Chasing dreams: Chapter 28

Summary: During the encounter with Admiral Aokiji, he leaves Luffy with a parting gift that shocks the Monkey greatly. "No matter what you do in the future, Straw Hat Luffy, take care of her and give her the one thing I could never give her…happiness…" The cards of destiny are changing. But to what extent?


Luka looked to the stone before in disbelief as she went down on one knee and lightly traced the Kana for her name. It was her memorial stone within Mt Corvo. She looked to the box filled with letters, withering flowers, rotting meat and incense that was recently burnt. The tugging in her heart to find her brothers and hug them was tempting her and shook it aside as she stood up and moved into the willow tree behind the stone. Getting to her box and saw that everything was left untouched from 5 years ago and pulled out the Log Book and the photo of her brothers and tucked them safely away in her clothing as she left her weapons there. She had no use for them back at Mariejois. Leaving her cave and melted into the shadows and wondered around her home island for a while. By a while, she meant watch Ace and Luffy spar against one another for hours on end that made silent tears fall from her face. They were smiling, they were laughing and they were alive and had grown so much in her absence. She wanted to call out to them, to hug them but refrained. She had to prepare for Ace's departure in two years and Luffy's in five. She wanted them to be as free as possible before she could no longer protect them from her bosses.

She watched them the next day and the next after before she forced herself to leave. She was getting too comfortable and left discreetly, though the animals were annoying her. Using her conquerors Haki to tame them and keep their yaps shut. She wanted to read Smoker's letters too. But she didn't. She didn't trust herself. She might want to stay. Reveal the truth to everyone.

Now she understood.

Understood why the Gorosei sent her out to East Blue for her first ever mission. It was to test her loyalties. Her wrist burned as she gazed to the Gorosei mark. She would never forgive them for setting her up like that. Sending her off to the Dragons. It was another week when Luka returned home to Mariejois and ignored everybody as she glided into through the hallways and towards the office doors that held her bosses. Nodding to the guards who allowed her in without question and stood before her bosses. Only a pool separating her from them as they sat under a pavilion.

"You're back early." One of the five stated as Luka went down on one knee and lowered her head.

"I was requested to do a simple Check-up and sweep, sir. I only regret not being faster." Pulling out her findings from Lougetown and handed it over to an agent that took it off to the analysis room. "Forgive me for my actions. I should've been able to handle this within 2 weeks."

"The mission is completed, Young Victoria. Rest for today. Training starts up again tomorrow and we have three new senseis for you to practise with your newfound devil fruit abilities. Tell us, what power do you possess?"

"I ate the Hogo-Hogo no mi, making me a protection woman." Lifting her hand with a purple barrier forming around her. "I will train hard to improve in my abilities."


A year and a half passed with Luka continuing her missions around the four blue seas. They were simple scouting, recon, capture, interrogation, check-up and sweep. Her three senseis Victoria hated the most. Especially the magma using man that tried to kill her during every training session. Luka on the other hand didn't care for them either way. She was developing a new technique with her barriers to create two barriers and swap between the two. So far she managed to do this with an agent while sparring with Kizaru-sensei on accident. It was just instinct that pushed her to do it. Though she was rather fond of Aokiji-sensei. He was light-hearted, lazy and serious when he needed to be. Honestly many of the agents thought that the two might be related with how Luka always appeared and sound lazy yet was a terrifying opponent to face. Luka had celebrated her 13th birthday with Aokiji and showed him her face reluctantly. He was the only one she liked in her line of work. Yet she never told him her real name.

Though right now, Luka was tending to the feverish man lying in her bed and placed a cool cloth on his forehead. She had found him floating about in a storm after another mission in East Blue and without thought, moved in to save him and his large black blade that he refused to let go off till he lost consciousness when she pulled them both aboard. His temperature had stabilized finally after frantically running around in secrecy to get him stripped, dried with medication within him. She knew who he was…then again who wouldn't. He was one of the 7 people that made a pact with the Gorosei. He was one of the Royal Shichibukai, Hawk-eyes Mihawk.

