
The crowd was excited as Ral-san was running to get to a good spot to view the battle.

"Oh no! I can't believe I forgot to set my alarm clock. In the middle of a fight, Ral forgot to fight."

He gets in the auditorium to see the battle going on.

"However often I see it, PPSE's giant battle system is still overwhelming."

He then sees the Quanta Amaterasu in action along with the rest of Team Celestial Being.

"Good, Kaoru and the others are still fighting."

The scene then changes to the Wing Gundam Fenice with flames in the background. The camera pans to show something big headed their way.

"Huh? That's...!"

Nils notices something large headed towards the wasteland. Andrei and Graham look on as well.

"What's that huge Gunpla?", asked Nils.

"Not sure. But I know it's dangerous to face that thing head on.", said Andrei.

Mao and his teammates look on to see the new entry to the battelfield.

"N-No way.", said Mao.

"Hey, are they serious with this!?", asked Souji.

"Looks like they are.", said Haruto.

Fellini looks on with Falcone and Perazzo.

"How come...?"

"I guess we got a new guest to the party.", said Falcone.

"A really big guest.", said Perazzo.

What stood before us by the flames of the GAW wreck was a giant Zaku II. And it looks ready to fight. I look on as Z and Setsuna see the giant Zaku.

"What is that?", asked Marina.

"So someone brought in that huh? Sure must be feeling ballsy.", said Z.

"Kaoru, what's that? That big one?", asked Reiji.

Chairmain Mashita smiles as he sees the giant Zaku on the field.

"Chairman, as you requested, we sent an auto-controlled Gunpla into the battlefield.", said the secretary.

"Thanks, babe.", said Mashita.

"Also, we've found out the name of the Quanta Amaterasu's fighter from Team Celestial Being. It's not a full name, but he's registered as 'Reiji'."

"A-Alright.", said Mashita as he was deep in thought.

"Isn't this going a bit too far? A Mega size Zaku just for one competitor?", said the Vice-Chairman.

"I-I just want to bring a little bit of excitement with a fun twist is all."

"I have heard about the fighter and his name. The chance that he's looking for us isn't that high. Besides, if he's here just to compete, just let him. Drawing in his attention to us won't be a good idea."

"That's why we have to get him out now. If he leaves, I can keep going with this life I have."

"And if he's not after you, what then?"

"A-Anyway, let's just watch and see how things go."

The crowd looks at the battlefield as they see the Zaku. The announcers see it as one of them speaks up.

"Th-That looks like a 1/48 Mega Size Model Zaku."

"What the hell's going on?"

The announcers look at the staff who are also wondering what's going on. The Zaku then turns to look at us.

"Wh-Why? There was no Gunpla like that when the battle started.", I said.

"Somebody changed his machine?", wondered Fellini.

"I can't believe-"

"It's moving!", said Reiji.

The Zaku then starts to fire right at us! We all start to dodge the shots as Mao-kun's Gundam X Mao loses the Satellite Cannon!

"Mao!", yelled Fellini.

"Get out of there Mao!", said Souji.

"We need to take out that Zaku.", said Haruto.

The bullet casing from the Zaku's machine gun then rain on Fellini's Gunpla as Falcone and Perazzo go in formation with him. The Zaku then fires missiles to get all of us!

"Oh no!", said Ral-san.

"Run!", said Kirara.

The missiles were coming right for us. Setsuna fires a couple shots to destroy a few as Reiji uses the Magatama on the missiles. Some missiles end up hitting the ground for those flying low, making a big explosion to attract the attention of the other players.

"The size of that explosion..."

"Meijin, you should check it out. It's a big one.", said Asuka.

Yuuki-senpai checks to see the Zaku in the wasteland. He was shocked to see one that big in the battlefield.

"It's a Mega Size!?"

"I don't think that Zaku's a registered player.", said Toshio.

"I see. That Gunpla is an unmanned machine, stored i the battle system for playing against the computer. and it's activated...!? But why? Who did this!?", said Yuuki-senpai as he frowned.

"Call Allan. He should know about this.", said Asuka.

Yuuki-senpai then calls Allan on the phone. Allan was walking in the hall, getting back to the guest room. He then picks up the phone.

"What happened, Kawaguchi?", asked Allan.

Allan then hears from Yuuki-senpai that an unmanned Mega Size Zaku was in the battlefield.

"A Mega Size...? Alright, I'll go find out what's going on.", said Allan as he enters the room.

