"Mom...you CANNOT be serious!"

"Delphine, listen to me. It's only for one week, and you need the money."

"This is my last spring break of high school," Delphine pleaded. "and the last thing I want to be doing is babysit some geeky nerd!"

"I'm sorry honey, but you're doing it, and that's that." Delphine stormed up into her room.

Ever since she received the call asking to babysit the neighbors' quirky teenage daughter, Delphine's mother had pestered her to take the offer. You need to afford college somehow, and this is probably the easiest way, her mother would say. Delphine knew her mom was right but that certainly didn't lessen the fact that she didn't want to be stuck babysitting while her friends took a trip to the beach. She also didn't want to give in and admit her mom was right. Instead of caving, the blonde thought of ways to trick the neighbors-and her mother.

I've come down with the worst stomach bug known to man, I cannot accept your offer. No, that's a bit too obvious.

I've got way too much schoolwork to do over the break...No, not that either. The more she tried to evade the inevitable, the more she realized, well, it was inevitable. Delphine was going to have to babysit her entire week on break from school. She sighed. "Might as well make the most of it, eh?" She muttered to herself as she began packing a bag.

The car pulled up to the beige house. "Alright love, here you are."

"Mom..." Delphine started.

"It's all going to be okay. You can still text and call your friends, plus I am sure you'll get along with this girl, she seems sweet." Her mother reassured.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call you if I need anything...love you." And with that, Delphine stepped out of the car with her bag of clothes and toiletries for the week. Oh god, this is seriously the LAST thing I want to be doing with myself this week. She rang the doorbell. Ugh. Delphine shuddered at her thoughts, she hated sounding like an ungrateful teenager. Who knows, maybe I will make a new friend. Probably n- Her train of thought was interrupted when a girl answered the door.

"Hey. You must be Delphine?" The brunette stood in the doorway, beaming at her guest.

It felt like an hour, but was probably only a millisecond that Delphine saw the girl's eyes and the way they glimmered with the reflection of the sunset in the distance. She saw the contours of her face, the way her head slightly tilted when she posed the question. Her teeth, a perfect pearly white. Something about this girl's face just...worked so well.

"Uh..yeah..." she had to snap herself out of this trance. "Yeah, sorry, I'm Delphine."

"Cool. I'm Cosima. Come in!" The taller blonde followed the shorter brunette through the front doorway into the living room. "You can just throw your stuff over there," Cosima pointed to the bottom of the staircase to her right.

"So...wait." Delphine was puzzled. "Am I...babysitting you? You seem a bit..old?"

"Oh, yeahhh..hah. I'm 17 and...well, I like to make crazy science in my basement and it doesn't always end well...plus my parents are worried about me becoming some sort of crazed, social-deprived mad scientist nut-job so..yeah they're paying you to keep me company." Cosima rattled all that off at a rather fast pace.

"And to make sure you don't burn the house down." Delphine grinned at her own sarcasm.

Cosima grinned too. "Yeah. Right." There was a moment of silence. "Listen, I'm sorry, I know these are kind of weird circumstances.." Her grin grew wider.

"Oh no don't worry about it! It's no problem. I don't mind." Delphine could feel herself blushing, and heard herself rambling. Shit. I am not interested in this girl. I have to babysit her this week. Although we are the same age...no! You sound crazy. Get your shit together, you silly tit. Just get through the week. No distractions.

"So...what do you want to do? We have movies...or we could talk...or..." Cosima trailed off. "Or I could leave you alone if this is too weird..." Cosima offered an awkward giggle and Delphine's heart jumped.

"Oh no it's not weird! I think you're pretty cool" What are you doing! You barely know her! Delphine panicked at her own thoughts. "But...I'm tired, can you show me to where I will be sleeping?"


Cosima led the blonde upstairs to the guest room. "Thanks. See you in the morning?" Delphine said.

"Yeah, cool. Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Cosima joked as Delphine closed the door.

For the rest of the night, Delphine tried everything to get her mind off Cosima. Her perfect face, her attractive body...those glimmering eyes...Delphine barely slept all night.

Down the hall, Cosima showered. I have never seen a more beautiful girl in my entire life. She's probably straight. But her hair, her eyes, her HAIR...what I would do to run my fingers through it...

This is going to be an interesting week.