Me: Everyone has their tissue?

Ann: I'm holding a box, but why do we need them again?

Me: Because this backstory is f*cking sad so I want people to be prepared. On with the story of Luna!


"It's a girl," a young woman with purple hair cooed, holding her child in her arms. Her husband, who had pink hair, kneeled next to her so he could look at his newborn daughter.

"She's absolutely beautiful," he chuckled. "Remember that we promised Hound that we let him name her."

"I know," the woman sighed. "I worried about how my family will react to seeing her. I mean, I don't mind how she looks, but you know how superstitious they are…"

"But we'll keep our daughter no matter what they say."

"You're right."

"Mom! Mom, can I see her now?" a voice popped up. The two adults looked over to see a thirteen-year-old boy with green hair at the doorway.

"Hound, you're back early," the man said.

"I found some nice game from the hunting so I came back earlier. Is that my new little sister?"

"Yes, do you want to see her?"

"Hell yeah!" Hound exclaimed before jumping over to sit next to his mother, leaning over to see his baby sister. He silently looked at the baby before he said something. "She's an albino…"

His parents looked at each other with nervous looks.

"That's so cool!" they heard him exclaim. With wide eyes, the newborn child was swiftly taken from the mother's arms and held in the now big brother's arms. "You're so cute!"

"Hound, you're going to startle the baby!" his father scolded. Hound looked at his father.

"But dad, I wanna hold her," the teen whined.

"I noticed, but she was just delivered an hour ago, you're probably going to scare her," the man lectured. "Now give your little sister back to your mother." Hound pouted and reluctantly handed the baby back.

"I'm still going to name her, right?"

"Of cou-."

Before the mother could finish her reply, the baby began to cry as soon as she was laid in the mother's arms.

"Eh?! W-why are you crying?" the mother panicked, trying to soothe the newborn. But the baby's cries wouldn't cease. As the parents tried to calm the wailing baby, Hound noticed that the baby's hands were reaching out to him. Tentatively, he reached over and picked up the newborn. "Hound, don't-."

But the baby's cries began to die as soon as she was in her big brother's arms. The parents stared wide eyed at the scene as Hound grinned.

"So you just wanted to be in big brother's arms, huh?" he chuckled. "You just got into this world and you're already causing some trouble to our parents. Don't do that." He lifted his baby sister a little over his head. "My name is Varquez Hound, okay? And your name will be Varquez Luna." Grinning, he gently pressed their noses together. "I'll be the wolf that protects his moon."





Little Luna trembled as she heard her mother and grandmother scream at each other. She hugged her green wolf plush, feeling a slight bit of comfort in it.

She didn't know what she did wrong. How was she evil? She didn't feel evil. She sniffled and hugged her plush tighter. She heard the door open and looked up.

Hound stared at his little sister, trembling. He heard the yelling in the other room and scowled. "Come here, Luna," Hound softly said, going over and picking her up. Quickly, he walked out the room with her. He walked down the hallway, rubbing her back. "There, there, no one's going to hurt you."

"Hound," Luna sniffled, "am I evil?"

"What? No, of course not," Hound replied, giving a bewildered look.

"Then…why do grandma and everyone hate me?"

"They're being stupid," Hound growled. "They think that albinos in our family are born evil." He hugged his precious moon. "But I know you're not evil."

"R-really?" Luna asked.

Hound gave a smile. "Of course. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


"Please, Sally," Luna squeaked, replacing the bandage on her right eye.

Salvador sighed, looking from the application he was working on. "I thought I said no. And quit calling me Sally."

"But Hound isn't here, and I really wanna go outside."

"Luna, we talked about this before." Salvador turned to Luna. "If Hound is not here, you can't go outside."

"But, but, but," Luna whimpered, tears welling up in her eye. Salvador groaned when he saw the dreaded kitten eye.

"Okay, how about we make a deal?" Salvador asked.


