A/N: Hello, Sammi here. It has been a loooong time since I updated or posted anything, but I'm back. This story is a revised version of my other one, Cats and Dogs. Most of it will be the same, just better written. Though some things will be different. If you are an old reader, read it again, refresh your memory. New readers are always wanted as well. For those interested, I will be updating Desire and my other stories once I have a new chapter of this up. Read and review please, it keeps me going. XOXO, Sammi.
Amane was sitting in her room on her laptop, when she heard a strange noise coming from outside. She immediately shut her laptop, and grabbed the neon pink bat out from under her bed, before quietly leaving her room. She almost bumped into her brother, Scott, who was holding his less flashy wooden bat.
The two stayed silent as they crept downstairs, and outside, both looking for what could have made the noise. Amane stayed behind her brother as he leaned out to look around. They all screamed when stiles came down, hanging upside down.
"STILES! What the hell are you doing?!" Scott yelledd to the shocked stiles, as Amane sighed, and lowered her metal bat.
"You guys weren't answering your phones." He quickly explained himself. before looking at the bats. "Why do you have bats?"
"I thought you were a predator!" "I thought you were a burglar!" Amane and Scott stated at the same time.
"Wha- Look its late but you guys have to hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called, they are bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department and even State Police." Stiles said while still hanging upside down.
"For what Stiles?" Amane asked, wanting to go back upstairs.
"Two joggers found a body in the woods." He stated before climbing down.
"A dead body?" Scott asked and Amane had the overwhelming urge to face palm.
"No a body of water. Yes, dumb-ass, a dead body." Stiles said before climbing onto the porch.
"Murdered?" Amane asked.
"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties." He explained to them both.
"Well hold on if they found the body-" Scott began
"Then what are they looking for?" Amane finished. Stiles looked between the two
"Creepy. And thats the best part. They only found half. We're going." Stiles stated looking at the two.
"Oh no. you are going. I am going to bed." Amane stated, turning to go inside.
"Nope. You are coming too." Stiles stated with a cheeky grin before both the boys grabbed one of her arms and dragged her to the car.
"We are seriously doing this?" Scott asked as they got to the reserve, everyone getting out of the car, flashlights in hand.
"You two are the ones who are always bitching nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles said before walking into the woods.
"I was trying to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott said.
"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort." Amane said with a small laugh, earning a light punch in the shoulder from Scott.
"I am playing this year. In fact, I am getting first line." Scott said defensively.
"Ha, yeah right." Amane said laughing.
"Hey, Amane, dont be harsh, everyone needs a dream! Even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles said.
"Just out of curiousity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Amane asked glancing around.
"Huh. I didn't even think about that." Stiles said.
"And, uh what if whatever killed the body is still out here?" Scott asked,
"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles said, causing Amane to glare at him.
"Its comforting to know you planned this out with attention to detail" Scott said and Amane noticed his breathing was getting worse.
"I know." Stiles said as he continued to climb the ridiculous hill.
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scot said before taking a rest on a tree, before getting out his inhaler. He then continued up the hill and Amane stayed behind him, incase he fell. At the top she noticed the two boys dive to the ground at the site of cops, and she followed suit.
"Come on." Stiles said before taking off. Scott took a puff from his inhaler before going after him, whisper yelling for him to wait up. Amane sighed and went after the two boys. He yelled stiles name, causing him to look back, but the idiot kept going, causing the cop dog to bark, and turning attention on Stiles. Amane and scott quickly hid behind trees.
"Hold on, Hold on, This delinquent belongs to me." Amane recognized Sheriff Stilinski's voice. Stiles just got busted by his own dad.
"Dad how are you doing." Stiles asked, trying to sound innocent.
"So, uh, do you listen to all my phone calls?" He asked his son.
"No. Well, not the boring ones." He stated, shaking the rain off of his head.
"Now where are your usual partners in crime?" The sheriff asked.
"Who Scott? Scott's home. So is Amane. Both wanted to get a good nights sleep for school tomorow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone." He stated. It was a pathetic lie.
"Scott? You out there? Amane?" The Sheriff yelled. Both kids tried to morph into the trees they were hiding behind. They heard him sigh. "Well young man, I am going to walk you back to your car, and then you and I are going to have a talk about something called Invasion of Privacy."
"Scott, that was our ride." Amane stated angrily looking at her brother. He looked at her guiltily, before both kids headed off into the woods, hoping to go home. Without a flashlight it was suddenly creepier. They both jumped as they a noise.. The rain started coming down harder, and Amane walked closer to Scott.
