Thank you for being patient while I fix this story. I'm going to finish it hopefully in the next couple months but I wont be posting regularly. But I WILL be posting. My sister has promised to kill me if I didn't finish it so youre in luck. Revision officially starts on 6/2. Ill be revising and reposting a chapter a day while I work on the newer chapters. I stopped because I hit a rut with the plot and ill be fixing that soon. Again, thank you for being patient and those who still read, dedicated. Luck for you guys, my writing style has improved.

This story is after the boys tried to kill lucifer with the gun and after they found the first two rings. So around a bit before season 5, episode 20 but after episode 19. After this chapter though, all the chapters will be first pov. Let me know what you guys think!

Part One

Juliana Martinez rolled out of bed and flipped the on the lamp on the table. She rubbed her face and looked around. She had a nightmare. A drop of sweat ran down from her brow as she sighed and looked at her legs and arms. She could almost feel the places where the woman with the black eyes had cut her with a knife. She sighed as she got up to get ready for work, trying to shake off the dream.

Juliana walked down the crowded sidewalk in a bit of a rush to get to work on time. As she rounded a corner, a man eating a candy bar walked up to her.

"They know who you are." He said before he took a bite of his candy bar.

"Excuse me?" Juliana said back to him. The man threw away the wrapper to his candy bar and looked at her more seriously, his eyes almost narrow and his brow furrowed.

"They know who you are now. You have to be careful." He said forcefully as he looked into her eyes. Juliana tried to walk around him but he sidestepped in front of her.

"Look. I can't intervene yet so you have to be careful. Ok? Don't trust anyone." He said to her and walked around her. She looked behind her but for some reason, she couldn't spot him. He was gone. Lost in the crowd, she thought. She shook her head and kept walking.

Work was slow. One of the other servers called in sick so she was covering more tables than usual. She walked up to a table after dealing with a rude customer and put on the best smile she could.

"What can I get you?" She asked the two men. The man with shorter hair looked up at her and flashed her a flirtatious smile.

"Well I'll start with your phone number but I'm not done looking at the yet." He said as he looked her up and down. Her cheeks flushed. The other man leaned forward and fake laughed then glared at the first guy.

"Dean what the hell? You don't say things like that. It's disgusting and rude." The guy with the longer hair said quietly. He then turned to Juliana. "I am so sorry about him. He'" He said slowly.

"Hey!" The first guy said.

"I'm sorry. I'll take the #5 and he'll take the #2." The long haired guy said quickly and handed her the menus. She nodded slowly and walked away as she wrote down what they ordered.

She happened to pass a mirror and glanced at her reflection. Was she attractive enough for a guy to hit on her like that? She wasn't thin but she fit, which helped she guessed. And her tan skin wasn't totally blemish free, but she was still gorgeous. Most guys go for blondes with blue eyes. Her dark, curly brown hair and brown eyes didn't match that description but obviously some people didn't care. And neither did she. She didn't really care what people thought but it was still odd to be hit on in such a way.

She risked a glance over at the men again and the short haired guy looked at her and winked. She looked away quickly and blushed again as she went to take a table their food.

The moment she had been dreading came. The two men's food was ready. She slowly walked over to their table.

"I don't know Dean. There ARE demonic omens, but maybe they're just coincidences. I mean, there's nothing here from what I can tell."

"Yeah well you aren't looking hard enough. There's demons here. I'm sure of it. And when we find them, we'll kill the bastards."

"Look. I'm just saying that maybe we shouldn't spend too much time looking for these guys. There's bigger things we do have to take care of."

"Oh yeah Sammy? Like what exactly?"

"Like..." The guy with the long hair stopped talking abruptly when he saw her standing there with wide eyes. The other guy gave him a look then turned around and sighed when he saw her facial expression. She quietly stepped forward, set the food down, and walked away as fast as she could. As she walked, she heard one of them say "idiot".

As she went back to clear off the table after they had left, she noticed the tip. $200. They obviously didn't want her talking to anyone about what she had heard. She looked at the money for a moment longer before putting it in her pocket. This was crazy. THEY were crazy. She walked away and went to finish work.

Work for the night was over. She yelled bye to her coworkers as she walked out the back door and down the dimly lit street to her apartment. She turned down the alley that she used as a short cut to get there quicker and started to hum to myself. She was so exhausted and ready to get home that she didn't notice the woman appear out of nowhere behind her. She didn't notice the footsteps as she followed her. She didn't notice the faint smell of sulfur as she approached the building. And when she did notice, it was too late for her to get to safety.

"Hello there."

She whipped around and came face to face with a woman with the black eyes. She smiled and held up the knife from her dream.

"Miss me?"