Author's Notes: Hello, Avatar fandom! This is my first fanfiction about Avatar and which character could be more appropriate for my first fic than *drumroll*... the amazing, lovely Toph! I saw this prompt on an Italian fanfiction community and I could NOT not write it. I hope you guys enjoy it. Reviews are always more than appreciated! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender; it belongs to its creators and Nickelodeon.


What do I look like?

She asks herself that question once in a while. She feels like she knows the answer, like she should know the answer; and yet, she doesn't.

Toph Bei Fong is not usually the type for such trivial matters. She's the greatest earthbender the world has ever seen; she invented metalbending, for crying out loud. She's not like all the other girls; she was always too busy to think about this kind of stuff.

But she is still a girl, regardless.

Toph knows what she looks like. Her mother has told her countless times.

You have long, raven-black hair. A big mouth. Little hands and feet. A petit figure. Lovely eyes.

Eyes that can't see. Eyes that can't see for themselves. Eyes that can't see the mirror in front of her. Eyes that can't see in the mirror.

Mirrors and girls usually go hand in hand. Girls make themselves pretty in the mirror. Girls sometimes receive mirrors as gifts. Girls usually can't go a day without looking at themselves in the mirror.

Not Toph.

She shouldn't complain about it, really. A mirror would be of no use to her. But still, she can't help but wonder.

She touches the smooth surface. It's in front of her, she knows. It's big. It's cold. It's reflecting her image right back at her.

She can feel it, but she can't see it.

Just once, she'd like to see it. Not just see, but see her reflection. See what she looks like. See what everybody else can see.

She wants to meet her reflection. Meet her in the mirror at her house; then the ones in the shops; in the rivers, the sea, the crystal clear water. Say hello to her wherever she goes. Have her follow along. Become friends with her.

Her reflection, Toph's greatest wish, Toph's greatest wonder.