Unexpected Love

Title: Unexpected love 03

Author: Nouchi

Rating: PG for now

Feedback: Yes, please! Send it to [email protected]

Disclaimer: Don't own SM, too bad, ne?

Note: I'd like to thank Marni, Sasa, GrasyInGreek (hehe, that's just me. But hey, I uploaded this in less than a week again, see? ^^), Carrie, Lindy*girl, Schoolgirltil2005, Moonlight Shadow, Aibou ann Lizloe for reviewing (and the anonymous reviewer ^^), you guys are the best! And Marni, It's true what you said about Luna, I didn't think of that. Oh well, I'll see what I'll do about as the story continues.


Serena growled again. The dream just wouldn't leave her mind. Every second she found herself thinking of it again. Was it just her imagination or did she actually enjoy the scenes that were playing in her mind over and over again? 'No, Serena!' She growled again. A little distraction doesn't sound like a bad idea, she thought to herself.

Minutes later she was standing in front of the door that led to the arcade. What if Darien is there? She thought and panicked. She couldn't afford to see him, that would just make her think of her dream again. She scowled at herself for that again. 'Stop thinking about the damn dream!' She told herself and got in the arcade. She was surprised to see that there waren't a lot of people there. Usually it was so full! Seeing her friends, Mina and Lita, at a table in the corner, she walked to them quickly.

"Hey Serena! Haven't seen you for a couple of days!" Mina was the first one to notice her. She went to the same school as Serena. They had only met a couple of months ago and had immidietly become good friends. They had a lot in common; one of the things being that they both talked a lot. But other than that Mina was a kind and caring person, always willing to help her friends when in need.

Lita was also a good friend. You could talk to her about almost everything. Like Mina, she liked to talk a lot too. But one thing she never did was show her real emotions. You could never really tell when something was wrong with her, or if she was going through a hard time. Serena had never even seen her cry. But nevertheless she was good friend and that's all that matters, right?

Serena smiled at her two friends as she sat down in front of them. "Yeah, well I've been kind of busy." Serena scanned the place and was relieved when she didn't see Darien.

The three girls talked for a few minutes before they saw Raye coming their way. Serena almost screamed when she saw who Raye was holding, or rather hugging. Great, just great! As she eyed the two walking their way from the corner of her eye, she felt a wave of jealousy wash through her. Why couldn't she hold Darien the way Raye was holding him?

'Whoa! Hold on a minute, where on earth did that come from?' She suddenly felt very nervous. Why was she thinking like that? Serena shook her head, as if trying to shake the crazy idea out of it, and looked back at Lita and Mina. She decided that she would keep as quiet as possible when Darien was around. She didn't want to make a fool of herself so that was probably the best thing to do. 'As if you haven't made a fool of yourself before.'

Darien and Raye joined the three girls and Serena was relieved when they sat next to Lita. But the bad thing was that she could see Darien's face clearly from where she was sitting. She decided to avoid his gaze as much as possible. Throughout their conversations, Serena had noticed the way Raye was flirting with Darien.

Since when were the two together? If they really were, Raye would've already told them by now. She realised that she had been thinking about the two for some time now. 'Why would you even care.' She told herself and tried to catch more of the conversation that was going on.

Darien studied Serena from where he sat. Since he had joined the three girls with Raye, he had noticed that Serena hadn't said a word from then. She was just listening to the conversations that were getting longer by the minute. She seemed to be deep in thought and Darien couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about.

He wanted to leave, but Raye had once again insisted that he should stay with her. He didn't understand why the girl wanted to be around him so often. People would get the wrong idea about them, and that is not exactly what he wanted. Sure he had a lot of girls hanging over him the whole time, Raye being one of them, but he didn't want anything to do with them.

"Hey guys!" His thoughts were interupted by the blond guy that was coming their way, his normal smile plasterd on is face. He wanted to tell Andrew about his dreams but had thought twice about that. It wasn't such a good idea. God knows what Andrew would think of him.

Everyone said a friendly 'hi' to him and he happily joined their conversation. Of course, being the whole who always noticed everything, he noticed the strange thing that was going on between Serena and Darien. The two hadn't even said a word to each other. That is definitely weird, he thought. 'Those two usually can't say together for a second without jumping at each others thoats, and here they are, acting like they don't know each other. Yep, this is definitely weird.' He decided not to mention anything about the situation to the others, but he was pretty sure that Lita and Mina had also noticed what was going on.

'Come on, say something already!' Serena was really starting to get impatient. Why wouldn't Darien say something to her? Anything, even if it was just one word. She just wanted to blurt something out to him, but she couldn't because he had not yet said anything to her that she would find insulting.

She did not notice that she was looking at Darien, and was caught off guard when he looked back at her. Their eyes were locked for a few second and she could've sworn she saw something flick in his eyes. She quickly turned her gaze to Mina, who was stil busy talking. 'Must be the light,' she thought, yet she couldn't help but look at him again. She noticed that he answered a question Mina had asked him, which she had not heard, and she looked as his lips moved slowly when he talked. Unconciously she licked hers as she imagined how it would feel if his lips were on hers, locked in a passionate kiss.

Serena's eyes grew wide and she sat upright in her chair. 'Where the hell did that come from?!' What was wrong with her all of a sudden? All she was thinking about was Darien. She put a hand on her head and sighed. 'I need to rest.'

