Kristoff collapsed heavily onto the four poster bed in Anna's room after kicking off his dress boots and shrugging his jacket to the floor. Anna asked him to come in and keep her company, now that they could talk freely after an all-day meet and greet with Elsa and over a dozen of her potential suitors.

Kristoff crossed his arms on the pillow behind his head and exhaled deeply as Anna ducked behind her changing screen to get into her more comfortable dinner gown.

"I still don't think you were giving them much of a chance. That one from that one kingdom….Bergenheim? He seemed nice!" Anna was yelling despite the fact that Kristoff was just on the other side of the screen, not the other side of the fjord. Then Kristoff heard something that distinctly sounded like Anna falling over attempting to take her stockings off while standing up.

"You okay?" He asked amusedly, knowing she probably was. He made a point of asking this in a low, indoor voice.

"Oh yah, I'm fine" Anna was still yelling. "But anyway, didn't you think he was nice?"

"No, I did not think he was 'nice'. I thought he was as arrogant as the rest of them."

"Oh he was not. And he complimented Arendelle and the castle and….."

"And everything but Elsa. Did you notice THAT? He was scoping the place out the whole time! He just wants the kingdom."

"Oh. Well, no I didn't notice that. But what about the one from…er….Trondenberg? He complimented Elsa!" With this retort Anna's voice had, if possible, reached an even louder pitch. Kristoff considered for a moment, trying to picture the prince clearly in his mind.

"Well, I guess he was ok. He was nice to Elsa, and to you. Respectful enough. Too bad he had the personality of a bag of reindeer chow." He smiled and raised an eyebrow in her direction, knowing Anna couldn't let this go without a response. Sure enough, she poked her head out from behind the screen just long enough to roll her eyes at him and then went back to the task of un- dressing and yelling.

"Well, I don't care what you say, I thought he was nice. Definite potential." Kristoff sighed.

"Anna, I told you before, Elsa will find someone when the time is right. Look at us! That didn't happen by some set up appointment! Things happen when they're supposed to."

"I guess you're probably right." Anna didn't usually concede arguments so easily and Kristoff was immediately suspicious.

"What's going on? You okay?" He asked again. Anna was making strange grunting and straining noises.

"Well, actually, no. I'm stuck."

"You're what?"

"Stuck. I'm stuck. I got my corset laces all knotted up and…ugh. Kristoff will you come back here and help me with this? I'm not indecent or anything."

"Well, even if you were indecent…." Kristoff teased as he got up off the bed and went behind the dressing screen.

Anna was clearly exhausted from her efforts. She was halfway bent over, one hand braced against her dressing table, the other against the nearby wall. Her corset laces were in an impressive knot in the upper right corner of the bodice. Her outer skirts were off leaving only her soft, thin underskirts to cover her besides her corset. Kristoff stopped and admired the view but pretended he was surveying the damage to her laces. Her hair was pulled up in a formal elegant braid twisted around her head. As much as Kristoff preferred her hair down and messy and flecked with hay, he was very fond of it up like this if only because it reminded him of the first time he saw her at Oaken's store. In her formal wear with her hair up. Hiking up a mountain. In the middle of a summer snow blizzard. What a nut.

He smiled and shook his head at the memory and set to work trying to sort out her laces. While he was busy picking at the tiny strings, he noticed how nice it was with her hair up like this because he could see her neck. Her graceful, smooth neck that turned into the soft, small curve of her shoulder and it's scattering of freckles. His eyes traveled down her shoulder to her back and her shoulder blade. He was struck with a sudden strong urge to kiss her exposed neck.

"Hey! Are you getting this off of me or what?" Kristoff was startled out of his reverie and began hastily working at the knot again. Anna sighed uncomfortably. Clearly the corset was digging into her ribs.

"Anna, I don't know why you wear this thing. You're so small as it is." Kristoff said sternly, squinting to try and get a better angle on the knot.