Luka sighed as she stood up and cracked her back. Grabbing her mask and left the room as somebody knocked. "What is it?" she barked at the older man that seemed to pale. She knew she was strong, but she wasn't powerful like her teachers. Her age, height and inexperience lacked. She could probably take on a handful of marines lower than Capitan rank before she was beaten. It was her personality that scared everyone and her bloodthirsty moves. She had two styles. Victoria's and then hers that she never used.

"A-A-Admiral Ak-Akainu wants t-t-to s-see…" Luka cut the nervous man off and dismissed him before he wet himself and sighed heavily as she closed her door. Akainu scared her terribly. He scared her more than her bosses when they were angry. He was the devil in her eyes.

Luka looked over to her bed and saw calculated yellow eyes staring at her and removed her mask. She was in her room after all and was too tired to try and argue with the World's Strongest Swordsman if he was up for it. Walking over to him and felt his cheeks as they were still hot and frowned before replacing the cool towel on his head and picked up her cloak from the ground and wrapped it around herself as she moved back to grab her mask and left the room. She didn't want to keep Akainu waiting any longer.

"You're late!" Akainu growled as his student entered the training grounds. Folding his arms unimpressed as she looked up at him with voided eyes.

"What do you want, Akainu-sensei?" Luka let Victoria out. She couldn't handle a man like him, but Victoria knew not to back down from this man. "I have better things to do than waste my day off being in your presence. We've already had our weekly training session and don't want to see your face till next week."

Akainu resisted the urge to burn her foul mouth. He knew she didn't like him or feared him like other women. Though she was still a kid, for some reason she couldn't wait till she grew up…into a woman. "Learn to respect your elders, kid or you might just regret it." He threatened as his arm melted into magma as a hint to the unwavering girl. She was interesting. He wanted to see her face and touch her skin. Never getting the chance due to her barriers and Busoshoku Haki. She didn't want him touching her and that made his blood heat up at the challenge.

"The Five Elder Stars are my Elders. You are just an elder. Not mine. So you can go and shove that respect up your ass, Akainu-sensei." Victoria eased out in a distant and stiff voice. Erecting a barrier as a flurry of magma fists came towards her and leapt away as her barrier broke and prepared to use her Busoshoku Haki. She still hadn't mastered it with all her missions piling up lately and the gunk making her tired more than usually. It was going to be a long day. Hopefully she could create a new technique with her barriers to help her. Great! An even longer week.


Mihawk sat up on the large bed he was on and watched as the door creaked open to reveal a battered and burnt looking child. The child that had saved him. He should've known better to head out to sea with his fever. Watching as the teen stripped off her damaged cloak and tossed it to the bin where several other brunt cloaks were. Her clothes underneath were surprisingly clean. She pulled off her mask with Mihawk seeing her cold brown orbs as she trudged into the bathroom and heard the water running. He had been stuck in the bed for a good 14 hours after she had left. Limbs too heavy to move too much and instead forced his body to at least grab a book before he collapsed back onto the bed. At least his blade was unharmed and leaning next to him against the wall.

Waiting till the young girl reappeared in a long sleeved shirt which had a facial mask attached to it as she pulled it up and covered the lower half of her face and had on breathable black pants. Her hair was still dripping with water, but she seemed to ignore it as she brought over to him his medicine and watched him carefully as he took it before she finally spoke to him. "You're in Mariejois. Stay here till the fever passes before you sneak out. My bosses will ultimately kill me for showing you my face and for saving you, even though you are allied with them." Standing up off the bed and grabbed her mask. "I'm Victoria by the way and I know exactly who you are. Rest up." Walking out of the room once more and left Mihawk to question what a young girl like her was doing in Mariejois. She definitely wasn't a Celestial Dragon.

He waited patiently as his helper came back an hour later with her arms filled with food with the tense atmosphere around her lifting slightly as she moved into the small kitchen area and began making some food for the both of them and handed Mihawk his share as she ate hers while cleaning her mask. A bird peeking at her window and greeted it. Watching as her facial expressions went from cold to warm and soft as the bird chirped at her. Sending it off again as she grabbed her mask and left the room once more.

