The Marauders Discover Fanfiction

Chapter One: Hex me, Charm me

First Uploaded: May 30th, 2014

Re-done: April 12th, 2015

Disclaimer: I don't own the world of Harry Potter. It all belongs to Jo, who I am not on first-name basis with.

James was relaxing in the common room, lounging on the most comfortable seat that he and Sirius always competed for. Seeing as Sirius currently wasn't here, James had claimed it for himself. Remus was sitting a little further away, doing his Potions essay, and Peter was trying to subtly copy it over his shoulder.

"Wormtail, if you don't do it yourself, you'll never learn." Remus protested half-heartedly. James knew that Remus only complained for show, or perhaps because of some stupid morals, but he couldn't really mind, seeing as he always let his friends copy anyway.

"Where's Padfoot?" James asked, realising that he hadn't seen Sirius since dinner, which had been nearly three hours ago.

"He had detention, I think," Peter said, not looking up from his essay.

Not surprised in the least, James went back to flicking through his Quidditch magazine. He was getting absorbed into an article on 'the most common mistakes chasers make and how to avoid them', when someone loudly entered the common room. James looked up, irritated, only to see Sirius rushing towards them, hand protectively covering his leather book-bag. His eyes were bright with excitement, his cheeks flushed and he was breathing heavily.

"Get up into the dormitory now." He told them. "I need to show you something!"

Sensing that something important had happened, the other three immediately stopped what they had been doing and followed Sirius into the dormitory. Sirius beckoned them closer and opened his bag in a self-important manner.

"So, I was in detention with Filch – nothing new there – and he made me copy detention slips in his office. About half way through, Peeves wracked some havoc on the third floor, and Filch left. Almost as soon as he was gone, the office was filled with some super scary blue light. At first, I thought that it was Peeves, but the light just started getting brighter and brighter, until I had to cover my eyes. Suddenly, it all disappeared and there was only a big, blue box in the middle of the office. I was really confused, but then I saw that the box had the following written on it," Sirius paused dramatically and pulled out a light-blue, slim, rectangular metal box, just big enough to fit in his book bag.

The other three crowded around it, looking down. Sure enough, the box had a clear inscription engraved onto it with long, slanted letters:

For the marauders. Use it well.

There was a moment of silence as the four looked at it in awe and confusion.

"Shall we open it?" Peter asked after a moment.

"Of course! It's for us, after all." James said, as Sirius reached for the box.

"I don't know," Remus said hesitantly. "Maybe it would be best to take it to Professor Dumbledore. This whole thing sounds very suspicious…"

"Don't be such a wet blanket, Moony. After all, it's for us. We could just take a peek at it, and if it looks dangerous, we can take it to Dumbledore." Sirius said, already looking for where to open the box.

Remus sighed, his curiosity winning over his apprehension.

"How do you open this dratted thing?" Sirius asked, looking in vain for an opening in the box.

"Let me have a look," James said, examining the metal edges of the box. Remus ran his hand over the engraftment, whilst Peter pressed the box, attempting to open it by applying pressure.

The moment all four of them touched the box, it glowed white for a moment, then seemed to disappear completely.

"What just happened?" James asked hesitantly.

"Look…" Sirius breathed, pointing at where the box had been. In its place was a silver machine-looking thing. Unbeknownst to the marauders, it was actually a laptop from the future…

They all stared, transfixed, as the device magically opened itself, and turned on. One side was made of black glass, the other of many buttons with letters and symbols on them. They warily kept a distance from the… thing as its previously dark glass side lit up and displayed several photograph-looking pictures. Before they had time to look at it more exactly, the magic glass had already changed colour.

"Perhaps we should go to Dumbledore…" Remus suggested, eying the machine.

"Hush, Moony." James said as the screen changed again, this time displaying writing.

"…Fanfiction?" Sirius read, his eyes adjusting to the harsh light of the screen. "It looks like a story of some kind. It seems to be called, Hex me, Charm me." He squinted at the screen, trying to read the rest. "Yes, definitely a story of some kind."

"But why would someone send us a book from the future? Or is this what books look like in the future? But what are those buttons for then?" Remus asked, pointing at the keyboard. "I really think we should show this to Dumbledore."

"Oh Merlin," Sirius said, blanching.

"What is it?" James asked, trying to read over Sirius shoulder.

"This story… It's about you." Sirius said.

"What?!" James exclaimed. "Lemme see that!" He shoved Sirius out of the way in order to see the magical-glass-slash-futuristic-book-thing. He stared at the screen, his jaw hanging open.

"It's about us! And McGonagall, and Lily." He said slowly, scanning the screen.

"Read it out loud." Sirius said from where he was lying on the floor, where James had pushed him.

It was a normal day

James read hesitantly.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and Professor McGonagall was shouting at the four marauders.

"It really says that?" Remus asked in disbelief. "Someone in the future really wrote about us?"

