Unexpected Love

Title: Unexpected love 01

Author: Nouchi

Rating: PG for now

Feedback: Yes, please! Send it to [email protected]

Disclaimer: Don't own SM, too bad ne?

Note: I'm back with a new story, this time it's Sailormoon. It's just an idea that popped up in my head and I had to put it somewhere. Well, hope you'll like it.


The blond girl waited patiently for the door at the arcade to open before she stepped in. She looked around and noticed that there were a lot of people inside. But then again, it was always busy in there.

"Bunny, over here!" A girl waved at her from the back of the place. Bunny smiled and quickly walked to the girl. "Hey Amy! What are you doing here? I have never seen you here before" she said as she sat down next to her friend.

Amy was what you call a book nerd, always digging her nose in the books. It was really surprissing to see Amy in this place, between all these people. Everytime she asked Amy if she come with her to the arcade, Amy would always make up an excuse, often that she had to go to her after school studies. Bunny shuddered at the thought of studying as much as Amy did. Amy hadn't changed, not even now, a year after they had met.

"Well," she said and looked at Bunny's frowned face, smiling, "I wanted to do something fun for a change" she stated casually and frowned when Bunny suddenly gasped."You're not Amy! What have you done to the real Amy!" Bunny mocked, trying to pull a shocked and frightend face. Amy laughed and shook her head. "Very funny, Bunny!" She pouted and crossed her arms, looking the other way, preteding to be hurt by Bunny's words. She looked at her blond from the corners of her eyes and saw her grinning widely. "I was just kidding, Ami Of course I'm glad that you're here! Anyway, anything special happened today?" Amy shook her head. "Nope" She looked around the room and spotted a blond haired guy. Serena also noticed that certain person, and it looked like he was coming their way. She smiled brightly when she realised who it was.

"Hi Motoki!" She looked at him as he approached them, and her smile faded when she saw who was walking behind him. "Great, that jerk just had to show up at this time" she mumbled under her breath and sighed. Even though she was a year older, the fighting between Mamoru and her still hadn't stopped. It even seemed as if it grew worse by the day. She wondered when it would stop. They had been going on it for years and there were no signs of it even stopping. Oh well, better enjoy teasing him while I still can.

After ordering their snacks, Bunny noticed that Mamoru hadn't said a single word to her. That's weird, he's usually the one who starts throwing words at me.. I wonder why he's so quiet today. She looked over at him and frowned. Hm, maybe he's just waiting for the right moment to come, or maybe he's too busy thinking of what he'll say to me.

Hours passed by with the two girls talknig and laughing the whole time. Mamoru just listened to them, not willing to say something. When she saw that it was starting to get dark, Serena stood to leave, stretching her tied muscles.

"It's getting late guys, I think I should go home now. I'm feeling tired today" she yawned and looked at the three figures, her gaze staying on Mamoru for a few seconds. She was really worried about him. Well, not really worried, more like very surprised. He hadn't said much, only when he really needed to. He hadn't even said something like 'meatball head' to her! She suddenly realised that it has become a type of daily routine for them, yelling and throwing insulting names at each other. She somehow missed that, it was just weird that he hadn't argued with her and she was sitting across him!

I should be happy that he hasn't argued with me today, shouldn't I? Her mind told her that, but she knew it wasn't true. Well, maybe he's sick or something. She shrugged and said her goodbyes to everyone before she walked out of the arcade and headed home, still thinking about Mamoru's odd behavior.


Well, that was the first chapter, nothing special about it. Tell me what you think.