This story is a part of the Hope of Mirkwood series, therefore I would recommend going back and reading the others before this one, but it can be read without. It takes place in the years 2940 and 2941 of the Third Age and will revolve around the attack of Dol Guldur. It is going to be a little AU.


Thranduil (His wife died giving birth to Kirion – Coldness)

Legolas (born TA 1037)

Faneth (Legolas' wife)

Maliel (Their daughter – born TA 2510)

Hithel (Legolas' younger sister – born TA 2032)

Gwaur (Hithel's husband)

Kirion (Legolas and Hithel's younger brother – born TA 2493)

Ecphen (Royal Healer of Mirkwood)

Sarnor (Captain of the Mirkwood forces, rank just below Legolas)

Legolas' old team:

Húron, Gruinor, Osbon, Ecthel, Thand, Amath, Callon, Roben, Pengon, Hiwon, Maer and Taenor

Warriors trained intensely by Legolas, elite team in Mirkwood.

*Aewon, Legolas' sworn brother, was also part of this team. He was killed in Coldness.

Chapter one – The beginning

The year 2940 of the Third Age, October

Maliel sighed and turned another page in the book, trying to keep her mind off of her father as she always attempted when he was away. The lights on the table flickered as a night breeze drifted through the open window of her parents' sitting area. Despite her attempts her mind refused to concentrate on the words before her and instead drifted of into speculations of what was going on.

She was used to her father going out by now but it had never been on such a scale as it was now. Of course he wouldn't tell her anything and didn't want her to worry about it, but she had taken to noting where he went. His meetings with grandfather had doubled, as had his late hours.

There were often times when she would wake in the middle of the night and go into their sitting area to see her father going through paperwork in the light of a lantern. At those times he would only smile sheepishly to her and pack his things together before waving her over and sitting with her for a while, making sure that she was all right. Those moments, alone with him at night, resting her head against his shoulder, had become precious to her.

It never felt like she saw him enough, though she knew that his late hours were because he chose to spend the evening with them instead of doing it then. He preferred to forgo sleep before forgoing the limited time they had together. She was always certain that her mother was taking care of him and making sure that he wasn't exerting himself too much.

Maliel chuckled quietly as she remembered one time when her mother had felt that Legolas had been worked too hard for a period of time. It was one of the rare moments when her temper showed and it had resulted in her shouting at grandfather, who of course had taken it very calmly and apologetically. He had taken her father's paperwork with him, telling Legolas to sleep, but at that moment she had seen the same exhaustion in him, the same strain.

Hell, even her uncle seemed to be more worn out than usual and he wasn't even a warrior. Luckily Kirion was there to take over for her father in the political matters so Legolas didn't have to attend to as many council meetings. Nonetheless, those slots had been filled in with extra patrols and scouting missions.

A powerful wind swept into the room and blew out the fire on the candles, submerging the room in complete darkness except for the faint light coming in from the window. A storm was brewing.

Maliel sighed and sat up in the couch before placing her book on the table and getting to her feet. She walked over to the window and looked out over the swaying dark trees of the forest of Mirkwood. Another pang of worry shot through her at the thought of her father being outside in that weather despite the fact that she knew that he could take care of himself.

Shaking her head to disband her thoughts, she closed the window and stepped back of to the couch. Once she had sat down she found the matches and easily struck one to life before using it to light the candles.

She had barely made it past the second candle before a loud crash sounded throughout the room and she startled, her heart pounding with shock and fear. She quickly whipped her head around just in time to see a cloaked figure stumble into the room from a hidden door behind her father's desk. The figure grabbed hold of her father's chair but not even that stopped him from stumblingly falling to his knees with a thud.

For a second nothing moved and the only sound through the room was the person's harsh and pained breathing. Maliel found herself frozen in shock, her mind not being able to take in what her eyes were seeing. This couldn't be her Ada… He couldn't be injured… She would have felt something.

She was forced to admit it though when the person lifted his head and sapphire eyes met her widened blue eyes. It was almost as if the fine glass barrier that usually kept all his emotions in check had shattered and therefore she was able to see his pain clear in his eyes, but at the same time she could see collected calmness.

"Maliel…" Legolas breathed and grabbed hold of the table to pull himself to his feet. Immediately more pain flew through his eyes and he reluctantly let out a groan while falling to his knees once more.

