Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran Highschool Host club.

Summary: Sequel to the Strawberry Shampoo series.* Time fly's by when you're a parent of three kids. With the triplets already three years old, every day is an adventure, and a giant headache, and every day Hikaru works himself to insanity hhile more drama works its way into their happy life. And Kaoru works to make more of a future for himself with Suzuki.


With a warm breeze of summer, a young twenty-six year old man threw his bag over his shoulder, a million of adorable children clothes design ideas floating in his head as he lazily dragged himself up the few steps up to the front door of his house, already in hearing range of what was going on from the inside. Scared to open the door when there was a loud crash.

Hikaru sighed heavily, throwing his head back as he reached into his pocket, searching for his house keys just as his phone when off in his other pocket, causing his twitched irritably, not in the mood to talk to his idiotic employees.

He blinked, looking down at the screen.

He smirked. Flipping open the top, raising it to his ear.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my still single brother," he teased, his fingers still slothfully wiggling in his pocket for his keys. "How's your, solo job going in America?"

There was a displeased grunt from the other side of the line, followed by an irritated sigh. "Vary funny, git, you know that doesn't count if I've had a girlfriend for almost four years."

"Well, you guys did break up a while ago, so... You two have only ben going out for two months, and if you haven't ben going out for more than a year, then it means I can still call you single."

"...And Where are you getting that logic?"

"I have three, three-year olds, don't ask."

He heard Kaoru burst out laughing on the other side, and puffed out his chest when he finally grazed his finger tips against his cold metal ball of keys and pulled it out, working through all of them that belong to his cars and lifted the house one, jabbing it into the lock, but he didn't get as far as turning it when the door swung open, creating air that blew his bangs slightly.

He was then greeted by a cute little face of their new nanny they hired the last week. Unfortunately, this time she didn't look so cute, with her blond hair, that was usually in a bun, messy and sticking out in odd places, something that looked like cookie dough on her cheek, and her apron splattered with a chocolate colored substance.

Hikaru blinked, confused.

The nanny breathed heavily out her nose, similar to an angered bull, causing the eldest Hitachiin twin to clear his throat uncomfortably and stepped back a step. Adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"Mr. Hitachiin," she muttered irritably. "Welcome home."

Hikaru grinned, patting her head as if he thought she needed a reward for a job well done for something and snickered. "You look like you've had a long day, have fun?"

"I..." she murmured, her eye twitching uncontrollably. "...Quit." She declared.

Hikaru's face fell, his phone still pressed against his face, Kaoru silent on the other side. "Eh?! wait hold on, what did they do now? you can't quit, they love you!"

"Does this look like they love me?!" She glared, pointing to her head, pulling a feather out of her hair, making Hikaru wonder how she got a goose feather in there.

"Yes! tough love!"

"I quit Mr. Hitachiin."

"No wait! they'll apologize!"

"Good bye Mr. Hitachiin."

He heard Kaoru snickering in the background.

Hikaru blew out air from his lips, causing them to vibrate, watching the former nanny as of a few minutes ago, walk past him, brushing his shoulder as she made her way to her car she came in. He ran his hand through his hair as he looked into the house through the open door, not hearing anything coming out of it.

He looked over his shoulder already seeing her car fly down the driveway. Obviously wanting to get out of their as fast as she could, as if they would follow her.

"Was that..." Kaoru hesitated, "...Your nanny?"

Hikaru stuck his bottom lip out, silently pouting to Kami as he swung his bag off his shoulder, stepping inside the house, holding his phone as he looked around the entrance hall cautiously, as if something, or rather, someone would just out at him.

"I barely hired her last week too," he said, in response to his brothers question, entering the house fully as he didn't hear anything move, throwing his bag by the closet door, planning for one of their maids or Haruhi to pick it up later. "They're monsters."

"Ah, well if you're home I guess I'll let you go," Kaoru snickered, not showing ant sympathy from his twin. "I'm suppose to be back in a few days anyway."

