I couldn't help it, you guys - I wanted some serious bromance. Can you blame me? I re-watched the season five finale (again!) and I just needed to write some cuteness between Arthur and Merlin and alsfjla;skdfjsdkfjdfkjsdfd...

Anyways. I'm totally sane, if any of you guys are wondering. (Haha, lol, nope.)

This story, as the summary stated, will NOT be slash, even though I might dangerously lean towards it...just lots and lots of heavy friendship and bromance, so you guys don't have to worry that I might pull a fast one and have you guys read about Merlin and Arthur sharing an intimate relationship or anything. Not that I hate Merthur. Gosh, no, I've read some pretty good Merthur fics, but I'm not totally on board with shipping them...but I don't have anything against it!

Aaand I'm done rambling - read on!


"Good morning, Prince Arthur," someone said stiffly. "We have a busy schedule today so therefore, it would be proper for me to do as much as I can to help you in the process."

Arthur Pendragon opened his eyes slowly, surprised to hear someone else's voice rather than Merlin's in the morning.

"Where's Merlin?" He asked sluggishly, sitting up in bed.

The man standing at his bedside bowed his head. "Your manservant, Merlin, has arrived nearly an hour late, sir. He was reported to be feeling ill today and so I was assigned to be of assistance for today." He said formerly.

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Wait…George, isn't it?"

"That is my name, sire," the servant bowed his head again. "Shall we start with break…"

The servant's voice trailed off as Arthur quickly kicked away his blankets. He shoved on his boots and hopped around his chambers in search for his shirt.

"Sire?" George asked, bewildered.

"Help me with my shirt, George," Arthur said without turning around. "I need to go find my lazy backside of a servant."


"Merlin!" Arthur yelled, banging open the door to Gaius' chambers. He looked around the room to find that the physician nor Merlin were there. He frowned and stepped into the large room, closing the door behind him. Where was Gaius? Arthur was counting on having him tell him where Merlin is.

If Merlin made up this excuse just to go to the tavern…

Arthur mumbled the rest of the threat under his breath and strode briskly across the room to the small, wooden door on the other side.

"Merlin?" Arthur opened the door and poked his head inside to see his servant in bed, his eyes closed and his breathing labored.

Arthur's frown deepened and he walked into his manservant's room. He made his way to Merlin's bedside and watched him carefully.

Merlin's dark hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and he was much paler than normal except for perhaps his cheeks, which were bright red, undoubtedly from a fever. Despite the blankets that were wrapped around Merlin's seemingly pathetic form, he shook and trembled violently so that it looked almost as though the bed itself was vibrating.

Arthur bit down his lip and narrowed his eyes at Merlin, unsure of what to do. He was always clueless when it came to this sort of thing, seeing that he rarely became ill, himself.

Put your hand on his forehead – test for warmth, a small voice at the back of Arthur's head whispered. Do it!

Arthur lifted his hand above Merlin's face. He hesitated – what would happen if Merlin woke up? What would he do then?

The prince shook his head quickly to clear his thoughts and firmly placed his hand on Merlin's forehead. He instantly cringed – Merlin's skin felt clammy and the beads of sweat on his forehead had gone cold, yet the skin underneath the sheen was burning and hot.

"Idiot," Arthur muttered, standing up quickly. He looked around the small bedroom for anything that he might be able to bring Merlin's fever down with. Damn, where was Gaius? He should be helping!

Water – towel, Arthur thought to himself and he marched back down into the physician's chambers. It took several minutes, but he finally managed to find a small bucket of water with a tiny stack of cloths sitting a few feet away. Arthur grabbed the entire pile and took the bucket in his other hand.

With that, he marched right back up the stairs to Merlin's room and once inside, he placed the items on the small nightstand beside Merlin's bed.

The prince quickly took a towel and dipped it into the water. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing – just that he wanted Merlin to get better.

Despite the situation, Arthur smiled to himself. Although he would never admit this out loud, Arthur had grown fond of Merlin. There was a sort of endearing, almost adorable quality that Merlin had that just seemed to grow on the prince.

Yes, Merlin might possibly be the worst servant that he'd ever had in his entire life, but Merlin made him comfortable. For one, Merlin wasn't ever afraid to well, call him a prat. Or a clot pole, whatever that meant.

Of course, Arthur didn't really like those nicknames that Merlin gave him, but he realized that he liked being treated that way by Merlin – Merlin was always so casual around him, never too formal (unlike George, thank the heavens for that,) and if the two were under different circumstances, they might have even been good friends.

The strange, tingling sensation of cool water dripping down Arthur's wrist brought him back into reality. He blinked and, cursing himself under his breath for being so idle, quickly placed the towel on Merlin's forehead. Perhaps Arthur had placed it a bit harder than he had wanted to, because at that very moment, Merlin's grey-blue eyes flickered open.

"A'thur?" Merlin whispered hoarsely. "What're you doing 'ere?"

The prince tried for a smirk. "Did you really think that you could get away with being sick, Merlin? Why'd you think I'm here?" He asked lightly.

Merlin closed his eyes and mumbled, "To tell me to get back…to work…"

Arthur rolled his eyes. Did Merlin really think that Arthur was that oblivious?

"No, you idiot," Arthur replied, adjusting the towel on Merlin's forehead. The younger boy let out a small moan of satisfaction and the prince managed a small smile. "I came here to…try to take care of you."

"Least you're trying…" Merlin murmured and with a shiver, he continued with, "I'm cold."

"That's the fever, I think," Arthur replied, bringing the blankets closer around his manservant. His fingers brushed against Merlin's neck for a fraction of a second, but it was enough for the younger man to let out a small sigh.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, surprised.

"Your hands are warm." Merlin mumbled. "And it felt…good."

Arthur smirked and took the towel from Merlin's forehead to re-soak it in the water. "That's just the fever talking, Merlin," he replied. "You'll be back to normal soon."

"Normal…mm…" Merlin murmured and he lapsed back into sleep. Arthur let out a small scoffing noise and shook his head. Typical – Merlin would fall asleep on him.

He needs it, he thought to himself and planted the towel back on Merlin's forehead. The younger man's chest was already rising and falling in a steady, even pattern. Arthur couldn't help but to think that Merlin looked much calmer in sleep than he was awake.

Then again, that was the same thing for most people.

Arthur smiled to himself and leaned back in his chair, still staring at Merlin. He didn't really mind looking after his manservant, really.

Merlin had grown on him, after all.


When Merlin woke up, his head felt much better and he no longer shook with fever. He blinked and slowly sat up in his bed. A towel immediately fell on his lap and he stared down at it, confused. Who put it there?

Suddenly, he heard a small, quiet snore and Merlin turned around to see Arthur resting his head in his arms on Merlin's bed.

A small bowl of water was sitting on Merlin's nightstand, as well as a pile of towels. Realization dawned on Merlin's face and he shifted his position on the bed slowly, careful not to wake Arthur. He tugged his blanket away and tucked it around Arthur's shoulders.

"Prat," he whispered affectionately and crossed his legs.

Arthur cared about him, after all.

A/N: Fine, maybe that was a BIT cheesy, but I couldn't help it. If you guys have any requests, please feel free to write them in your review...speaking of which, please review, give constructive criticism if you want, but don't flame.

See ya'll later! :)