This finally seemed to snap her out of her stupor and she rushed to his side, kneeling beside him and ducking in under his arm, placing one hand along his back and the other held onto the arm he had over her shoulders. As soon as her right arm settled across his back, her eyes widened at the moisture that she knew was the cause behind the overpowering smell of blood.

With her help Legolas managed to get to his feet and they staggered over to the couch where she lowered her father down to sit. He grimaced and closed his eyes tightly. It was a moment before he reached out shakily and drew the hood from his head.

She swallowed fearfully and glanced down to see that her right sleeve was soaked in blood before kneeling beside him and placing her hand on his knee. "Ada?" She choked, her voice shaking. Legolas' sapphire blue eyes fluttered open at his daughter's voice but a few moments went by before they properly locked onto hers. He gave her a small smile and made to caress her cheek with his hand when he noticed that it too was covered in blood, no doubt having tried to put pressure on the wound in his back.

He lowered his hand once more and settled for leaning forward until their foreheads were pressed against each other, closing his eyes. Maliel could feel him sweating slightly and as the seconds rolled by and Legolas continued not saying anything, she feared that he was losing consciousness.

It was then that his eyes opened once more. A grain of strength had returned to them after being carefully pulled together during this small moment of rest. He kissed her forehead before drawing back to look at her, giving a sad smile at the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Maliel…" He said weakly, "I need you to get your grandfather… and Ecphen. Make sure that none but these two know that I am injured… Then go to your mother and stay… with her."

"What are you saying?" Maliel choked, "I can't leave you now Ada." She was almost afraid of even blinking for fear that he would collapse in that one moment of inattentiveness. Sure, she had seen him wounded before, but never like this, never without anyone beside her, and never before the healers had tended to him first.

Legolas was about to say something in return when a tremble of pain raced through his body and he clenched his eyes shut, hunching forward slightly until his head was placed on her shoulder.

"Ada?" Maliel asked fearfully and reached up to place her hands on his arms. From this point she could see the large tear in his cloak and the almost brown color were it had been soaked with blood.

"Do as I say please…" Legolas ground out through teeth clenched in pain.

It was at that moment that she heard footsteps running from the inside of the hidden door and her head jerked up fearfully to stare at the empty doorway. "Ada someone's coming…" She whispered.

Immediately Legolas tensed and he drew himself up. He reached out and pulled his long knife from his belt while pressing her down under the cover of the couch so she couldn't be seen from the door. All muscles inside his body were ready to act at the impending threat and for a moment all his pain seemed to have melted away, leaving his eyes completely unreadable and sharp.

The footsteps came closer and closer to the room until someone crashed into it. Legolas was one second from throwing his knife at the invader when he realized who it was and restrained himself, once more slumping together in pain and fatigue.

"Húron." He groaned and removed his hand from where it had been placed upon his daughter ready to push her down or away. Maliel immediately came up once more and took hold of him as he swayed on the spot.

Húron immediately rushed to the couch and fell to his knees beside her before reaching up and placing his fingers upon her father's pulse point. She could see the unrestrained worry and fear in the elf's eyes as they took his commander in.

"Legolas, what the hell happened?" Húron asked slightly panicked, "We're split up for one moment and the next thing I know I can't find you and there's blood in the Head Quarters, leading through the tunnel to your room."

"Is the tunnel secure…?" Legolas asked; pain was etched in his voice. "Are Head Quarters?"

"They are untouched." Húron said and quickly got to his feet. He walked over to the secret door and closed it firmly, locking it with some mechanism and once more it was invisible to the naked eye.

Legolas turned to her once again. "Maliel do as I said…" He said weakly, nonetheless leaving no room for disobedience. His eyes were both tender and firm as they locked upon hers. "I won't be alone now. I promise that I will be all right…"

Maliel choked out a sob but nevertheless wrapped her arms tightly around him, seeking comfort even in a brief hug. She felt as her father's gentle aura melted into hers as it always did on close contact and it soothed her like nothing else would. Legolas kissed the top of her head and then pushed her gently away from him.

She got to her feet and looked at Húron, who gave a small nod before replacing her spot before her father and reaching up to unclasp his cloak, no doubt wanting to check the wound on his back.

Her feet felt like lead as she turned around and hurried out of the room. The halls whirled past her eyes as she hurried through the halls to her grandfather's office. Despite the fact that it was getting late she knew that he would be there instead of in his own suite.

