Disclaimer: Spoilers for BoO Chapter 1 and Staff of Serapis/Son of Sobek. I don't own anything...blahblah.

Blood Of Olympus - Predictions Thinggy.

Hey. So I said before that I'll be discussing predictions for BoO too. Due to the already-long status of the previous chapter, I'm squeezing it in between that one and the next Jasper one...

So...BoO...I'll just get straight to it.

1) Gaea will rise. Which means 2 demigods are gonna die. I dunno if this includes one of our Seven or something but...2 people are gonna die. I hope its Octavian.

2) Nico's secret is exposed somehow? Percy comes to know.

3) Storm or Fire... See, this one, I've thought it over during countless of sleepless nights and wrecked my brain again and again in an attempt to spur it into...er, I just thought about it ALOT, Okay? Anyway, I do agree with Piper about the 'Storm or Fire' being Jason or Leo. And I also agree that the war is going to end with the 3 of them one way, or another.

Some ppl have been speculating that 'Storm or Fire' refers to Roman or Greek because of the meeting with Auster. And I have 2 reasons why they don't make sense.

• When Auster speaks of Storm or Fire, he speaks not of the Great Prophecy, but of Jason's personal choice between Greek and Roman. If this were to apply to the Prophecy as well, it'd be a pretty big hint. And Rick never does that - especially with major stuff. Also, it doesn't make sense in that context.

• I saw a tweet on Rick's twitter, with the 'Storm or Fire' line translated into Roman or Greek instead and the person claimed to have "figured it out". And Rick said that it was "Clever but wrong.". He could've been trolling but still...

4) Who's gonna die?

Percy - survives. Refer to Son of Sobek which takes place after BoO.

Annabeth - survives. Refer to Staff of Serapis.

Frank - probably survives. Frank is referenced in Staff of Serapis by Annabeth. And she refers to him without any trace of sadness or anything. Which means, he probably survives.

Hazel - I dunno, but I think she'll make it. When Annabeth references Frank, she probably would've automatically thought of Hazel by association but she didn't express any grief there. Also, I don't think she would've come back from the Dead only to go back. Pluto took special care to ignore her for so long and plus, she's only just discovered these awesome gifts. Many people think she'd die but she's the 'obvious' choice so, I believe she won't end up being the one. Pretty loose logic but whatever.

Leo - might possibly die. Only because of 'An oath to keep with a final breath'. I've seen a prediction about this saying that 'final breath' refers to his final mortal breath and that he'd become immortal to be with Calypso. Somehow, as long as Leo survives and ends up with Callie, I'll be happy. As happy as I'll be if I get a chocolate fountain ad that is pretty damn happy.

Piper - strong chance of dying.

Jason - strong chance of dying.

I have a really bad feeling about Jasper in general. I have no idea why, but I do. It has to do with the fact that of the 3 the battle would end with, these 2 are the couple. And it gives me a negative feeling because both of them in this ship are gonna be right in the thick of things! What are the odds that they both come out alive? (*sobs*) Here are my reasons for this:

• 'Storm or Fire'. But do you remember what Hazel said about Jason being the first move and therefore the war would end with him too? Now, overlap those two and I think it's pretty obvious that it's gonna be Storm. And did you see the Blood of Olympus Cover? Jason is in the middle! Yes, the motherfucking middle of it!

• Jason's hero complex. If Piper or Leo get hurt, he might intervene. Especially for Piper (cue Jasper feels). And what if this happens in the final moment?

• Cupid. In the encounter with Cupid in HoH, he says this:

I would think you'd know better, Jason Grace...You've found true love, after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?

and then, this:

Very good, Jason, Cupid said. At least you can sense my presence. Even a glancing hit at true love is more than most heroes manage.

The first one refers to...Jasper! (Ahh, my shipper heart rejoices). So the next one I suspect means that most heroes die before they manage to find true love. But he says 'glancing hit' and that makes it sound like it probably won't last. In the sense that they may be torn apart. Like maybe...by death?

• In the first chapter of BoO, Jason apparently suffers from constant nightmares of his mother. And y'know what she says?

I will be back for you, dearest...I will see you soon

And this might just be a hint that Ms Grace will be among the ghosts they have to face. But I'm scared that it might mean a trip to the underworld instead...

• Last reason and this one's kind of really really unreliable and solely due to my paranoia. I saw this statement on devianart that someone posted and that person said that Jason and Piper might have an even more tragic ending than Beckendorf and Silena. And we all know just how tragic Beauredorf (?) was in the end.

So, yeah, this does make me feel as though Jason or Piper is gonna die. Unless I got all the interpretations wrong and Cupid was just referring to himself when he said 'true love'. Or whoever that was on devianart was just lying. Or Jason's mom doesn't wanna take him to the underworld. In that case, well, moving on...

5) Piper will have a bigger role to play. She's been underestimated (by villians and readers) for too long. I think it's about time she does something epic. Especially considering that she is part of the trio who's supposedly going to end this.

That's my predictions done. Now here's what I hope will happen.

1) Gaea doesn't rise.

2) Percy never has to make that damn choice

3) No one (namely the Seven, Reyna, Nico, the Hedge Family, Thalia, Calypso) dies.

4)Leo has a baddass moment

5)Ditto Jason. Also, he defeats Gaea.

6)Piper has a badass moment.

7)Jasper/Percabeth/Caleo/Frazel live HEA. Happily Ever After.

But if the story goes my way, it'll probably turn out pretty shite, so...nevermind.

And, Blood of Olympus comes out October 7, folks. That's it. Ta-ta. Goodbye all.

AN: I know the predictions were kinda vague but it was rushed and I'm currently typing with my right hand wrapped in bandages because I'm an idiot who got her hand smashed between a door. Anyway, I just have a very bad feeling about Jasper for this book. I hope I'm just being paranoid and it never comes true in any way...Share your thoughts people! I wanna hear them! Also, I'm planning on posting 2 chapters per update...

Coming up next: a piece on Jasper and a Reyna-analysis.


PS: people are forgetting to check out the previous chapter on Jason. It's MUCH better than this, I promise :)