Darien was looking at Serena again. He had lost count of all the times he had looked at her since he came in with Raye. He felt a bit nervous when he saw her looking at him with a dreamy look in her eyes. He wondered what she was thinking about. Maybe she was thinking about him. He was slightly ammused by that thought.

He was surprised when her eyes suddenly widened and she sat upright in her chair. That really brought his attention and her and he was even more curious what she was thinking about. He saw her chew on her bottom lip nervously and that move made his mind drift back to his dream where he had claimed those beautiful, full lips. Darien growled silenty to himself. 'I need to get out of here.'

"I have to leave now, guys!" Everyone looked up at Darien and Serena, who had stood up at the same time and said the same words. Serena and Darien looked at each other in surprise. 'Oh please, no.' They both thought. Serena was the first one to talk again.

"I still have to finish my homework. Don't want Miss Haruna to get mad at me again." She lied and put her normal smile on, that would really convince them. But it was true actually, she did have to finish her homework

Darien just shrugged and replied casually, "Just have to do some things." He silently prayed that Raye wouldn't offer to come with him, he wanted to be alone. He was relieved when everyone smiled and said goodbye to him and Serena. The two silently walked out of the arcade. Once they were outside they both let a heavy sigh, happy that they both managed to get out of there.

Serena watched Darien turn to walk away and decided to ask what was wrong with him.

"Uhm.. Darien?" He turned and looked at her and a shiver ran down her back. There was always something misterious in his look that made her wonder just what was going on his mind.

"What's up with you? I mean, you've been very quiet lately" She decided to go straight to the point. 'Why am I even bothering to ask this?' She sighed.

Darien looked at Serena. What she actually worried about him or was his mind playing tricks on him again? He didn't want her to know what was bothering him so he gave her one of his glares. It was unbelievable that this was girl that was doing all those things to him.

"That's none of your business." He replied coldly and turned to leave. Serena didn't know if she should laugh or get mad at him. He was doing what she wanted him to do, and yet she didn't feel happy when he talked to her like that.

"Hey!" She ran up to him and grabbed his hand. When he turned to look at her she was greeted by a slightly annoyed face. She took a small step back so that she could see his face more clearly.

"What's up with you? I don't receive the normal 'Meatball head' anymore and here you are, acting like nothing has happened!" She hit herself mentally at the choice of her words. That really sounded lame.

Darien didn't hear anything of what she had said. He was too busy looking at the way her lips moved fast. He could see that she was a bit angry but he couldn't figure out why. The way her lips moved, it was as if they were begging to be kissed. He unconciously leaned towards her. He felt his heart beat fast. He was going to kiss her…

Serena stopped talking when she noticed that Darien wasn't listening to her. Why was he staring at her like that? Did she have something on her face or something? She noticed how close they were and she could see his face. His lips.. she suddenly wanted to jump him, kiss him like she did in her dream. She saw him lower his head to her. Was he actually going to kiss her? Somewhere at the back of her head she hoped he would, she wanted him to do it. She closed her eyes as she saw his face inch closer to hers. She could already feel his breath against her face, so hot. Just as his lips were about to touch hers the warmth dissapeared and was replaced by the cold wind.

Just as his lips were about to meet hers Darien opened his eyes quickly. What was he doing? Oh God.. He quickly stepped away from her and ran a hand through his hair. He had almost kissed Serena. 'Damn it!' He cursed to himself again. Suddenly he wanted to run home, try to avoid Serena as much a possible.

Serena opened her eyes again. Why didn't the kiss reach her? She then noticed that Darien had stepped away from her and she felt a strange feeling of rejection go through her. She chucked bitterly to herself. 'Why would he even want to kiss you anyway.' She thought and looked at him, he looked like he was trying to find some words.

"I – I'm sorry, Serena. I wasn't trying to do anything. It's just that… I'm sorry" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair again. Why did such things always happen to him, he thought, still looking at the ground. Wanting to see how Serena had reacted, he lifted his head slowly and looked at her. He could see a slightly pained look on her face, or was he just imagining it again? Did she actually want him to kiss her? 'Serena…'

Serena looked at him. It was hard to believe that the guy who always teased her, called her names and disturbed her the whole time was the one who had occupied her mind for the last few days. Now she was even certain she was starting to feel something for him. 'Yes...,' she confessed to herself, 'I am starting to fall for Darien...' Now she was really sure she needed to rest. It was just too much for her, she had to sort things out for herself first. Realising that she hadn't said anything since he talked to her, she nodded her head quickly, telling him that it was okay – but she knew it wasn't. With that she walked past him and started her walk home.

Darien stared at Serena's back until she was out of sight. This was definitely not what he had expected to happen. Didn't he say that things would go back to normal again? What happened to that? Darien sighed. Luck wasn't on his side the last few days. Maybe he could talk to Andrew about his problem. But he couldn't talk to him about it if he didn't understand it himself.

A long, hot shower was what he needed right now. Andrew could wait, now he wanted to be alone. As he walked home he realised something, something he was trying to deny; he had fallen in love with Serena.


*waves with flags in her hands* Long chapter! ^_^ Whoa, I'm impressed.. I'm sorta stuck now though, I don't know how to continue with the next chapter. It will take a bit long before it's uploaded because I'm moving to another house today, 5th of November, and the new house doesn't have electricity yet...and well, I'll be too busy arranging everything. So, be patient for a while! A *cough*very long*cough* while XP Anyway! Hope you liked it! And don't forget to review!