Valar… her father had been so pale… She hadn't seen the wound but from the amount of blood that had soaked into his cloak she knew that it was bad… He hadn't been able to keep his pain from his expression or his voice as he usually could.

The two guards outside the King's office looked up when she entered the corridor but didn't attempt to block her path or otherwise hinder her.

She could hear voices from inside her grandfather's office but couldn't bring herself to delay any further so she burst inside, her eyes still widened with shock. Thranduil immediately stopped talking and looked up at the intruder from the position behind his desk. The two advisors Arron and Iôlon looked up as well from where they were sitting before the King.

"Maliel could you wait a moment please?" Her grandfather sighed and gestured for the door before turning his eyes back to the advisors. She could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

"No." She choked, "Grandpa, I need to speak to you… alone."

Thranduil obviously must have heard the desperation and fear in her voice because at the next moment his eyes snapped up and latched onto hers before inching down her body to make certain that she was all right. His eyes widened as they reached her sleeve and she startled, having forgotten about the blood soaking it. She moved her arm so it was hidden in the folds of her dress before the advisors could see as well.

"You must excuse me my Lords." Thranduil said, immediately seeing the need for secrecy. He smiled apologetically to Arron and Iôlon, his expression completely calm. "We will adjourn for this evening and continue tomorrow, it's growing late."

Seeing that they were dismissed Lord Arron and Lord Iôlon got to their feet bowed before their King before heading towards the door. They stopped briefly to incline their heads towards her before they passed her and exited the office.

As soon as the door had closed behind them her grandfather was by her side. He took her arm and pushed up the sleeve gently, his eyes worried.

"It's not mine." Maliel choked and immediately fell into her grandfather's strong embrace. Thranduil didn't waste a moment in wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight.

"Whose blood is that Maliel?" Thranduil asked gently. Nonetheless his voice held enough authority to force her to answer quickly.


The effect was immediate. Thranduil tensed and drew away from her so he could look at her with slightly widened eyes. In response a sob left her mouth and another pair of tears rolled down her cheeks from the lasting fright. She sought his embrace once more and he didn't stop her. The story immediately spilled from her lips.

Thranduil reacted calmly after she was done telling him. He gently helped her sit down on the couch and called the name of one of the guards outside the door.

"My King." The guard bowed as he entered.

"I need you to go to Ecphen. Tell him to come here and to bring supplies." Thranduil said authoritatively, "Do not let anyone know anything, just bring him here. I trust your discretion."

"Of course my King." The guard bowed, his face turning serious. "I will do as you ask." Seeing the need for speed in the King's expression, he exited the room and quickly started making his way down the corridor.

When he was gone Thranduil kneeled before his granddaughter and looked regrettably into her tearful icy blue eyes. He reached up and soothingly combed his fingers through her loose and wavy auburn hair, so like her mother's. She had grown into the perfect mixture of Legolas and Faneth, owning her father's eyes, smile, and alabaster complexion and her mother's hair and rosy cheeks.

His eyes were warm with the love for his granddaughter but there was also an underlying worry for his son. From what Maliel described Legolas could be bleeding out at the moment.

"Maliel do you wish me to stay with you or can I leave you here and check on Legolas?" Thranduil asked gently, "If you stay then it need only be so long to tell Ecphen where to go and then you should find your mother just as Legolas told you. She's with Hithel and some of the ladies of the court."

Maliel nodded although her body was still trembling slightly. She gave him a small smile, "I'll be all right… It's Ada who needs help."

Thranduil nodded and got to his feet, he pressed a kiss against her forehead before leaving the room, his robes swishing around his legs as he hurried towards his son's rooms.

The room instantly felt cold and empty and Maliel drew her legs up to her chest, hugging them and resting her chin on her knees. She felt restless with not knowing what was happening around her father or why he had been injured at all. Húron had mentioned something about getting separated from him…

Her father and Húron had been on the mission together. They had been gone for two days but hadn't gone far enough away for his father to not be able to return with the wound the he had, meaning that they had probably been keeping watch on a specific target for a while. A target that was close to home and close to Head Quarters, the place no one knew where was.

This was what she knew so far, what she could guess at from the information that she had. But still… she wanted to know more, she wanted to help, she wanted to not be wondering about it all the time…

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear Ecphen enter and didn't register his presence until he laid a gentle hand on her arm. When he did this though, she startled and snapped her eyes up, her nerves still running high after the shock she had gotten that evening.