"Ah, you're back.", said Mashita.

"Chairman, an unmanned Zaku is running wild in the field. We should tell them to stop the battle at-"

"No need for that."


"This makes it more fun. That's all."

"N-No... Did you send out that Zaku?", asked Allan.

"Can't I? Gunpla fans all over the world are enjoying this tournament. We should make it extravagant. Right!?", said Mashita as the Vice-Chairman sighs.

"Extravagant? Kinda seems childish that you'd have the Zaku go after one team though."

"What do you mean, Vice-Chairman?"

"Take a look at the battle. I think this is a bit cruel on those kids."

The battle rages on as the Qubeley Papillion was in space with Gawain's Devil Gundam and Thomas' RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam were getting information from their team manager, Barthes-san.

"The organizers have sent a large unmanned Gunpla into the battlefield. To avoid facing it, we're changing our plans to land on the ground. Stay put."

"Roger that.", said Aila.

"A large unmanned Gunpla, huh?", said Thomas.

"No need to fight something that isn't part of the fight to begin with.", said Gawain.

The other teams then see the Mega Size Zaku rampaging on the battlefield. They all watch while staying clear of it.

"Oh, man. This is insane. Let's get away too, brother. We don't want to get involved in this."

The unit from the Argentina team hides in the water and contacts their teammates to stay clear of the Zaku. Something like a raging giant Zaku is sure to scare away other players.


Sasami, Mayu-chan, and Kaa-san watch the battle from home as they see the giant Zaku on the TV.

[The large Gunpla that was sent out earlier turns out to be a surprise event prepared by the organizers.]

"What happens now?", asked Kaa-san.

"I-I don't know. But that big Gunpla looks like it's after Kaoru's Gunpla.", said Mayu-chan.

"Onii-chan...", muttered Sasami.

They can only watch as the giant Zaku shoots at the Quanta Amaterasu as it already got it separated from the other Gunpla in the area. Sasami frowns as she watches the battle.

"That's not fair. Having a Mega Size go after Onii-chan like that."


The Zaku fires more missiles as Reiji takes one out, and flies away from the others with the Magatama trying to take the missiles out. The explosive force form the missiles exploding push the Quanta Amaterasu a bit.


"It's aiming for us, alright!", I said.

"What are we, chopped liver?", asked Z.

The Zaku fires at us as Mao and his team along with Fellini's team fly to leave the area.

"Kaoru-han? What're you doing!?", asked Mao.

"Get away! That Zaku has nothing to do with the battle. You don't have to fight it!", said Fellini.

"I know, but..."

"It's persistent!", said Reiji as he fires at the Zaku with the Kusanagi Alpha's ranged-mode.

The Zaku tanks it like a champ as it jumps to reach us! We dodge quickly to see Z and Setsuna fire at it.

"Hey big guy, over here!", said Z as he tried to get its attention.

"Retreat isn't an option, Ricardo Fellini. This Gunpla is most likely going to chase after Kaoru and Reiji. If it continues like that, we'll only involve other players in the crossfire.", said Setsuna as he tries to attack the Zaku from behind.

"He's kinda right Ricardo. That Zaku looks pretty aggressive in trying to take out those kids.", said Falcone.

"It doesn't seem like the usual behavior of a competitor. More like it was programmed.", said Haruto.

"You...! That's enough!", said Reiji as he kept dodging the Zaku, that was taking the hits really well.

Chairman Mashita claps as he sees the Zaku go after the Quanta Amaterasu.

"Good, good! What's that mecha called again?", asked Mashita.

"It's the MS-06F Zaku II.", said the secretary.

"It's a mobile suit from the original series of Mobile Suit Gundam. A Zeon grunt Mobile Suit.", said the Vice-Chairman.

"Yeah, yeah. Zaku, Zaku. Go for it, Zaku!", said Mashita as the Vice-Chairman sweatdrops.

"He's like a little kid."

Allan, no longer wanting to stay in the room from the Chairman's behavior, leaves. The Zaku fires more missiles at us as Reiji flies to either dodge or shoot them down.

"Kaoru, what'll we do? Should we discharge and escape?", asked Reiji.

I know that someone like Reiji would want to fight it, even though I prefer retreating. Right now, Setsuna and Z are trying to keep it distracted. The Zaku then sees Z and Setsuna and tries to fend them off to get to us. We can't keep running forever.

"Is that what you want?", I asked him.