"You need to hurry up," Hikaru advised solemnly, shutting the door as the frame gracefully slipped from his fingers, "You're my only liable babysitter."

"Its sad knowing that your kids love me more than you, isn't it?"

"S-shut up..." Hikaru grumbled, walking into the kitchen, narrowing his eyes as he felt his hand touch something slimy when gripping the door handle, looked down in disgust as he saw fresh blue paint all over the handle of the door, scolding himself for being stupid for not seeing something that obvious before touching it. "...What the hell?"

Looking at his hand, now blemished with blue, Hikaru's eye twitched as he contemplated on yelling out one of his kids names, but decided not to knowing that it wouldn't do any good, and just opened the door by pushing it open with his hip, relieved to see that the kitchen actually looked intact, for the most part at least.

The curtains were open and the cabinets were all open, pots thrown around randomly across the floor, with a few kitchen utensils scattered on the counters.

The usual.

Hikaru sighed, walking up to the large kitchen sink, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder, so he could turn the knob to turn the cold water on, but just as he did, he didn't noticed that the spray nozzle was facing him, and when the water turned on, he was instantly attacked with water, soaking the front of his shirt before he could even blink.

At first he felt like cursing, then felt like laughing, then somehow even felt like crying. But instead he just stared, and sighed in disappointment, reaching over turning off the water, cleaning his hand in the process.

He opened his mouth, ready to say something, but just as he was about to, Kaoru interrupted him.

"Hey Hikaru, I uh... Have to go, an old lady is looking at me funny, I'm afraid that my life is endangered, I'll talk to you later..."

Then, the phone was cut off with a cheery -beep- before Hikaru could reply.

Flipping the phone close, he stuck it into his deep pocket, looking down at his soaked top, narrowing his eyes as he pulled it off, having a completely dry one underneath, being known to wear one too many layers of clothing.

He tossed his wet shirt over the head of one of the chairs at the table, his left eye twitching irritably, more than earlier. "Hayato!"

"...I didn't do it daddy!"

"Neither did I!"

"Who's Hayato?!"


Hikaru snorted, crossing his arms as he leaned against the cabinet, hearing small bare feet pattering on the solid floor, just waiting for them to show their faces.

The Kitchen door cracked open slightly, three little faces piled on top of each other, six little beady eyes blinking innocently as the door opened a little wider, looking at their father who was standing there unamused.

The eldest one cocked his head to the side cutely and stepped out, holding his finger to his cheek. "When did daddy get home?"

Hanako peaked around, her hands grasping the door frame, he face then split into a giant grin as she leaped out of the shadows. "Daddy's home!"

A single drop of sweat hung on Hikaru's head as he raised his middle finger up to his daughters forehead, stopping her from getting too close to him. "Show me your hands." He demanded.

Hanako narrowed her eyes as she leaned her weight in on his finger that was on her head, holding out her suspiciously clean hands, waiting for approval to move.

"Okay... You're clean."

Before he could check his other children, and make sure they weren't covered in paint before touching him, all three of them lunged forward, wrapping their fragile limbs around his lower half, dropping themselves on him like dead weight, making it nearly impossible to move.

He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling weirdly, and tried to keep a solemn expression as they wiggled and clung to his legs, with Hanako trying to climb up the side of his shirt. Grabbing into his arm, trying to get her way up to his face, but found some difficulty doing so.

"Daddy," they all said in unison, climbing on their father as if he was a jungle-gym. "Play with us."


"Daddy, play with us."


"Daddy, if you don't play with us, we will have to force ourselves down a hole."

"Yeah daddy, you wouldn't want us to do that, would you?"

"Mommy would be mad if she found us dead."

Hikaru narrowed his eyes in thought as he wondered how him not playing with them would trigger them to want to bury themselves in a hole but ignored it and focused on something else. "Well, speaking of playing with things, mind telling me what you did to your nanny to make her quit?"

All three kids looked at each other and shrugged, standing up on their own. Looking towards Hikaru as if they didn't know what he was talking about.