James nodded, pointing at the sentence. "Here, look for yourself."

Remus read the sentence, his eyes narrowed. "I really think we should see some Professor about this." He said. "This can't be normal."

"You're such a spoilsport." Sirius said, giving Remus a light kick. "You're a marauder. Marauders don't give professors an awesome gift someone from the future sent them, on which there is a story about them, they read the story and enjoy it!"

Remus rolled his eyes. "Padfoot. Someone from the future wrote a story about us. Then, they sent it to the past so we could read it! Doesn't something about that whole situation strike you as a little strange?"

Sirius shrugged. "Maybe, but it's cool! C'mon, let's read this chapter, then we'll talk about it."

"I agree," James said. "What harm could it do to read one chapter?"

"I vote that, too," Peter chimed in. Remus rolled his eyes a second time and sighed, but motioned for James to continue reading.

"THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK!" McGonagall yelled, and the four were forced to cower under her glare.

"It was all in good fun!" Sirius Black protested.

"Look! It's me!" Sirius couldn't help but sit up and look at the screen from over James' shoulder, verifying that it had, indeed, been him in the story.

"All in good fun? ALL IN GOOD FUN? You turn Snape into a gerbil and you claim that it is ALL IN GOOD FUN? Detention for the week!"

"Hm…" James mused thoughtfully. "That sounds like a pretty good prank idea… And it sounds like something we might pull. Do you think this book is about our future?" He asked.

"Nah," Sirius said. "After all, if it was realistic, we would have gotten a way more severe punishment than a weeks' worth of detention."


She turned and strode away, her cloak billowing behind her.

"She sounds like superman," Peter said. "Or like some evil mastermind…"

The four boys turned around, only to come face-to-face with Lily Evans.

"Lily's in this story, too?" Remus asked, surprised.

James nodded and reread the sentence.

James blushed.

"C'mon," The real James protested. "Give me a little credit. Although I fancy Evans, I've got enough pride to refrain from blushing in her presence."

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" she screeched like a banshee.

"That description is very accurate, I must concede," Sirius said. "Don't you think, Moony?"

Remus nodded uneasily, not really paying attention. He couldn't help but wonder why anybody would write about them, not to mention send it to them from the future. He wanted to talk to Dumbledore about it, but he was also just as curious as the others, and he wanted to read the stories as well. Hmm… Perhaps reading one or two chapters couldn't hurt, I could always talk to a professor later.

"That Snape would make a wonderful gerbil." Sirius answered promptly.

"Good answer, Fanfiction!me, good answer… I like this. Reading a story about us, I mean. It's fun."

"I agree," James said, and Peter nodded as well. "Remus?"

"I suppose…" The latter conceded. "Maybe we could read a couple, but we'll take it to Dumbledore later, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Continue reading, Prongs." Sirius said.

Lily glared at him, and he cowered.

"Holy crap." James whispered.

"It's so weird reading about myself, and talking about myself in third perspective…" James said.

"I like it." Sirius said. "I mean, someone wrote about us! How cool is that? Maybe we're really famous in the future, and people write stories about our childhood."

Her flaming red hair was flying around her head, and her green eyes were fiery.

"How do they know so much about us?" Remus burst out, feeling the need to express what was making his feel so uneasy.

"We're probably famous in the future." Sirius said.

"Maybe…" Remus said, but he wasn't convinced.

"Your pranks are childish and immature!" The four boys glared at her, but she just shrugged. "What? I bet that your pranks could never make me laugh!" she said.

"Fine. You're on." Sirius snarled.

"Good. You have until next Friday," Lily said, then she turned to leave, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

The boys looked at each other. This would require careful planning.

"And that's the end." James said, looking up.

The three sat in silence for a moment, processing what had happened.

"Alright, I propose that we hold on to this thing for a little while, and then we can show it to Dumbledore and ask him about it." James suggested when nobody said anything.

"I agree." Remus said finally, his curiosity winning. After all, how often did one get the opportunity to read stories about oneself and one's friends? Not often, that was for sure.

"So, shall we read the next chapter?" James suggested, to which everybody expressed their agreement.

Everybody was very surprised to find that a completely different story had magically been selected by the device…

A/N: Hello! I'm Coco. This is a redone version of my earlier copy of this chapter, because I decided that I didn't like it. In this story, I'm going to have the marauders (and Lily, and possibly an OC for Lily's friend, let me know what you think) read all kinds of fanfiction, and they'll write some, too. Most of the stuff they read will be bad fanfiction, so beware, hehe. Anyway, all of the stories they read will be by me, all kinds of things my twisted mind can come up with. Just kidding (about the twisted mind thing… kind of). Anyway. I will include other people's stuff if they write it especially for this story, but it will always be specifically stated.

I hope you enjoy this story, and please leave a review if you have time, it means a lot to me.