"Me too. I can't stand this nonsense!", I said.

"That's the spirit! My partner! Setsuna, Z! Let's go all out on him!"

"You got it!", grinned Z.

"Roger that!", said Setsuna.

We all start to shoot down the missiles coming at us. They all explode as Reiji rushes in to attack the Zaku.


"You idiot!"

"Everyone, aim for the joints!"


The Zaku shoots at us as we go for the joints. Reiji uses the Kusanagi Alpha to shoot at the joints, but the Zaku moves to let the armor take the hit. Z and Setsuna get in close and try to cut along the joints to damage it.

"Have some more!", said Reiji as he fired again while moving in.

Nils watches from a distance as he watches curiously.

"No way... They're fighting it?", said Nils.

"I guess someone has their own code of honor.", said Graham.

"To not back down against an indomitable force, you'd have to commend their bravery, if it wasn't crazy.", said Andrei.

"But survival is the priority in the Battle Royale. Why're they risking it for nothing? They're fools... They're just like Don Quixote attacking the windmill. But why...?", asked Nils.

"It's obvious. Because they're fighters!", said Ral-san.

"If survival is part of the game, then I'd say they're doing it alright. That Zaku seems to be going after one of them aggressively and it doesn't seem like running would be an option." said Graham.

We all keep dodging and trying to bring the Zaku down, but it pulls out a cracker grenade and throws it! It explodes right when we were close to it as we were disoriented. The Quanta Amaterasu skids on the ground!

"Damn you!", said Z as he tries to cut down the arms.

The Zaku swats Z and Setsuna away and throws another one at us. Just as it was close, a beam shot is fired at it! I look to see Mao, Fellini, and their respective teammates charge in!

"Fellini! Mao!"

"Geez, we can't leave you guys alone.", said Mao.

"Taking on that big guy while we turn tail just wouldn't be right.", said Souji.

"Yeah. We are in an alliance. It'd be bad to turn on you just because of that.", said Haruto.

"I'm returning the favor!", said Fellini.

"Get out of the way!", said Reiji.

"What!? Who do you think I am!?"

"Relax, Ricardo. Save that energy for the Zaku.", said Falcone.

"Yeah. We got him to deal with!", said Perazzo.

The Zaku then starts shooting at everyone with the machine gun as Fellini, Mao and their teams close in while shooting. The battle rages on as Yuuki-senpai goes along with Asuka and Toshio to where the Zaku is. Allan was on the screen for them.

"Kawaguchi, what're you doing?", asked Allan.

"Destroying the Zaku!", said Yuuki-senpai.

"You don't have to join in Chairman Mashita's game."


"Our only goal is the championship. Don't forget your position."

Yuuki-senpai stops his Kampher Amazing, outside of the combat area.

"I know..."

"Allan, I know that the Zaku isn't our concern. But I think that having Chairman Mashita interrupt the Battle Royale with his little game insulting. Besides, if we're going to help them out, we're going to do it while keeping that in mind. So please, don't talk about that when we know what our position is.", said Asuka.

"Not only that, there's still something we can do to take down that Zaku from a distance. Wouldn't you agree, Kawaguchi?", said Toshio as Yuuki-senpai smirks.

"Yeah, you got it!"

We all try either shooting or cutting the Zaku down, trying to hit the joints to disorient it.

"A combined attack! Aim for the head!", said Fellini.

We change over to hitting the head with beam shots to make the armor get really hot. The head was glowing as it started to bubble up and expand. Once it did, it exploded, but it was still standing!

"Not enough. In that case...!"

I start working the Magatama to group up with us.

"Reiji, Divine Discharge!"

"Got it!"

Reiji then activates the Trans-Amaterasu system as the Magatama form a gate. The particles then flow through to the sword as it glows. The Zaku then throws another cracker grenade as it goes for us.

"No you don't!"

Mao and Fellini go right in to take the blow as it explodes on them and have their Gunpla hit the ground.



"No!", yelled Kirara.

Missiles were already going for them until a katana out of nowhere skewers and destroys the missiles! But, where did that come from?

"Fellini, look over to the forest."

Fellini looks to see the Sengoku Astray on a tree.

"That machine..."

"Not yet!", said Nils.


The Zaku was now using the bazooka it has. The particles were still flowing into the sword. I really have to work on the charge rate of that. Just when it was about to fire, a beam shot from afar grazes the Zaku's foot and makes it lose its footing. The charge was complete as the Magatama Gate was ready!

