First up, Claude and Caleb establish they would probably make Pitch either proud of or avoid them at all costs.

Archive tags from AO3

Rating:Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings


Fandom: Rise of the Guardians (2012)

Relationship:Jack Frost/Burgess 7


Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians),E. Aster Bunnymund,Nicholas St. North,Toothiana,Sanderson Mansnoozie,Pitch Black (Rise Of The Guardians),Burgess 7,Seraphina Pitchiner|Mother Nature,Spring OC,Summer OC,Fall OC,The Man in the Moon (Rise of the Guardians),Assorted OCs that exist mainly for the purpose of causing them mental scarring...

Additional Tags:

Child Death,Assisted Suicide,dark side of childhood,Touch-Starved,Child Abuses,slightly Dark!Jack,Family of Choice,family bonds,Disturbing Fluff,not really sure how to classify these relationships,Other Additional Tags to Be Added,bashing with a purpose,Dark Humor,general creepiness...,slightlyDark!Burgess 7


"Well, this escalated quickly." Caleb stated casually.

"Yep." Claude dug in his left ear with his pinkie, popping the p. "Well quicker than we thought."

Backpacks were flying, kids were screaming like banshees and bouncing around like crazy. At some point, one of the stage lighting rigs had fallen down. Or been pulled down if the rather tipsy looking AV club members dangling from the ropes were any indication.

Teachers tried with little luck to calm the raucous group down. One woman had already been hurled out into the hall when she attempted to separate two groups intent on brawling super smash brothers style.

The Whitmore twins were passively watching an entire auditorium of students going the hell off. And trying to decide what to do about it.

If anything...

...leaning more towards nothing...

"You two! This is your doing, I just know it!" Principal Logan marched up to the pair on stage. The only teens not going ape shit.

"Exactly how did you reach that conclusion sir?" Claude feigned innocence while setting down his guitar. That no one would buy.

"We were just minding our own business when this started." Caleb put on his own faux angel face from behind the drumset.

"Stop that. The two of you are always causing trouble. Strangeness follows you like a lost puppy." He blotted his drenched forehead. The poor man's thin face was nearly as red as his hair. "You were the ones singing that god awful song!"

"What could that possibly have to do with kids swinging from the ceiling and screaming like demons?" They spoke in tandem, repeating a line from said song. Those sweet smiles morphed into ones that chilled the man to the bone. "Certainly nothing you could prove."

"S-see here-" Principal Logan swallowed thickly. He suddenly felt like he may not be the one with much authority in this situation.

"Fire." Both boys pointed to the left. Where the stage curtains were smoking. Another faculty member was stomping on the draperies but it seemed to only agitate the budding flames. Their tone carried such apathy for the potentially lethal development it was alarming.

"Great Scott!"

With that, the older man ran full stop to the fire extinguisher nearby. Emptying the contents in the curtain as well as the guidance counselor's singed khakis. To think this started as a talent show!


Of all the Burgess 7, Caleb and Claude had earned a reputation as inheritors of Jack's more devious (borderline fucking evil) side. The two of them were known to play pranks with a bit more than harmless fun in mind. Icing the middle of a sidewalk for an unsuspecting pedestrian to at worst bruise their butt? No. Try icing the middle step on a flight of stairs so a jerk ends up in traction. Touching car hoods to freeze OIL and GAS lines knowing full well the driver had a deadline or an appointment they can't miss.

But even that pales in comparison to their sense of humor. The two were fans of "wait for it..." set ups that generally did not end well for the person observed. To the point that it alarmed the Guardians. When confronting Jack about it, they really should not have been surprised by his response.

"They're just having fun."

"By really hurting people! The things they do Jack aren't minor pranks someone could laugh about later. They put people in the hospital! They scared a man so bad he had a stroke!" Tooth exclaimed.

"Look, we get that we ain't gonna see 100% eye to eye with what ya and the anklebitters do. Fine. But come on, this is reckless!" Bunny huffed. "At this rate, they're gonna kill somebody."

"What makes you think they haven't already?" Jack tilted his head, so seemingly sincere in his query that the big four were unsure if he really was.

