
Hey guys, this is my first mortal instruments fan fiction It is AU, and they are all at high school together. It is mostly Malec but with hints of Sizzy, Clace and others. The Infernal devices characters are there but they are not major characters. Please Review!

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own these characters, or anything in this story besides the plot.


"And so, to conclude, that is why, as of next year, Cassandra Clare Preparatory School will be merging with the Nephilim Institute", announced Malcolm Fade, principal of Cassandra Clare Prep. The entire auditorium seemed to groan in unison. Magnus Bane groaned with them. He did not want to have to merge with a bunch of stuck-up rich kids. It wasn't that C.C. Prep wasn't a nice school, in fact it was one of the nicest in the city, but Nephilim Institute was in a league of it's own. The kids at Nephilim were so snobby that some of them actually believed they were descended from Angels. Even though geographically the two schools were close, there was such a rift between the student bodies of Nephilim and Cassandra Clare that few associated with each other. Magnus had no idea why the schools were merging, or how the schools had gotten the parents to agree to it, but he supposed it was some boring political crap. He didn't care. As long as the Nephilim brats didn't mess with him during his senior year.

Magnus heard Mr. Fade say that the location and name of the Nephilim Institute would be kept; this also produced some indignant cries but this time Magnus did not participate. He did not have much school pride, and he knew full well that "The Institute", as it was commonly referred to, had much better facilities then Cassandra Clare, and the lockers were bigger, which was always a plus when you were as fashion conscious as Magnus Bane. If he was going to put up with the dicks from the Institute, he might as well do it in a nice building.

There were of course, a few nice kids who went there, but they were few and far between. Most of the Nephilim students thought that the people who went to Magnus's school were beneath them, and even called them "downworlders". But still, Tessa Gray, Magnus's good friends, who was sitting next to him, had perked up at news of the merge. She had many friends at The Institute and she was obviously ecstatic at the idea of spending more time with them. Actually, Magnus had met a few of Tessa's friends, and had to admit that they seemed nice. One, Will Herondale, was especially nice, and handsome too, but unfortunately he and his best friend James were both head over heels in love with Tessa. Which was understandable, because Tessa was pretty much perfect. As to Magnus's other friends, Catharina didn't seem to care (she valued school for the classes, she didn't really care where she took them), and Ragnor looked slightly disgusted, however that was normal for Ragnor. Camille Belcourt looked haughty and indignant. Camille hated being looked down on by anyone, especially because she considered herself to be above most people. She and Magnus had gone out for a few months in grade 10, but she had cheated on him so much that the relationship crashed and burned. How they became friends again after that was beyond Magnus. He felt a slight rush of vindication, at thinking about how horrified Camille must be at the thought of having to deal with all the stuck up Nephilim kids. Raphael Santiago, who was less of Magnus's friend and more of a distant acquaintance, was busy flicking pieces of paper at a grade 9, to be paying much attention to what was going on.

Magnus sighed, summer vacation was starting, and he did not want to think a bout the next school year, no matter where he was going. Tessa looked over at him grinning, "Don't worry Magnus, it'll be great. And hey, the boys there are pretty cute." Magnus rolled his eyes, "I do not want to date some snobby Nephilim boy, thank you very much, I have standards. Besides there is not a single guy at the institute who is anywhere near being out of the closet." Tessa smiled kindly, "You never know what will happen. One of them might surprise you." Tessa was always very optimistic and pushy when it came to other people's love lives. Then she swatted at Raphael's arm, "Hey! Stop bugging Simon!" Simon, thought Magnus, that's the kid's name. Simon had been a new student this year, and Raphael had been put in charge of showing him around. But Raphael had taken to tormenting him instead. Well, thought Magnus, if this is what the guys at this school are like this, the guys at The Institute can't be much worse. Maybe Tessa was right after all.