"Take this!"

Reiji fires as the beam shot goes through the gate and scatters into a volley of plasma bolts going at the Zaku. The plasma rain was making it heat up that it started to have a meltdown and explode! The blast left a huge crater as we hear the crowd roar in excitement. I high-five Reiji as we were able to survive it.

" "This is our Gunpla's power!" "


Sasami, Kaa-san, and Mayu-chan watched as the announcer speaks.

[Destroyed! The Mega Size Zaku has finally been laid to rest!]

"Kaoru and his team did it!", said Kaa-san.


"Way to go Onii-chan!"

The buzzer then sounds off that signals the end of the match.

[Oh, are they finally down to the required number of teams? The buzzer for the end of the second period has sounded!]

Mayu-chan sighs in relief as Sasami hugs her.

"I was worried for Onii-chan there."

"Me too. Although, Kaoru and Zeke's Gunpla... I hope they're okay."

"I'm sure Onii-chan and Zeke can fix them up before the third period.", said Sasami.

They continue to watch as they get more information on those who managed to survive.


We regroup as Mao, Souji, and Haruto come over. We started to inspect the damage done from the battle.

"How is it, Kaoru?", asked Reiji.

"It's not too bad. The Magatama for the Quanta Amaterasu are pretty worn and the 00 Tsukuyomi had some damage, but I can fix it all in a night.", I said.

"Okay. I'm counting on you."

"I know, believe me. Mao-kun, how's yours?"

"I have a spare super satellite cannon, so I can repair it quickly. Fellini told me that his isn't bad, either. Falcone and Perazzo are also banged up, but okay.", said Mao.

"That's good to hear."

"Man, that was crazy. I think that Zaku hit my Airmaster and banged it a bit from all that wild firing.", said Souji.

"I'll need to tune up my Double X Buster. You should tune up your system too, Kaoru-han. That charge rate was kinda slow.", said Haruto.

"Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. It leaves me too open for attacks.", I said.

"Well, you still have us to cover you. Buying you time to use it is what it usually comes down to.", said Zeke as he was back to normal.

"We all need to work together to be able to face off against certain threats after all.", said Marina.

Ral-san watches from afar as he looks at us with a smile.

"It seems like their Gunpla are alright. But even as a surprise event, I can't believe they sent a Mega Size Gunpla into the battle. Besides, that Zaku... It seemed like it was only after Kaoru and Reiji's Quanta Amaterasu. I might be overthinking it, but I still feel somewhat uneasy.", said Ral-san.

Chairman Mashita walks with a displeased look with the Vice-Chairman and his secretary.

"Well, that was a bust. Maybe now, we can not attract his attention. Getting him on us won't be any good.", said the Vice-Chairman.

"But still, with him in the competition, he might be here to look for us!", said Mashita.

"Though, the crowd did like how they took out a Mega Size Zaku. To me, I'm content with that."

"How can you be content with that when we have to drive them away? I don't want to go back and face a trial!"

"Then follow my advice and not get him to look for us. Simple as that."

Nils walks down the hall with Andrei and Graham as he notices Fellini.

"What do you want? Ricardo Fellini."

"I wanted to thank you, Nils Nielsen. Thanks for your help. Grazie, Samurai Boy."

"No need to thank me. I wasn't helping you guys. I just prolonged the battle, in order to study the performance of your Gunpla.", said Nils as he walked past him with his team.

"Learning about your opponents abilities is a must when you may inevitably face them.", said Graham.

"And we did learn a couple things too as well.", said Andrei.

"Oh? So was it worth it?", asked Fellini.

"It was worth it. Especially the features and performance of the Quanta Amaterasu built by Kaoru Iori. And I've yet to see what other things are in that other Gunpla he made. Its shield doesn't erase the beams fired by an opponent. When the shield is open, it alters the beam particles and absorbs them into its body. When closed, it can reflect the beam shots back to the shooter. It was designed to take on two different defenses to make beam weapons useless. It also makes it useful as a recharging ability when it finishes using the Trans-Am System to quickly restore its performance. Also, with the overcharge during Trans-Am, it can get more usage from it as it extends its limit and can overwhelm most other Gunpla unable to keep up with the performance it has. If not, you couldn't explain the huge particle emission in that last attack that destroyed the Zaku. But now I get the principle, we can prepare for it. Of course, there's his teammates to consider as well. That Epyon is very fast and can be used in hit-and-run attacks along with the 00 Tsukuyomi. However, the 00 Tsukuyomi has yet to show everything it has itself. Aside from the obvious weapons and features, it seems to have its own unique feature. One I've yet to discover. If I face them in the next round, our victory will be rough, but rock-solid.", said Nils as he walks with his team.

