Surprisingly, I was suddenly inspired to write this second part to Heat this week, and I wrote this in two days, so easily I was kinda amazed. IM probably going to do a third part, though I have no idea when. I hope you'll like this!
"Hoshigaki-san? What the hell, Naruto?!" exclaimed Sakura, none too pleased at having been woken up so rudely by the hyperactive blonde. A loud cry echoed by her head, making her curse like a sailor at her friend.
"Ano…I think the baby woke up," said the male, sounding extremely unconfident and uncomfortable all of a sudden.
"You think?!" she grumbled sarcastically, looking at him through bleary eyes over the edge of her pillow. Her hair was unkempt and messy, sticking up all over the place and there were dark shadows under her eyes from nights of being woken up at all hours by a crying baby. Ino affectionately called it her Momma Bear look.
She rolled over and gently picked up her baby from his arms.
The babe stopped much of his fussing as she cradled him against her, wrapping him in a soft blanket. She pulled up her sleeping camisole and let the baby boy suckle at her teat, yawning loudly. When she opened her eyes again, she found Naruto staring blatantly at her exposed chest.
She snapped her fingers in his face, growling, "Hey, jackass, my face is up here."
Her tone was sufficiently loaded with menace that he sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Ah, Sakura-chan…If we could…expedite things?"
"Start from the beginning," she said, eyes a darker shade of green than usual.
He shifted from one foot to the other.
"He's here…Hoshigaki-san…I may be an idiot, but I still have eyes. It's pretty obvious he's the father. And he's making a ruckus at the gates, saying he won't leave until he sees you both. He didn't start a brawl or anything, but he's surrounded by a couple of platoons of ANBU, and tension is rising. I wanted to get you out of here now, but Baa-chan wants to see you asap, so as soon as she's done I'm taking you as far away from him as we can possibly go. I'm not losing a friend again!"
He looked around, twitching, and then he was suddenly picking her up and jumping out the window.
She screeched at the top of her lungs, tugging her camisole down with her free hand before slapping him for taking her out half naked even as he speeded off in direction of the Hokage Tower.
Despite her twisting in his arms and slapping him, he carried her all the way to the office where Tsunade was waiting for them, a half empty bottle of sake on her desk.
Sakura winced at the look on her mentor's face.
"I had a feeling something like this would happen," said Tsunade with a pointed look at the blue baby in Sakura's arms.
"About that…"
"Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because we don't have much time. I'm giving you a mission here. Make sure Hoshigaki-san doesn't kill anybody here."
Sakura looked at the Hokage with incredulous eyes. "No killing? How am I supposed to do that? The guy is a notorious S-class nuke-nin!"
"And yet you managed to get close enough to sleep with him," deadpanned Tsunade. Sakura winced again. "One of the first rules of ninja is you don't sleep with your enemy and if you have to for a mission, you damn well make sure the female doesn't get pregnant 'cause it's the best way to have the upper hand on a ninja and stealing bloodline limits."
Sakura sat down, looking at her little boy with a deep sigh.
"I get it, shishou. I'll see what I can do."
Tsunade looked at her for a moment in silence, the grinned. "If you can control him, get him to swear neutrality to our village. Kiri has been such a pain in the ass, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they get word that one of their more infamous ex-nin is cozying up to us."
Kisame was patiently waiting on the road, standing outside the gates of the village in all his glory, Akatsuki cape flapping lightly in the wind and sword propped on his shoulder. His straw hat hid most of his face from view, but he was sufficiently well-known that it didn't matter.
He looked casually relaxed, but it was only an illusion. He was ready to spring at any moment if a single one of those ANBU surrounding him moved a muscle. He was sufficiently confident in his abilities that he didn't feel all that threatened despite being surrounded by high-class ninja.
A whisper ran through them, and their formation opened up at the same time as the gates of the village, and out walked the very person he had come to see.
The pinkette looked beautiful despite her tired countenance. She had a content look to her and he didn't miss the way she cradled her—their—son close to her chest.
Eyes guarded, she walked closer, the ANBU formation closing behind her. His lips quirked up at her clothing: mini shorts and a camisole that showed off her toned body.
"Did you come here to get my son away from me?" she asked guardedly.
He shook his head. He didn't know the first thing about child-rearing, and caring for a baby was on the list of things he was pretty sure he had no aptitude to do. Maybe Itachi would be better suited at it, but the guy had managed to scar his own brother for life so maybe not.
"Is that him?" he asked, looking at the blue thing in Sakura's arms. He couldn't see much except from a tuft of blue hair peeking out of the blanket, but that didn't stop him from trying to get a peek.
His hands twitched. He didn't miss the way her eyes flicked to them before coming back up to meet his.
