ALERT! This series turns out SUPER SMUTTY, so BE AWRE! This new installment is no exception, so please- know your limits! We have EXPLICIT ADULT SITUATIONS galore, so if that's not your thing- stop reading! All the other one- enjoy!

OOC warning is firmly in place, too- I need to make them lose CONTROL, or it's no fun at all. For a very realistic feel- please, turn to another authors, there are BRILLIANT ones out there! It's also very PWP, but with feeling… the usual, you know?


Disclaimer: I don't own The Mentalist, and I don't make money from fan fiction.

A Tale of Being Apart

Jane loved outfitting and preparing their nest, it quickly became his favorite pastime right after devouring his hot little woman.

He spent hours painting the walls, pushing around furniture, strolling through the shops with Teresa for the special little things that would make their new house a home.

With glee and adoration he learned everything about Lisbon's daily life- her quirks and interests, what she bought and loathed, the rhythm of her days, weeks and months. In the mornings, only rough sex could improve her foul mood, so he usually woke her up like that, fucking her until both of them were happy puddles of pleasure. She was surprisingly prone to cuddles, especially in the evenings, when she liked to spend her time with him on the couch, pretending to watch television… he started to suspect that her true motives were a little different, given the fact that they never managed to watch their shows and movies to the end. Long before that, her fingers on his skin became much too distracting, and after the time they had spent together, modesty had lost any hold on their procedures.

When the urge grabbed Teresa, she dug through his clothes until she could touch his bare cock- and damn, was his little witch adventurous when the mood struck her. So much so that he had started to keep a bottle of lube in the drawer next to the couch- this way, he didn't need to get up when she decided to explore his holes and crevices during television time.

He smiled while he recollected sweet memories- oh yes, their couch had seen some action. He stirred the sauce carefully, pepper and garlic, Teresa's favorite. Whistling, he savored the quiet around him, adding the ingredients one by one. He loved to cook, it relaxed him thoroughly, and he enjoyed that this way, he could get a little food into his lady from time to time. Lisbon was embarrassingly disinterested in anything edible, although she worked out vigorously and therefore burned a lot of calories. He had taken on the job of watching the balance… she needed her strength. Plus, he had outfitted a home gym for her in the basement so she didn't need to leave the house for her training.

Damn. Thinking about Lisbon, sweaty and exhausted from her exercise, made him even hornier than he already was, and he hadn't cooked this dinner only to let it get cold over one of their extended sessions. Maybe if he put in into the oven at low heat…

He heard Teresa's key being turned in the lock, and his hard cock twitched inside his pants. He pressed his hips against the counter so she wouldn't see his arousal immediately.

"Hey, love," he exclaimed cheerfully, "I hope Dennis wasn't a pain in the ass?"

She sighed and walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"Did I tell you how much I love coming home knowing that you'll be there, waiting for me? I hate to admit it, but buying this damn house was the best decision I made in my life… right after putting the lube next to the couch."

He chuckled and turned halfway to kiss her, sampling her taste like an addict who had been without his drug for much too long.

"I agree. I love living with you, Lisbon. I love YOU."

"I love you, too, Patrick Jane."

She pushed her hand into the open V of his shirt, her lips claiming his again. She kissed him passionately, wet and warm, and he felt the itching tingle that told him he would desperately need to come soon.

"Dinner ready?" she asked, breaking the kiss with a sweet, smacking sound.

"No- will be another hours or so, sorry. It's something special and complicated."

"That's fine, actually. Is it okay if I hit the treadmill? I need to work off some tension."

He tensed. He could help her with that… but he couldn't leave his pots and pans right now, and Lisbon, slick and sweaty after her workout…

"That's great, my sweet. I'll holler when dinner is ready."

She kissed him soundly and granted him a very enticing view of her backside when she descended the stairs to the basement. Jane closed his eyes and willed himself to calm down with a deep breath.

He would have her… and then he would show her how to really get rid of her tension.


The sweat poured down her body in rivulets, but her muscles felt pleasantly smooth and sleek, like they always did after a workout. It made her watchful and alert, pumped full of energy, and she loved exercising.

Unfortunately, it didn't get rid of the horny urges inside her. She sighed. Heavens, what was the matter with her? Jane and her had been together for almost a year now, and she just couldn't manage to let her hands off him.

She forced herself to play it cool while they were working, but as soon as the professional mode was off, all hell broke loose inside her, and the next deep look he sent her ignited her senses into something greedy and wolfish she could hardly control. Once he had come inside her, she wanted him again. On the rare mornings where she managed to wake up before him, she wanted him immediately. That he looked absolutely adorable in his sleep didn't help either. That he was so gentle and sweet and caring and funny made it even harder to resist the urge. And that he was so damn perfectly built, had the stamina of a bull in heat and knew exactly where to put his fingers, mouth and cock to push her to a screaming orgasm? She was doomed.

Taking off her shoes and socks, she groaned desperately, her whole body throbbing with lust. Normal occurrence by now, whenever she thought about Jane.