"Rock-solid, huh? You think you're so smart. Come on, be honest. After seeing that battle, your heart is raging, right?", said Fellini.


It was sunset. Everyone has left the arena for the day as the competitors went back to their rooms. Chairman Mashita was looking up on Reiji.

"Fighter registry name is 'Reiji'. It's the same name... And if he's grown up, he'd look like that, too. The resemblance is too strong to be a coincidence. But if so, why hasn't he done anything to me? Am I over-thinking it?", muttered Mashita.

"Still looking over the information on Reiji? Just let it go. He doesn't know about us. If you let your paranoia get the best of you, you will get his attention.", said the Vice-Chairman.

"But what if he does know!? I don't want to go back!", said Mashita as the Vice-Chairman sighed.

"Please stop!"

They hear the secretary talking with someone.

"You can't see the Chairman without an appointment!"

"I said, out of my way."

"I wonder what that's about.", said the Vice-Chairman.

The door opens to show Yuuki-senpai enter the room with Asuka and Toshio.

"Excuse us!"

"Oh, nice to meet you, Meijin Kawaguchi and team. I hear you're doing a great job. What brings you three here?", asked Mashita.

"Chairman Mashita. Even if you're the tournament organizer, please refrain from selfish actions."

"What actions? Oh, about that Zaku. That was good, wasn't it? Thanks to that surprise, the TV broadcast ratings went up like crazy, you know. The sponsors were delighted, too. Next time, your performance should make the fans roar like that. Got it?", said Mashita.

As he reached for his shoulder only or Yuuki-senpai to grab him.

"I-It hurts! The Chairman's arm hurts!"

"Please refrain from selfish actions."

"Meijin, that's enough!"

Asuka stands in her way.

"Careful sweetie. Right now, the Meijin is furious. You wouldn't want to get his attention now, do you?", said Asuka.

The secretary got a bit nervous as she could feel something ominous from Asuka. Like a predator warning its rival. Toshio could only sigh as the Vice-Chairman watched.

"Chairman, please refrain from-"

"Okay, okay. I won't do it anymore!"

"Okay then. Sorry for interrupting. Excuse us."

Yuuki-senpai, Asuka, and Toshio then left the room with the slam of a door.

"Are you alright, Chairman?"

"Ouch! My arm huts! Please make this pain fly away."

"You had it coming. Getting the Meijin's attention by doing that stunt now have you in his radar.", said the Vice-Chairman.

"Why didn't you stop them?", asked the secretary.

"And what would I accomplish? Clearly, he did something behind their backs just to get at one fighter in the tournament, which we're merely organizers, not competitors. Us meddling in the tournament only got us some of the Meijin's wrath. With our chairman here, he'd find it worse if that fighter he was looking up would notice him with his actions.", said the Vice-Chairman as the secretary frowns.

"Ouch! My arm!"

The secretary then rubs his arms.

"Pain, pain, fly away!"

"I feel great now!", said Mashita as the Vice-Chairman sweatdropped.

'It's like I'm babysitting a child.', thought the Vice-Chairman.

Back in Yuuki-senpai's room, Allan heard everything as he was sitting down while Yuuki-senpai looked outside.

"Oh man... Chairman Mashita can be such a troublemaker.", said Allan.

"He's so disrespectful. I can't stand such selfish actions.", said Yuuki-senpai.

"But you're selfish, too."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me. When the Mega Size Zaku was running wild, you helped them, right? Using your long range sniper rifle. I could tell by looking at the beam. After all, I designed that rifle myself."

Toshio and Asuka were eating some snacks as they listened.

"Still, we weren't too involved. We just gave those guys a bit of a push to survive.", said Asuka.

"If the Chairman does selfish things for his own benefit, then we'll be selfish ourselves to stop him."

Yuuki-senpai then turns to Allan.

"Then let me say this. What's the value of winning by defeating a damaged Gunpla? It's not enough just to win. A Meijin should crush opponents when they're at their best. In order to prove that, I won't budge an inch.", said Yuuki-senpai as he looked at his glasses.

"Besides, if we just beat on some weakened foe, we'd look like bullies. People don't like those types.", said Asuka.

