Save the Last Dance

Minutes felt like an eternity as she sat there, in that darkened room with only the light of a single lamp shining upon Rumple's flushed face. There was a clock on the nightstand that ticked loudly, as if remining her that Rumple's time was passing. Her fingers clenched hard on the edges of her book, and she feared her heart would burst from anxiety.

"You can't leave me, not now...for if you go...you take the best of me with you," she croaked.

Her life seemed so empty until that night he took her hand in his and danced her into a better one, better than her books or her dreams could give her.

In the bed, the stricken First Mage groaned and stirred, as his fever raged, trying to combat the infection within him.

"I just wish you could hear me."

She set her book aside and reached for his hand. "I'm not letting you go, do you understand me. I AM NOT letting you go!"

She leaned forward. "Fight, Rumplestiltskin. Fight for Bae, fight for Aileen...fight for me...fight for yourself!"

Rumple opened his mouth and muttered in his sleep, "You can beat me all you want . . .use the collar to give me pain . . .but I will never respect you, milord Gaston!"

His face twisted in remembered agony.

Belle stared, horrified.

Rumple began to talk again.

"You can make me kiss your boot milord—even in front of your lady Milana. . . but it's an empty gesture . . .you have power over me only through the collar . . ."

He moaned and thrashed about, the muscles in his neck standing out in sharp relief.

"Rumple! Relax!" Belle cried, alarmed.

"Can't . . .can't relax around him . . . ever . . .hurt my family . . .my kids . . ."

Suddenly his voice changed to a servile whine. "Yes, milord. I'm a coward. I am worthless. I am nothing more than Prytani pondscum. As milord Gaston wills."

Belle longed to shake him awake, but didn't dare. Clearly he was in the grip of some awful memories.

He turned over, whimpered, then his voice changed again and he cried angrily, "What do you mean—I'm never home? I'm over in the capitol building, making new laws and trying to help rule this country! While you, my dear wife, are out gallivanting and spending my hard earned money on trinkets and baubles and gambling!"

Belle shuddered at the anger in his tone, even though she knew it wasn't directed at her.

"No, I will not shut up, Milah! It's time you started taking some responsibility around here! You didn't marry me just so you could play dilettante debutant, you ought to be coming with me to meetings and learning how to help me rule along with the council! Boring? Well, dearie, that's what being a First Mage's wife means! Or if you don't want to do that, then at least be home and show some attention to my children. You never play with Bae or visit Aileen in the nursery . . .really, dearie? Well, maybe it's time for you to grow the hell up and become an adult!"

Rumple's mouth twisted into a sneer now. "I'm the bastard son of coward? My papa is one of the bravest men you'll ever meet, even if he's never been on a battlefield! Excuse me? Now I'm a spineless twit who can't even satisfy a dead whore? You miserable harpy bitch!"

Abruptly he quit muttering and lapsed back into his twilight sleep.

Belle was shocked by the terrible things she heard her betrothed say in his delirium. "Don't let them drag you into their darkness, Rumple. You are not a coward. You are not worthless, you are not weak!"

Her lips were inches from his ear. "Does a coward free his people from slavery? Does a coward raise two children alone and go to great lengths to cure one of them of an illness? Would a coward risk his own life to save me from the Jacyra?"

"They were the cowards!" she hissed. "Milah abandoned her responsibilities as a wife and a mother and for what...greed. And Gaston, a man who taunts and torments others is a true coward." Her fingers clenched upon the coverlet as she leaned over to speak into his ear.

"Let their memories wither to dust. Everything and everyone that matters is right here...and we need you! Come back to me," she sobbed. "Dance with me into a new life together, a better one than we could ever have apart! I don't care about power, wealth and position...all I want is you!"

In the back of her mind was a voice taunting that he lost the will to fight believing that she would eventually desert him as his wife did. She silenced it and listened to the voice from her heart telling her to fight on, that she could be strong enough for both of them.