She stretched her muscles, in incredibly good shape, and felt that her sex was already swollen with arousal. She took off her black sports-bra, plastered to her skin by her sweat. Her breasts ached, so she kneaded them a little, her rough touch failing to diffuse the tension. She let her hand wander down the front of her shorts, sliding her fingers between her soaked folds. Oh my god. Her clit was so hard every little caress made it burn, and she pushed two fingers into her as far as she could, finger-fucking herself while she rubbed the tiny nub very close to her entrance with the heel of her hand.

Her lower body burned, and she could only think of Jane, his strained, focused face when he pounded her into the mattress, his gentle smiles over the day. She went on tiptoes to evade the intensity, the wave of arousal rising, rising, it almost hurt, the deep itch demanding to be soothed, and she was sobbing with need to…

"Dinner is ready." She heard a hoarse whisper from the door of the little gym he had built for her.

She guiltily pulled her hand out of her shorts, but the urge inside her was so strong now she could hardly stand. Looking at him, she knew her eyes were wet, her whole frame shaking. He still wore his apron, looking elegant and immaculate in his clean white shirt and dark grey dress pants.

He slowly walked towards her, and when he was very close, her resistance went to hell in one big rush.

"Oh, Jane," she gasped, her fingers grabbing, groping his body, and he offered her his lips, leaning down to make it easier for her to latch onto them. She sucked on his tongue, crazy for him, and so grateful when he pushed down her shorts and panties, letting them slide down her legs until she could step out of them.

She melted into his embrace, his arms seeming to cover her whole body, touching her everywhere, his fingers sliding through the slick layer of her perspiration, making her even hotter. He never stopped kissing her while he toed off his shoes and socks, pulling the apron and his shirt from his body in more or less one swift movement. She clung to his naked torso, kneading his flesh, cool against her heat. Jane pulled her close, flattening her breasts against his chest, pushing on leg between hers. She almost screamed from the friction, but he held her tight, not allowing her to squirm free.

"Please, Jane," she whimpered, practically trying to climb him now, "I need you - inside me, now, please, Jane, please…"

He opened his belt with erratic, rough movements and shoved his pants down, including his underwear, kicking them off until he was as naked as she was.

She grabbed his erection immediately, hard, so hard, she couldn't span him with her hand, but if felt so good to finally touch him. His kisses were frantic now, his groans desperate.

"'Please," she whispered, "Jane, please…"

He grabbed her and set her down on the next available padded surface that had the perfect height. Lisbon leaned back, pushing her legs up onto the bench, spreading her thighs as far as she could. Jane knelt down and immediately brought his mouth to her clit, pushing his tongue into her while his upper lip rubbed the engorged little pearl. Everything itched, burned, hurt, and when he finally made her explode beneath his perfect mouth it only made things worse. She screamed in orgasm and still needed to be filled properly, fucked hard by his cock. She squirmed and wriggled, knowing full well he could do this forever, torture her with his lips and tongue until he'd licked her into unconsciousness. But when she tugged on his curls, he took mercy on her, getting up slowly. His skin was ashen from painful arousal, and concern for him won out over her own lust.

"Patrick, are you alright?"

He was breathing heavily, staring at her with wild, dangerous eyes.

"Just keep your legs spread and let me in there- then nobody gets hurt."

He grabbed his cock, so hard he had to push it down to bring it into the right position, and she looked at the place where she was spread wide open for him, transfixed, unable to look away. She was tight, had always been, and she could see that he needed quite some force to get over her first resistance. The swollen tip of his hard rod slid through her creamy wetness, catching her pulsating clit before he finally pushed inside. Everything went black.

He wrapped his hands around her waist, an anchor in a sea of dark pleasures, and she took heavy, gasping breaths while he pushed into her, sliding right to the depths of her, until everything she felt was him. The friction made her shake all over, and Jane started sweating, too, his skin heating under her hands.

"Mine." He growled and gave her a few slow, long, incredibly deep thrusts that made her toes curl. The third one made her whole body convulse like a single muscle, and she released a sobbing scream, Jane's enormous groan mingling with her voice.

She pushed her hips harder against his, burning with pleasure. Everywhere.


Jane threw his head back, still grunting like an animal, savoring the slight suction of her orgasming body. God, she was marvelous, he pulled her close, kissing her luscious lips, allowing her to gasp and moan into his mouth. But he needed more, needed her raw and hard, unleashed.

"Lisbon," he groaned and grabbed her hips, holding her in place, his breath leaving his lips in little gasping clouds.

And when she opened her eyes, looking at him, he let go.

His rhythm was as fast and hard as he could go. Lisbon cried out, clutching at his shoulders, and he just went deeper, rougher, holding her still to pound into her without any restraint. His hips slapped against hers, and her calling his name was like a melody she sang, following the same tunes as her rapid heartbeat he could almost feel against his chest. He held her tight, so tight, vicious flames dancing over his cock, hammering into her slick core, making her come, making her scream.