Keito was the first to speak as he folded his arms over his chest, coping his fathers posture on purpose. "Ah yes, it's a shame, we really liked her too."

"But," Hayato sighed, throwing out his hand to the side. "It just didn't work out."

"Her cookies were yucky." Hanako pointed out. Getting to the main point.

Hikaru sighed, straightening out his shirt as he looked around the kitchen, then down at his children, looking slightly confused. "Well, I can't judge you for getting rid of her, that would make me a hypocrite, but... How is it possible that the kitchen is a disaster and you guys are as clean as your grandmothers closet?"

"We don't know."

"We wondered that too."

"Life's silly like that."


With her brown hair freshly pulled from her ponytails, Hanako blinked and griped her dads elbow, pulling him down to her level. "Daddy, come play with us."

"I thought that we already discussed this? I have some other work to do, wait for your mother to get home," Hikaru argued, not really sure if he had any work to do or not, but tried to come up with a reasonable excuse to torture himself as to play their games that always involved him getting injured somehow. "You could have played with your nanny, but you made her leave."

"She was bad at playing," Hayato sighed, his short orange bangs falling over his forehead and swished to the side as he turned the other way to give off a dramatic aura. "We wanted to play the game Uncle Kao was telling us about, but..."

"Then we forgot that we wanted to play it before she left." Keito finished, Both him and his bother working on finishing their sentences like their father and uncle always did.

"I'm scared to ask what game you're talking about."

"The "which one is Hayato" game!"

"...And how did that work out for you?"

"It didn't, we never got the chance to ask her to play it with us." Keito sighed, gripping his brother's hand with his other hand gripping his sisters. "We should make daddy play."

"That's a twisted game, I thought we agreed you weren't going to play that." Hikaru raised his eyebrow, looking down at their obviously faces.

Hayato shook his head, being the smartest mouth child. "No daddy, you said. "Don't play the which one with Hikaru game" not the Which was is Hayato game."

"...It-... It's the same thing."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."


"Yes, the title is just different."

"Yes daddy, I've noticed that."

Looking at his son, not knowing whether if he should be proud or irritated with him. Hikaru narrowed his eyes and watched Hayato do the same, it was like looking in a mirror except at a much younger self. And only a few seconds more of trying to explain that he didn't want them playing the game, Hikaru gave up and came to the conclusion that talking to a bunch of three-year olds was like explaining color to a blind person.

"...Right, well..." Hikaru muttered, his eye twitching for some weird reason as he watched Keito stick his tongue and lick his lips. "Go-...Go do something that will occupy yourselves until mommy comes home, I have to, uh... Go find you a new babysitter."

"Why?" Hayato threw his head back annoyed. "We can watch ourselves."

"Babysitters are stupid." Keito whined.

"They're boring." Hanako scowled.

"Yeah well, it's not about how fun they are," Hikaru snorted, ruffling up both Keito's and Hayato's hair as he walked past them. "It's so you don't burn the house down or try to choke yourselves with the curtains like you did last time."

"...You got to do what you got to do." Hayato shrugged.

"We did get a lot of attention that day." Keito admitted proudly.

"But mommy yelled at daddy," Hanako snickered, looking at her brothers. "Then made daddy sleep in bed alone, while she slept with us~"


"So daddy's getting us a nanny for his own wants?"

"Looks like it."

"That's pretty icky daddy."



All three kids immediately turned their heads towards the direction of the noise and grabbed each others hands, opening their mouths at the same time when they heard a familiar voice follow shortly after the front door slamming shut.

"Mommy's home!"

Hikaru stood silent as he watched his children turn around swiftly, still hand-locked to each other tightly, he raised his hand to stop them and took a step forwards to keep them from running, but before he could get even close to grabbing reach of them...

They forgot they were all holding hands, and forgot to open the door, casing them to run head on into it.

Hikaru tried really hard not to laugh.