In the hazy twilight realm between asleep and awake, Rumple could hear Belle's voice, encouraging him. He knew he was lost somewhere, within the hell of his own memories, and he sought to cling to whatever he could to pull him out of the abyss he'd fallen into.

"Give me a sign, Rumple. Something...anything to let me know you're there...that you can hear me!"

His hand moved, reaching out.

"I'm right here my love...waiting...waiting for you to come back. We have a dance to finish!"

The First Mage's eyelids fluttered. Then they opened, to reveal dark brown pools fevered and delirious. "Why . . .would you . . .wait . .for me?" he rasped.

"Why? Haven't you realized by now that I love you, that I want no other but you?" She took his hand in hers."What else must I do to prove it to you?"

He blinked hard. A single tear cascaded down his cheek. "Even . . .like this . . .?" He knew without knowing how that he was very ill, he recalled the Jacyra attack and knew well what poison ran in his veins.

"Even like this but you will banish that poison from your body and your heart but you won't do it alone."

"In all the worst moments of my life-I have been alone," he muttered.

"No longer," she said determinedly. "When you truly love someone you don't abandon them during their darkest moments. You stay and you fight with them. You stand together or you fall together."

A tiny smile quirked up the corner of his mouth. "Spoken like a true Prytani." Then he shivered hard. "Belle, I'm cold. Would you get me another blanket?"

"Of course." She kissed his cheek. "Don't even think about leaving me or I will take a book to you!"

"Really, dearie? You would beat your betrothed with a book?" his feverish eyes gleamed mischievously.

"I would."

She retrieved a blanket from the pile stacked on the other chair beside the bed and wrapped it around him.


He nodded. The wool absorbed the icy chill in his bones."I don't believe my pride could handle that," he joked feebly. "So I shall do my best to remain with you . . .until you throw me out or we go together to the Blessed Realms."

"We will go together to th Blessed Realms. You won't be rid of me that easily."

"You're stubborn. Like the vaunted emerald ivy that grows on the north side of my house. It clings to the wall even in the coldest part of the winter, when the ice freezes the sap in the trees and makes them explode. But it endures, and not all of my gardener's attempts to root it out are successful. It always returns. Like you, dearie."

She grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"It is. It looks lacey and delicate, but it's strong-very strong. Strong enough to hold the weight of a mischievous imp climbing up the wall to peer into a window and see his mama and ladies dressing for a grand ball."


She swatted him. "You didn't!"

He coughed lightly. "Oh, I'm afraid so. I was a very inquisitive five-year-old whose insatiable curiosity got him into a lot of trouble."

"I catch you peeking in any other windows but mine and I'll take my whole library to you!"

He chuckled ruefully. "My poor mama was so embarrassed . . .not for herself but for the others, especially because I quite boldly asked one of her ladies what those two melons on her chest were!"


"I was FIVE!" he protested. "I can still recall how some of the poor women fainted and my mother screamed, "Robert Gold! Get your ass in here before your son falls and breaks his neck, or I do it for being such an impudent imp!" I don't think my papa ever teleported into a room so fast in his life."

She sighed. "What am I going to do with you!"

"Will you love me forever?" he asked, giving her big puppydog eyes.

"Yes even if I do want to take a book to your backside or I could just toss you on your backside into a rose bush."

He winced. "Ouch!" Then he smirked. "But then you would spend all day getting the thorns out, dearie. I think I'd better watch myself . . ." He winked at her saucily.

"Well I did enjoy that little impromptu glance at what was in those pants..."

Her cheeks reddened.

He chuckled wickedly. "I fear I'm a bad influence on you, sweetheart." He gave her a rueful grin. "Oh, I don't know how my parents didn't kill me sometimes for my smart mouth . . .or my insatiable curiosity. Though my backside felt the wrath of my papa's hand often enough, and I truly regretted what I'd done . . .until the next time its siren song tempted me into mischief. You sure you want me forever, dearie? Because the imp is part of the deal."

"Well I can live with it if you can live with a feisty lady."

"That's no hardship, dearie. If you don't cheat and betray me . . .and you accept my faults as I will yours."

