At ten Harry Osborn and Peter Parker were inseperable. Harry spent more time at Peter's house than he spent at his own, but Aunt May welcomed him with open arms. Perhaps it was because Peter often spoke to her about what a terrible father Norman Osborn was, and what a terrible injustice it was that Harry had to live with someone who made him miserable. Peter wasn't entirely certain, but none of that mattered now. Harry's eyes were welling up with tears because Norman Osborn had missed his son's birthday for the fourth time, and Peter felt simultaneously heartbroken and enraged because he knew that this would not be the last time.

"My father doesn't love me." Harry whispered brokenly, a tear escaping his right eye and cascading down his porcelain cheek. Peter immediately reached up and brushed away the tear. Harry leaned into his touch, closing his eyes and shuddering. There were dark circles underneath his ethereally blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Har." Peter said quietly. He had lost count of how many times he had apologized for Norman Osborn's behavior.

Harry began to cry, and Peter enveloped him in a warm embrace. Harry sobbed into Peter's shoulder, staining Peter's shirt with his tears. Peter didn't care.

"You'll be okay, Harry." Peter whispered.

"No, Pete. I'm not going to be okay." Harry sobbed.

Peter pulled away from Harry, and before Harry could protest he placed his forehead against Harry's. Harry opened his eyes and gazed into Peter's eyes, mesmerized.

"I'm going to make sure that you're okay." Peter said firmly.

"Okay?" Peter inquired.

"Okay." Harry exclaimed, and he nodded in agreement.

Peter hugged Harry again, and Harry returned the hug. They held each other for what felt like an infinite amount of time.

It was all they could do.