Well hello! Sorry for the delay! Um, let's see... You know what? I'll talk later. Right now, ArcticStorm is also coming as a guest as Arc-chan. Please welcome her. And if you guys want to be guests, just ask, and you'll be welcomed! Trust me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

"Welcome back to another dreading episode of 'Questions'!" Sen exclaims in an almost crying voice dramatically.

J.D Girl and D.B. roll their eyes and sigh. "Oh, Sen."

Sen also rolls her eyes. "Really?" Then she does a puppy face and sniffs. "Can you guys introduce everyone? They don't like me..."

J.D. Girl and D.B sigh once again and look at each other. "You want to do the honors D.B.-san?"

D.B. nods. "Might as well... First off, let's welcome back our diamonds! Kaito and Rio!" The audience claps as they appear on stage and sit down on the chairs.

Sen rolls her eyes again as the diamond pair sit down without greeting anyone. "Really? You guys like being arrogant to the point that you don't have any courtesy to shake our hands?"

The diamond pair remain silent as J.D. Girl and D.B. sigh. "Well next, we have Ryouga and Droite," D.B. announces as the two come in and sit down in the seats they sat down last episode.

"I'll introduce our author guest for this chapter," J.D. Girl says. "Everyone, please welcome Arc-chan! Another Zexal author!"

The audience claps as Arc-chan appears. She waves to audience as she comes towards the other hosts. She shakes their hands and takes a seat.

"Now that we're all here, let's just get right into the action," Sen monotously murmurs. The other hosts sigh. She should be happy that the characters even bothered to show up. "Arc-chan has told me that she has some questions for you guys. Arc-chan. You may continue."

Arc-chan nods. "Thank you, Sen. Okay, the first question goes to Kaito. Kaito, what sport would you play with Rio?"

Kaito stares at her. "Why would I play a sport with her?"

Sen growls at him. "Just answer the question!"

"Tennis and basketball."

Everyone looks at him confused. J.D. Girl speaks up for them all. "...What?"

Kaito glares at everyone simultaneously. "Is there a problem?"

Rio blinks and raises her eyebrow at him. "You'd play basketball with me?"

Kaito turns his heated glare to her. "Surprised?"

Rio scoffs and looks at her nails. "Yeah. Especially since I would be able to easily beat you."

"Ooooooohhhhh..." the audience and the hosts go. Droite chuckles while Ryouga rolls his eyes.

"Oh man! She got you good!" Sen shouts as she begins laughing. Kaito glares at her, she immediately shuts up.

"Let's go on before the duelists here decide to summon their monsters and destroy the studio," D.B. cuts in before chaos could erupt. Not that it already hasn't.

Sen nods. "Good idea. Arc-chan. You may proceed."

"Okay," Arc-chan agrees as she switches to another card. "Again, Kaito." Kaito glares at her. She ignores him. "Would you really harm Orbital 7?"

Kaito looks at her suspiciously. "Where did that come from?"

"Just answer the question!" J.D. Girl calmly exclaims.

"Harm him? No. I created him. Why would I harm my own creation?"

Arc-chan is about to explain when Sen cuts her off with her hand. "Don't bother Arc-chan." She looks at Kaito. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. But the hosts ask the questions. Not the guests."

Kaito smirks. "I'm sorry. But that wasn't the case in the first episode."

Sen twitches as the hosts try to calm her down.

"Arc-chan! You had more questions...?" D.B. looks pleadingly at Arc-chan. Thankfully, she understood the message immediately.

"Well, it's not really that hard to understa-"

"Rio! You are next on this list!" Arc-chan exclaims.

"Ugh. Fine..." Rio answers as she grits her teeth.

"Ah, Kamishiro Rio... If you could have any boy to be your boyfriend who would it be?"

Rio ponders for quite a while... The audience, the hosts, Droite, and Ryouga look at her expectantly. Meanwhile, Kaito glares at the hosts ahead. Oh the tension! "It would be either... Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Tsukimori Len, or Tomoe..."

Crickets chirp in the background. Everyone, including Kaito, stare at her.

"...I think she means someone from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Universe..." Sen corrects.

Rio snorts. "Why would I have someone from our universe be my boyfriend while there are clearly better-looking guys in other animes?"

"Ooooooooohhhhhhh!" And the audience goes wild!

"HA!" Sen exclaims as she points triumphantly at Kaito. "She called you ugly! Take that!"

Rio rolls her eyes at Sen's childish antics. "I'm not calling him ugly. I'm just saying that other animes have better guys for boyfriends than Yu-Gi-Oh! does."

The hosts nod while the audience mutter in agreement.

"WAIT!" Sen yells, immediately silencing the whole room. "...You just said that Kaito isn't ugly... So... You think that he's attractive?"

The audience gasps while the hosts, Droite, Ryouga, and even Kaito, stare at her. Rio tries to remain stoic but ultimately fails. "Uh... No... It's just that-"

"So out of all the boys in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Universe... You'd rather have Kaito as your boyfriend?" Sen interrupts as a victory smirk creeps up her face.

"Uh..." Rio stammers. "Well, I don't-"

"I can't believe you're losing to someone like her," Kaito scoffs as leans back in his chair. Forget about being stoic.

"I'm not!" Rio yells. "I'm trying to defend you!"

"I don't need someone as incompetent as you to defend me."