"Ohh!" Amane said as she remember she brought her keys. She reached into her jacket, and pulled out they keys, which had a jeweled flashlight on them. It was small but better than nothing. She flipped it on and pointed it around.
" Better than nothing." Scott said, before they both jumped at the sound of something moving in the trees. They both looked up before continuing on. A while later Scott stopped, looking ahead. Amane was about to question him when he took out his inhaler. They both yelped when a bunch of deers came running at them, running them over. Scott dropped his inhaler as Amane dropped her keys.
"What the hell was that?" Amane asked when it was over. They both got up, and took out their phones, trying to find their missing items with the small light. They stayed near each other as they searched. They both did a double take when they saw the body, before letting out screams, Amane's a lot louder than Scotts. They both tried to run backwards, but they both tripped and fell down the hill, tumbling over each other.
Amane landed on Scott at the bottom. They both groaned as Amane rolled off of him, trying to get up. They were both covered in the sticky leaves, making it harder than normal. They both used a nearby log for leverage to get up, albeit slowly. Once up they looked around. It was dead silent. And that was bad for a forest.
Scott slowly turned towards Amane, and as soon as he did his eyes widened. Amane turned just in time to be pounced by something bid and fury. She felt a sharp pain in her side as she fell to the ground. She didn't even have time to scream before it went after scott. It felt like a second before Scott was pulling her up and they took off sprinting into the woods, never letting go of each others hands.
They ran straight into the road, and Scott covered Amane protectively as they were both almost hit by a car. They watched it go before Scott lifted up his shirt to reveal a bite mark. Amane groaned as she did the same. Although hers looked like a cross between a bite and a scratch. They both stared at each other before they heard a Howl.
The next day the siblings road into school on their bikes. Scott on a mountain bike, and Amane on a baby blue schwinn. They put their bikes on the rack right as Jackson pulled up in his Porsche. He opened the door, hitting Scott.
"Dude, watch the paint job." He said. Amane rolled her eyes.
"Dude, stop being an ass." Amane said, and Jackson glanced at her before grinning.
"Amane. Hot as always" He said before walking away. Amane rolled her eyes. She was in a light green button up with white shorts, wedges, and a few accessories. She glanced at her brother.
"Don't let him bully you!" She stated and he glared lightly.
"Don't hang out with him." he snipped back. Stiles walked up to them.
"Ok let me see these things." He said, kind of excited. Amane figured Scott already told him. Scott slowly pulled up his shirt, revealing the bandaged bite. Stiles immidiatly went to touch it.
"Woah." Scott said before shying away. Stiles turned to Amane.
"uh uh. No way am I pulling up my shirt in school." She said with a slight glare. Stiles smirked.
"Chicken." He teased as they started walking inside.
"It was too dark to see, but I am pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott stated.
" A wolf bit you?" Stoles asked looking between the two. They both nodded. "Uh uh. No. Not a chance." He stated. And they both looked at him.
"We heard a wolf howling" Amane stated.
"No you didn't." Amane had an urge to slap him.
"How do you know what we heard?" Scott asked, looking at Stiles.
"Because California doesn't have wolves. Not in like sixty years." Amane's interest peaked.
"Really?" She and scott asked at the same time.
"Yes really. There are no wolves in California." Amane was still skeptical.
"Well, if you don't believe us about the wolf. Then you definitely won't believe us when we tell you-" Amane cut off her brother.
"We found the body." She stated with a smile. Stiles did a weird twitch before moving closer to the two,
"Are you kidding me? And i swear its hard to believe you are adopted. you two are so alike." He stated, he hated when they finished each others sentences.
"No. i am not. Wish i was. I am going to have nightmares for a month." Scott stated. Stiles geeked out and got excited.
"That is freaking awesome. I mean this is seriously going to be the best thing that happened to this town since .. the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia, you look - like you are going to ignore me." He stated as Lydia walked by. Amane rolled her eyes. He then looked at Scott and Amane. "You two are the cause of this you know. Dragging me down to your nerdy depths. I am nerd by association." Amane scoffed.
"Amane, you coming?" Lydia yelled back and Amane smiled.
"Definitely nerd by association." She stated slapping Stiles shoulder before walking away right as the bell rang.
Amane and Lydia walked out of their class together. And Lydia immediately spotted a new girl. She walked up to her with a smile.
"That jacket is killer Where did you get it?" She asked, not bothering to say hello like a normal person.