He groaned so loud his voice resonated in his own ears, an endless echo of pleasure, his woman contracted around him, screaming his name again, and he fucked her as hard as he could, grunting like a beast while he heaved into her. He was so close, his whole body tingling, nerve endings exploding in his cock, sweet, torturous agony, Teresa breathed against his neck, soft and warm, and despite his roughness it was sheer love that pushed him over the edge, made him spill in a furious gush of seed, filling her to overflowing, the heat of his ejaculation triggering another violent climax in his shivering princess.

He held her strong, tiny body close while his cock unloaded deep inside her, her whispered words begging for more, her slender legs wrapped around his hips to pull him deeper.

When he finished he just held her, showering her neck and shoulders with soft, probing kisses, their slick bodies plastered against each other.

"Shower." He whispered when he could talk again. "Then dinner."

She nodded weakly, and he lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the main bathroom while she gently nibbled on his earlobe.

He never wanted to let go.


"What?" Jane frowned at Abbott, clearly not amused, "I… I don't want to go."

It was already evening, and Jane had been dying to get home with Lisbon for a while now. He felt unhappy and on edge.

Abbott shrugged apologetically.

"We have a case in Boston, and you are needed there. You never had any trouble with traveling before, Jane."

"That… well, that was… in another life."

He knew he was pouting a little, but couldn't help it.

"It's just for a week, Jane," Abbott sighed, "You'll be back in a heartbeat."

"Why can't Lisbon accompany me?"

"She's tied up in the Harris case, so you'll go with Fischer and Cho. One week max, Jane. I can't force you, so… please. We need you as a consultant in this case."

Jane nodded gravely. He had no choice anyway, and Abbott knew that. If he refused to go, Lisbon would kick his sorry ass.

"Okay…. on one condition."

Abbott groaned.

"I hate the sound of that… shoot."

"If I catch the killer, Lisbon and me get a three-week holiday afterwards."

"THREE WEEKS? Forget it, Jane, I can't spare you both for such a…"

"What did you say about this Boston guy? He's a serial?" Jane whistled, "Sounds like an important catch…"

Abbott leaned back, staring at Jane.

"Okay. You catch him… you get three weeks off with Lisbon."

Jane smiled.



After an endless night of the most forbidden pleasures, he had to say goodbye to Lisbon in front of the whole team, and it wasn't easy. There were about a million things he wanted to tell her- and yes, he would have liked to hold her for an hour to soak the feel of her body into his skin. No time.

It was just one week. So why felt his heart so heavy? He had always been independent, unattached, but since he had Lisbon in his life, it had been so much fun being dependent and attached. More than he dared to admit. He needed her. She was his lifeline, the beacon that gave him purpose and direction. Warmth filled his heart, and pain made his hands clench.

He could do this. Piece of cake.

He kissed her, in front of Abbott and the whole team, and she didn't even object.

"I'll call you." He whispered into her mouth, the pressure of his hands on her body showing his distress. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

He held her close, his hands fisting her clothes, as if this way, he could just hold on forever.


She swallowed drily- damn, she would miss him, too. It was almost scary how much she'd come to depend on his presence in her daily life, the warm comfort he gave her, the sheer thrill of not being alone any longer. She had always been alone, even when she'd been with Pike, because he had never been what she truly wanted. So a part of her had always stayed stubbornly lonely- until Patrick.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, just for a second.

"I love you, Patrick."

She knew she acted wildly out of character, the whole team looking elsewhere to be polite, but when he mouthed the crucial three words back at her, she felt happy and found she didn't care.

Jane sighed and turned, walking towards the black car where Cho and Fischer were already waiting for him, but a second before he got in he raced back to her, leaning down for a last sweet kiss. Lisbon tried to contain his taste, remember what the texture of his lips felt like on hers, but when he broke apart, she knew she couldn't. Tonight, her lonely bed would feel cold, no matter what she did. She sighed and tried to wave happily, act like an adult… it was just one week, for god's sake. She couldn't even count the weeks she had spent lonely in the past, pining for him, wishing and wondering. This was easy compared to that.

The Harris case was a pain in the ass, lots of paperwork and methodical correctness, which was why Abbott had given it to her in the first place- it was not a Jane case, it was one for meticulous detective work, so here she was. She rubbed her burning, tired eyes, exhausted from staring at the screen and countless files. The alibi had a hole somewhere- she just needed to find it. What would Jane do? She smiled to herself.

Right now, he would be whiney and unhappy, endlessly complaining about his boredom and the unfairness of having to do tedious theoretical work.

Two hours later it was close to midnight, and Lisbon decided to call it a night. She was too tired for life-changing revelations, cracking this bastard of a case would have to wait until tomorrow.

She got take-out on her way home- without Jane, there was no cooking happening in their house. How lonely the familiar rooms felt without him. They had hardly been apart in one year, and she had gotten used to him always being around by now. She sighed, her heart unnaturally heavy. Obviously she had gotten used to happiness, too. She smiled. Yes, he made her happy. She put her Thai in a bowl and decided to eat on the couch, watching a movie. She needed some distraction from eating alone, because she was a little sad deep inside.

The bowl stood untouched on the low table, she didn't feel really hungry, but just when she'd decided to go to bed the phone rang. She startled a little before she picked up, her heartbeat loud in the lonely house.