"Yeah." Salvador lifted up his application. "Let me finish my Marine trainee sheet, and then I'll take you outside."


"Yes, I will," Salvador, replied. "But you have to wait a little bit, okay?"

"Yay!" Luna cheered. She hugged her gray haired cousin. "You're the best!"

"Well, if I'm going to be a Marine, I have to be able to help those in need."

"And you'll help us no matter what, right?" Luna asked, her eye sparkling with hope.

"Of course, silly moon," Salvador answered. "I'll always be there to help you guys."



Luna smiled at him, but for some reason…

…she felt as if that the promise wouldn't be kept.


Luna was staring at the tree for a long time. That worried Hound.

"Luna, are you alright? You've been staring at that tree for a while now," the elder brother asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just looking at some ants," Luna replied.

"What?" Hound looked at the direction Luna was looking at and saw nothing. "Luna, I don't see anything."

"They're over there." Luna pointed at an area of the tree that was dense with leaves.

He still didn't see anything. Raising an eyebrow, he walked over to the tree to take a closer look. And as soon as he climbed up the tree to the dense area leaves, he noticed little ants marching along the branches. Hound jumped off and looked at his little sister. "Luna, how can you see something that small from where you're sitting?"

Luna simply shrugged.


"Tell me a story, daddy," Luna said, sitting on her father's lap.

"Alright, alright," her father chuckled. "What do you want to hear?"

"How did you and mom meet?"

"Well. That's a funny story, sweetheart. You know how I'm called the Hellhound of the West?" Luna nodded. "I was called that because of the devil fruit I ate, the Dog-Dog Fruit: Hellhound model. I was widely known and feared in the West Blue. The first time I met your mother was when I was in my hellhound form. She was in the woods, trying to find some fruit for her family. But there are many dangers of being in the woods alone. She had encountered some vicious wolves.

"She ran, of course, but had reached a dead end. Cornered, the wolves were closing in on her. But then she smelled something in the air. The smell of sulfur and charcoal mixed together. That was when I appeared, jumping down from the cliff above her. Those wolves had put up a fight, but I sent them running with their tails between their legs," the man grinned as her daughter giggled. "Your mother, in her own judgment, took me in and nursed my wounds, despite her family's dismay." Her father sighed. "After that, I kept visiting your mother."

"You forgot to mention how you complained when I was tending to you." Both turned their heads to see the purple haired mother.

"Mama!" Luna squeaked. She removed herself from her father and rushed to her mother, hugging her leg. Her mother giggled and hugged her child.

"I didn't give much of a hard time when you were tending to me," her husband pointed out.

"Right, you were mostly whining and crying whenever I touched your wounds," the mother smirked. Luna's father pouted as the white hair child giggled.


It happened on the day after Salvador left for a Marine academy at another island. Luna trembled as she hid in the closet, hearing screams of her family members being murdered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she muffled her whimpers so that the bandits wouldn't find her. The closet door slid open, making her jump. She looked up and saw her father, blood splattered on his torso and face. His panicked face relaxed when he saw his daughter. Quickly, he picked her up and ran.

"We must get you outta here," he muttered. He pushed Luna's face to his shoulder in order to shield her eyes of the carnage of dismembered family members. Her father winced, feeling guilty for not saving them in time.

"Father!" a voice called out. The man looked over to see Hound running to them. "Father, I can't find mother!"

The man cursed and gave Luna to Hound. "Get your sister out of here. I will find your mother."

Hound nodded and began to run, hugging Luna close to him. He ran until he reached the entrance of the forest.

"Hound, a-are mom and dad g-gonna be alright?" Luna whimpered.

Hound bit his lip. "Dad's strong. He'll find mom and come back. Don't worry, my little moon."



Hound pulled Luna close to him, looking at their former home. An explosion took over the building. His eyes widened. "No…," he whispered.

Luna's eyes welled up with tears. "M-mommy? Daddy?"

"W-we need to go now, Luna," Hound stuttered.