She bit the inside of her cheek.
"Wanna hold him?"
His eyes widened, he held his breath. His voice was raspy when he answered a low "Aah," holding out one hand.
He quickly realized that one hand was not enough, however, and quickly sheathed his sword on his back, much to the ANBU's relief.
Sakura stepped up and gingerly deposited her precious cargo in his outstretched hands, watching attentively as he peered at the tiny pack, unsure of how to hold it. With an indulgent smile, she helped him in that endeavor, choosing not to notice how everyone around tensed the moment she touched the nuke-nin.
Then, she stepped back, observing the tall man. His head bent, he was looking at his son with softening eyes. He still didn't look like a nice, gentle man, but it was clear he at least held some affection for his offspring.
After a long moment, he looked up at Sakura.
"I didn't plan this," she said before he could say anything, making him snort.
"Clearly. You're not that good an actress."
Her face flushed, eyes thundering, but he held up a hand before she could start ranting. Naruto, who was observing the situation, could not help but marvel at how easily Kisame had gotten his friend to calm down. If it had been him, he would have gotten punched already.
"Calm down, kunoichi. I may have fucked you, but I didn't come here to fuck with you."
She shifted uneasily, looking at him with guarded eyes.
"What did you come here for, then?" she asked outright, unwilling to beat around the bush.
"Hmm…To see my descent, first and foremost," he replied, mostly to himself, as he peered down at his son who opened his eyes slowly. They were still the bright blue of an infant. "I wish he gets your eyes," he murmured, once again mostly to himself.
Sakura flushed, looking away even though his gaze hadn't strayed from their son. She bit her lip. This didn't mean anything. He was still a nuke-nin, and she a loyal ninja of Konoha. His words could have been merely an observation, too. No need to get flustered or anything.
"So…What else? You said you came to see Unabara, but that's not all, is it?"
This time, he looked at her. "Unabara? Is that what you named him?"
She smiled a bit. "Yeah. Sea. I thought it was fitting, given his appearance. And I hope he doesn't just get the tempestuous part down, but also the calm, reflective side of it. So. Um, yeah."
She felt silly explaining it, but it was a good name. She liked it.
"How do you write it?"
"With the kanji for sea and meadow. 'Cause…"
"He came from me and you. I get it," he finished for her. "It's a good choice. A strong name." He ran a finger across the baby's cheek, much to said baby's pleasure, as he giggled happily. It was such an incongruous image, and Sakura couldn't tear her eyes away. "Haruno Unabara…In spring, the sea next to Kiri was the deepest blue you could imagine," he murmured pensively, reminiscing while Sakura held her breath, afraid to rupture this moment with a careless remark. "Is there any chance he could be Hoshigaki Unabara?" he asked, eyes intense.
She took a deep breath, fully aware that she was making history.
"He could be, if he lives long enough to see that day come. If he does not die in the war to come, he will not survive the world your organization seeks to create, but I guess in that perfect illusion, even an illusion of your son will be included, so you should be satisfied."
Kisame frowned. That thought wasn't entertaining.
"I doubt I'll be created in that illusion, so please take care of our fake son for both of us then, won't you?"
All around, ANBU tensed. Naruto tried to signal her to shut up before the nuke-nin got angry enough to slaughter them all, but she resolutely wasn't looking at him. Her words were a clear challenge, but it could have been no other way. Kisame was a man of principles, and he had killed many times before for them. She could not reasonably hope for a peaceful ending if he was not made to consider the consequences of his actions. And even then, that hope was minimal.
"So in the world you want to create, he could be?" asked Kisame, piercing her with his eyes. His gaze was so intense she could not look away.
She breathed out slowly, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, her gaze was clear, steady, and unwavering.
"He could. He is yours, after all. I will not hide him from you."
She stepped up to him, reached slowly, slowly enough that he could have stopped her if he wished to, and clasped his unoccupied hand with hers. He let her approach and place his hand at the small of her back. Pressed against him, she looked up at him seriously.
"Be mine, Hoshigaki-san. Be mine, and we'll be yours."
He leaned down, fingers splaying at the small of her back as he pulled her closer. Her hands took purchase against his chest; he transferred the baby into her arms as he whispered, "Then you had better call me Kisame."
Mist descended upon the area, covering all in a thick, impenetrable cloak. His hand slipped away from her waist in a caress so light she could have imagined it.
When the fog lifted, Sakura was alone in the circle of ANBU. All of them were crouching defensively, ready for an attack, but none ever came. They were alone.
Naruto jumped next to her, looking her up and down for injuries.
"What was that? Are you alright? What'd he say?"
She looked at him with a small smile. "He'll be back."
How was it? I had fun writing nuances and stuff. Not too OOC, was it?