"I know I'm skinny and bony!" Anna said crossly. "No need to rub it in!" Kristoff couldn't see her expression but he could practically feel the pout on her face.

"Hey, that's not what I said! I just don't know why you need to make yourself so uncomfortable when you already look perfect." He said gently. Anna sagged.

"I'm sorry." She whined. She had finally stopped yelling. "I'm just tired and this thing is uncomfortable. You're right! It IS stupid we have to wear these!" Without warning Anna jerked out of Kristoff's grasp and began struggling violently trying to force the corset off without unlacing it. This explosive effort simply undid Kristoff's minimal accomplishments of loosening the knot, and made it ten times worse. Kristoff wordlessly grabbed her flailing limbs and held her still until she stopped struggling and then calmly resumed work on the knot again. Anna returned to her position leaning against the wall, panting from her sudden exertion and the tightness of the corset. Kristoff moved closer to get a better grip on the now even tighter knot. He was now standing flush with her backside. He could feel the smoothness of her through her thin skirts and his formal pants. He concentrated hard on the knot.

"You know, I'm still sore from working in the stables? That was weeks ago! I'm such a weakling!" Anna sighed in exasperation. "And with standing all day today on top of it….." Kristoff's heart filled with concern. She was too small and delicate for hard labor. That was what he was for. He wanted to tell her this. He wanted to scoop her up and take her to bed and let her rest. He wanted to stroke her hair and hold her tight. He wanted to do other things to her, with her against this wall…..

"Wait, what?" He startled and said, a little too loudly.

"I said I'm sore!" Anna yelled. Well, this time the yelling was his fault.

"Well if I could just get this damn thing off I could…..You know what. Screw it." And with that declaration, Kristoff grabbed the corset with both hands and yanked it apart, snapping the once tightly knotted laces into several pieces. Anna sighed with relief.

"Oh thank you!" She said happily and was about to turn around, her hands covering her breasts, but Kristoff held her towards the wall, arms at her sides.

"Hold on a sec. I'm going to rub your back first." He said softly.

"Oh! Okay…" Anna said, initially surprised but instantly grateful as Kristoff's large hands grasped her tiny shoulders and his thumbs rubbed marvelously over and under her shoulder blades, rubbing the ache out of her muscles. Anna immediately relaxed and moaned appreciatively. It was slightly painful, but the pain was almost instantly replaced by a pleasant tingling sensation. Anna was surprised how soothing and yet how stimulating this felt. Kristoff's hands continued to work tenderly down her back. All thoughts of princes and suitors were now miles away and the only sound was their breathing as his thumbs ran slowly down either side of her spine stopping barely above her backside. Easily spanning the entire width of her back , his hands worked their way up making slow, deep circles with his fingers into her flesh. Anna felt every muscle in her body ease. Every muscle that is except the one deep within her pelvis which grew tighter and tighter the more Kristoff rubbed. The harder he rubbed.

She suddenly realized she could feel him, growing hard and hot against her. Her cheeks flushed and her body warmed but she didn't move away. He was rubbing slowly back down again, this time daring to tuck his fingers just under her skirt band to rub firm circles on the very upper part of her backside before slipping them out again and working across her lower back. Anna's head lolled to one side, her eyes shut and she smiled dreamily relaxed. And then Kristoff was there. He couldn't resist kissing her neck anymore. Not when it was so open and exposed and right there, and he was wanting her. Wanting to touch her, to melt into her. His warm, soft lips met her neck just below her jaw and then just above her shoulder, and then everywhere in between. He grazed her neck with his lips, breathing in her scent, nuzzling her ear.