"I have my faults but cheating or betraying my love are not among them."

"That's a relief," he said sincerely. "Is there water around here? My throat is as dry as a lake in the desert."

She handed him a glass she'd poured for herself but didn't drink.

He sipped gratefully, wanting to gulp it all down, but knowing better than to do so and risk throwing up all over. But the water made his stomach grumble.

"Easy, darling."

He put a hand on his stomach. Then he paused, frowning irritably.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a bit of a cramp. I drank too fast. It'll pass."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "It's going away." He waited before swallowing another mouthful.

"Good. Small sips, Rumple."

He obeyed, until the glass was empty. Then his eyes slid to a covered bowl on a tray and a small plate with a covered cloth on the nightstand. "What's in there?"

"I had them bring me in a light meal. Stew and biscuits."

"Why haven't you eaten it then?" he queried.

"I couldn't...not until I knew if you..."

"Ahh Belle . . . I think I shall make it . . . now that I have someone to fight alongside me." He clasped her hand tighter. "Two together are always stronger than one alone."

"Remember that, Rumple."

"I will, dearie. Now eat your supper. I won't have you wasting away on me," he waved a finger chidingly at her.

"Will you be able to have some?"

In answer, his stomach rumbled. "I believe I can." He hitched himself a bit higher then bit back a yelp as his injured leg throbbed. "Hellfires!"

"Rumple, what is it?"

"My leg. Hurts," he gritted out.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Is there a pain relieving potion around here? Surely the Healer left you with one?"

She noticed several bottles on the table and handed him one.

"I believe this is it but I'm not sure... "

He examined Healer Lucas' scrawl and noted the familiar symbols on the label. "Yes, it's right. You can tell by this symbol," he indicated it. Then he uncorked the bottle and drank it down. "Ugh! Tastes like swamp water." He made a face.

Belle held her nose. "And reeks like a cesspit!"

Rumple quickly put the bottle on the nightstand before the smell hit his nostrils and made him throw up. He buried his face in his pillow, which smelled like lavender, for a moment.

"Oh gods! Rumple, that had to be awful!"

"Very. But if she's using that strong of a draught it means my leg is very bad," he said gravely.

"Yes but you're still here and that is what matters."

"Yes," he agreed, and resolved not to think about his leg just yet. "I need something to rinse this evil taste from my mouth," he grimaced.

"What do you need? I can try to find it."

"Food, darling. That'll do me."

She grabbed one of the teacups and poured some of the stew into it. "Just a bit at a time." She dipped a spoon into the cup and held it out to him.

He went to take it and his hand trembled. "Weak as a damned kitten!"

"It'll take time. Here, let me help you."

"Yes, dearie," he sighed, and opened his mouth. He hated feeling so helpless.

"Good. Now let's try a bit of biscuit."

She broke off a small piece, dipped it in some butter and held it out.

Rumple nibbled it delicately, saying, "I feel like I'm Aileen's age again." Then he licked his lips. "Mmm!"

"Now let's try more of the stew."

He let her feed him five more spoonfuls, eating slowly and carefully.

"Would you like more from the biscuit?"

"Please," he implored. "That was always one of my favorite foods as a lad. I stole plenty right off the cooling racks and got my fingers burnt . . .or whacked with a wooden spoon." He was smiling again at the memories.

"All right." She broke off another small piece.

He opened his mouth eagerly, like a baby bird, and she popped it in.

Then he pointed to the bowl. "Now you eat also."

"All right but they made enough for three people. You may need to eat more of it with me."

"As you wish," he acquiesced.

He finished the cup of stew, interspersed with more bites of the flaky biscuit.

She poured more stew into his cup after she finished her portion.

He ate it also, quite hungry, as he had been unable to eat solid food for several hours, and his body needed the fuel to fight off the poison.

"Now you should only be tasting stew instead of that awful medicine."

"And it tastes wonderful," he said blissfully.

"Are you tired, darling?"

She didn't want him to exert himself.