Or just trolling the shit out of them.

Sandy shivered right along with his teammates. Even as the most understanding and level headed of the group, he was stilled disturbed by the implications of either possibility.


Not long after that unnerving get together, his wicked little frost flowers demonstrated their viciousness yet again. The twins caught kid picking on Monty one day.

"Watch it freak. Don't walk where the cool kids walk." Thomas Cryer sneered down at 13 year old Monty who was sprawled on the floor. The much larger boy had pretty much body checked the blonde rushing to class with a model of the Sphinx in his arms. At no point was he anywhere near Cryer's personal space before the little asswipe crossed the hall way and forced him into a row of lockers. 2 other kids with him laughed at their leader's stunt as the group walked away. Because of course egotistical bastards learn to amass an entourage at an early age.

It should come as no suprise that the carefully constructed project did not hold up to being thrown against metal then landing on tile. The clay model shattered like a china plate.

"Oh no!" He bemoaned.

"Monty you okay?" Caleb ran over to help his brother up.

"Yeah, but the Sphinx isn't. Now what do I do? I was already late turning this in. It's a F for sure now."

"Mrs. Hawkins is kinda a hard ass but I'm sure she'll understand." Claude offered. While his twin checked they're little bro over, he carefully gathered the bits of the assignment from the floor.

"Right. She's gonna believe her precious godson is a school bully. She went off the last grown adult who tried to make that freaking boss! I'm screwed."


Monty got a failing grade on his Egypt assignment. He was upset but not nearly as upset as the twins.

The next day, Cryer and the Cronies were smoking in the bathroom as usual. It was an out of the way restroom in the basement few students had time to reach between classes. Built back in the in the olden days when classes actually happened down there. Before anyone realized mold spores and what not were terrible for the health of developing lungs. It was all but condemned, though the water and electricity were never acually turned off.

"You assholes have some nerve doing that to Monty." Two voices said angrily.

Standing in the doorway were the Whitmore twins. Glaring menacingly at the trio.

"Oh look! The Wonder Twins! Behold their awesome power to talk at the same time!" Cryer mock swooned. "Gonna tell on us? Beat it shortstacks."

"Yeah, this bathroom's for the big leagues." Cronie #1 scoffed.

"Not the peewees." Cronie #2 chimed.

"Wow. That was fucking LAME." Tandem deadpan.

As if they were living in a bad horror movie, the florescent bulbs overhead became strobe lights for ten seconds then cut out entirely. The bullies shrieked in fright seeing the four eerie points of violet light at eye level to where the kids they'd been poking fun at were standing.

A muffled BOOM shook Burgess Middle School shortly after A rotation lunch. Windows rattled, objects fell from their places on shelves and desks. People panicked thinking it was anything from another east coast earthquake to some kind of attack. After everyone freaked and ran screaming out the doors, first responders investigated the smoke coming from the lowest level.

The official explanation went as follows. Methane from the recently unused but improperly maintained sewer pipes leaked into the enclosed space. Being a flammable gas, it was ignited when one one the boys lit his cigarette that day. Resulting in a flash explosion that basically demolished the out of order restroom and broke quite a few bones in all three boys and ruptured the eardrums of one as fallout from the concussive wave. To add to the destruction, a white RAV4 in the back lot had all its windows blown out filled with human waste. How unfortunate for the elderly world history teacher. So youthfully stupid rebellion plus adults dropping the ball equaled one week school break to assess the building's structural integrity. Simple right?

If we ignored the fact that said boys were found screaming their heads off about freaks with white hair and blazing purple eyes.

Oh, and frozen to the floor by gallons of raw sewage.

That part never made it into any written report.


Was that a Nickelback reference? Yes, yes it was. Remember Pippa singing in Winter's Dark Angel? Same deal, just with instruments. Monty is also the only one of the 7 who chose not to remember that he dies at 16. The twins feel rather protective of him for this reason.

Whaddya think? Love it? Hate it? General indifference? Reviews are like hugs. Sirensoundwave out.