Anna seemed to read his thoughts and made no effort to turn around, to match his kisses and meet his strokes. It was driving her crazy not being able to touch him, but he made her feel so good and Anna could feel this is what he wanted, so she obliged him. She did what she could to reciprocate. She arched her back, pressing herself up against him, moving just ever so slightly against the hardness of him. She heard him try to muffle a groan into her neck and she smiled. Kristoff's hands were now methodically massaging above her hips, they moved to her sides, her waist. His thumbs rubbed lower and lower. He slipped his hands under her skirts and this time slowly slid them down, exposing her completely. He rubbed her legs, working slowly up to caress the soft, roundness of her backside. He slid his hands deliciously over the curve of her back. Anna felt his warm touch leave her skin and was instantly distressed, but relieved to find he had only broken contact long enough to quickly pull off his own shirt and pants. Now his hot flesh was pressed up against hers and it was electrifying. His hands returned to her back, his length pressed up against her backside, throbbing against her. He ran his hands softly and slowly up her sides, under her arms. He guided her arms above her head to rest high against the wall, before running his hands slowly back down under her arms to cup her breasts.

Anna inhaled sharply. His thumbs brushed her nipples, bringing them to hard peaks. He pinched them gently and she could feel herself start to burn. The tightness in her pelvis intensified. She felt hot and wet between her legs. She whimpered softly and Kristoff began kissing her neck again, this time more fiercely. He held her breasts, then her waist. His arms stretched over hers and held her hands against the wall as her kissed her shoulder, her neck, her jaw, her back. It was like he couldn't touch her enough. Kiss her enough. He was growing hungry and desperate for her. From this position, Anna didn't know if he could tell how desperate she was for him too. She knew he wanted to be in charge, but she couldn't help herself. She took one of his hands and guided him to her. He gladly ran his fingers through her dense curls finding her soaking wet, soft and throbbing. He buried his face in her neck and groaned. He positioned himself so he rubbed between her legs. Anna shifted and spread her legs slightly, allowing him better access.

Kristoff suddenly pulled away and grabbed Anna's hips, bending her over slightly with her hands still supporting her against the wall. He then ran his hand up her inner thigh, feeling the wetness there and found her throbbing clit. He slowly circled it and stroked it with his fingers, his other hand gently rubbing the back of her neck. Anna moaned feverishly at his touch. He found the pins holding her hair up and pulled them out. Auburn red locks spilled around her shoulders and Kristoff buried his hand in them as he slid his fingers from her clit, deliciously into her warmth. She flexed tightly around him and groaned with pleasure. He began smoothly pushing his fingers into her and pulling them out, preparing her for what was to come. She knew it and she wanted it. She was ready.

He finally withdrew slowly, coating her swollen clit with wetness. His hands moved to her backside, ran down between her thighs and spread them further apart. He then ran a hand smoothly up her back and she instinctively arched at his touch. He took himself and slowly pushed into her. Being in her without prior stimulation was almost more than he could bear. The curse under his breath turned into a long, low moan. He would never tire of this. Of her. The way she felt. Each time they made love he thought it was a feeling he could never forget. Yet the next time always felt completely new. She was so hot and tight and smooth. She was exquisite. Her beautiful arched back, her hair tumbling over her freckled shoulders. Her eyes heavy and dark and she peeked over her shoulder to catch a of glimpse of him. He went slowly and steadily enjoying her moans of pleasure, adding his own. Admiring the way her backside gently bounced, with his slow thrusts, his strong hands grasping her hips as her arms were braced against the wall. The thought that she was unable to do anything but receive him made him harder with every slow, deliberate thrust.

He dug his fingers into her hips, his head rolled back and he closed his eyes tight. Sweat ran down his chest and between his shoulder blades. The physical exertion was nothing compared to the overwhelming amount of energy he was devoting to self- control. Everything was sensation. Something about this angle provided a kind of friction they hadn't experienced before. He felt it and he could tell she could feel it. He could tell he was deeper, he was touching places in her he hadn't touched before and he could tell it felt good to her. Very good.