Haruhi huffed out a small puff of air, walking in through the front door, hanging her briefcase on the door knob of the closet, hearing strange shouting coming from the direction of the kitchen, not knowing whether to be irritated that her children were always yelling or screaming, or to just be used to it and to take it as a normal occurrence.

After being a stay at home mom until the triplets were three, Haruhi had finally went out and got another job at another law office. She had ben having random jobs on and off just to keep her busy when they were younger, but now after almost four years she was working as a lawyer again, and she felt great about it.

They constantly would bring over more maids from the Hitachiin mansion to watch the kids, but after a while they just decided to have a long-term nanny, a few would come and go, some quitting for odd reasons.

But with the triplets almost four, Haruhi had felt confident enough to leave them alone with someone, and was able to focus on her work more, and had ben working for her new law firm for almost a year from home, until recently she started going to the office.

Hikaru didn't like the idea of her working again at first, and she was sure he probably still did like it, but it he was annoyed by it, he was obviously trying to hide it, the best he could at least.

He helped himself relax by making her 'adorable' as he would call them, one piece dress suits, she absolutely hated but was forced into every single morning.

And just as she was taking off her top blazer and hanging it up in the closet, she heard her children scream for mommy, moments before a loud thud echoed through the lower part of the house.

And... Was that Hikaru laughing?

She was about to drop every thing and run there once she thought she heard them crying, but before she could untangle herself from the closet, she heard a hand full of bare feet running across the floor, instantly coming up from behind her.


Being clumsy, and almost tripping on a random shoe that was laying there, Haruhi smiled she turned around, gripping onto the doorframe, half because it was keeping her stable. She turned towards her children who were then clinging themselves on her skirt looking back up at her with small tears welding up at the edges of their eyes. Red bumps throbbing on their forehead heads.

"Hey," she said sweetly, being pushed up against the wall, running her fingers through Keito's hair as she pat head gently. "What happened to you? What did you two do now?"

Hayato rubbed his face against his mothers skirt, wiping his eyes free of half fake, half real tears. Looking up at her in a helpless manner. "Mommy, we hit our heads."

"Daddy started laughing at us." Keito whined, gripping her clothes helplessly, sticking out his bottom lip.

Haruhi bit her cheek, curling her bottom lip as well as she looked down at their upset faces, feeling guilty tears behind her own eyes. "Look at those knots, Why don't you have Kimi-san get you some ice."

"Want mama to get ice."

"Mama get it."

"...Oh, okay."

Haruhi sighed, pushing her sons gently towards the kitchen door, hearing Hanako whining as she heard her husband telling her to hold still.

"Daddy, quit laughing at me!"

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you."

"I'm not laughing!"

"Well than there's a problem isn't there?"

Walking into the kitchen door, with her sons trotting in close to her, still trying to hold her hands, Haruhi witnessed Hikaru standing next to Hanako who was sitting on the table top, Pressing an ice pack to her head, while trying to tie it on with what looked like a curtain rope.

She sighed again for what seemed like the tenth time in the last five minutes, looking over at her husband who was obviously humoring himself by what he was doing. "Hikaru," she said, her hand raised up, trying to pull out her tight ponytail she had done for work. "...What are you doing to the child?"

"They all ran into the door," Hikaru explained, pressing the cold jelly ice pack to his daughters head, having a narrow, door frame shaped red mark on the side of her eye. "I was just trying to-"

Haruhi narrowed her eyes, stopping on her way to the freezer. "Are you laughing at them?"

"We told you, daddy's a meanie."

"Meanie daddy."


Haruhi raised her eyebrow as she grabbed a couple of packs from the freezer, looking over at Hikaru as she handed them to her children. "Why is it that they always have something wrong with them when I come home?"

"Yeah, well..." Hikaru muttered, holding Hanako till with one hand while trying to keep the ice pack on her head, trying to think of something that would make her forget that he did anything wrong. "They Made the new nanny quit!"

Haruhi gaped her mouth open squashing the ice packs firmly to their heads, making them wince slightly. "Again? what did you do now?"


