Okay. I just thought of this idea one day, and I connected that idea with Durbe-chan's interview stories. And then, BOOM! My own t.v. show was created! Welcome to "Questions"! The new reality t.v. show where I, senshi moon, am the host, and I ask the people that I've featured in my stories questions! Let's hear their opinions!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

The room is pitch black. Everyone who is sitting on the seats waits with anticipation for the host to arrive. Then suddenly, the lights turn on the stage, and the audience goes wild! A short girl appears from the side, and the audience begins clapping and cheering.

The host looks at the audience, smirks, and waves. "Thank you! Thank you! I know! I know! I'm awesome!" The host takes a seat, takes out her giant flash card, and begins reading from it.

"Welcome, everyone! I am your host, senshi moon, and today I've decided to bring in some characters to express their opinions on my stories and the personalities they inhibit in my stories," senshi moon explains. She pauses for a while. "You know what? It's too tiring to to say 'senshi moon' the whole time so please call me..." senshi moon ponders for a while. "Sen. Yeah. I like the sound of that." The audience cheers.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." Audience laughs. "Now, without further ado, let's welcome the two main characters for 99% of my stories, Tenjo Kaito and Kamishiro Rio!" And the audience goes wild! From the opposite corner from where Sen appeared, Rio and Kaito emerge. Sen stands up as they come toward her. They get close and shake hands with her.

"Kaito. Rio. Please. Have a seat." Both Kaito and Rio, both who have not spoken, take a seat on the couches you always find on these type of shows. Sen also takes a seat. Without wasting a single second, Sen shoots off the first question.

"Hmm...So first question guys: How do you guys feel being here at this very moment?" The audience gasps and hold their breaths as they wait for their answers. And after a few moments of silence...

"Bored. I'd rather be dead," Kaito bluntly replies. He puts his arm on the arm rest of the couch and leans back a little. Hardly noticeable, but noticeable.

Sen twitches. "Okay. Pretty blunt, Mr. Tenjo." She turns to Ms. Rio. "How about you Ms. Kamishiro?"

Rio blinks and yawns. "I just want to leave. Can we get this over with?"

Sen turns toward the audience. "Well, you've heard their responses! They hate being here..." Sen trails off and sniffs. "Well...understandable...People hate being around me..."

"Awww... Poor girl..." the audience murmurs.

Rio looks at Sen and shakes her head. "No! You've got it wrong!" Rio states as she goes to Sen's side. "We don't hate being with you..."

"Okay!" Sen replies cheerly. "Fine with me!" Rio sweatdrops at the sudden change of mood and goes back to her seat. "Well, we shall begin!"

"Finally," Kaito mutters.

"Okay. First question. Wait. Second question I mean...Whatever. Well, considering my first ever diamondship fanfic, "Shopping with Rio", how did you two feel about me putting you guys together for no apparent reason for the first time ever?"



Sen narrows her eyes at them and pouts. "Long answers!" she yells at both of them.

Kaito sighs and obliges. "Fine. I am not fit to go shopping, and I certainly won't agree to take someone either if that person isn't Haruto...And I don't smell people."

Sen licks her lips. "Well you do have a point there. Did you hate me for it?"

Kaito shook his head. "Not really. At that moment I didn't because I thought it was just a one-time thing."

Sen looks at him with a scared/suspicious expression. "And as I continued writing frequently?"

Kaito looks at her with a "Are you kidding me?" expression. Well, in a stoic way. "I hated you."

Sen nods. "Fair enough. Now...How about you, Ms. Kamishiro?"

Rio ponders for a bit before answering. "Um. I really didn't mind the first time like Kaito just stated, but as you kept it a frequent occurrence..."

Sen hangs her head down. "You also hated me?"

Rio shook her head. "Not really. I just felt annoyed with story after story involving Kaito and I. I mean, we have never talked to each other except in the english dub. And I do not love him, and he doesn't love me. Period."

Sen nods. "I know that. I do not try to make it seem like you guys love each other. And I respect your opinions...Or do I...? Moving on! Next question! Kaito. In my second story, "A Visit", did you think that Rio was actually strong enough to grip your hand enough for you to stay put?"

Kaito shakes his head. "Of course she wasn't-"


"But I had to make sure she wouldn't scream. The doctors would think I was doing something bad."

Rio rolls her eyes. "Yeah right, Kaito. You are just using the doctors as an excuse to hide how vulnerable you were at that moment! You don't want to admit that I was gripping you very tight that you couldn't get away!"

"Oooooooooh..." the audience chrouses...Huh?

Kaito glares at her. "What are you saying? Do you think I'm lying? I-"

"And we'll be back after these messages!" Sen interrupts as she doesn't want a fight to break out in her stage. Ha! Double pun!

"And welcome back to 'Questions' where I, one of Fanfiction's many annoying writers, interview the characters I feature in my stories!"

"WOOOOO!" the audience yells.

"Now. We left in the middle of an argument between Kaito and Rio." Sen turns to Rio. "Now, Rio. How did you feel about that argument?"

