Cullen introduction
I own nothing apart from my imagination
Chapter four
I nodded my head in greeting, whilst they all had wide smiles on their faces, almost too wide, I held back a shudder and tried to smile back, unsuccessfully I might add. The tension in the air seemed to become heavy and thick, we all stood in an awkward semi-circle.
The tension was finally cut when the small pixie one decided to skip towards me, I tensed and pushed myself into Charlie, who place both his hands on my shoulders, giving me a gentle squeeze I looked up and he smiled down at me nodding. A silent okay.
"Hi, my names Alice and I can tell we're going to be such good friends I can just tell," she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug, my muscles were aching from tensing my muscles so much, giggling she stepped back," This is my husband Jasper."
She pulled the blonde that was holding me before, forward, he was tall but not too tall, he was lean and had muscles but not as much as the body builder, he gave me a small smile which I returned with a small nod of my head, his eyes held curiosity and concern. Seeing this I shied away, smiling Alice pulled Jasper back to the small group behind them. Next to come was the leader of the coven I presume, he had blonde hair and his arm was wrapped around the waist of the motherly looking woman.
Slowly making their way towards me they both smile, what is with them all smiling it's creepy, the man extended his hand for me to shake, which I gingerly took, the handshake was firm and you could tell he had a lot of strength.
"Hello Bella, my name is Carlisle I'm glad to finally meet you, your father has spoken about you a number of times, and my your are just as beautiful as he described, the photos don't do you any justice."
After hearing I couldn't help but let out the Bella signature look, a blush crept up my cheeks, the familiar warmth spreading across them, seeing this Carlisle began to chuckle, embarrassed I ducked my head down, using my hair as a curtain.
"Bella I would also like you to meet my wife, Bella this is Esme." Looking up I saw Esme giving me warm smile, her eyes sparkled in the sun and I felt a wave of gratitude towards her, at least there is one person that I know that I can trust.
A noise behind Esme caught my attention and it seemed to catch everyone else's as well cause they turned around as well, the muscle man and model girl were having what seemed to be a quiet argument, the man seemed to want something but the girl was refusing by crossing her arms across her chest and stared at her perfectly manicured nails. Realising that we had all stopped talking and were now staring at them they both looked up at us, the boy smiled widely at me before making his way over and engulfing me in a hug, the pressure he applied cause me to tense and my wings started to twitch, placing me back down on the ground he gave me an apologetic look and I nodded at him in gratitude, turning back to look at the girl, I flinched back when I saw her glaring at me.
"Hi, my names Emmet and the girl over there is Rosalie, sorry about her she doesn't take well to new people knowing our secret, don't worry she'll come round soon."
I nodded I understand where she is coming from I am often protective of my secrets and can care for them to much which my effect the way I judge people.
Looking around I realized the only one to introduce themselves was the auburn haired god stood towards the back, he began to make his way to the front, something about his walk was familiar, I had seen it before, I had seen it recently, where though?
That's it! The street on the first night here, he was the one walking down the middle of the road, the one that almost gave the women a heart attack or nearly crash. My mood towards this man began to darken, I don't appreciate it that he nearly endangered someone's life and almost cost his secret. I'm sure his family wouldn't be pleased to hear about this.
"Edward, wait I don't think that's a good idea, her mood, it just darkened, she seems to hold something aga..." Jasper began to say but was cut off by his wife.
"Oh come on Jazz, don't you think I would have seen something if anything was going to happen?"Alice seemed to be mostly certain that nothing was going to happen, Jasper glance between me and Edward with a cautious glance.
He came to a stop in front of me, holding his hand out he waited for me to shake it, staring at it for a while I glanced up at him, before speaking,
"You know walking in the middle of a road is not the safest thing to do, especially when a car is going down it," His face held confusion and I almost smirked but I reminded myself to keep a straight face. "Oh and if you're going to run off you might want to check your surroundings before doing so, I had to calm down a panic stricken women after you left."
A growl was heard at the edge of the clearing, looking up I realised that it was coming from Rosalie, smirking I carried on speaking.
"I see you have a few things to take care of with your family I'll be taking my leave now."
Turning around I placed the keys to my car in Charlie's hand ignoring the look he gave me, stood off away from the others, opened my wings and launched in the sky, leaving behind my troubles as I did.
Thanks for reading,
Tell me what you guys think
iwannabeavamp xx