Anna braced herself against the wall and lost herself to the pleasure of his touch. To the sheer erotic passion of their position. His erection was hard inside her, his tip was throbbing and pushing against the ache in her pelvis in such a satisfying way it left her breathless. She could only hope he kept doing it. That he never stopped doing it until she came all over his cock, wet and sliding and satisfying. Then he could thrust into her and fill her with his own release. But for now, she just wanted this. This deep, deep, satisfying, pulsing rhythm.

Kristoff slid one strong arm around her waist and slowly pulled her torso up flush with his. He pressed her back against his hard, sweaty chest, still inside her, barely moving. Then with one arm around her waist supporting her, he swept her hair off her shoulders, gathered it in his other hand and gently tugged her head to the side, exposing her neck, gently grazing her skin with his teeth, moaning her name.

Finally Anna was able to touch him. She felt his muscular arm around her waist, hard and flexed. She reached up behind her and her small hands found the nape of his neck and the thick, sweaty hair against it. She traced her hands around his neck, over his clenched jaw, rough with stubble. She was close enough to his chest and his neck to feel his muscles flex, to smell him. His rough, musky smell filled her senses. His hands ran down her front agonizingly slow and between her legs. He lifted her slightly and was able to thrust deeper within her. Anna cried out with delight

"Kristoff…..touch me" she managed to gasp as her hands clutched his neck. Kristoff moved a hand to her curls again, finding her swollen flesh and rubbing it, wet and hard, and the harder and faster he rubbed, the more Anna cried out with pleasure. Kristoff tried to thrust harder and faster, but he didn't have enough leverage. He couldn't keep his hand on her and push hard and fast inside her at the same time. He was just about to change their position when Anna sensed his movement and quickly cried

"No!" Kristoff instantly froze; terrified he had done something to hurt her. But then, just as quickly,

" Just…keep…keep doing that" Anna gasped between excited breaths. "Oh god Kristoff, keep doing that, just….stay…stay inside me…. And…..and touch me…please….." Kristoff went from terrified to elated in less than seconds and immediately complied with her requests. He liked being in charge but he could never deny her, especially when something felt this good for her. He returned to his previous slow, grinding, deep within her. His fingers slicked with her wet rubbing briskly over her clit, his mouth against her neck and his arm around her waist. He felt her come around him before the rest of her body could catch up. A deep, hard, clenching wave around his cock that built and built and built in intensity and tightness until Anna's head slammed against his shoulder, her eyes rolled back, her hands gripped his neck with surprising strength and she pressed herself hard to him. She shoved her knuckles to her mouth to stifle her scream and gasped loudly in surprise as the waves kept consuming her in thick, rolling tides of euphoric pleasure. Kristoff was too enthralled watching and feeling her to even think about himself. Afraid to adjust his position, he wondered in awe how long Anna would keep riding him in this state of ecstasy. If she was satisfied, that was enough for him. He could easily forgo his own relief if it meant this kind of a reaction from her. And he had never seen this kind of reaction from her. It was a reward in and of itself.

Finally Anna's shoulders shuddered and relaxed, her pulsing slowed and she half sighed, half moaned in contentment. Kristoff made to pull himself out, and was met with small hands grasping his backside, clutching him to her.

"No!" She said again, only this time much less desperately. "No… "Her tone was demanding now, serious, she flashed Kristoff a dark smile over her shoulder.

"Now I want you to fuck me."

Kristoff growled fiercely in response, and roughly grabbed Anna by the waist, turning her to face the dressing table. With his hand on her back, he firmly bent her over the table, giving her upper body plenty of support, he grabbed her hips bruising hard and finally began thrusting the way he had been wanting to all night. He pounded hard against her, desperate, shaking the table and knocking her things to the floor. Anna seemed not to notice as her small hands clung to the sides of the table and she gave small gasps of pleasure and surprise at his ferocity. He grabbed a fist full of her auburn hair and pulled, hard. Her head angled back, forcing her lips to part with a gasp and her back to arch even more, allowing him even deeper. The subtle shift made Kristoff swear again as sweat ran down the back of his neck and he finally succumbed to the sight of Anna in front of him, arched, sweaty, head thrown back, legs spread, the feel of her so incredibly wet from her own orgasm, and him fucking her as hard as he could. He let go of her hair and grabbed both her hips as he lifted her and slammed her to him and held her there, forcefully releasing inside her, choking on his own words as he tried to cry out her name.

