Alright hello everyone and welcome to my first Fairy Tail fanfic, I am a big fan of Fairy tail especially with the Erza and Jellal pairing so when I looked around the website I never notice a what if about Jellal and Erza, so because of that I decided to put it upon myself to be the first start a story based on this what if.

Alright so before we begin a thank you to my beta reader who helped me with some parts, Secondly characters will be slightly to fully OoC at some parts so my apologies on that.



"Demonic voice/Possessed"

9/1/14: Chapter has been edited for easier reading, enjoy

Disclaimer: Fairy tail is rightfully owned by their rightful owners, I only own the story

Now without further ado, Lets begin

Year X776

They kept on torturing me after I tried to save Erza when I killed three of their men just to get to her. I despised killing I truly do but it was the only way to get to her but I was caught and tortured for it. They kept on torturing me until they left to put down some of the other slaves they deemed too uppity for their taste and that so called priest told me to respect his 'god' or I will never leave this place

"God, Huh. There's no such thing" Jellal said bitterly to himself thinking back to all the times he prayed that he and his friends could be saved from this hell-hole. But out of all the times he prayed, he prayed that Erza could be taken away and live a better life even if it means his own freedom "I don't need a god that can't even save a child like me. . . Even if he's real" Jellal muttered to himself not knowing why he's saying that as memories of all the hardships and torments he experience in this place all for the sake of their 'God' that he hardly believes he even exists

Jellal then began to remember the days he and his friends were sent to their cells hungry as punishment, the beatings they get just for crying or working too slow, the cold desolate nights on the cold hard stone slabs while those priest and guards sleep in their warm comfy beds and it was all for the sake of their 'God' "I. . Hate" Jellal said in a whisper that rose with malice and anger as he thought about everything this Island has done to him


"I hate them all. Those guys, their god, I hate this entire world" Jellal spat harshly as he gritted his teeth as he began internally cursing them all

"Hate strengthens me. . . " An eerie voice said echoeing in the desolate room causing Jellal to jerk his head up in surprised and look around the empty room only to see there wasn't anyone there "Those arrogant peons, I've been here the entire time. ." the eerie voice stated as Jellal kept looking around the room for the voice

"Who, Who's there" Jellal said slightly nervous from the sudden appearance of a disembodied voice that he has no idea where it came from

"And yet they think they can revive me. . . They want me to take a bodily form. . ." the voice said as a dark red mist started pouring into the room

"Where are you!" Jellal yelled out desperately as he didn't noticed the mist getting closer to him

"No matter how much faith you have, it's futile. Without a powerful hatred, you cannot truly feel my presence" the voice said as the mist draw ever closer to Jellal

"COME OUT!" Jellal yelled out getting scared of the voice as he struggled in the binds that held his hands

"Your very lucky kid. You have the chance to meet the god worshipped by so many" The voice said as the mist whirled around Jellal forming a shape of a robed skeletal being "My name is Zeref. Hate is the reason for my existence" the voice said as Jellal was soon being consumed by the mist and his world turned dark

'Good, a little more and my possession magic and it will take total effect on the boy' the robed figure of a woman hidden in the dark corner of the room thought to herself with a twisted grin as she poured more of her magic into the possession 'Just a little more and then he'll be a perfect puppet for master Hades plan' the figure thought to herself until a burst of magic blasted through area making the robed figure to lose her concentration and break the connection for a split-second

"Shit" the figure cursed out as she tried to continue the possession but stopped when she heard the followers of Zeref getting attacked "Seems I don't have enough time to fully envelop the boy into the possession, Though with the amount of magic I poured into the possession he'll probably still follow out our plans in the future" the figure said to herself as she quickly left the area as she saw a red haired girl carrying two swords go into the room with the boy as she made her escape

"C-Can't we settle this peacefully.. h-huh" One of the priests said moving back with his fellow priests as Erza moved closer tightening her grip on her swords

"Move" Erza said coldly as she rushed forward striking down the four priests as she ran forward towards the torture chamber they kept Jellal

"Jellal!" Erza yelled out happily when she found him "It's over now! It's all over!" Erza said happily as she cut Jellal down from the post "We all fought back like you said we should!" Erza said with a smile until that smile faded into a frown "But Simon was badly wounded. . and Rob-Ojisan protected me. . and there were plenty more sacrifices, but. ." Erza said slightly sad at the lost of Rob and Simon getting hurt and all those who died trying to be free but she kept her spirits up as she cut the rope that held Jellal's hands together while Jellal stayed quiet through everything she said with his hair bangs shadowing his face