"Mmm . . . a little," he yawned, feeling now pleasantly full. He patted his tummy. "This beast has been sated for now." He handed her the cup and leaned back against the pillows.

"Sleep. I'll be right here."

He gave her a lopsided grin. "Now don't fall asleep in the chair, dearie. You'll get a crick in your neck. There's a perfectly good guest room next door. Or I could do this," he made quick gesture and the chair changed into a little bed.

"Rumple, don't exert yourself on my account!"

"I could do that in my sleep," he grunted, then he shut his eyes as a sudden spate of exhaustion ran through him.

"Dammit, Rumplestiltskin, and you call me stubborn!"

"Oh, I am. I'm an impossible rascal, as my mother used to say."

"Go to sleep. I'll be right here."

Rumple yawned again and felt his eyes drift shut, secure in the knowledge that his beauty with her heart full of love and legendary stubbornness of emerald ivy would be watching him as he slept.


Healer Lucas returned the next morning to check on her patient, finding Rumple awake and eating breakfast with Belle and his children all clustered about and on his bed. She smiled at them and asked Rumple how he was feeling, rechecked the bandages on his leg, briefly examined the stitches to make sure the wound wasn't infected, and gave Rumple another dose of the anti-venom potion as well as some more pain reliever.

She asked Killian to take Bae and Aileen from the room, explaining she needed to ask their papa a few questions, then when they had left, said, "Lord Gold, I wanted to speak with you without alarming your children, but you must know that your leg is in a bad way. Because of the Jacyra poison I couldn't use magic to mend it. It was very badly damaged by that beast's jaws, I set the break and sewed it up as best as I could but . . .I doubt you'll ever regain full mobility with it again, given how serious the tissue and muscle damage was."

"So you're saying I won't be able to walk on it ever again?"

"No . . .but you'll walk with a limp at best, a cane at worst. I'm sorry, milord."

"You have no need to be sorry, Healer Lucas. I know that your quick response saved my life . . .and my leg as well. I knew the price when the Jacyra came for me, even though one hasn't been seen in this land since the time of my grandfather. If I hadn't stopped it, it would have killed Belle. Or even my children. The Jacyra is the bane of all mages, so I didn't expect to get off unscathed."

"No . . . you're lucky to still be alive," Healer Lucas muttered. "Now, I want you to stay off that leg for about three weeks, it needs at least that long to heal enough for you to put even some weight on it. You need to take these three potions daily, and the pain reliever whenever you need it, but no more than three vials a day. I want you to eat lots of protein and vegetables, eggs, and milk. Once the Jacyra poison is out of your blood, you can use your magic again. That should make things a bit easier."

"I'll help him however I can," Belle said.

"Good, because he's going to need you." Healer Lucas nodded.

In the days and weeks that followed, Rumple gradually mended and grew accustomed to his lame foot. Some days were better than others, and on occasion he grew depressed and surly despite all that Belle, his three children, and Maurice did to cheer him up. Sometimes he brooded and ordered everyone away, and threw darts at the homemade dartboard of Gaston on the wall from his bed.

Used to being able to move freely, without pain or restrictions, sometimes his newfound disability chafed on him. He used his magic to create a kind of hovering chair so he could move about after a fashion to the bathroom, his bedroom, and other rooms in the house.

Daily gifts and cards came to the house, wishing him well from his people and his fellow Mage Lords alike. Henry and Regina came to visit him a few times each week while he was still bedridden, and Regina kept him abreast of the latest Council topics and discussions.

Aileen, Bae, and Killian kept him amused with their antics and did puzzles and played games with him so he wasn't bored stuck in bed most of the time.

Belle challenged his mind with word games and puzzles and brought him half her library to read, having it shipped from Avonlea. She also talked to him about what her plans were for their wedding and encouraged him to talk to her about anything, admitting he had been talking in his sleep and told him what he had said.

"I figured I might have. I tend to ramble when I have fevers, used to babble my head off when I was a child. I'm just glad it was you who heard it and not someone else. Incidentally that quarrel I had with Milah was overheard by my papa, and he came in afterwards, when she had stormed out, to give me some advice."