"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in san francisco." She stated and Lydia smiled.
"And you are my new best friend." She stated as Jackson came up and wrapped his hands around her. "Hey Jackson."
"Hi I am Amane, and this is Lydia." Amane greeted the girl, hoping to make her more comfortable. But she had a hard time paying attention, since she could hear her brothers conversation loud and clear, and he was on the other side of a crowded noise hall.
"So this weekend, there is a party." Lydia stated, glancing back at Allison, who had introduced herself.
"A party?" She asked. Jackson smiled.
"Yeah - this Friday. You should come."
"Uhm, i can't sorry. Friday is family night. Thanks anyways." She said politely.
"You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." Jackson stated.
"You mean like football?" She asked.
"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years." Jackson stated proudly. Amane rolled her eyes.
"Because of a certain team captain." Lydia said affectionately glancing at Jackson
"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else–" Jackson trailed off.
"Well, I was going to–" She started but was cut off by Lydia
"Perfect. You're coming." She stated before walking away.
"Sorry about that. Lydia can be pushy. You don't have to come if you do not want to" Amane stated with a smile before walking away towards the field.
Amane sat in the bleachers watching the boys run around. The feild was busy, and Amane was happy to see her brother and best friend run onto the feild.
"But if you play– I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?" She heard Stiles say as the ran onto the field. The fact that she heard their conversation perfectly was a little weird, considering how far apart they were.
"I can't sit out again. My whole life is sitting on the sidelines. This season, I make first line." Scott replied as they got to the bench, Just as Allison and Lydia got there, sitting next to Amane. Scott glanced at Amane and smiled, before his attention shifted to Allison. Amane instantly knew he had a crush. She bit back a smile.
"McCall!" Coach yelled as he got to Scott.
"Yeah?" He asked tearing his attention from Allison, and staring at his coach.
"You're on goal." Coach stated, throwing some gear at him, causing Scott to drop his own.
"I've never played." He said confused. Amane glared at the coach He wasn't even giving him a chance.
"I know–scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's a first day back thing. Get 'em energized, fired up!" He stated as if it was obvious.
"What about me?" Scott asked, obviously dejected.
"Try not to take any in the face. Let's go! Come on!" He stated tapping him in the face before turning away. Amane and Allison watched her brother as Lydia watched jackson.
"Who is that?" Allison asked, ever taking her eyes off of Scott. Lydia glanced over.
"Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?" Lydia stated and Amane scoffed.
"Gee, thanks Lydia. Thats my brother." Both girls looked at her shocked.
"But you look nothing alike." Allison stated. Amane smiled at her
"I am adopted" She stated. Allison blushed.
"Well, he is in my english class." Allison stated. Amane noticed Scott looking at them. Then a whistle blew, and Amane flinched, and tried not to cover her ears and act like a fool, which her brother currently was. Damn that was loud. She watched as a ball hit her brothers face and everyone laughed.
They watched her brother shake it off and stand up, looking determined. They all watched as he caught the next ball. And everyone froze in shock. Including Scott. He then proceeded to catch every ball. Allison smiled.
"He seems like he's pretty good." She stated.
"Oh, very good." Lydia stated, watching Scott. They watched as Jackson stepped forward.
"Oh god." Scott said right before jackson went running. They watched as Jackson jumped and threw the ball, and then Scot caught it. Stiles, Amane, and Lydia jumped up and cheered at the same time,
Scott, Stiles, and Amane were trekking through the woods once again, searching for Amane's keys, and Scott's Inhaler. Amane had her shoes in her hand, going barefoot, not wanting to ruin her wedges.
"I don't– I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I–I can–hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."
"I know what you mean." Amane stated.
"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asked.
"Like the mint–mojito gum in your pocket." They both stated.
"Again. CREEPY. and I don't even have any mint–mojito– " He stated rummaging through his pocket, only to pull out the gum. He looked at the two suspiciously. "So all this started with a bite?"
"What if it's like an infection, like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott asked. He had a point.
"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this– It's a specific kind of infection." Both Scott and Amane stopped walking and stared at him.
"Are you serious?" She asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called– lycanthropy." Amane rolled her eyes at that.
"What's that? Is that bad?" Amane wanted to smack her brother when he said that.
"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." Stiles said
"Once a month?" Scott asked, getting skeptical.
"Yeah, on the night of the full moon, Aooooo" He faked howled. Scott caught on and hit him playfully. "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling."
