I can go back and fix everything! Settings." Sora said happy that he would be able to fix the mistakes that they had performed in the past.


Auto-save: Off

Tutorial: Off

Check points: Disabled

Hints/Tips: Off

Auto-Leveling: On

Aim Assist: Off


"So my life was basically set on hard" Sora said as he started changing the settings to be more user-friendly.

Change settings? Yes / No

"Yes" Sora said

Auto-Save: On

Tutorial: On

Check points: Enabled

Hints/Tips: On

Auto-Leveling: Off

Aim Assist: On


"Alright now that that's sorted out, let's go see that help option. Back." He said as he found himself back to the title. He then said "Help" the scenery changed drastically. A large amount of text appeared in front of him. "No way am I going to read all of that." Sora said with his arms crossed. 'Oh well I can learn what to do during the game itself.'

"Main MenuNew Game"

Sora found himself in a large room filled with countless statues. However he noticed that most of them were grayed out and chained.

Hint: Avatars in chains need to be unlocked

"Okay so what do I have unlocked?" He moved towards the statues that didn't have chains and were colored. He stood in front of the statue that looked exactly the same as he did. The moment he reached out and touched it words started appearing.

Character: Sora (Classic)

Gender: Male

He is the basic Sora character. He is the model for all the other avatars.


Strength: Average

Defense: Average

Magic: Average

Speed: Average

(During the Beginning of the game Stats may vary)

Start game with this avatar?

"Umm… no." Sora said as he decided to look at some of the other avatars before deciding.

He moved towards another statue that looked like him. However this one's face was pale, his arms were thin and he looked like he could barely stand.

Character: Worthless Sora

This character has no good points except his pure heart which caused the Keyblade to choose him.


Strength: Low

Defense: Low

Magic: Low

Speed: low

(Experience points gained with this avatar are doubled)

Start game with this avatar?

"No! Definitely, no!" Sora said as he backed away, not wanting to accidentally choose to start the game with it. 'Why would I use something this weak? I wouldn't survive the first battle.'

A statue caught his eyes. It was a grayed out but he couldn't see any chains

Character: Successor Sora

This Sora was trained by the Heart of Ventus which resided inside him.


Strength: Above Average

Defense: Above Average

Magic: Above Average

Speed: Above Average

(To Unlock Ventus's heart needs to be returned)

"This one is locked, right? So, where are the chains?" Sora questioned as he didn't see the chains. He finally noticed their presence on the statues feet.

The last statue that was colored was a statue of him of him wearing a black and red organic-looking bodysuit. He looked identical to Sora, although he had Golden-Yellow eyes, jet-black hair, paler skin and a taller, more muscular build.

Character: Dark Sora

When Sora gained the heart of Ventus he gained the Darkness of Vanitas as well. When the island was attacked he was consumed by the darkness but was able to regain a semblance control.

Strength: High

Defense: High

Magic: High

Speed: High

(If the Darkness is not controlled perfectly, it is possible to lose one's self and become a mindless berserker)

Start game with this avatar?

"Woah! My heartless is strong." Sora said wide eyed as he looked at the statue's stats. "Ye-"Sora was about to choose to start with that avatar but then remembered what the darkness had done to Riku. "No." He said.

"I should probably go use the original one." Sora said as he went to stand next to the original Sora. The stats appeared again. However this time he said "Yes". The world darkened around him before words started appearing in front of him.

The Dual Wield Ability is unlocked. Equip to Avatar? Yes/No

"Dual Wield Ability? Does that mean I would be able to use two Keyblades without entering on of the Drive Forms? Yes! Defiantly Yes!" Sora said as he imagined himself wielding two Keyblades, fighting Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.

Dual Wield Ability Equipped.

Please Select Difficulty

Beginner mode

Standard mode

Hard mode

Insanely Hard mode

"Standard mode."Sora said as he had already played it before. He also knew that in certain video game there are things that cannot be gained in Beginner mode.

Please wait…Now Loading…

Sora closed his eyes as he was blinded the moment it finished loading. The next moment he opened his eyes he was in bed looking up at the ceiling of his room.

'Huh. Was that a dream? But it felt so real.' Sora thought as he lied in bed.

"Sora! Breakfast is ready come on down!" His mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming, Mom." He said however instead of his voice he heard an entirely different voice. 'What?' He took that moment to look down at himself. He was shocked to find that his body wasn't that of a 16 year old but that of a child who was 4 years old.

'This is… I am a child again. This means that, that was no dream at all. I really am in a video game.' Sora thought as he looked himself over.

'But why am I so young? In video games you only start out as a kid because an important plot point occurs when the protagonist is a child. However if I remember correctly nothing particularly interesting happened when I was young. Did something happen and I forgot?' Sora though as he attempted to remember if anything important had happened when he was young.

It suddenly clicked in his head there were those two people. "That brown haired man and the blue haired woman, they're probably important somehow." He said as he remembered those two.

Hint: The Menu can be opened by saying or thinking Pause and it can be closed by saying or thinking Start

"Ahhh!" Sora Yelled as the sentence appeared in front of him suddenly. "That surprised me." Sora said as he tried to slow down his heart rate.

"Sora, what's wrong!?" His mother yelled from downstairs.

"It's nothing mom! I thought I saw something. It was nothing." Sora yelled back.

'I should probably go down before Mom comes to drag me down to eat.' Sora though as he got up and opened the door.

Hey Guys. I back. This is something i thought up last month. I am currently writing the next Chapter of Strongest Peerage. The latest i will update it will be Wednesday and that's only if something happens. Please review and no Flames please.