"Move over, I can't hear anything!" Isabelle said, nudging Alec out of the way so that she could get closer to the door. "Why aren't the runes working? Why can't we hear anything?"

"These doors have protections against certain runes and most magic," Luke said.

"Why? And why didn't you tell us this before now?"

"Incase anyone unwanted or uninvited decides to listen in. Like us. And I guess it just slipped my mind until now."

"Hmmf. This sucks. Clary, could you not create a rune powerful enough to overcome the protections?" Isabelle said.

"I, uh, I could try," Clary replied. She took out her stele and walked closer to the door. Everyone got out of the way. She held the stele out, close to the door, and closed her eyes. She could feel something channeling through her body, and when she opened her eyes, a brand new rune had been burnt in the door. As it started to fade, they all scrambled to get closer as they heard the sounds of the voices from inside the Hall.

They all pressed against the door, including Magnus and Jace, to listen to what was being said. It wasn't fully clear, but they caught odds words and phrases like, "Clary is the sister Rebecca should have been." and "no longer have a mom, and Clary is already basically my sister" and "be my mom from now on." and "carry on your name".

Clary held her breath and put her hand to her mouth, without realising she'd done it. Everyone looked at her. She was smiling and trying her hardest not to allow the build up of tears flow down her face. Everyone was looking at her. She looked straight at Luke and he smiled at her, softly, fatherly.

"Come on everyone, that's enough, I think the conversation is a little too private even for us. Let's leave them be and go and get ready," Luke said. They all grumbled and moaned but did as they were told. The Lightwoods and Jace went back to the Lightwood's house, except for Alec who went with Magnus to the house built for Warlocks. Clary and Luke went back to his house.

About 15 minutes later, Simon and Jocelyn walked in. Jocelyn had her arm around Simon's shoulder, and they were both laughing merrily. Clary and Luke tried keeping a straight face, but the second they smirked at each other, Jocelyn knew. She let go of Simon and stood with her arms folded and hip slightly slanted.

"You were listening in, weren't you?" she said.

Clary and Luke looked at each other, both opened their mouths and tried to come up with something that wasn't a lie, but wasn't quite the truth either. Unfortunately for both of them, nothing coherent came out and it gave them both away.

"How did you do it? Those doors have powerful runes on them to stop people from listening in."

"Yes, that's true," said Luke, careful choosing his next words, "but they're not as powerful as your daughter's runes-"

"Clary!" Jocelyn said, "it was supposed to be a private conversation."

"Yeah I know it was, mom, but Izzy-"

"Hey! Don't blame Izzy!" Simon butted in.

"She's right," Luke said, defending Clary, "Izzy kept moaning that she couldn't hear anything and pestered Clary to make a rune."

"Mhm. Yeah." Clary said, nodding her head.

"Okay then," Jocelyn said, "so I might aswell tell you both now that we're going to be officially adopting Simon. We'll get the ball rolling tomorrow, or do you object, Luke?"

"Me? No way! Let's do this!" he said.

"That means all 3 of my brothers have liked me at some point," Clary laughed, before realising what she'd said and put her head down.

There was a brief moment of silence before Simon broke. "Well, technically Jace was never your brother and neither am I, biologically speaking."

Clary smiled at him, silently thanking him for not mentioning Sebastian's name infront of Jocelyn.

"Well then! Should we all go and get ready for the party now?" Luke said.

"Yeah, come on. I bet Izzy's been ready for ages and we're all just stood here talking!" Jocelyn laughed.

Simon and Clary went upstairs to Clary's room. Clary sat on the bed and Simon sat on the chair facing it. "You know, you've technically got your own house now. The Fairchild house," she said.

"Yeah...I might take Izzy there after this party. From what Jace has told me, every time me and Izzy got some 'alone time', Alec ended up intruding and then shouting at us for it."

"Wait...Jace told you?" she said, genuinely curious. "When was this? He never told me."

"Oh...well...aw man. I wasn't supposed to tell you we've been hanging out."

Clary laughed. "You and Jace 'hang out'?"

"Yeah," Simon said, scratching the back of his neck. "He told me that me and him weren't exactly best buddies before...y'know...but he's going to make an effort with me for your sake. But honestly, I think he's grown to like me. Especially now that I'm a Shadowhunter and not a Downworlder."

He looked at Clary, clearly expecting a sarcastic reply from her, but she just smiled at him again. That wonderful, soft, sisterly smile she'd given him so many times. "I can't believe we're adopting you."

"You mean, you can't believe your mom and Luke are adopting me. You're not," he laughed.

"That's what I meant, obviously," she winked at him. "Did you bring spare clothes?"

"Yeah, they're in my suitcase. I'll go in the bathroom and get changed. We'd better hurry otherwise we'll all be in trouble with Isabelle. Did you know she only dated me because I was a mundane? Do you think she'll lose interest in me now that I'm a Shadowhunter too and it's less rebellious?"

"No. She won't. I can promise you that. You and her...it's real. If you'd have seen her when you lost your memories...you'd know it was real. Now go and get changed."

He picked his clothes out of his suitcase and went in to the bathroom to get changed. Clary grabbed a nice top and some jeans out of the wardrobe and shoved them on. She put a bit of make up on and brushed her hair. She put her stele in her pocket and went downstairs. A few minutes later Simon came downstairs wearing jeans and a t-shirt that said, 'I'm with the Muggle' which made Clary laugh. "You'll have to get Izzy to watch Harry Potter," she said.

"Come on, let's get going," Jocelyn said.