I wasn't sure whether I wanted to archy or plain Sonic x so I'm mixing it all. (My normal brain method.) Archy- verse is kind of Sonic's back story with elaboration and detail adding from my wonderous imagination. Please read and review. I hoard reviews like chocolate coins with gold tinfoil wrappers each is to be taken with me into hiding and have their sweetness savored for as long as possible before I try to put the wrapping back in it's previous shape.

Sonic's P.O.V. The Decepticon Base

What kind of place is this? I thought I was coming in to break up another one of Egghead's plans gone wrong, but these robots are more capable of emotions and free thought than the AIs Eggman builds for his robots. I've seen Bo-kun get upset and wail at points if he got dirty or injured, but it wasn't an actual cry of pain like that just was. It's disconcerting, knowing these are living things made of metal and that they feel pain. I need to find the people from missing person's, but I don't want to hurt or kill anyone.

A blue hedgehog zigzagged from cover to cover, glancing quickly around corners to look for signs of more robotic soldiers. Sonic stopped and pressed himself against a wall as more of them passed. They were hard to miss, humanoid structures as big as Eggman's E-99 with red eyes instead of a glass control room and nearly twice as much firepower, but they surprised him once already with their ability to disguise themselves as vehicles and other inanimate objects. He was lucky that by comparison he was smaller than an insect and practically invisible with his speed as long as they weren't looking for him. He did not want another case like the SUV that started shooting at him when he hid behind it.

At the moment, he was trying to avoid fighting and risking injury to them or himself. Killing is not his thing and probably never would be, even in cases of defense. Even fighting the Metarex to save the galaxy was a hard decision to make, knowing that winning would kill the last of the Metarex's people and losing would kill everyone else in the galaxy.

He looked up from where he was just about wedged in an oversized seam in the wall and watched the couple of robots pass through the intersection and take a turn into a door nearby. Seeing no one else in the hallway he dashed to the other side of the intersection just in time to hear the door open again and the two robots return to the intersection with a large metal bin. The two robots turned right at the intersection, into the hall where Sonic was previously, leaving Sonic alone with his thoughts again, but not before he noticed what was hanging off the side of the bin.

Sonic was steeling himself, so as not to give himself away from retching at what he saw. Hanging at an awkward angle, and suffering what could only be a dislocated shoulder, was a woman's arm. It was covered in drying blood and the wrist was bruised and rubbed raw from being restrained. Her wedding band still sat in its proper place and her nails were decorated in a bright pink polish, but the arm was limp and paling to expose dark bruises.

Sonic watched them go down the hall he was coming from, before turning a right as well to investigate the room they came out of. He was two doors down from his intended target, wedged half way into the seam of a door frame, trying to find a way past two robot guards and an automatic door when the alarms system went off.

"Intruders have infiltrated the Nemesis. I repeat. Intruders have infiltrated the Nemesis."

"Oh, great. I guess leaving the SUV guy in the middle of the floor was kind of my fault, though." He darted down a side corridor while he still had a second of distraction from the noise. After all, facing an army of upgraded E-99 is sure to end badly. Stopping at a turn, he noticed a gap in the floor where a platform had risen well above his head, like an elevator.

"Going down." He dropped passed three levels before reaching the bottom and using his favored spin-dash to break his fall.

On the bottom floor, the hallways were no less spotless than elsewhere on the base, but the lack of security and foot traffic identified this as the farthest from the problem's core. One or two bots in cells looked close to turning off, or however they fell asleep, labeling the dimly lit area he was in as some sort of dungeon.

Sonic slipped between the bars of a shadowy cell that appeared vacant, sighing at the new delay but finding it better to wait out the drama than get squished in the chaos. A familiar quiet mechanical sound warned him something was off in the huge cell expanse behind him, but the sense of deja vu escaped him momentarily. When he turned to inspect his hiding place fully, he was met with a pair of red eyes blazing in white hot fury.