"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with us." Scott said seriously. As they started walking again
"I know! You're a werewolf! Rrr! Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles stated. Amane looked over at him.
"I'll show you werewolf." She said before dropping her shoes and tackling Stiles. The two proceeded to wrestle in the leaves, laughing.
"No, I–I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler. " Scott said. Amane and Stiles froze, looking around. Amane had stiles pinned down in a headlock. She released him, brushing off the leaves as she got up.
"Yeah he is right. My keys should be around here." She said looking around.
"Maybe the killer moved the body." Stiles stated.
"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks" Scott stated.
"And my keys. The though of a murderer with the key to our house is unsettling." She said before turning around, letting out a scream as she saw someone standing there. That caught the boys attention, and they turned towards her, as she moved back towards them.
It was a guy, a little older than them, wearing all black and a leather jacket. He was kind of hot, in Amane's opinion, but creepy as fuck. He walked over to the group.
"What are you doing here?" All three were silent, and looking away from the stranger. "huh? This is private property."
"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles stated.
"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but–" The man gave him a look that stated 'what' "Uh, forget it." The guy threw Scott's inhaler at him, and he immidiatly caught it Then he threw Amane her keys, who also caught it. He looked at them both one more time before turning and leaving.
"Well that wasn't creepy at all..." Amane stated watching him walk away.
"Uhm. All right, come on, I gotta get to work." Scott turned to leave but Stiles stopped him.
"Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us"
"Remember what?" Amane asked looking at Stiles.
"His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago." Stiles stated. Amane grimaced. That sucked.
"I wonder what he's doing back." He asked staring at where derek walked away.
"Come on." Amane stated, and they all turned to leave.
Amane was at home, in her bathroom, about to clean her wound, but when she took off the gauze there was nothing there. What the fuck. Had they both been hallucinating. Amane's thought were cut short when her phone went off. She grabbed it, and there was a new message from Scott.
meet me clinic. Need help with cats.
Amane double read the message. What was that about? She sighed as she looked out the window. It was downpouring. She sighed, as she packed a change of clothes before setting off on her bike. When she got there there was a car there. Weird. No one was supposed to be there. She walked inside, using her key, and found Scott in back with Allison.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked. Allison sighed.
"I hit a dog." She stated. Amane noticed the cute dog on the table. It growled at her.
"Friendly." Amane stated before heading in the back, waving goodbye to Allison. She walked into the cat area. They were all calm. What was Scott's problem? She fed the cats and they headed home. Scott with a stupid grin on his face the entire time.
Amane woke up in the woods. She immediately freaked, standing up as fast as she could. She looked around. What the hell. Where was she. She looked down. She was wearing her neon pink underwear and a black tank top. Oh god. She was in the woods in her underwear. She walked out, only to stumble into Scott.
"Oh my god. Its just you. where are we?" She asked, noticing he was just in his boxers. He shook his head, just as confused as her. They wandered in the direction they thought was home. Amane was slightly freaked out by all the fog. They heard a noise and looked around.
They both froze as they saw a wolf like figure, before taking off running. They ran fast, but the creature kept up with them. Amane stopped as Scott jumped over a fence, right into someones pool. He looked disoriented until he saw it was just a pool. He looked at the man watering his garden. "Good Morning." Smooth. Real Smooth.
Amane walked over to the field with Allison. They both waved at Scott, who waved back.
"So how is the dog?" Allison asked. Amane smiled at her.
"She is fine. Scott checked the microchip, and her owners were contacted. Well, we left a message, no one answered since it was so late." She stated, just as the team yelled, signalling it was beginning. They watched as Scott caught the ball, and a began running down the field, only to be tackled by Jackson. She then watched as scott got the ball before Jackson, and headed across the field, easily dodging anyone in his way. When three guys blocked his path, the flipped over them and scored. Amane and allison cheered.
"McCall! Get over here! What in God's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team?" Coach said. With a small smile on his face. Scott obviously thought he was in trouble.
"No coach." He stated
"What the hell was that?" He asked
"I don't know, i was just trying to make the shot." Scott said defensively. Cach smiled brightly.
"Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what? You're startin', buddy. You made first line. Come on!" Everyone cheered when he said that.
Amane was at Allisons getting ready. The girls had agreed to get ready together, since Scott was their ride. Amane and Allison were laughing and smiling. They had a great time togerher. They talked about random things while getting dressed. Amane was wearing a light green dress with some heels, while Allison was more casual, in a white button up with a blazer.