His voice was warm and melting, and she wanted to press the phone against her heart.

"Hello, my love. You're home late."

He had tried before. She felt safe and loved, despite being lonely.

"The Harris case is a tough one. I still didn't have a breakthrough."

"Hmmm. Harris is this grey-haired guy who looks like an accountant, yes?"

"Exactly. He's a lawyer, actually, which doesn't help with things."

"Meh- boring case. He's guilty as hell."

Lisbon sighed deeply.

"I know. Still, he has an alibi that sounds airtight at the moment. But I know there's something rotten about it… just need to find out what."

"Just one thing: he's a vain, blown-up macho wannabe. If you mock his male pride, he will start boasting. And tell you more than he should in the process."

"You think I should bring him in again?"


Lisbon groaned.

"I was hoping I could solve this one intellectually…"

"Meh, Lisbon. Nothing like the direct approach. Bring him in, grill him again,be a little girly and seductive, and then tell him that he's that uptight because he certainly has a small one. Trust me… it will do the trick."

She smiled.

"I do trust you, you know?"

His voice softened considerably.

"You do?"

She chuckled.

"Well… let's say within reason."

"What are you wearing?"

Her heart skipped a beat- an involuntary reaction she couldn't stop.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Humor me, Teresa. I'm a lonely, heartsick man. Tell me."

She felt hot and sweaty all of a sudden.

"Panties and a tank top."

He whistled.

"Nothing more? I do hope you're alone!"

She sighed dramatically.

"Of course. Alone with my memories of passionate nights in your arms."

"Poor baby. I feel your pain, believe me. Take the panties off."

She went very still.


"You heard me. Your panties. Slide them down your legs and toss them somewhere they won't get in the way. Pretty please."

Lisbon swallowed drily. Had he told her about this beforehand she would most likely have found it ridiculous, but her nerves were frayed from hard work and long hours of concentration, and her body longed for surrender, wanted nothing more than melt under his voice. So she took a deep breath and took the panties off.

"They're off." She whispered.

"Take the top off, too. I promise you don't need it."

She hesitated.

"Where are you, Jane?"

She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Alone, in my hotel room."

"Then play fair. Undress, too."

"Okay. It will take a moment longer, though- I'm fully dressed."

He put the receiver down, and she heard the rustle of clothes. Imagining him getting naked made her swell with lust, and she couldn't keep her legs still.

"Okay," he said calmly when the receiver was picked up again, "I'm naked. Completely. It's cool, I have goose bumps on my arms and shoulders. I'm hard, Teresa. Your voice makes me crave you so much. You gave me so many precious memories, they're eating me alive. Spread your legs for me, my love. I want in there. Please."

She did what he said out of instinct, never having second thoughts. Spreading her thighs as wide as she could, opening, stretching, her whole frame trembling with ecstasy.

His voice was low now, hypnotic, a seductive singsong that made her light-headed and dizzy.

"Put your fingertips against your entrance, Lisbon. Do you feel your clit, love? It's right there, waiting for my hands and mouth and cock to rub and tease it. You're so beautiful, Teresa. So soft and responsive, answering every touch of mine immediately, so perfectly, my sweet. You make me want more and more. Imagine it's my fingers touching you… my hands going deeper, touching you where you need it most."

Her knees buckled and twitched, and when she heard him groan, she almost lost her hold on the phone.

"Push your fingers inside you, Teresa," he whispered, "fuck yourself like I would if I could. Rub your clit with every stroke, rub it good, hard. Think about my hands, you know them so well. They crave you, Teresa."

She knew she should most likely say something, too, but the sensations crested over her without mercy, making her mind swim with foggy lust. Her hand shook, but she did what he had told her, brushing her fingertips over her clit every time she pushed inside, imagining his hands, broad, long-fingered and elegant, knowing exactly where he had to touch her to make her explode like a supernova.

"Jane," she cried out, her mind creating the perfect fantasy for her, "you feel so good…."

His breath was sharp, panting, she could almost feel his lips against her ear.

"Yes, my love, I'm going to take you as hard as I can. But first, I want you to come for me. Can you feel it, Teresa? My whole body screams for you."

"Are you touching yourself?"

"Oh, yes… of course I am."

She swallowed drily.

"Tell me… please."

"I'm so hard I have to push my cock down to wrap my hand around it… I'm always this hard for you, love, only for you. It almost hurts to touch my shaft, but I need to spill, need to get rid of the tension… I dream of your lips around me, priming me before I get to fill you…"

"Oh god…"

"I want you to lick all the secret spots nobody knows but you, want to feel you push your tongue there until I lose all remnants of composure, letting you swallow me, my hips thrusting helplessly until I fill your mouth with my essence…"

His voice was hoarse, trembling, and Teresa's senses were almost lost in the rush of her pleasure, her fingers wet from her juices, sliding freely in the slickness of her arousal. She groaned so loudly it resonated in her head, making her whole body vibrate.