Rio glares at me in an annoying way. "Well, what do you think?!"

"Actually, I can't think right now. My brain's already on vacation."

"...That didn't make any sense..."

Sen scoffs. "You don't make any sense..." Plain stares from both the audience and the diamond pair. "Okay. I know. Well, question three everyone...or whatever question we are on!" The audience claps.

"Third fanfic. Rio. Would you ever really tell Kaito about your problems if he asked?"

Rio ponders for quite a while. "I probably would." Both Sen and Kaito stare at her in shock. "I mean, he has hanged out with my brother during the World Duel Carnival and while I was in the hospital."

"Hanged out? I took your brother's soul. I don't think that counts as me hanging out with him," Kaito bluntly states.

Rio rolls her eyes. "Not that part. The part where you and ani agreed to go save Yuma."

Kaito stares at her weirdly. "Why are you stating it that way?"

Rio furrows her eyebrows. "What?"

"Your brother wanted to go save Yuma. I needed to go save my brother," Kaito explains.

Rio blinks. "Well isn't it the same thing?"

"I'm positive that Yuma and Haruto are not the same 'thing'."

Rio rolls her eyes. She's been doing that way too much in this show. "Not that. The saving them part. You both needed to save the people you care about the most. So you decided to work together."

"...Kotori was there...She helped us come in agreement..."

"...We aren't talking about Kotori though..." Silence fills the stage.

Sen blinks for a while. "Well...We can see that we have some disagreements going on here! Which means that this is a good place to end Part 1!"

Kaito and Rio stare at her in shock. "What?!"

Sen glares at them. "You heard me! This is end of part one of the interview I have with you guys. I mean think about it. I have like 90 percent of diamond stories here at the fandom. I can't cover it all in one day."

Kaito and Rio blink at her. "...But it has only been 25 minutes..." Rio states.

Sen nods and snaps towards her direction. "Exactly! I have homework to do! I've already wasted 25 minutes talking to you guys! I mean, I know how badly you guys wanted to meet with me and all, but I-"

"Badly meet with you? Are you crazy? You were the one who pleaded with us to meet with you," Kaito angrily retorts.

"As a matter of fact, I am crazy. Thanks for noticing. And yeah, maybe I did, but I can still write stories about you guys any time I want," Sen fires back.

"Don't you have a job? And don't you have Calculus homework and other bunch of homework that you need to get started on?" Rio asks suspiciously.

Sen freezes. After a while though, she gets out of her trance. "Yeah. I do. But- Hey wait a minute! When did this turn into an interview about me?! I'm supposed to be asking the questions here!"

Kaito smirks. "Yeah. You said it yourself."

Sen blinks in confusion. "Huh?"

Rio smirks as well. "The 'supposed'. You are 'supposed' to be asking the questions, but you are not."

"I-I-Well...Yeah, but-"

A beep comes from Kaito's direction. Everyone turns towards him as he looks at his watch. "Oh. It's time to go pick up Haruto."

Rio widens her eyes. "That reminds me! I need to get home! I have to cook dinner before Ryouga gets home."

Sen scratches her hair. "Wait a minute. You guys knew that you would be here...Didn't you tell your families to arrange something just in case you guys were late?"



Sen sighs. She then turns to the audience. "Well there you have it folks. Our diamond pair is now leaving. But fear not! They'll be back tomorrow for the second part!" The audience cheers.

Kaito and Rio ignore them and begin to walk off to backstage when they both suddenly stop. Sen tilts her head in confusion. "Why did you guys stop?"

"One more thing..." Rio begins.

"Stop calling us the diamond pair," Kaito finishes. Without waiting for a reaction, they both leave the stage.

Sen blinks in their direction, and then turns to the audience.

"Well there you have it! Tune in for the next episode of 'Questions' were, apparently, the guests can ask the host questions. Next episode we will have our diamond pair, but also with a special guest. Can you guys guess who it is? Well that's it everyone! Have a nice day, and this is Sen signing out!"

Well? I had fun writing this. Kaito and Rio turned the tables on me huh? If this series of questions were in real life, they would have totally creamed me. Like they did in this one. And I'M the one typing.

Kaito: Shut. Up.

Sen: ...You guys are still here?

Rio: *nods* Yep.

Sen: ...Why? Nevermind. Can I just continue my author's note?

Kaito: We are here because we can't leave without you ending the story. And because of one other thing.

Sen: Really? And what other thing.

Rio: *facepalms* Don't you remember? Your Diamondshipping Marathon?

Sen: *widens her eyes* That's right! How could I forget?! *smiles very wide*

What Kaito and Rio are trying to say is that in order to celebrate my one year of writing diamond stories in July, I am planning on starting a diamondshipping marathon. If you guys are interested, I would like to do this marathon, so the more the merrier. I just want to know how many people are interested. If enough people are, I will explain more details. I plan to begin this on the first of July, and it will last for the whole month. So how 'bout it? *crickets chirpping* Yeah... Well, that should be it! ~Ja ne!