Anna remained still beneath him, waiting for his breathing to slow and his speech to return. When it did, he exhaled deeply and pulled out of her. She slowly stood and turned to face him. They both stared at each other, momentarily speechless. Finally Anna's eyebrows crept up her beautifully flushed face, her lips curling into a huge smile as she looked at Kristoff and said

"Whoah." Kristoff gave her his lopsided grin in return and then he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Are you okay?" he asked, trying to sound concerned through his laughter. To his great relief Anna started giggling too.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Kristoff took her hands in his and pulled her to him, embracing her, sweaty and satiated.

"You were…." He started.

"No, you were…" Anna cut him off and then stopped. They both stared at each other again and began laughing again.

"Is it just me or are we definitely getting better at this?" She smiled up at him, brushing a lock of sweaty, blonde hair out of his eyes with a starry look of amazement and admiration. "I mean, I can tell you right now, YOU are….really, really good at this."

"Oh I don't' think I'm half as good as you are!" Kristoff smiled and nodded towards her in equal amazement. Then, almost exactly together, they both gasped, their eyes widened and they exclaimed at the same time,

"What time is it?!"

Suppressing another fit of giggles they began frantically scraping clothes off the floor intermixed with Anna's various toiletries that had been unceremoniously knocked over just moments before. Powder and dried lavender were all over the place. Including Kristoff's shirt and pants. He picked them up and began violently shaking them and trying to dust the powder off, but he just seemed to be making it worse. Anna finally found her dinner dress and taking Kristoff's advice, skipped the corset, hoping Elsa wouldn't notice. She tried to recreate her fancy hairdo but quickly gave up and hastily pulled her hair into a single braid like Elsa's. Together, covered in smears of powder, reeking of lavender and slightly breathless, they made their way to the dining hall where Elsa was waiting.

Despite Elsa's sheltered life, she wasn't nearly as naïve as she was sure Anna and Kristoff wished she was. She gave them each a hug, commented on their lovely smell and asked them to sit down, making sure to flash Kristoff a huge, knowing wink. She loved to do this and watch him turn scarlet. However she almost felt bad when he went to sit down and nearly missed the chair.

"I was beginning to think you two weren't coming to eat with me!" Elsa teased. Kristoff choked on his water but Anna didn't seem to either notice or mind the innuendo.

"Oh well we were busy talking about all the nice gentlemen who want to court you, Elsa! Weren't we Kristoff?" Kristoff nodded briskly and stuffed a roll in his mouth. "But we would never forget to come down and eat dinner with you!" Anna beamed at Elsa.

"Well that's good." Elsa said cheerfully. "Nobody wants to be alone, you know." She smiled, repeating one of Anna's favorite catch phrases back to her.

"That's right." Anna agreed matter of factly and returned to her dinner before chancing a quick glance across the table at Kristoff. He caught her eye and they exchanged tiny knowing smiles, before settling in to a lovely dinner and enjoyable conversations about the morning's suitors. Naturally Elsa tended to agree with Kristoff on most accounts, but they listened patiently as Anna attempted to make cases for several of her favorites. Finally, exasperated at their relentless lack of enthusiasm, Anna crossed her arms and said crossly,

"I thought you just said nobody wants to be alone? Well how are you ever going to not be alone if you don't let someone in once in a while?" Kristoff and Elsa exchanged looks.

"We're not alone…." Kristoff flashed his giant, lop-sided smile at her again.

"We have you!" Elsa finished, joining Kristoff in smiling affectionately at Anna. Anna chortled and rolled her eyes at them. Well, for now she supposed, that was enough.