"Are you wounded?" The healer asked gently, eyeing the patch of blood on her sleeve.

Maliel shook her head, still wearing a wide-eyed deer look. The healer nonetheless recognized the signs of shock in her and opened his pack to draw out an herb.

"Chew on this." Ecphen said as he handed it to her. She took it from him and did as he said, slowly a calming feeling started to spread throughout her body and she breathed deeply.

"My father has been injured." She told him. Ecphen's eyes sharpened and gazed into hers. "I didn't see the injury itself but it is in his back and has bled a lot. The King and Húron are with him at the moment but I think that you should hurry."

Ecphen nodded and got to his feet, "Is there anything else, Princess?"

"My father asked for complete secrecy about this."

Ecphen smiled at this, "I figured as much from the King's guard's behavior. He would tell me nothing other than to take supplies and come with him." He inclined his head to her, "I should go."

As he turned to leave Maliel couldn't refrain from reaching out and grabbing his hand. Ecphen turned to her once more and she looked at him with pleading eyes. "He'll be all right, won't he? You'll help him?"

Ecphen sighed, but nevertheless gave her a small smile. "I haven't seen his wound yet so I can't tell, but I do know that your father is incredibly stubborn and that he heals very effectively. Trust him."

Maliel nodded sharply and then let go of Ecphen's hand, knowing that it was important for the healer to reach her father as soon as possible. She already felt guilty about holding him back as long as she had. Ecphen picked up his bag and after giving her an encouraging smile he hurried out the door. She couldn't see his expression change to a worried frown.

After he left as well Maliel got up and paced the room. Her feet moved up and down the floor in endless strides and turns but it did nothing to placate her thought, they were still swirling around inside her head until she could barely take it. Her whole mind turned to one thought only: she needed to know if her father was all right.

Immediately Maliel opened to door and stepped out into the hallway once more. She nodded absentmindedly to the guards outside her grandfather's office before making her way back to her parent's suite.

When she came close she silenced her step and walked all the way up to the door, leaning against the doorway so she could hear what went on inside.

"Legolas I said stay down!" Ecphen said exasperated, his voice tense and hushed. There was some scrambling and then a low groan of pain. It was the first life sign from her father and even though it hadn't been large she still felt relief welling up inside her. She slowly slid down the doorway until she was sitting on the floor beside the door.

"I noticed…" Legolas paused with a grunt of pain, "two of them drawing over to the side …at the end of their meeting… I couldn't see their faces and was hidden in the trees… so I couldn't hear everything… they said, but-"

"Legolas you don't have to tell us this now." Her grandfather interrupted with a tone of worry in his voice.

A moment passed and Maliel believed that he had followed his father's advice but then he spoke once more, his voice still tight with pain.

"No. You need to hear this… before I pass out. …They were talking about… their Master…" Legolas paused for a moment to hiss in pain and gave a bit back curse. After breathing sharply for a moment he continued. "I couldn't figure out… who it was… But Ada… I'm certain it had something to do with Dol Guldur." There was seriousness in his voice as he said this, and it blocked out all of the pain.

Silence descended from inside the room and Maliel felt her own eyes widening a sharp sense of foreboding and fear climbing up her spine at the very utterance of the dark name. In the next moment, fearful that someone could hear her, whether it was fear of being found eavesdropping or fear that they were being watched by a foul presence she did not know, but she reached up and pressed both her hands against her mouth to try to stifle her breathing.

"What…?" Thranduil breathed from inside. Dread and graveness engraved in the exhalation. She could almost imagine the look on his face, the subtle widening and sharpening of his eyes and the sudden paleness. Her own heart beat in her chest and she pressed her hands tighter against her mouth.

"I could feel it in them…" Legolas continued weakly, "The darkness… They were elves, yes, but they seemed …corrupted. Corrupted by the same presence… as the attacks… I could feel it."

"Did they feel entirely swollen by it?" Húron asked.

"Legolas, this is going to hurt." Ecphen said gently. The next thing she heard from inside was a muffled groan, almost like her father was trying to reduce any sounds of pain by burying his face in a pillow.

Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. For a moment her breath was caught in her throat and she felt unable to draw air because of the tightness of her airways.

"…No," Legolas grunted after a moment, as an answer to Húron's question, "they seemed only touched… but I fear that it …can change… Given time. Valar, Ecphen!"

