Authors Note: This will be the beginning of an extensive edit of my story. I feel that there is too much filler in my story and some things need to change. This extensive revision will cover all current chapters until the process is finished. If this announcement angers you then I'm sorry. This is after all a free story. Please enjoy this new rendition of Naruto:Master of Lightning V2!

(Naruto's apartment complex)

An ear splitting alarm clock could be heard inside Naruto's apartment. Hearing this Naruto quickly hit the off button. Having sat up on his bed he mindlessly stared at the empty wall ahead of him. "I guess I better get ready." With that said he slowly made his way into his shower to begin his day. What that day entailed was anybody's guess.

A couple of minutes having passed, Naruto stepped out of his restroom with a single red towel strapped around his waist. Looking at all his options for clothing he picked out his favorite orange jumpsuit. Was it really his favorite? Not really but what choice did he have when he still wasn't a genin or a student for that matter. He prayed to Kami that he would finally be admitted into the academy soon like the old man had promised.

At least he had the academy to look forward to. Stretching a little he made one last pass at his jumpsuit to make sure no unwanted smudges were there. Last thing he needed was even more hateful stares from the villagers. Why did they hate him so much he wondered from time to time but whenever he asked the Hokage about it he would always give him the don't worry about it speech.

With time he had gotten used to it. Although if he were honest with himself he would never get used to it. He knew that if they were that hateful towards him already then it was only a matter of time before they resorted to violence. Thankfully that hasn't happened and good thing too because he wasn't strong enough to defend himself.

Which was why he was so looking forward to the academy believing it would make him strong enough to prevent anything of that sort happening to him. Removing those thoughts from his head he made himself a quick cup of his favorite ramen noodles. With that done he hastily made his way down the apartment stairs and joined the civilian crowd in their morning activities.

He hoped to convince the old man to give him a teacher to train him. However, since the academy wasn't too far off from opening he wasn't sure it would actually happen.

As he continued making his way to the Hokage's mansion he once again felt the scornful glares the villagers were throwing his way. It was as if it was a tradition with them. Every single day they wouldn't fail to make him feel like the scum of the earth.

Of course being the trickster that he was he only did what was natural to him and that was to smile at them no matter how they looked at him. This of course only caused them to give even fiercer glares but he didn't care one bit. To him they were nobodies that will never get anywhere anyway.

Even though he had to contend with the malicious glares of Konoha, it wasn't entirely miserable. Some people believe it or not actually treated him with kindness. Or at the very least indifference. In particular were the people from the Ichiraku Ramen stand. They had always been kind to him whenever he went there.

What he really wanted though was some friends his own age. He had tried constantly to build some friendships but whenever it seemed like he had made a connection. Things always turned south. In particular the parents of the children. They would always try their damnedest to make him feel alone no matter if he was being nice.

Pushing away those bitter thoughts he glanced at a building that sold everything you wanted to become a real shinobi. He had always wanted to enter just to see what they sold in there. Of course like with everything in this village he wasn't allowed to enter courtesy of the owner.

It wasn't that he didn't have any money. The Hokage made sure to give him a decent allowance in order to buy everything he needed. He even showed the owner that he had money but still he refused. His excuses were always the same to. He always mentioned that his customers did not want to shop in the same place as him.

He was getting tired of being giving bull crap excuses but what could he do. He was only an eight year old kid that had no power.

Removing his eyes from the building he continued to walk towards the Hokage mansion. Before entering the mansion he stopped for a moment and gazed up towards the Hokage's faces. Lately he was becoming less interested in becoming Hokage.

His blue eyes focused on the Fourth Hokage's face. He had overheard some villagers mentioning how he had defeated the legendary Nine Tailed Fox otherwise known as the Kyuubi. He had always wanted to know more about him but like with everything. He wasn't given a straight answer.

Shrugging his shoulders he entered the mansion and made his way up the stairs where the wise and powerful Hokage resided in. Having reached the top of the mansion he was greeted by the Hokage's assistant.

The assistant looked at him through her glasses and quickly stopped him in his tracks. "Sorry Naruto but Hokage-sama is currently with another. Please come back tomorrow and try again if you wish."

(Inside The Hokage Office)

Meanwhile inside the office a certain red headed girl was arguing with the most powerful person in the village. "Why do you keep giving us these lame D ranks old man? Having we proved we're ready for the next level?!