Mihawk shook his head. The girl worked too much. He didn't see her again till early the next morning when she made him breakfast and left again after he took his medicine. She would return 14 hours on average after she left to give him a snack or make dinner before she headed out again. Happening for the next week before Mihawk was finally freed from his fever and got changed into his own clothes and placed his sword on his back. It was around noon when she came back looking a little tired as she looked at him and dropped off her mask. "Thank you for your hospitality." Mihawk said. It was the first time he ever spoke to her. She was never around much to give him the time.

"Think nothing of it." Heading over to the window and let out a small whistle as a large bird appeared and faced the swordsman. "You can leave on Pierre. He will take you where you need to go."

"May I see you again? I wish to get to know my saviour properly." Mihawk requested as he leapt onto the bird and faced the small teen.

"If you wish. Though in secrecy. I cannot have my bosses knowing about this encounter." Holding her hand up and created a misty white barrier and said to the Shichibukai. "With this, you will invisible for an hour before it drops. Plenty of time for you and Pierre to get out of here unnoticed." Luka nodded her head and turned to leave when Mihawk questioned.

"Who do you work for exactly, young one?" seeing her look over her shoulder to him and saw something burning within her eyes that was impressively hidden behind her cold and calculated eyes.

"Directly under the Gorosei. It was a pleasure meeting you, Dracule-san." Leaving the room with her mask back on as Pierre took that as his queue to leave with the man on his back. Luka went back to the library. It was where she had been while Mihawk occupied her room and just read anything that was available to her rank. Glancing over her book to the tall man that sat across from her and felt her lips stretch. "Aokiji-sensei. How can I help you?"

"Oh my, Victoria. It's getting unhealthy being in this room all the time. Take a break soon." The Admiral ordered his cute little student and reached over to flick her masked forehead and got a shocked grunt from the young 13 year old. "You still have your youth with you to read all you want when you're older. Take it slow."

"You know the big bosses won't allow that." Luka sighed as she placed her book aside. Leaving her mask on. Who knew who was watching outside of her room? "They want me out and about for higher and tougher ranking missions. I'm still not up to their standards, but I am thankful that they had given me this opportunity to do something in this world."

Aokiji sighed and reached over to ruffle her hair. She no longer tensed under his touch now and said sternly. "You're still a chibi, Victoria. Don't forget that."


The months rolled by with Luka being surprised that Mihawk actually visited her at least once or twice a month just to talk. Nothing serious, deep or about their line of work. His presence was soothing, especially after a long near death experience with Akainu. Though now it was the night before the New Year. The night before Ace's 17th birthday and headed out to East Blue. She was 14 now and was now on put to tougher work as she had to get accustomed with her growing breasts and growing pains.

It was nearing sunrise when Luka made to Mt Corvo and wearing a new outfit due to the Gorosei changing her uniform. Now wearing an all-white suit with a black tie. She worked as a CP0 agent, yet had different orders from the others that resided in the New World. Luka walked silently towards the two huts outside of Dadan's house and smiled behind her mask as she saw the snoozing Ace and Luffy in their own little forts. She had been watching for a while now and only her good friend at Water 7 knew about her stalking habits with her brothers. The old hag was a weird one that drunk constantly throughout the day with an ever present smile on her face. The old hag Kokoro that looked like a sea monster. Even her grandchild that she saved from getting flattened by the sea train was weird.