"I harden immediately, I always do for you, and oh god, Teresa, I need inside you now, need to thrust into your tightness, please, if you don't spread your legs now I'm going to die…"

She mustered every ounce of strength she could find inside her, so close now her whole body tingled from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes.

"I'll spread for you, as far as I can, knowing I have to make room for you. Please, Patrick, take me, shove into me hard, I need it so much, I…"

Her release tackled her sideways before she could prepare for it, and she cried out when her whole lower body contracted, tightening her sheath around her thrusting fingers until her motions produced the wet, slick sound Jane's cock caused seconds after he had slammed his whole length into her, he was so big, so hard, pulsating inside her with the roughness of his thrusts… she wailed helplessly while wave after wave crashed down on her, making her body convulse like a single muscle. As if from a great distance she heard Jane scream, his voice breaking under the onslaught of nameless pleasure. She came again, her small frame arching on the couch, the feverish climax feeling like an electric shock.

When she finally came down after what felt like hours, black invaded her vision, her limbs shaking like crazy.

"Jane?" she whispered softly, her natural worry for him easily winning over her exhaustion, "Are you alright?"

She could hear him breathing heavily.

"Oh my god," he whispered, "I came like a volcano. I made a total mess of the cream-colored carpet in front of me…"

She whimpered.

"And I'm not there…"

"Sorry, my love." She could hear the shaky smile in his voice. "I absolutely couldn't save this one. But believe me… there will be enough for you when I'm back. And then some."

Goose bumps rose all over her skin.

"I miss you." She couldn't think of anything else to say, and tears welled in her eyes, making her curl her tiny body into a tight ball.

"God, I miss you, too, sweet Teresa. I'll be back soon, and then I'll take you on the vacation of your life."

"I don't need anything fancy, Jane, I just need you…"

"I know… but there's a difference between what you need and what you deserve, my princess. Let me spoil you a bit, please. And I promise, you'll get a whole lot of me, too. I won't let you out of my sight for a second."

"That sounds good."

He was silent for a moment, still breathing hard, and she longed for his voice so much in these short whisper of time that she almost held her breath until he spoke again.

"Are you eating enough, Lisbon?"

"I'm… sure, yes, I eat plenty."

He sighed.

"Why do you even bother lying to me, my painfully honest little butterfly?"

She smiled. His outrageous endearments were the cutest things anybody had ever said to her.

He tsk-tsked softly.

"If you don't eat, you won't have the stamina for what I have in mind when I'm back."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm rock hard again, Teresa."

She groaned in despair.

"I'll never survive this week, Jane. Let's face it, I'm a clingy cry-baby just like everybody else."

He chuckled.

"You're not. You're just in love, and that's okay. I love you, too."

Her smile warmed her from within.

"I love you, Patrick Jane. Take care, yes? Don't do any dangerous stuff, at least not while I'm not there to save you. I need you back with me in one piece… and soon."

"Six days, love. But you have to EAT, yes?"

"I'll try. I'm a lonely, heartsick woman, we don't tend to have monstrous appetites."

"At least not for food…" he cooed.

"Come back FAST." She breathed.

"I will. Goodnight, Teresa. I love you."

"I love you, Patrick. Goodnight."

She kept the receiver pressed against her ear for a while after he had hung up. Then she reluctantly put it down and got up, craving a hot shower, loneliness wrapping her heart in its rough embrace.

Her dinner remained untouched on the table, entirely forgotten.


Despite her worries, the week passed in a hurry. Jane had been right, of course… showing a little décolleté, combined with some well-placed insults to his overblown male pride did the trick with Harris, and he stumbled over his own words before he could stop himself. The arrest was perfect on day 6 of Jane's absence, including the paperwork and a full confession, which gave her a gold star in Abbott's virtual book of nice agents and a free afternoon.

Things were very much the same on Jane's side: Abbott told her the team had arrested their serial killer with pomp and fanfare, and that there were only the usual complaints about Jane… well, Fischer had to deal with that, not Lisbon, which made her smile a little. Jane would most likely be home tomorrow evening, which was a Friday, everything picture perfect. They would start on his mystery vacation on Monday, and that gave them a free weekend in-between… a weekend she fully intended to spend with Jane's cock balls-deep inside her.

She winced inwardly… damn, this being-apart-thingy definitely gave her crude thoughts. But she couldn't help it… she felt STARVED for him, so much so that after her job had been done, there was little room for anything else in her mind.

So it was no real surprise that after eating some ice cream at her favorite parlor, her strolls through downtown brought her to a shop selling very exclusive lingerie. She had NEVER bought stuff like that before, so to say she felt a little insecure was the understatement of the century. It was strange that even when she'd been with Pike, she had always worn her simple, sensible black underwear, not too plain and ugly, but not really sexy either. She had bought dresses when she was going out with him, but lingerie? Somehow, the thought had never crossed her mind.

Now, it did. She shuddered when she imagined how Jane would return: he was a tiger when he hadn't had her for more than 24 hours, and she could only imagine what would happen after a week of abstinence. It wasn't likely that flimsy lingerie would survive his no doubt violent attack. She bit her lower lip in sheer delight… still, if she could make him even wilder, she damn well would.