"I did warn you." Ecphen said dryly, "Perhaps next time you should try to avoid almost getting cleaved in half. Now would you relax so I can do the stitches?"

Her father grumbled something inaudible but as Ecphen gave no further protests she reckoned that he had followed the healer's instructions.

"How were you injured?" Thranduil asked gently.

She could hear her father take a shuddering breath before he began, "Their eyes just suddenly… snapped to my hiding place… Like they had been warned of my presence… Like someone was telling them… through their mind."

"That is impossible through the barrier." Thranduil said, "You were outside it?"

"Just outside…"

"Hadn't you guarded yourself?" Húron asked, "No elf should have been able to feel your presence."

"Something stronger could…" Legolas whispered. His voice sounded completely drained and exhausted. Her heart clenched once more. "My theory… is Dol Guldur."

The next few minutes passed in silence once more, the only sounds coming from Legolas' strained breathing.

"How is he?" She heard her grandfather ask worriedly and softly.

"Weakened." Ecphen answered with a sigh, "He has lost a lot of blood. Nevertheless, he was lucky that the weapon did not hit his spine or else this conversation would have been entirely different. Since it is just a flesh wound it should not take as long to heal. At the moment my concern in the loss of blood."

"I'm still here…" Came the weak reply from her father.

"Not for much longer if you go into shock." She heard Ecphen respond, but worry and sternness in his voice. "Húron, would you light a fire in the fireplace? And fetch a blanket to cover him waist-down while I finish these stitches."

Barely ten minutes later the amount of light coming out from underneath the door strengthened. She looked down at it and studied how it seemed to light the hem of her dress up slightly where it was close to the crack. It seemed as though this finally helped calm her down some and she lowered her hands from her mouth to being clenched in front of her chest.

"…I knew that they… couldn't be allowed… to know… who had seen them." Legolas whispered. She had to press her ear against the door to hear. "So I tried to escape through …the trees… I reacted a moment… too slow because… I hadn't counted on them… learning of my presence. One of them chucked… a broadsword at me… Hit my back…"

"How did you escape after that?" Húron asked sounding confused.

"Ran… through the trees…" Legolas mumbled, "…couldn't catch up… Once inside the barrier… the trees aided me… They gave me energy …and hid the signs of my passing."

Maliel's eyes widened at that surprise and thankfulness welling up inside her. She closed her eyes and brought her fisted hands up to her mouth, sending a silent prayer of thanks to the trees that had helped her father.

"You should have passed out or become momentarily paralyzed by the severity of this injury." Ecphen commented dryly, "How much time passed between sustaining the injury and returning to the palace?"

There was no sound of her father answering Ecphen. Maliel pressed her ear to the door once more, thinking that her father's voice had weakened even further but was still unable to hear anything. Her heart once more started speeding in her chest.

"Legolas?" Ecphen asked. Maliel only panicked more from the worry and anxiousness in his voice.

"…What…?" Legolas croaked weakly. His voice was confused and pained.

"It seems as though I only arrived shortly after him, so it would maybe be close to an hour." Húron answered Ecphen's question quietly.

"Are you all right?" Her grandfather asked softly, with worry staining his voice.

Her heart pounded once more in her chest and she almost stopped breathing in fear that she would miss her father's response.


His voice was so weak it almost hurt her physically just to hear it. She was so used to him playing strong for her… until now she had thought that that was just his natural response to everything but now she knew for certain that there were certain people that he would let down his guard for.

She wondered what it would have been like if she had been in there with him…

"Húron, get him some more blankets." The King's authoritative voice was unmistakable, "Ecphen could you please hurry with the bandages so we can cover him completely?"

"Of course, my King." She heard Ecphen say dutifully and could almost see the healer speeding up his movements in respond to his King's command.

There was an unmistakable authority in both her grandfather and her father. One that she could never hope of gaining or one that she was certain could be obtained through training. It was something that they had been born with, something that was imbedded in their voices and their very presences.

She heard a low murmur but couldn't make out the words. Luckily she wasn't the only.

"What was that, Legolas?" Her grandfather asked gently.


Footsteps moved inside the room and then Húron's voice sounded seriously. "Yes, my Prince?"

"…Secure Head Quarters…" Her father whispered. She had to press her ear completely against the door to hear it. "It's important… that it remains… hidden."

Head Quarters?

"It will be done." Húron complied easily.