"Happy 17th Birthday, Ace." Luka whispered as she moved into Ace's fort and looked over her oldest brother in awe. His body had filled out and was very handsome and soft on the eyes. Reaching into her coat and pulled out an orange hat with two blue smileys, one was frowning and one smiling, and a string of red beads sitting above the rim. Two long orange side straps hung down sides of his hat and met at a large medallion of a bull's skull with orange tassels. She saw this at one of the islands in the first half of the Grand Line and thought of Ace as soon as her eyes grazed the hat. He said he always wanted a cool hat. She placed it next to his head. Sliding onto his left wrist a red and white bracelet and jabbed a senbon into his neck as he roused. Instinct. While placing the bracelet on, Luka saw the tattoo on his arm. 'ACSE' and knew the S was for Sabo and looked to his wrist and saw another tattoo of her name and brought it up to her lips as she moved her mask slightly and kissed it in good luck. "Life will get harder from here on out, Ace. I can only keep you under the radar for so long. Especially about your father, but either way have fun and live with no regrets." Pulling the senbon out of his neck and pocketed it as she left the hut and in to the open air. Leaving no trace behind. She wanted to see him off in the distance but knew her stay was over welcomed and left. She would see Luffy in 3 years when it was time for him to set off.

Right now she had to pick up something in Shimotsuki Village before she returned to the Grand Line. Reaching the village within a few days and headed over to the local Dojo to meet up with the owner named, Koshiro. He had something of hers that she had given to him to look after while she had to immediately return to HQ for an important notice. They had lost a member of the Shichibukai and a spot was available.

Luka walked through the graveyard area and found the man she was looking for. He was tall with long black hair tied into a ponytail with circular framed glasses and wore a grey robe. He was talking with a green haired male with Luka stopping where she was and waited for his attention.

Koshiro felt the demanding presence behind him without even looking and sighed. So she had returned. Facing his student and said. "You are dismissed, Zoro-kun." Watching as the 16 year old looked a bit reluctant to leave him alone with the masked stranger before he actually left. Facing his guest and said. "I didn't expect you to return so soon."

"I left behind my partner. It is only right I come back to him." Luka said. She didn't like how this man always had a smile on his face as he spoke to her. He was a mild sexist and Luka didn't like that one bit. Men and women are equals…then again women were almost like Fishermen by the treatment of men or rich people in general. "I hope you haven't sold him, Koshiro-san."

"Of course not." The man denied immediately. "Only a fool would sell your cursed blade. In fact, I am glad you have returned. It wouldn't be long before my students feel the bloodlust of your katana. Please, follow me and hurry." Scuttling through the graves as Luka was close behind him and maneuvered through the Dojo wall till they reached the supply room. "It's right in here." He said and hesitantly opened the room with the immediate surrounding being engulfed with the thirst for blood.

Luka wasn't affected. Walking into the dark room till she went right to the back and followed the strong taste of blood till she removed a few boxes and cracked open the floor boards to be greeted with a pitch black sheathed katana and reached for it as it hummed alive against her fingers and whispered. "Sshh. Forgive me. I left you behind." Unsheathing the silver blade and held it before it and admired its beauty. Deadly, frightening yet beautiful. Biting her thumb quickly and eased her blade's hunger by smearing her blood on it and felt it calm down and smiled. He recognised her. She was his master. Sheathing the blade and placed him on her hip and left the storage room without a word and left the Dojo. It was probably by luck that Luka found the Shodai Kitetsu within a ghost town on a haunted island in North Blue…who was she kidding? Of course you'd find something like her blade at a scary place like that.

Reaching her boat when she was being called out and looked behind her to see the green haired boy from earlier and asked. "Can I help you?" in a lazy and flat tone. The older teen was undoubtedly handsome, yet it seemed he never saw it. He was tall, dark, dangerous and mysterious. She wondered if there was another side to him. Like a blushing boy that got fussed up over a simple peck to the cheek. The Gorosei had given her free range to travel where ever she felt as long as she reported to them every month and completed her missions to the expectations they had of her.

"That bloodlust." Zoro pointed out. "It came from your katana, correct?" seeing the small girl nod at him. "Why? Why do you carry around such a dangerous katana?" he seemed confused why a girl would want to even own much less be anywhere near a sword with such lust after blood.

Luka only questioned. "Why not?" and untied her boat from the docks and faced the older teen. "Tell me, what is your ambition?"

"To be the Greatest Swordsman in the World." Zoro stated confidently with a grin.