"But we beat them! Now we can all be free now!" Erza said happily tears welled up in joy at the prospect of being free after all this time being stuck in this island and tower as slaves "Come on the others are waiting for us with the ships they stole, We can leave this Island forever!" Erza exclaimed excitedly as she helped Jellal up off the ground

"E-Erza" Jellal said breathlessly as he pulled her into a hug surprising her as she slowly returned it "There'll be no more running" Jellal said and Erza was confused what he said but couldn't help but get a chill down her spine when he said that as it was so cold and empty than his usually spirited and happy self

Jellal tighten his grip around Erza causing her some discomfort "Je-Jellal" Erza said not knowing what to say as the hug is starting to feel like he's trying to break her back as the next words he says next brought chills to her entire body at how cold and dark it sounded

"True freedom lies right here"

"What's going on, where am I" Jellal groaned as his head hurt badly "Why is it so dark" Jellal said barely above a whisper as the entire world seem dank and dark as he began to wander around "Hello~ is anyone here!" Jellal shouted out as there was no response not even an echo and that unnerved him even more as he stood alone in this dark desolate world "W-Where am I" Jellal said scared as he kept walking for awhile as he started feeling cold and tired. He kept walking but the drowsiness was getting to him to the point where he was starting to consider if he should lie down and go to sleep until he heard a familiar voice. Jellal shot his head up looking for the direction the voice came from

"Hello, who's there!" Jellal shouted desperately as he ran towards where the voice came from and began to hear the voices more clearly, especially a girl's voice that he knows all to well which made him run faster "ERZA! ERZA WHERE ARE YOU!" Jellal shouted out desperately as kept on running on endlessly in this bleak world until he saw a speck of light in the distance. Jellal forced his legs to move faster as he ran towards the light that began to grow brighter and brighter until he saw it was a mirror shining brightly in the darkness. He walked up to the mirror and saw his reflection which showed his eyes were blood red "What in the world" Jellal said softly as he touched his face as his reflection did the same until he put his hands onto the mirror and the reflection rippled like water as a new image came to be. Jellal looked at the reflection and it horrified him

"T-That's me but I would never do that" Jellal said horrified at what he saw was an image of him brutally killing the priests that tortured him in front of Erza "Stop, just stop" Jellal said softly to himself in disbelief at what he was watching. He watched as 'He' killed the last man and turned to Erza with a sneer on 'His' face "No. STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Jellal yelled out banging his fists onto the mirror as he watched in horror as 'He' shot Erza back with his magic making her skid across the floor and started spouting out words of true freedom

"Freedom! This isn't freedom this is damn enslavery that I hate, I would never say something like that. . so stop it already, stop it, stop it, STOP IT" Jellal kept on shouting as he banged his fists harder on the mirror and grit his teeth in anger as he watched 'Him' choke Erza with his magic "NO PUT HER DOWN, DAMMIT PUT HER DOWN" Jellal stopped banging his fist and started ramming his shoulder against the mirror. He was about to stop when his shoulder began bleeding against the clear reflection but when he saw Erza starting to cry he felt a surge of power going through him

"How dare you" Jellal said softly as his voice was filled with hatred "How dare you MAKE ERZA CRYYYYY" Jellal screamed as his fist was covered in a golden fire as he swung against the mirror one last time as the entire mirror cracked against his fist and went still. After a few seconds later more cracks appeared on the mirror until suddenly the entire bleak world that Jellal was in cracked as if it was made of glass as well. The world settled until everything including the mirror broke away as a bright shined in front of Jellal. Jellal didn't hesitate as he ran towards the light as only one thing mattered to him


The robed woman was on a small ship sailing away from the island as she felt a disturbance in her magic as she quickly jerked her head back quickly at the tower wide eyed "Impossible" the woman said in a quiet voice as she watch the smoke rise from the revolt "How is this even possible, I put enough magic control over him that it should've affected a man twice his age and yet he broke free. How the hell did this happen" the woman said to herself as she went into thought about what to do now and another thought came to mind

"Master isn't going to like this" the woman said quietly as the ship sailed away from the island

'Jellal, why' Erza thought to herself as she cried and choked slightly from the dark grip of Jellal's magic had on her as she was forced to listen to what Jellal had said about what true freedom is