Amane and allison walked downstairs when scott got there, but she went out first, and was in the backseat by the time Allison was coming out the door, the two just stared for a moment.
"Do me a favor, and no lovey dovey till I am out of the car." She hissed before Allison got in. Her phone buzzed and it was a message from Stiles.
Please believe me. Scott is a werewolf. I have proof. Think about it. Tell you more later.
The message was accompanied by a picture of Stiles's computer chair with three scratches down the back. Amane was kind of freaked out by the message, and looked at Scott wearily. But stayed silent until they got there. They both froze when they saw Derek over by the fire. Creepy. just creepy. Amane smiled at Allison before leaving to find Stiles, seriously needing to know more. She finally found him in the front.
"There you are!" She stated as she found him. He looked at her, clearly worried.
"Please tell me you believe me..." He trailed off as Amane cut in.
" I kind of do. I did my own research, and it makes sense." She stated. He smiled with relief before getting serious.
"That means you and he are werewolves. You could change tonight. People. Bad." He stated. Amane laughed.
"No i am not. Scott is. And yes i agree, we need to get him out of here, but how?" She asked Stiles glared at her.
"Yes you are. You were bit too. And you have heightened senses." He stated. And she shook her head.
"No i don't. That was a one day thing. Besides I am fine. We need to get Scott out of here." She stated. He didn't look convinced, but dropped it, As scott came rushing out the front door, Allison right after him. Allison stopped next to Amane, as Stiles ran off. They watched as Scott left in the car. Their way home.
"What the fuck. Did he seriously just leave us here?" Amane was shocked.
"Amane. Allison." They both turned to see Derek. Amane looked at him confused. "I am a friend of Scott's. My name is Derek." He said. Amane scoffed, earning a glare from him.
"No you are no-" She began but was cut off by Derek.
"He asked me to give you a ride home." She doubted it.
"No thanks, we can get a ride home from... Stiles" She stated just as his jeep drove off. She groaned.
"Thanks. Its appreciated." Allison stated, following Derek. She looked back at Amane "you coming?" Amane looked at her. She really didn't trust him, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let her be alone with the creepy forest guy. She sighed and followed.
The drive as silent. Amane sat in the front seat of the Camaro, with Allison in the back. She had to admit. It was a DAMN nice car. She was a sucker for Camaros. The drive was silent and awkward, and Amane was on edge. When they finally got to Alison's house, she let her out, and then reluctantly got back into the car. As soon as the door was shut they were moving again. She noticed they weren't headed towards her house, but towards the woods Time to panic.
"Uhm, my house is in the other direction." She stated. But he didnt respond, and only drove the car faster. She looked at him, and noticed Allison's blazer in the back seat. She was seriously panicking now. Her phone buzzed. It was a message from Stiles.
Cue mini panic attack. She looked over at him as the car stopped and they were at Beacon Hills Reserve. The same place they got bit. She immediately got out of the car, and was heading towards the road, as fast as she could run in heels. But she was stopped by a grip on her arm.
"Come on." He said dragging her into the woods. She nearly tripped over her heels several times, but thankfully didn't.
"Ugh. Let me go. Where are we going?" She said trying to get her arm out of his grip, but he only held on tighter.
"We are going to find your brother." He stated.
"And why would he be in the woods?" Feign innocence, she thought. He turned to her angrily.
"YOU KNOW WHY!" He stated angrily before hanging allisons on a branch and dragging her away. "Neither of you should have been at that party."
"Why the hell not?" She asked angrily. He didn't answer as she saw a rather wolf like Scott appear by the jacket.
"Where is she?" He growled out. Amane stood frozen Her brother was a werewolf.
"She is safe from you." Derek stated, before tackling him sending them both to the ground. He was the werewolf. She took the distraction to leave, sprinting through the forest, even in her heels. She didn't stop until she got home. at the same time as Stiles pulled up.
"He- they-" She was panicking. Stiles hugged her, thankful she was alive, and not a werewolf. She hugged back. What a night. "I think Scott was behind me, he should be home soon. Imma... get some sleep." Amane stated. Stiles nodded, and they headed inside, thankful her mom was asleep.
Amane woke up, to see a note beside her bed. It stated that Stiles went to find Scoot. She sighed and rolled over. She fell off the bed, but suprsingly caught herself. She shook it off as she went into the bathroom. She looked down and noticed that her nails were rather long. Odd. She made a mental note to go to the salon and get them one. She got dressed and headed to school.