Luka chuckled as she began floating away. The teen before her needed to grow considerably if he ever wanted to beat Mihawk and gave him a piece of advice. "A few words of wisdom. Battle as many opponents from all around. Otherwise you will ultimately fail." She only got a cocky smirk from the green haired swordsman and left to navigate her boat. Eyeing the brief case within her cabin and looked to the high sun with the scroll that lay beside it and contained the Log Book she got when she was five. It was time to put her plan in motion. Touching the photo that was tucked by her heart. Yes. It was time.

First stop. Water 7: Kokoro.


"I believe it's time that we send Young Victoria into the New World." An elder suggested. "Though her training is not yet complete, I believe she is ready."

"Yes I also believe it is time. Time for her to have her first kill now better than later." Another one spoke and pointed out. Pulling out a few documents and said. "Akainu had suggested to have Victoria wedded at marital age."

"To whom?"

"Akainu suggested himself. She may be a lone wolf but she is rebellious towards everyone else apart for us. I believe he will keep her grounded and in the safe zone."

"And if she were ever to betray us, Sakazuki is more than capable of taking her down. Though I do prefer that they sire a child if the time ever comes. The child will be more than capable of filling the mother's vacant spot."

"Then it is agreed." A round of approvals sounded. "Good. We shall wait a year when Victoria has settled in the New World."


Victoria stood before the members of CP9 at Enies lobby and resisted the urge to growl at the two Zoan-users for sniffing her and instead levelled them with her glare. She wanted to beat the men senseless. Although they were strong, they were weird beyond comprehension and it made Victoria's head ache just listening to them argue among them. The Gorosei had ordered to do some disciplinary training with them and gave up after a few weeks of seeing how cocky, arrogant and bloodthirsty they were. Honestly, they were fine without the discipline. Especially the group that had infiltrated Water 7's Galley La company a few years ago to get close to the Mayor, Iceberg believing him to hold the blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton.

Just to get back at the Gorosei, she let the thought of taking the blueprints herself and scattering them all over the five oceans but feigned from doing so with CP9 working on the case. Especially with Lucci and Kaku on the job.

"You are leaving." Lucci stated as he watched the young woman he admire board her ship. "Now."

"Yes. I'm sick of you bastards. This will be the last time we see each other hopefully." She muttered carelessly and untied her ship from the dock. She saw a dark look flash before Lucci's eyes and resisted the shiver that made her spine run cold. Turning her back on the leopard and set sail. Her 15th birthday was soon and had been informed recently that she was free to enter the New World. She didn't want to enter at her level of skill now. She wouldn't make it. This also meant that they were close to killing her off.

At least, this is what she thought.


Luka entered her room at Mariejois with blank eyes as she dropped her mask off her face and just leaned against the door with pale features. It was her 15th birthday. Today was the day she had her first kill. All she remembered from the mission was being attacked by several people from different angles. Knocking them out rather than slaying them when suddenly she was so close to dying if she wasn't quicker and plunged her hand straight into a teen's chest where her heart once was. She looked the same age as herself. She even had the same eyes and hair colour, except her hair was straight. Blood seeped from her mouth. Her warm brown orbs had faded. The blood she could still feel on her hand. Even though she scrubbed it red raw. She didn't remember much after that. Only that she boarded the victims and those she deemed worthy to live on a fishing boat and shipped them off to a place she knew the Revolutionaries had a temporary camp based.