"That is your precious 'Freedom'! Live on with the lives of your nakamas resting on your back, ERZAAAA" 'Jellal' said as he cackled madly as the dark grip was about to throw Erza into the ocean but stopped as Erza looked slightly confused at Jellal who chocked back his laugh and had a look of shock on his face before he started coughing hysterically as a dark red mist started pouring out of his mouth. The dark grip holding Erza dissipated as it dropped her onto the ground as she watches in shock at what was happening

Jellal is thrashing about as the red mist continuously pours out of Jellal until a wave of magic enveloped him brightly that it blinded Erza a bit. After a moment the light dimmed down as the mist stopped pouring out as Jellal went still with a blank look on his face as his eyes were dull and lifeless. Erza was scared that Jellal died but it was until light shone into his eyes again as he took in a deep breath and looked around until he spotted Erza "Erza, are you okay!" Jellal said rushing towards Erza and tried to grab her to make sure if she's okay only to be smack across his face

"E-Erza what, what is" Jellal said slowly not knowing what's going on

"S-Stay away" Erza said slightly in fear while crawling back from her spot on the floor. Jellal saw the fear she had in her eyes and took a step back when he remembered what he saw what 'He' was doing

"E-Erza, I'm sorry I didn't actually mean any of that stuff, please you have to believe me I didn't mean it" Jellal said desperately as he reached his arms out to her as she took another step back that seemed to stab him in the heart when she did

"Please believe me Erza, I don't know why I said all those things. I only remember being tortured and then I heard a voice then everything went dark. I don't know what happened but I, I don't know, something just took control of my body and made me do those things so please believe me that I would never do that or even think of hurting you" Jellal said even more desperately than before as Erza looked at him unsure whether to believe him or not "Please Erza please believe me when I say I would never do this, please forgive me so we could go and finally leave this place already" Jellal said as he was about to cry which Erza saw and pulled him into a hug

"I believe you" Erza said softly feeling her shoulder get slightly moist from Jellal's tears as did Jellal when Erza placed her head on his shoulder as the two stayed like that for awhile until Erza heard someone down at the docks for the last people to hurry up "Come on let's go" Erza said standing up Jellal as the two wiped away their tears and headed down the docks together

"When I wasn't all there I was actually about to give up you know" Jellal said surprising Erza as they continued running towards the docks "It was until I heard your voice that I just forgot about giving up and went towards it. When I followed your voice I saw that 'I' hurt you and I wanted it to stop so I tried to get out and back to you" Jellal said not knowing why he said it, probably to get it off his chest as he ran down the path. Erza looked at him slightly embarrassed at the last part he said "I'm sorry for hurting you, I really am" Jellal said sadly as he hung his head down as Erza's face soften

"Don't be" Jellal shot his head and looked at Erza who had a smile on her face "You came back, that's all that matters" Erza said as Jellal looked at her for a bit before smiling back at her

"Can we keep this a secret from the others, I don't want them to worry about me" Jellal asked as Erza thought about it for a bit and nodded in understanding "Thank you" Jellal said softly as Erza smiled in response as the two made it to the docks and got on board the ship their friends were at

Sho who was leaning against the railing of the boat him and his friends and along with many others commandeered saw Erza and Jellal running down the path towards them "Nee-san is coming with Jellal" Sho shouted as Millianna and Wally who stopped watching the movie Wally found and ran up to the railing and looked to see Erza and Jellal running up the boarding ramp as the man behind the wheel of the ship walked over to the railing next to the wheel

"That's the last of them, Lets get the hell away from this accursed island" the man shouted as everyone on board cheered as they started leaving port

"Where's Simon" Jellal asked as he slightly remembered Erza saying that he was hurt

"There are some people who said they used to be doctors trying to help him down below" Millianna said slightly depressed as Wally patted her shoulder trying to calm her down

"But it's okay as were finally get to leave this place like you always wanted nee-san" Sho said happily as Erza and Jellal smiled happily as Millianna cheered and jumped in joy

"But where will we go now" Wally said not wanting to be the one say that but someone had to as they all stopped and looked at him as Erza thought for a moment

"Fairy Tail" Erza said simply as they all looked at her "I remember Rob-Ojisan once told me he was part of a guild and they were like family to him, we should go there together" Erza said as serene smile appeared on her face

"Together" they all said as they sailed off into the distance

Cheezy ending I know, Alright so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of many more to come and with that said. . wrote. . written or whatever please leave a review, no flames please and I will see you all later. Have a great day