She stepped inside, carefully, like someone who entered foreign territory, and was immediately greeted by the flamboyant shop owner, an older lady who nonetheless gave the impression that she totally rocked the designs she sold.

"How can I help you, sweetie?" her voice was deep and warm, and despite the endearment, Lisbon didn't feel offended.

Unfortunately, she wasn't an easy, but rather uncertain customer… it took her forever to decide, before she finally took the leap und chose a black, see-through baby-doll that parted beneath her breasts and allowed a glimpse of her flat stomach. She also bought matching panties (no string, because she would NEVER in her life wear a string), which had only very slim chances of surviving their first encounter with Jane. She smiled to herself. She wanted him sex-crazed, out of his mind, devouring her like a wild beast. She wanted HER Jane, the man who wet her panties with a wink and then rammed her like a freight train.

She left the shop whistling, happily swinging the delicate paper bag containing her purchase. He would be back tomorrow, and she was facing a long weekend locked up in her house with a man who… wait. What if he had practiced bio-feedback all week, and arrived on their doorstep cool as a cucumber? She stopped dead in her tracks, only to berate herself a moment later: what was the matter with her anyway? He would be back. He hadn't been able to let his hands off her before his trip, so why should that have changed? She just wanted him back, that was all.

On a firm stride, she walked home, her heart thundering in her chest. Only one night left without him.

He didn't call her that night, which worried her a little. The last time they had talked had been three days ago… since then, there had been silence from his side, and he had ignored a few of her calls. At least Fischer had called her, telling her they would arrive in Austin around 6 p.m., so she knew Jane was not hurt in any way. She shrugged her worries away. Maybe he had been tied up, busy with the case. It happened, she knew that too well.

But again, she felt too excited to prepare something for dinner. Well… she'd had a little ice cream for lunch, that had to be enough.

She went to the basement and worked out till her legs buckled, fondly remembering how Jane and her had christened pretty much every piece of equipment in her little gym… she just wanted him back, nothing else.

She took an exhausted shower, leaning her head against the cool tiles of the stall, before she collapsed naked on their bed, her damp hair soaking her pillow.

She was out in three, longing accompanying her into her dreams, and almost asleep she wondered how much she had changed since they had met. So, so much.


Jane's smile felt frozen on his face, but hey… he managed. Breathing in, breathing out, his cock remaining flaccid on his command, while the evil part of his mind couldn't stop tormenting him with pictures of hard sex to the absolute exhaustion, Lisbon's body cushioning his violent thrusts while he buried himself inside her again and again, filling her tight sheath with as much of him as he could. He was mad, dangerous, sick with desire. He'd never felt like this before, a fearful, broken human who loved far too much. He loved Lisbon so, so much, but he couldn't help it. He craved her body, too, craved the union they had forged, needed to be close to her, to hold her, let instincts lead the way.

He smiled at Cho, and it felt like a lie. Lisbon. He only wanted Lisbon.

He had stopped calling her after he had done so on the third night, unable to resist getting her off, giving her release and satisfaction through his voice alone. He had been worried about her because she didn't eat enough and he couldn't help with that, couldn't cook for her, couldn't feed her. He had clung to her sweet voice, her rapid breath when she'd approached orgasm, so happy he could give her that. It had messed with him in dangerous ways, and he had spent the night masturbating, again and again, until everything had felt raw and chafed, and he'd been a desperate bundle of longing and need. He had pulled himself together in the morning hours, exercising his bio-feedback rigorously, until he'd felt moderately in control once more. He had stopped himself from calling her again, even though at night, he'd lain on his bed like a corpse, hands folded over his middle, his mind struggling to fight down the loneliness, his desperate thoughts about her.

But in these dark hours, he had found that he simply wanted to tie the knot, as soon as possible. No year-long engagement, he just wanted to finalize it right away. Not because he believed that it would change anything between him and Lisbon, but because he wanted to show the world that she was his, and he was hers, for good. That he would hold her, would do anything to make her happy, was in this to stay forever. He knew that Lisbon would want a simple, down-to-earth ceremony, and so he distracted himself with planning and plotting, imagining what she would like best.

But on Friday morning, everything he had trusted on failed.

When Fischer attempted making cheerful conversation in the car to the airport, he had smiled at her and politely asked her to shut the hell up. He didn't want to talk. He wanted to stop himself from falling apart, and survive the cruel hours that separated him from HOME. Teresa Lisbon. She would wait for him, and he would spend the weekend tasting, loving, filling her, letting go of his control, taking her like a beast. His cock twitched inside his pants, and he took deep, calming breaths to will it down again. Only a few hours, and he would be whole again.

He could do this, couldn't he? Of course he could. He was Patrick Jane.

But the shaky breath he took was full of doubt, and he rolled the eyes at himself.


At first, she felt strange in the skimpy lingerie. She passed the mirror again and again, glancing at her body, turning in front of her own reflection to judge the impression she made. The bustier hardly contained her breasts, but they were not very big, so thankfully didn't fall out of the décolleté when she moved. No- she didn't look bad.

