"I Can't Believe What My Life Is Turning Into"
"Is she mean? Do you want me to come over?"
But, of course I couldn't say that aloud.
I suppose I should tell you what led up to that incident. And what happened afterwards. Let's just say it was an… unusual day.
Thalia and I were walking out of the school building when my phone rang.
I managed to find it and answer in 5 seconds flat.
"Hello? Annabeth?" my stepmom asked.
"Hey Susan. What's up?" I responded.
"Well, dear…I'm terribly sorry. Your father and I have had to go out of town for the weekend. There's some convention down in California about whatever historical thing is captivating Frederick's attention at the moment. He got an invitation, and he insisted we leave immediately. Unfortunately, it's a no-kids event. I've spoken to Vivienne Grace and she said that Thalia's going to be staying with you at the house."
"Okay. Umm…you took Bobby and Matt along right?"
"Annabeth! I said it was no-kids. Speaking of that issue, what time is it?"
"3:00. We got let out early today."
"Perfect! You can go pick up the boys!"
"Why can't you do it before you leave?"
"Annabeth, we're at the airport. Stay safe. Don't let the boys stay up late. No wild parties. You can have fun with Thalia and invite a couple of your other friends if you'd like, though. We'll miss you! Oh-the boys have soccer practice tomorrow. Bye!" she hung up.
I stopped in my tracks and groaned, looking down at the pavement under my feet. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing for a tornado to swoop me up and drop me in...Hawaii. Or somewhere relaxing. Senior year of HS stresses you out.
Thalia looked at me questioningly. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"Go home and pack your stuff. You're staying at my place and helping babysit," I said, dropping the bomb.
Thalia's eyes widened.
"I can't!" she said immediately.
"My parents are out of town and Susan already spoke to your mom."
"I'm sure Susan spoke to Mom but I have to chaperone Jason and Piper on their date tonight!" she exclaimed, referring to her brother and his girlfriend.
I stared at her. Then raised an eyebrow.
"Chaperone? What are they, 5? They're in junior year of high school, Thalia. I'm pretty sure they can handle themselves." I countered.
"You'd be surprised," she retorted, shaking her head as we continued our walk out of the parking lot. "Tell you what. You pick up the boys from school, since I presume that's now your responsibility. I'll chaperone them and show up at your place at 9:30 with my stuff."
"Why 9:30?" I asked.
"Because Piper has to be home by 9:30."
"Ahhh. K fine," I conceded
And Thalia and I separated and headed off in different directions.
Unfortunately- my car was being repaired and I had to walk to pick up the twins. As I made my way to the elementary school, I recapped my day.
Everything was pretty normal.. My friends were still crazy. Thalia was still stubborn. Percy Jackson was still annoying…
My mind was on a certain boy's unbelievable looks- I mean antics- when I entered the building. That is- until the twins surrounded me and bombarded me with a barrage of questions.
"Where's mom?"
"Well, she's out of town," I replied calmly.
"Why are you here?"
"To pick you up," I answered.
"Shouldn't you be in school?"
"It ended early."
"I dunno but, you look kinda out of it."
I didn't bother reacting to that one.
"Wait so mom and dad aren't here? Can we stay up late?"
"No," I said beginning to lose the calm and starting to get annoyed.
"Have a party?"
"More candy?"
"Ice-cream for dinner?"
"Is Thalia coming over?"
"Is she sleeping over?"
"Do we have to walk home?"
"Because I don't have my car."
"Because it's at Leo's repair shop," I replied with gritted teeth, signing the release sheet.
"Because it's BROKEN," I responded in an exasperated manner.
"Why?" they asked again in unison.
Oh now they were just being annoying. I turned to them, and raised an eyebrow at their identical grins and mischievous eyes.
"Do you want to go home or not? Because I can leave you here in school for the entire weekend," I threatened.
Now, technically speaking- I know. Can't exactly do that. But hey, a threat's a threat. And if this works, I'm not feeling an ounce of remorse for it. I looked their teacher who had a small smile on her face as she too, waited for the boys' reaction.
Needless to say, they shut up.
"Wow Annabeth. You're a harsh sister," came a voice from behind me. I whirled around.
There stood none other than… Percy Jackson.
His green eyes twinkled at me as he grinned at Bobby and Matthew. Then he stage whispered to the boys, "Is she mean? Do you want me to come over?"
"YES," they hollered.
But, of course I couldn't say that aloud.
He looked at me, as if asking for permission. I weighed my options. Either let him entertain the boys, or deal with them myself. The first option looked a lot better.
"Fine." I said.
"YES," all three of them hollered.
What have I gotten myself into?
Just a spontaneous idea I came up with. Probably gonna be a two-shot. Not really my best work, but...ehhh. Next chap will be a whole lot better. I think.
Hope you guys like it! Please review!