"…Good…" Her father breathed, shortly afterwards she heard a pained groan come from the room.

"Stay down." Ecphen said sharply, but then his voice softened once more, although keeping its stern edge. "If you move then it will only strain the wound. I'm almost done." A few moments passed and then, "There. It would be best if you rest now. I guess that the herbs will kick in soon and take away some of the pain so you'll be able to sleep."

"Thank you Ecphen." Her grandfather replied in her father's stead.

"Do you wish for me to send someone up or will you keep watch over him yourself, my King?" Ecphen asked.

"I'll watch him. I have no further duties this evening." Her grandfather answered. Despite saying this, she could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

A moment passed before Ecphen reluctantly agreed. "I'll come and check on him every once in a while."

"Thank you." Her grandfather said. His tone of voice changed slightly as he continued, "Leave now Húron. If the group discovers the Head Quarters without our knowledge then they will have access to a path leading directly into the Halls. That must not come to pass."

"I have already secured it as I passed through, but I will go back and ensure that there are no trails leading towards it. After all, the trees will not continue hiding the signs indefinitely."

Soon afterwards two subtle clicks come from the room and she knew that they belonged to the secret door behind her father's desk.

Ecphen was the next to speak. "Well, I better get-"


Maliel shrieked and startled. She had been so immersed in listening to the quiet voices from inside the room that she had completely let her guard down to the rest of the world.

Her heart pounded in shock in her chest and she whipped her head around to see her mother crouching beside her with a mixture of sternness and amusement in her eyes. The look soon changed to worry, though, when she caught sight of her daughter's reddened eyes.

Immediately Maliel hiccupped back a sob and wrapped her arms around her mother, seeking comfort. Thankfully it wasn't long before her mother's arms wrapped around her gently and she started mumbling comfortingly into her ear. Soothing things that had no greater purpose and didn't mean anything, but it was still something that managed to quiet her hiccups and bring her heart rate back to normal.

When Faneth felt her daughter relax and grow quiet she pulled back to give her a small smile before getting to her feet and dusting off her dress.

"Come. On your feet Maliel." She said gently and helped her to her feet.

"Nana…" Maliel choked, "Ada… he…"

"He is wounded." Faneth said calmly, "Yes I know. I can feel it."

At that moment the door opened gently and Ecphen gave them a small smile while holding the door so they could pass. It was clear that both him and her grandfather had heard them outside the door and she flushed in embarrassment over being caught listening to a conversation that she had no part in.

Her mother started a conversation with Ecphen about her father's condition, but all this seemed to fade to the background as her eyes landed on her father's figure lying under a mound of blankets on the couch. The worry that welled up inside her as she took in his pale and drawn face was enough to dispel her embarrassment and as a result she found herself nearing the couch with hurried steps.

Her grandfather was kneeling on the floor beside the couch and as soon as she slid down beside him, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Despite this her eyes did not leave her father's face. He was lying on his stomach on the couch, clearly because of the wound being on his back, and he was even paler then when she had last seen him. His eyes were closed…

"He will be all right." Her grandfather said softly and gave her a squeeze, "Your father is strong. He'll be well again soon enough. I'm sorry… I shouldn't have left you alone in my office. It was thoughtless of me."

Maliel shook her head before resting it on his shoulder, not feeling like speaking but still not wanting him to think that he was at fault for anything. She knew that he had just wished to make sure that his son was all right.

She reached out and stroked her father's cheek carefully, her touch feathery light almost as if she was afraid of disturbing his rest with the endearment. Even his skin felt cold to touch and it left her worrying if the blankets were even giving him warmth.

The door to the room closed, and although the sound wasn't that loud Maliel was snapped from her thoughts and jerked her hand back from her father's cheek. She moved backwards against her grandfather before she had even thought about it.

Thranduil sighed and held his granddaughter closer as he recognized the small signs of shock in her. It was no wonder, after seeing her father like that… He remembered the first time he had seen his father injured before the healers had tended to him and hidden the wounds behind bandages. He remembered the feeling of having his father's blood on his hands…

"Grandpa…" Maliel's whisper brought him out of his musings and made him look down into her eyes. His granddaughter's icy blue eyes so alike his son's looked almost fearfully up at him. "Are we at war?"

At this small question Thranduil looked away and sighed tiredly, his eyes locking on his son's prone form. "Not yet sweetheart, …not quite yet."

Well then, on that cheery note: I'm back!