"A fair match with those fighting their fullest. You know that's what we want most.", said Toshio as he finished his bag of chips.

Back in our room, I was checking on the Quanta Amaterasu and the 00 Tsukuyomi. The parts felt a bit off, so I decided to work on them. I also had to work on the charge rate for that last attack we did on the Zaku as it was pretty slow. I then hear the door open and see Reiji and Zeke.

"Kaoru, it's dinner time."

"Let's get some grub, man."

"I'm gonna keep working. Reiji, Zeke, you two are going out for snacks again tonight? When you go to the store, get me something too.", I said.

"G-Gotcha!", said Reiji as he tensed up a bit, then relaxed.

"And here I thought, you'd yell at him like last time. Anyway, Setsuna and Marina are already out on a dinner date together. I can definitely see some fireworks. Well, see you later Kaoru.", said Z as they closed the door and left.

I look over at the GN Booster Shield as I was deep in thought. The Yata no Kagami Absorb Mode, which alters and absorbs enemy particle beams... Not only does Luang-san and his team know its secret, but I should assume that other fighters already know too by now. Also about the Trans-Amaterasu's Divine Discharge, which releases all the absorbed particles along with some of its own for more power or for a longer duration on the Trans-Amaterasu System. Depending on the situation, we may have to use the other system after the Yata no Kagami Absorb Mode and Trans-Amaterasu Divine Discharge. To think that we may have to use it this soon when I wanted to keep it secret a bit longer. I guess I don't have much choice.


Out in the city, Reiji and Zeke were getting snacks from the convenience store.

"Thank you."

Reiji and Zeke were walking along as Zeke held the bag of snacks.

"Well, today sure was something."

"Yeah. Fighting that giant sure got me fired up.", said Reiji.

Then, a bag comes out of nowhere as Reiji catches it.



"What's this? Meat buns?"

Reiji and Zeke looks to see Aila.

"Oh? Who's this girl?", asked Zeke.

"You gave me too much money last time. I'm making up the difference.", said Aila.

"Oh? I didn't know you were a ladies man, Reiji. She's really cute.", grinned Zeke as he nudges him with his elbow.

"H-Hey! You were waiting for me this whole time, just for this?", asked Reiji.

"I didn't want to keep on owing you. So I paid you back right away."

"That's great Reiji. You found a girl who's just a big eater as you are. Hehehe.", said Zeke as Reiji groaned a bit.

Reiji then throws the bag back to her.

"Huh? What?"

"I don't want it. It's cold already."

"It's not my fault. I didn't know when you were coming!"

"So who asked you to wait?"

"You sure you two aren't dating?", asked Zeke.

" "We're not dating!" "

"Ri~ght.". said Zeke with a smug grin.

"A-Anyway, take it!"

"Don't want it."

"But I want to pay you back!"

Aila keeps pushing the bag back to Reiji until it slips. Reiji quickly catches it, his hand touching hers. Zeke can only grin more as he sees that. Reiji and Aila sigh in relief, their faces close to each other. Aila notices and blushes.

'Definitely dating.', thought Zeke.

"Look at them. What're you kids flirting about?"

"'No, we can't do it here.'"

A couple of guys were walking nearby looking on at them as they go to the convenience store. Aila blushed more in embarrassment as the guys poked fun at her.

"What did you say, idiots!?"

Aila's remark made them stop.


"Who do you think you're talking to?"

Aila looked ready to fight as Zeke and Reiji step up.

"Hey, do you mind?", said Reiji.

"To me, looks like a bunch of street thugs with nothing better to do.", said Zeke.

The guys get out a baseball bat, ready to fight.

"Oh, man. Stop trying to show off in front of your girlfriend, kid!", said the guy.

"What about you posers? You could've just moved along, not caring what's going on, yet you had to say stuff like that. Why don't you just run along while you still have your balls between your legs?", said Zeke as he got ready to fight.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Whatever, just go already", Reiji told her.

"Don't order me around!"

"You're in our way."

"You think you two are knights!?"

"You should be running home to your momma!", said the guy as Zeke dodges his bat swing and kicks him.

The other guys join in and a brawl starts. Zeke gives the guys a couple of good punches as the guy with the bat tries to swing at them. Reiji dodges and Zeke ducks to give a low sweep to knock the guy off balance. They guy with the bat falls to the floor. He gets back up as he then swings at Zeke.

"Damn kid!"