"We don't tell on daddy!"

"Yes you do!"

"Daddy's the one who got rid of the nanny!"

"That's not even believable!"

Haruhi rubbed her temple, wondering why she had four children instead of three, and sighed letting Hayato and Keito hold the packs by themselves as she turned around and started making her way out the room. Not even bothering to have another conversation with them.

Hikaru sighed, taking the ice pack off his daughters head as he helped her off the table, looking the same direction where his wife escaped to, and hurriedly followed after her, leaving their children to tend to themselves in the kitchen.

The now long-haired brunette looked down at her outfit as she walked to the living room, Seeing how the curtains were loose from the curtain rods, many small paint containers scattered across the top of the coffee table, with countless rolls of toilet paper rolled out on the floor.

She narrowed her eyes irritably, remembering the house being completely fine before she left, she wasn't expecting the maids to clean up, but wondered why they hadn't, seeing how it was so messy.

"How is this even possible?" she sighed out loud, running her hand through her hair to straighten it out after pulling out her hair tie. "I thought they'd stop making such a mess of things after having an actual babysitter to play with."

"They played with her alright," Hikaru's voice snickered from behind her. "You should have seen her face when she left; priceless."

"Obvious you'd think torturing poor babysitters is funny," Haruhi snorted, feeling her husband arm fall on her shoulder. "Where are the maids? I'll clean this up but, did they scare them off too?"

"Hayato said they're upstairs, said its worse up there than down here," Hikaru said simply, as if he didn't care. Or that he was just so use to the house always being a disaster when ever they got home. "Speaking of upstairs..."


"I don't think I got a 'Welcome home honey" yet."

"You got home before me, "Welcome home" doesn't count for you that way."

"...You know, in fantasy you're the one who's suppose to come home first, you being wife and all," He muttered, hunching his back, laying his chin down on her shoulder, his hot breath training down the side of her neck, as if trying to hint something. "You still need to work on your feminism by the way."

"You have a very funny way of expressing that you want something from me." She huffed, poking him in the cheek. "Is that all you have to say?"

Hikaru shrugged, causing his wife to squeak in surprise as he swung her around, wrapping his arm around her waist, switching location of his other hand from her shoulder and the side of her face. "Awe, I think Haruhi wants to be complimented."

"That's not what I meant."

"That's what it sounded like."

Haruhi tried to wiggle her way out of his arms and heard floor boards creak. "Hikaru, not now, look at the house, and I have to get ready and cook dinner, off."

"Off? yeah Haruhi, that's gonna make me let go."


"Your perturbed face is so cute~"

Haruhi let out an exasperated sigh, looking at him as if her straight face would have enough power for him to let go of her and let her clean. He didn't unfortunately, and instead just jerked her closer, leaning his face down to hers, Making their noses touch.

He smirked as he heard her grumble when he swooped down and pecked her on the lips, tugging gently on a small piece of her hair, but apparently one kiss wasn't enough to satisfy the Hitachiin as he licked his lips, giving her another, much longer kiss.

Getting herself caught in the moment, Haruhi just couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck, just as he was about to pull away. And just as they were about to pull away again to take a breath they heard something move behind them.

"Oh look Keito, mommy and daddy are getting intimate in the living room again."

"Daddy's a dirty bird."

"Daddy, why are you eating mommy's neck like a vampire?"


"...You guys spend way too much time with your uncle."

Well, that's chapter 1 of the new sequel, I thought about this a long time, wondering what age I should have had the triplets, and what would be reasonable, but just stuck with age three and a half, they go to kindergarten at Ouran so they'd obviously know how to talk pretty well for their age. Plus when my little sister was three she could talk really well.

I didn't really like this chapter, but it was chapter 1, and to be honest I didn't really like chapter 1 of Strawberry shampoo either. But I hoped you like dit anyway, the future chapters are going to be much better I promise. I hope you all aren't too disappointed with how I'm taking the story either.

Thank you for reading, as always, all your reviews mean a lot to me.