"What did he say?"

"That my wife was a two-bit ho, no better than a streetwalker, that she was taking advantage of me and was no good and I should cast her off. But by then it was too late. Before I could act on it, the next night she betrayed us to the Galatians." Rumple shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault, Rumple," Belle soothed, laying a hand on his arm. "How were you to know what she would do to you and yours? And at least now she had paid for her crimes."

"Sometimes I wonder, Belle, if even that was enough. I can never bring back those I've lost, not my parents, or my friends, or my servants. All I can do is remember them."

"I think, Rumple, that's enough. That you remember."

He smiled at her. "I think I chose a wise woman this time around."

"A wise, stubborn, feisty woman."

"The perfect match for the First Mage," he grinned, and then he kissed her.

Almost four months later:

The wedding was small and intimate, for neither Rumple nor Belle wished a huge party, even though Rumple's status as First Mage and a hero of Prytania had grown to legendary proportions by then. Rumple had learned by then to walk with a special heartwood staff, carved from the magical heartwood of one of the great oak trees in Sherwood, and it was always warm to the touch, as if the living tree's lifesap flowed through it. It could be animated to fetch things for Rumple if necessary, or to defend him if someone attacked him, or become a bench or a chair if needed as well.

On his wedding day, the heartwood staff, affectionately dubbed Woody by his children, became a brace he could wear under his leather pants and beautifully embroidered blue coat with gold facings and buttons, this way he could walk beside his bride and dance with her.

Belle was dressed in a gorgeous golden gown of silk and tulle shot through with golden thread embroidered by her husband, and spun from his own hand. Her small shoes were sparkling creations made of satin and had golden glass heels with glittering golden roses on them.

Maurice gave her away, and the forest cleric Friar Tuck officiated at the ceremony, marrying them in the Prytani manner, which involved sipping from a cup of apple wine, eating a special wedding cake full of cranberries, nuts, coconut, and pineapple mixed into a rich vanilla cake, then exchanging rings while reciting the simple vows—"My eyes see only joy, my hands hold you close to my heart, my heart beats with love, and I pledge myself unto you and only you for the rest of my days."

Then Tuck blessed the couple and they sealed their vows with a breathtaking kiss.

Aileen jumped up and down, squealing, "Now we have a new mama again, Bae! An' she's better than mean ol' Milah the tart any day!"

Killian exploded with laughter. So did Bae. Behind them, Henry and Regina were almost prostrate with laughter.

"She's your little spark all right, Rumple!" Regina giggled.

Their nurse just groaned and Rumple facepalmed himself. "I really don't know where she gets it from!" he lamented.

"I do," Belle remarked, laughing. "From a certain First Mage of Prytania."

"I fear you're right, dearie," he shook his head and then a finger at his intrepid offspring. Then he took his new bride by the arm and escorted her into the large hall, where a live orchestra began playing an old Prytani wedding song, called "A Tale as Old as Time".

"Shall we dance, sweetheart?" Rumple asked Belle softly.

"Of course, my husband." She smiled dazzlingly at him, her head still spinning slightly that she was finally married to the love of her life and at last all she had ever wanted had come true.

She put her hand on his arm and he cupped his hand about her waist, and they revolved slowly to the music, gazing into each other's eyes as if they were the only people in the world.

In that instant, they were, and it was only them dancing to the music, at the heart of a tale as old as time, dancing side by side into a new life built with hope and love.

Rumple twirled Belle gently about, holding her close and then he whispered, "I love you, Lady Gold."

"And I love you too, Lord Gold."

Then he dipped his head and kissed her deeply, reaffirming what he had confirmed long ago at a dance in winter, that here was his soulmate, his true love, his heart's desire, and the First Mage of Prytania had achieved his happy ending at last.

A/N: Happy New Year, dearies! Best wishes to all who have read and reviewed this and hope you all have a great year! Thanks to CJ Moliere for helping me finish this story. And if you recognized their costumes at thend as those from Beauty and the Beast, you'd be right.