"That's it-"

"Before Rio lunges at Kaito and sends him to the hospital, let's try to finish at least five episodes of the show!" D.B. interferes as she takes control. She turns to Arc-chan, who nods at her.

"Thank you, Durbe-chan. Now, Rio." Rio stares at her unemotionally. "What would you say if Kaito asked you out?"

"Why would he ask her out?!" Ryouga yells angrily. Gets ignored.

"...Why would I ask her out?" Kaito calmly angrily demands. Gets ignored.

"Why would he-"

"WOULD YOU PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTION!" the audience and the hosts exclaim! Really! They can't take this anymore with these people going on and on-

"Punch him," Rio answers.

Blank stares from everyone, including Kaito. Her answer is not what they expected.

"...Punch him?" Sen asks as a clarification.

Rio stares weirdly at everyone. "Yes. Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Because-" Arc-chan begins. But gets interrupted by the one and only. No. Not Sen. Kaito.

"Because you do not have the ability to punch me efficiently. Actually, you could not punch me even if you tried," Kaito states indifferently.

"Say that again-"

"Continue, Arc-chan! Please!" J.D. Girl quickly states.

"I have a feeling characters are going to be dead by the end of the episode," Sen mutters.

"Ryouga!" Arc-chan booms, wasting no time. "Do you think you will ever get a girlfriend?"

Without missing a beat, Ryouga bluntly answered, "No."

Crickets chirping again. "Okay. Seriously, who is bringing all these crickets into my studio?!" Sen angrily exclaims. Gets ignored.

"...Don't you want a girlfriend?" J.D. Girl tries to press.

Before Ryouga can answer, Kaito smirks and interrupts. "He doesn't. He's too weak to get one."


"Oh stop doing that!" Sen yells at the audience. The audience immediately goes quiet.

"What did-?!"

"Droite!" Arc-chan interrupts. Barely her first day, and she already has the hang of things. "How close are you and Kaito?"

Silence envelopes the studio... Darkness arises and-

"On a scale of 1 to 10?" Droite asks, wanting to be more specific.

Arc-chan nods. "Sure."

"...I would say...Seven..." Blank stares from everyone, excluding Kaito. He just glared straight ahead. Droite notices the stares and blinks in confusion. "What?"

Rio is the first one to break out of her trance. "Oh! Sorry! I though it was nine..."

"I thought it was ten!" a random member from the audience yells.

Sen scoffs in a narcissistic manner. "I though it was twenty!" Blank and confused stares. Sen sighs dejectedly. "Okay, fine... I didn't think of a number..."

"Well," Arc-chan continues. "Would you care to explain your choice, Droite?"

Droite nods. "Yes. I'm in love with Kaito, as you all know. But he doesn't love me back..."

"Yes. Go on..."

"But he at least had the courtesy to save me when I was in danger. And he has at least spoken to me on needed occasions. In other words, he doesn't ignore me completely, which means that at least he pays a little attention."

"Ahhhh..." the audience choruses.

Sen nods in admiration. "Good choice then. Are there anymore questions?"

"Actually," some random member from the audience begins. "I-"

"Yeah too bad! I need to do my homework! I haven't even started. We can't ask your question today. Sorry. Next episode! There is someone going to come... Can anyone guess who it is?"

The hosts sweatdrop. D.B. speaks for them. "Sen... How can they guess if you haven't given them clues?"

Sen freezes. "Oh shoot! You're right... Whatever! They can guess! They're smart...At least I hope so..."

J.D. Girl frowns. "Weren't we supposed to have another guess for today?"

Sen lazily shrugs. "I don't know. But if we were, he or she can come next episode along with the other guest. No biggie."

The hosts sigh as they look at the characters, then at the audience. "So... See you next episode?" Arc-chan says uncertainly.

Kaito glares as he stands up. "No. I won't be coming."

Sen smirks and stares in his eyes. "Oh yes you will be. You know why? Because the person coming the next episode is very precious to you..."

Kaito widened his eyes. Then, he glares at Sen. "I'm leaving." And he leaves.

Everyone watches as he goes. Then, Rio stands up herself. She stretches as she yawns. "We'll be leaving as well! Right, ani?!" But before Ryouga could answer, Rio grabs his hand and pulls him to the exit of the studio.

Droite blinks at the hosts. She then stands up and bows to the hosts. "Thank you for having me today." With that, she leaves.

The hosts stand there while they watch the characters leave. The audience stare at the hosts while they watch the characters leave.

"Well that was quick! It looked like they were escaping from the eruption of a volcano!" Sen comments.

D.B. puts a hand on her shoulder. "Sen. Let's end this episode..."

Sen pouts and crosses her arms. "...Fine..."

"The Fourth Episode of Questions..." Arc-chan begins.

"Brought to you by Sen, D.B., Arc-chan, and myself, J.D. Girl..." J.D. Girl continues.

"Thanks for watching!" D.B. exclaims.

Sen smirks. "This is Sen,"

"J.D. Girl,"


"And Arc-chan,"

"Signing off!" they yell.

Well... Yes... Getting influx of ideas... Yay... How long has it been? Yes. Very long... Whatever... Oh yeah. Can you guys guess the names of the animes the three guys Rio mentioned are from? I challenge you! :) Well, hope you enjoyed it... Yeah... I don't know anymore... *sighs* Oh well. ~Ja ne!