After a while, she almost forgot what she was wearing, feeling like a naughty little housewife waiting for her even naughtier man. She watered the plants, barefoot, dancing to her Spice Girls CD, whistling the tunes she knew so well. She felt giddy with excitement, and around eight p.m., she decided to distract herself with one of Jane's Sudoku, lying on her stomach on their bed, kicking her legs like an overeager little girl would do.

She felt her nipples harden when she heard a key being turned inside the front door's lock.

She was out of the bed in seconds running the distance to the stairs on her bare feet, excitement pumping through her veins.

"Jane!" she cried out. "You're back!"

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. He looked at her, his luggage dead weight in his hands, eyes going round.

She had momentarily forgotten what she wore, had forgotten how things were between them, how they had always been after the years of restraint. Painful arousal wet her panties, made her sex swell for him until everything hurt. He stood at the door, staring, his eyes wandering down her scantily clad body like the gaze of a starving lion.

And suddenly, everything happened so fast that she could hardly process her surroundings.

Jane dropped everything he wore and kicked the door shut with a loud, resonating thud. He raced up the stairs as fast as lightning, grabbing her before she could as much as gasp. He pushed her against the next wall, her back roughly connecting with the polished wood, the breath being knocked out of her lungs. He ripped the panties from her body with a single, firm pull, and she would have collapsed hadn't he held her upright with his strong grip. He didn't kiss her, just freed his cock, shoving his pants and underwear down before he pushed into her, deep and hard, leaving it to her to accommodate his enormous size. She cried out and wrapped her legs around his hips, allowing him to thrust deeper, entering her completely, until his balls rubbed against her buttocks, showing that he had given her every single inch of his enormous length. Her cervix screamed under the strain, her whole body begging for release, his strokes fierce and rapid, making her back thud against the wall.

She started to contract almost immediately, he just knew where to push, how to fuck her, how to ram so deep she came helplessly for him, lost in the torrent of their feelings for each other.

He kissed herthen, wild, hungry, desperate kisses, his tongue playing wetly with hers, the sensations so sensual she shook like a leave in his arms. She didn't even try to meet his thrusts, just allowed him to hammer into her, his hot breath everywhere, his cock filling her with incredible force, again, again. She struggled against him, sweating and panting, needing to explode again, to cure the itch only he evoked in her, making her need to come so badly, not once, more, just more, a million breathless times.

"Patrick!" she screamed and heard him growl, grunt, throwing his whole weight into his thrusts. He threw his head back while he pounded into her, howling like a bloodthirsty animal. Lisbon wrapped her arms around his shoulders and shakily kissed his neck and throat, her body bouncing under his frantic strokes. Her sex constricted around him until her stomach muscles hurt, the feeling pulling on every nerve in her body.

Short before she thought she would pass out, she felt him go rigid on a desperate groan, pushing into her as far as he could go, and she felt the familiar gush of warmth deep inside her, his seed filling her up. Like usual, Jane came copiously, and it felt so good she clutched at his flesh, struggling to get closer when that would have been absolutely impossible. He spilled into her, spurt after spurt, and she spread her legs to receive all of him, the mess of their combined juices dripping onto the floor.

When he was completely spent he lay sobbing in her arms, wrapped tightly around him, her legs holding him as firmly as her embrace. He squirmed to get rid of his clothing, ripping here, dropping there until he was naked. He kept her close, but almost ran with her to their bedroom, their bodies still connected, his steps causing delicious little tremors inside her.

He threw her onto the mattress, dislodging himself in the process, and she heard his frantic intake of breath. Jane enjoyed pushing into her seed-filled sheath, loved slamming into her tight chamber crammed with his juices, and heavens, she loved it, too. He was so attuned to her, every touch, every move igniting her to white-hot flames, devouring her body with its fiery tongues.

She spread her legs, showed him what he had done, and he gave in with a shudder, kneeling down between her legs. He put his hands onto her thighs, pulling her onto his lap, his cock finding his home inside her, entering her so deep she could feel him all through her body. His fingers found the straining, swollen pearl of her clit, rubbing it firmly, pressing it down on his pumping shaft.

"My Teresa," he whispered, "I want to come inside you so often I'll lose consciousness."

She arched against his body, and he sighed, pushing her off him, pulling out in a long move that was sheer agony. He turned her onto her stomach and made her go up on all fours, spreading her thighs wide, so wide, opening her completely. She could feel his seed trickling out of her, and knew he could see it when he pushed his fingers into her, spreading his essence over her skin, marking her with his come, his breath accelerating.

She buried her face into the pillow in front of her, shaking with lust, silently begging him to finish her off again.


He was so hard, he couldn't keep his hands still, but after his first load had been spilled, he couldn't pass the chance to play. God, seeing her in this tiny black nothing, her wavy hair open on her shoulders, her eyes so happy, relieved to see him… everything inside him had just short-circuited.