"Well, well, well, look what we have here, boys."

Hound and Luna stiffened, looking around to find bandits surrounding them.


Luna sniffed, hugging her brother's arm as a slave healer worked on the boy's back.

"You're really stupid, boy," the healer muttered, wrapping up the bandage. "Hitting a noble's son."

"The little shit deserved it. He tried to touch Luna. In a freaking sexual way!" Hound growled. The healer sighed, finishing the warping.

"Try not to do anything stupid, boy," the healer said, knowing that Hound would do something stupid anyway. Luna looked up at Hound, her eyes slightly red.

"I'm sorry, Hound-nii," she sniffled. Hound rubbed her back.

"It's not your fault, little moon," Hound replied. "I got myself into this."

Luna shook her head. "You were trying to protect me. I got you into this situation!"

"Luna," Hound began with a stern tone, "stop beating yourself up about when I protect you." Luna silenced herself. "Listen, little moon, when you were born, I knew that you would be treated differently. Whether in a good or bad way, I didn't care. But I made a promise to myself and to you that I would protect you, no matter what." Luna stood silent. "So, please, don't worry about big brother too much, okay?"

Luna fiddled with her hands a bit. "...okay," Luna hesitantly answered.

Hound gave a solemn smile and hugged her, looking angrily at the collar around her neck. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of here."


This was probably the most dangerous situation in Luna's life so far. Both she and Hound were running down the hall. The collars that were around their necks when they became slaves were now gone.

It was a difficult plan really. Hound was really against using it, but there was no other choice. Luna was called into the noble's son's room, the spoiled brat asking for a cup of water for him and his father. With sleeping powder they made with the slave healer's materials, Luna used it in the water, and made the nobles sleep. Quickly swiping the keys, Luna and Hound took off their collars and handed the other slaves the key to get themselves out. Now the two of them were on their way to escape as everything was now chaos in the noble house. The guards were occupied, trying to get the other slaves under control, they didn't see Luna and Hound open the guardless front door and run out.

"We made it," Hound panted, grinning. Luna smiled next to him. She looked back long enough to see more slaves running off. She looked back at Hound. "Come on, let's find a Marine base and-"




Hound fell down, holding his leg in pain, blood dripping down.

"Don't let any of the slaves get away!" they heard someone yell. Luna gasped, and went to her brother.

"Hound, you-you need to get up!" she cried, trying to pull him up.

"Find the ones who started this!"

Luna's eyes widened in fear as she heard the voices get closer.


She looked down at Hound, who gave her a look. She knew what it meant. "No! I-I'm not leaving you-"

"Luna, please. Just go. If this is going to be my final moment, let me know that you're far away and safe," Hound reasoned. The voices were getting really close.

"But...I can't…not without you..." Tears were beginning to break through. Hound gave a sad smile, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Be safe," Hound simply said, kissing her forehead.

"Sir, I think I heard something over here!"

"Go!" Hound said to Luna.

She slowly backed away before turning and running off.

She knows, she'll see him again. There was no way he would die. He can't leave her alone...right?


Luna wrapped the cloak around her. She walked through the crowd, trying to avoid the slave traders that were in town. She knew one of the faces and instantly knew she had to go. She couldn't risk getting recognized.

"Oof!" She accidentally bumped into someone. Looking up, she saw a teen male with blond hair and blue eyes.

"I'm really sorry. Are you alright?" he asked, helping her up.

"U-um, yes," she said, her voice cracking a bit.

"What's a kid like you doing alone? Where are your parents?"

Luna stood silent and the man took the hint.

"What's your name?"

"...Luna Varquez…"

"Nice you meet you Luna," the man grinned. "The name's Sabo, and I'm a pirate."


Me: Fucking done.

Ann: Uhuh. *dumps a pile of work on me*

Me: WHY?!

Ann: Thanks for reading guys. Now excuse me while I get her butt in gear.

Me: Ann, don't you d-OW!