The powerful Hokage known as Hiruzen simply stared at her with a serious expression. "As I mentioned before. You will not receive a mission above D rank until the month is over. Is that clear Uchiha Maki?

The girl now known as Maki gave the Hokage a angry glare before she relented and made her way out of his office.

(With Naruto)

Naruto wasn't one to give up that easily. Giving the assistant his best smile he responded. "Oh so he's busy huh. That's alright I'll just come back tomorrow. Is he free tomorrow?

The assistant didn't detect any trickery and checked her planner to see exactly when the Hokage was free. Seeing everything was in order she replied. "You're in luck. He's free early in the morning...?

The whiskered blond had already bolted towards the door as soon as the assistant had checked her planner. He had successfully tricked the assistant and was on his way until he felt something incredibly soft hit his face. That feeling of bliss didn't last as the force of the hit sent him back lading hard on the wood floor.

Maki had also fallen hard on her behind from the force of the hit. Cursing under her breath she looked at the person behind this and her initial annoyance fell seeing it was a young boy.

Naruto on the other hand had no such filter. "What the hell did I just hit! Ahhh! He cried in pain as he rubbed his behind for some relief. As he did that he looked up to find out who he had hit and quickly noticed it was a red headed girl. "Sorry about that." He sheepishly apologized seeing it was an attractive girl.

Maki was also in pain but not as much as Naruto apparently was. Standing up she dusted herself from any lingering specs of dirt. "Its alright I'm sure you didn't mean to hit me."

Naruto just rubbed his neck and chuckled. "Yeah...sure. Let's go with that."

Hiruzen wasn't that surprised at Naruto's grand entrance since he had felt him outside his office minutes ago. How the boy got past his assistant so easily was a mystery. "What do I owe the pleasure Naruto-kun?

Naruto heard his name being called and quickly slipped past Maki. "Old man. I come here to ask for a favor."

Hiruzen's eyes widened a bit intrigued at what the eight year old could want. "What kind of favor Naruto-kun?

Naruto nodded and grinned. "I want for you to give me a strong sensei that will train me to become awesome. I want to be the best when I enter the academy."

Hiruzen's surprise faded knowing Naruto would eventually want to get stronger. But was it wise to assign him a sensei so early. Those doubts faded seeing the boy's blue eyes gleam with excitement. "Are you sure this is what you want Naruto-kun? The academy is not far from now."

Naruto tightened his fist and looked at the Hokage with even more passion. "Of course old man. I want to be the strongest!

Hiruzen accepted his confidence and turned his attention to the other person in the office. "Maki you mentioned you wanted tougher missions right?

Maki immediately perked up at her name being mentioned in relation to mission. "Yes!

Hiruzen smiled and continued. "It just so happens that from this day forward your mission will be to train Naruto on the basics before the academy starts. Before you complain just know that this mission is classified as a B rank mission. Do you accept?

Maki looked at Naruto for a moment before succumbing to her role as teacher. "Fine. But their better be more high level mission for me in the future old man."

Hiruzen smiled that she had accepted her mission but on the other hand Naruto looked completely uninterested at who he chose for his sensei.

Maki approached the blond boy offering her hand in greetings. "Hey there kid my name is Maki. Hope we get along."

Naruto although disinterested on the old man's choice of sensei still did his part and greeted his new sensei. "I guess. Call me Naruto if you want.

Maki of course sensed the boy's enthusiasm or lack of and made her way to the exit once more. Not before giving the boy some instructions. "Naruto-san, please meet me tomorrow morning at training ground 8 so we can begin your training."

Naruto watched his red headed sensei leave the office. He turned his head to his Hokage. "Did I do something wrong old man?

Hiruzen smirked at Naruto's ability to read other people. "Let me ask you this Naruto-kun. Do you feel you did something wrong?

Naruto closed his eyes and thought very seriously on his question. "Umm...I feel like I did." His face turned a bit more aggressive. "Wait! That's why I asked you old man!

Hiruzen chuckled at his outburst. "I'm just playing Naruto-kun. That's the way Maki-chan is. I'm sure you'll figure it out in time."

Naruto looked completely confused but didn't ask anymore questions. "Okay... I guess I'm off old man. She better be super strong!

Hiruzen watched with a smile as the blond boy bolted from his office. 'Funny how his mother has red hair and now his sensei. Only time will tell if this is a good omen or bad.'

Authors Note: As you can see from chapter 1's changes, things will get very different. How different? Just wait and see.