He pushed his cock into her, just a few inches, making his own semen gush out. It was so erotic he groaned loudly, unable to take his eyes from her smooth, rosy sex, spread for him, ready to receive him. He pushed a little deeper and pulled out again, his shaft marked by the white reams of his come. He shook with pleasure and rammed deeper, rougher, more intense. She moaned, bending her back like a little kitten, looking over her shoulder at him, her eyes huge and innocent, lips swollen from his kisses, pursed into the classical Lisbon-pout. It did things to him he couldn't name. He pushed his length into her as deep as possible, rubbing his hips against her shapely, perfect buttocks.

This was the moment he got loud, unhinged, his sonorous voice rising, moans and cries showing how mind-blowing the sensations were for him. There were jolts of ecstasy running up and down his shaft, and he gave her deep, thorough strokes, right to the deepest recesses of her tight body, enjoying the suction of her walls when he pulled out again. It wasn't long until he couldn't bear the slow build-up any longer, and her restless squirming showed him she felt the same. He pulled her up until her back was pressed against his chest, his lips searching her neck, her ears, claiming her mouth when she turned her head and offered her kiss. God, how he loved kissing those lips, so soft against his, eating him up. His Lisbon loved to grope, her play rich and luscious, and his cock throbbed inside her every time her mouth moved against his.

He wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled, playfully biting her throat.

His voice shook when he spoke.

"Do you want me to take you hard again, love? Or a little softer this time?"

"NO." She whispered urgently, "Not soft. Please, Patrick, I need to feel you. As rough as possible."

It was the permission he had longed for, and he pushed her back down into the pillows, looking down to the place where they were joined, groaning when she instinctively spread her legs further, her tight core stretched obscenely around his shaft. He just allowed the tiger to roar to life.

She startled when he wrapped his hands around her waist, fingers digging into her soft flesh, pulling her close. His first thrust would have pushed her up the mattress until she'd hit her head on the bed's wooden frame, but he held her in place, battering her with sharp, ramming thrusts that made her whole body bounce. He looked down to where his cock was stretching her so far it looked painful, but she moaned in delight, pressing her bottom closer against him, her hands fisted into the sheets. He slammed into her, over and over again, his strokes so deep and fast he got dizzy with pleasure. Leaning his weight into fucking her made his spine tingle in ecstasy, his cock jerking inside her with the need to spill, spray her womb with seed. Taking her to completion was an enormous urge, and Jane couldn't think about anything else, got lost into the task until there was nothing existing in his universe but her body beneath him, accepting his cock, spreading her legs wider to make room for him.

He groaned her name every time he made impact, punctuated by her sharp cries, making him fuck her harder, faster. The bed banged against the wall from the force of his punishing thrusts, but he didn't care, hardly noticed a thing, just Teresa, Teresa, coming again beneath him, massaging his cock with her slick walls, contracting around him until a flood of seed was torn from him, and he was screaming because it was just too intense, deep spurts of come filling her up until his juices were dripping onto the sheets from her tight core. She pushed against him, heightening the sensation, made him come even harder, taking every single gush of his semen deep where it belonged. His hands brushed over the silky fabric of the sinful piece of lingerie she was wearing, increasing the sensual impressions coursing through his body. He gasped with pleasure, his body burning up until there was nothing left of him, and he collapsed next to her with a blissful sigh, pulling out of her with a wet sound that made goose bumps rise all over his skin.

"Oh my god, Teresa," he breathed when he could talk again, "what in heaven are you WEARING?"

She arched her back, pushing her perfect breasts forward, covered only about halfway by the tiniest chiffon cups he had ever seen.

"What?" she said, wearing one of the cute pouts he loved so much, "You don't like it?"

He pulled the eyebrows up.

"Oh, excuse me- did I behave as if I don't like it?"

She smiled.

"I guess I was imagining some very sexy, seductive gesture as welcome for you, like waiting for you draped on our bed like a pinup, but I got distracted, and when I heard you at the door I totally forgot all about it…"

He chuckled.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, dear. Seeing you like this brought the caveman inside me the last few inches. Did I hurt you? Too rough?"

She wrapped her small hand around his cock as far as it would go, and he huffed in surprise when he hardened beneath her grip.

"There's no such thing as too rough," she whispered, "at least it looks that way, with you. I'm so glad you're back."

"God, me too. Sorry that I didn't call you, my sweet. But I could hardly tolerate hearing your voice without being able to touch you, and I was pining for you so much I couldn't concentrate on the case. I just wanted to get it over with, so I could get back home to you."

"That's okay," she sighed, "Fischer kept me up to date. She called me sometimes to tell me that you didn't get into trouble and are still in one piece."

He winced.

"Oh, snap. I never considered that you would be worried about me. Teresa, I'm so, so sorry…"

She snuggled closer, her hand still firm around his stiffening shaft, and his hips started moving restlessly, fire pouring down his spine.

"Don't worry." she said softly into his ear, "I love you, Patrick."

He smiled, pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead.

"I love you, my Teresa."

And I will marry you sooner than you think, he thought happily.

He then brought her tiny frame beneath his, and proceeded to show her how much he had missed her.

The End

So far from me, I hope you liked it! Vacation is next in the "Aftermath Tales"! Hope to see you then!