Reiji intercepts it by blocking the bat. The guy with the bat grins as he then gets surprised.

"Just you wait... I'm coming full-on."

Zeke punches the guy to the ground as Reiji punches the other two. The guys had enough and ran off. Reiji then winces in pain.

"Reiji, you okay!"

"Ngh, I'll be fine."

Zeke could see that his arm was hurt bad. The blow from the bat hit where his bracelet was, but it did do some damage to his arm.

"Damn, that's gonna sting like hell. Let's get you back to the room.", said Zeke.

"Yeah. I'll see you later.", said Reiji as Zeke takes him back.

Setsuna's Room

Setsuna and Marina came back from their dinner date at a restaurant.

"That was really nice."

"I thought that you would like it.", said Setsuna.

They go over to the bed and sit down on it as Marina leans on him.

"Do you think we'll ever get home?"

"I have the Quanta in the mountains. Though, I need to wait a while. Other than helping out Kaoru for his team, the Quanta doesn't want me to leave yet."

"It's like it got a mind of its own.", chuckled Marina.

She then looks at him and gives him a kiss. Setsuna kisses her back as she hugs him.

"Setsuna, do you..."

Marina then starts to strip as she blushes. Setsuna looks on as a small blush was on his face. For someone who's usually battle-hardened from years of war as a child soldier, it was one of those times where he can soften up.

"Okay.", he said as he kisses her.

He strips as well as they were both naked. Marina hugs him as Setsuna can feel her warmth and her breasts.

"You feel very soft and warm. I haven't really felt anything like this in a long time.", said Setsuna as Marina smiled.

"I want to give you some comfort from all that happened when you were involved on saving the world."

Marina then kisses him as she grabs his shaft and gropes him. Setsuna was starting to feel aroused, yet he doesn't really know what to do.

"Marina, I..."

"Let's take it slow and go along from there."

Marina lies on the bed, taking Setsuna on top of her. She kisses him lovingly as he kisses her back. He starts to get hard down below as Marina smiles.

"Marina...", muttered Setsuna as Marina kisses him more.

Setsuna gropes her breasts as Marina moans softly.

"Go on Setsuna, I want it in.", she said as she opened up to let him in.

Setsuna pushes in his shaft as Marina lets out a moan, blood coming out from her as. She tightens below, not wanting him to pull out as Setsuna thrusts inside. She smiles and kisses him as Setsuna kisses back while continuing.

"It good..."

Setsuna keeps going as Marina moans more. Good thing that they're keeping it quiet. It'd be weird if people heard about a couple doing it in the room. He goes faster as Marina kisses him. He kisses her more as he hugs her tight.

"Marina, I'm going to..."

"Go ahead, Setsuna~..."

Setsuna goes faster as he then unloads in her.


Setsuna stuffs her up as Marina hugs him. Setsuna kisses her as Marina smiles.

"That felt...really good."


"Want to keep going for a bit longer?", asked Marina.

"If you're up for it, then I am too.", said Setsuna as he kisses her.

The two kept going for a while longer as they exhausted themselves. They would need the sleep for the third period after all.


"Yes Marina?"

"When we get back home, will you stay with me?"

"I will, Marina.", said Setsuna as he holds her hand.

She smiles as she then hugs and kisses him. They embrace as they start to fall asleep.

"You and me... Making our own family."

"That sounds nice. Away from the violence of war, even though right now we are just enjoying a game. But the war at home, just being away from that and being with you is comforting.", said Setsuna.

"Let's be together forever, Setsuna."


The two then doze off into sleep, holding each other while smiling.


Chairman Mashita looks on his computer as his secretary pours him some wine.

"Chairman. Why are you so concerned about that boy Reiji?", asked the secretary.

"Do I have to tell you why?

"If you don't want to, that's fine, I'll just do as you say."

"Then do that. So, how's it going?"

"As you requested, I've set up Team Celestial Being's opponent for the upcoming third period. Their opponent is Team Thailand. They will have a hard time with Luang Dallara and his team. Their defeat is inevitable.", said the secretary.

'This boy can't be the prince. But it's a real eyesore to have a boy with that face around here.', thought Mashita as he chuckles to himself.

A/N: A lemon involving Setsuna and Marina. Might find a way to put one of Zeke and Asuka at some point, but that'll be something I'll think up myself. Next time, Battle Weapon. Team Celestial Being vs Team Thailand. Time to get the baseball bat and swing for that home run.