The skies were black as she heavily lifted an arm and unhooked her bloody coat and let it pool at her ankles. She hadn't seen the disturbed faces of the agents she walked passed. She just wanted to be somewhere safe. She knew she killed more afterwards. Peeling off her red stained suit till she was only in her underwear where the blood didn't touch her. She knew somebody was in her room and didn't have to second guess. Only one person was allowed in her room. It was Mihawk. Briefly seeing him over by her bed and lifted the covers and quietly treaded over to them and crawled under as he covered her. Hearing him move about and cleaned up the clothes and blood she left on the floor before she felt the bed cave next to her as Mihawk laid beside her. He didn't touch her. He just laid there and Luka was content. She suddenly wasn't afraid to sleep without the nightmares plaguing her and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Mihawk watched as Victoria slumbered and released a heavy breathe. She as too young to kill, yet there were others that are younger that have killed more than his companion. He was getting soft. Victoria had shown him that she had found and easily tamed one of the 12 supreme swords and she left it somewhere nobody would ever suspect. He wanted to talk to her about her long disappearances from her room. He knew she travelled all over Paradise and the four blues, but he didn't know where she would go and to be quite frank, he missed her company. She gave him a light-hearted debate about the world once she lost the icy mask and allowed him in. She was bright behind the mask she created to keep herself sane. With training with the three Admirals, Victoria truly needed that icy exterior to survive here.

He faced her in the bed and looked over her soft features. He had known her since she was 13 and could see that she was growing into a beautiful and mature woman. Both body and mind. His hand reached out to touch her when his mind whispered. 'She's too young for you. Inexperienced.' Resting his hand against the thick duvet. No matter what season it was, Victoria always slept under the heavy duvet covers and always wore long sleeved clothing. He smirked. He knew she didn't like the cold and he didn't mind. He wished that they had meet in better circumstances…and to see her full skills that she hid behind her black mask. She was a mystery to him.

1 year later: Kuraigana Island

Mihawk placed down his paper as his front door was slammed open by his infuriated companion and watched as she marched into his castle and tossed her mask onto the coat hanger with ease. Soon followed by her coat as she pulled of her face mask on the lower half of her face. He resisted the need to simply stare at her. She had grown more beautiful over the year if that was even possible. She still kept her wavy hair touching her shoulders as her figure filled out nicely. Not too big and not too small. Lithe frame with lovely long legs with her smooth tanned features. Her pink lips full with her chocolate orbs flaring in anger. No, he wasn't checking her out at all. Not even her firm butt that passed his eyes as she moved to sit on the couch next to him and took a sip of his wine to quench his parched throat. Damn! She was toned and beautiful. The alcohol wasn't helping his drying throat.

"What happened this time, Victoria?" he asked carefully as he placed the paper down.

Luka taking the papers from him and saw Ace's name and that he were allied with the Whitebeard pirates and now possessed the power of the Mera-Mera no mi. 'Good. He found my little gift.' At least he was safe from the clutches of the World Government. Word had slipped from Sengoku's mouth about Ace's heritage to her bosses but it was too late. Luka had 'indirectly' pushed Ace towards Whitebeard and knew the old pirate would keep him safe.

"Victoria." Mihawk voiced and grabbed the papers from her hand and placed it on the table. Giving her a 'look' to answer him. She pouted at him and resisted the need to nip at her bottom lip. She was driving him crazy.

"Okay, okay." Luka held her hands up in defence and sighed heavily as she sunk further into the couch and crossed her legs and arms with a murderous look appearing over her face. "The big bosses just told me that I've been betrothed to that damn Akainu when I come of age." She growled in the back of her throat as the words kept ringing through her head. "What a shit birthday gift?" briefly glancing to her companion and finally noticed that she had a taste for older, rugged and cool men. Mihawk was mysterious in a hot way. Even if he is old enough to be her father. She was attracted to him and had been ever since she was 15 when he comforted her from her first kill.

Mihawk shook off the surprise and said. "Your birthday huh? How old are you now?" deciding to distract her before she tore apart his home…again.

"Sixteen." She sighed. Luffy was sixteen too and only a year was left before he became a pirate. Only another year before she planned to ditch her bosses as soon as her brother reached the B100, 000, 000 mark. He would be strong then. Strong enough for her not to worry about what would happen next till the time happened. Luka looked to the ceiling in thought. At least Victoria could put up with Mihawk and Aokiji. Luka honestly believed if it wasn't for the two of them, she would've gone insane and completely closed herself off to the surrounding world. Especially thanks to Akainu. That man was driving her into a wall with his threatening words. He had found out about her true identity thanks to the X-files he had access to. Yet she refused to let the bastard see her face. Even if he did threatened to harm her brothers before her eyes then kill her. She rejected him once and wasn't afraid to reject him again and again and again and again. They were safe as long as Luffy wasn't a pirate because of Garp and Ace was under Whitebeard's eyes…at least now she no longer had to swallow that shitty gunk thanks to her abilities helping her out and would leave before martial age of 18.

"Victoria." Mihawk called again as the girl was slowly getting lost in her thoughts. It wouldn't be the first time either. Gaining her attention and repeated. "What have you done for your birthday?"

"Aokiji-sensei gave me a cake before he was called to work and I left Mariejois straight after. Had a small genocide mission, cleaned up and came here to relax a bit." Lies. She sent the clan she was supposed to kill off to the Revolutionaries. She'd been sending many of her supposed targets there, unless they were far beyond having their sins repented and just killed them. She got used to the idea of killing thanks to Aokiji. Kill one to save hundred…especially if they were tyrants…like Kuma. She knew what he was going through and talked to him a few times. But that was it. It hurt being nears the man that was once comrades with her admired man. "Then I'm heading to East Blue for a few days before I wonder around Paradise doing a few odd jobs and checking a few sights…then heading into the New World to do some scouting around." She continued to distract her wondering mind and looked over to him as he drank the rest of his wine. Losing her black tie slightly. She wouldn't mind something else for her birthday.

"Busy month I see." Mihawk muttered and was about to reach for the newspaper when suddenly his eyes widen slightly as Victoria pushed him back into his chair and sat in his lap. This was bad. Yet he kept a neutral face and looked up to her with a raised brow. "Can I help you, Victoria?"

"Don't know yet." She replied and lowered her head and gently placed her lips on his. Feeling his moustache and beard itch her skin, but she didn't mind. The last time she kissed somebody was Smoker. She still wanted to punch his face in when she saw him again a year ago and personally promoted him to Capitan and the commander over Lougetown. Focusing her attention presently and pulled back to see his reaction. The bastard swordsman always had a neutral face. She had only heard him laugh once and that was when she threatened to scoop his balls off with a rusty spoon when he had scared her. She liked his laugh. It was rustic.

Mihawk looked up at her and wondered what was going through her head at the moment as his hands somehow found their way onto her hips to keep her from falling off. Listening to her as she finally spoke up.

"Your wine tastes nice." She smirked and leaned down for another kiss and placed her hands on his showing chest and leaned into his body. She wanted to forget about Akainu, the Gorosei, her plan and her life for just a moment to be a teenaged girl with raging hormones. She felt Mihawk lick her bottom lip and let her instincts take over as she parted her lips. Gasping in surprise as his tongue surged forward into moist cavern. Feeling his hand glide over her back and shivered and moaned as she tongue wrestled with the older man. Allowing him to dominate and lead the kiss and got a firm squeeze of her lower globes from Mihawk in a form of approval that made her gasp in delight. Pulling away with heavy breathing and looked to the man and saw the want in his eyes drown her. God! This man was sexy in a mysterious way.

"Are you sure you want this, Victoria?" he asked seriously. She looked delicious with her flustered features and swollen lips. She tasted like liquid gold. She smelt like a roaring fireplace and simmering honey. He was glad she wasn't sitting on his hard on; otherwise he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back with his self-control being tossed out the window. When was the last time he slept with someone? "I'm giving you a chance to back out now."

Luka trailed a hand down his chest and to his crotch. Squeezing it lightly and gained a throaty rumble from Mihawk and smirked. "Yeah I'm sure. I want you to be my first. Even if you are an old geezer…or is it, you won't be able to produce results?" she teased as she licked and nipped his ear and stroked his large length through his pants. She never felt this exhilarated in her life or daring.

Mihawk resisted the urge to thrust into her hand and instead pulled her closer to his frame and whispered to her ear. "It would be an honour for this experienced man." he rephrased.