Hi everyone! This is my new fanfiction. Chracters from Hunger Games in modern teenage world. I enjoy wiritng it really much so I hope you will like it too. Sorry from grammar and spelling mistakes I'm really trying. Main characters belong to Suzanne Collins not me.
Chapter 1: Beginning Of Friendship
I wake up early in the morning, the sun is just rising. I wonder what woke me up then. It's quiet around and when I look at the alarm clock it says 5:30. I hear a quiet babbling of a little baby from the crib which is on the other side of my bedroom. I stand up and make my way to the crib to see, if she's awake.
"Mamaaa" she exclaims as I look down at her. It makes me smile. Since the day she said it for the first time I can't get used to it, but it always makes my heart warmer with love.
"Morning Rosie." I smile and pick her up. "How come you're not sleeping, huh?" she just smiles at me.
"You don't wanna sleep anymore?" I ask her as I walk to my bed.
"Nooo." she says and gives me another smile.
"Do you want to go to bed with mama?" I ask.
"Yeees." she exclaims and laughs.
So I lay back into my bed and sit her next to me. She starts playing with my old teddy bear and I can't believe how quickly is she growing. I remember it like yesterday, when I was in labor and I thought I will die from the pain. But I did not. I survived and was rewarded with this little bundle of joy. Even though she's a result of rape, I love her. She's the best thing in my life.
I was only fourteen when I was raped and I still didn't absolutely get over it. In the beginning I jumped up every time someone touched me. I would get panic attacks and flashbacks. Slowly, after few weeks, I got used to my Mum and Prim touching me. My friends were there for me and they were trying to make it easier for me. During these three years, I got used to them touching my hand or arm or even hugging me. It's easier with my girl friends. However Gale and Finnick are a problem. They're both my close friends and they tried a lot, but I'm still anxious when one of them tries to hug me. I usually start trembling and get out of that hug as soon as possible.
All in all I have six good friends. Madge is my oldest and best friend. We know each other from kindergarten. Then there's Gale, I know him since I was ten years old. Then there is also Thresh, he's a good guy from my neighborhood. I know these three from my elementary school. Then there is Annie, Johanna and Finnick. I met these three at high school. Annie and Finnick are a couple. They are really cute and no one would doubt that it is true love. Annie is a quiet, romantic soul, she's always kind and caring, but you don't wanna see her when she's furious. Finnick is a charming handsome guy. Athletic body, bronze hair and impossibly green eyes. He could have any girl in the school with his flirting skills and body. But he choose Annie and that's why many girls hate her. Johanna is a rebel kind of person. She seems that she doesn't care about anyone, but once you become her true friend she's very protective. Overprotective sometimes. So those are my real friends.
Then there are many other kids at school, but most of them don't like me. Many of them make fun of me. Particularly the gang of the most popular kids at school, led by Glimmer. She's a head cheerleader and she thinks she's a queen of this school. There is a lot of girls around her, they admire her and do anything she wants. Her best friend is Cashmere, she's same like Glimmer. Both of them fake, covered in makeup and in the shortest skirts they can find. There are also boys in their gang, they're all the same, they like bullying smaller kids, they make fun of people they don't like, they chase girls for fun. The biggest jerk of them is surely a blue eyed blond show-off Peeta Mellark. He's an idiot and I hate him. He changes girls every other day and most of the girls are insanely after him. I can't see why. Maybe he is handsome and he has nice muscles, but that's all. Inside he is an empty idiot. That's just a short description of my school life.
I live with my loving mum and my adorable little sister Prim. They both help me a lot with Rosie. My mum takes her to day care every morning after we went to school and before she goes to the hospital. Then I pick her up there after the school. My dad died when I was eleven and Prim was seven. He worked as a workman, building houses. There was some accident and he fell of the roof, breaking his neck. Thanks to his insurance, we were able to buy a little house and a car for me and mum too. Not that the money could make up for the loss of my dad.
But back to reality. My daughter is still sitting on my bed and playing with my teddy bear. I got him from my dad when I was five. For my first day of school, so I would not be afraid being there alone. I play with her for a while, but at 6:30 I really have to get up. I let her play on my bed while I get dressed and I keep my eyes on her. Then I change her into her clothes and we go down to the kitchen, where my mum is already cooking something for breakfast.
"Good morning girls." mum says with a smile.
"Morning." I say. Rosie stays quiet.
"Say Hi to Granny, Rosie." I tell her she just smiles shyly and looks at my mum.
"Hi." she says quietly. Prim comes in a while and we eat our breakfast in our usual routine.
"Come on Prim! We have to go or we're late to school." I yell up the stairs.
"Coming!" she yells back.
"Mamaaa!" Rosie whines by my feet.
"Oh don't worry, Bunny. Granny will take you to day care and I'll pick you up in the afternoon okay?" I say picking her up. She looks sad. Her nickname Bunny comes from my pregnancy. When I got my first ultrasound photo, she was in a weird position, her hands were up by her chin and Prim said she looks like a little bunny. And we started to call her like that.
"Besides it's last week of school and then we'll be together all summer okay?" I smile at her.
"You promise?" she asks with pleading eyes.
"I promise." I whisper and smile at her. She hugs me tight. She's still a little worried to let go of me.
"See you, Bunny." I say as I go out of the door.
"Bye bye Mama!" she calls.
When I come to school, I'm lucky to find a parking spot. I get to my locker, take my books out and head to the class. Unfortunately I pass Glimmer's gang on my way and she won't let me go unnoticed.
"Hey slut! How is your little bastard?" she calls in a provoking voice. I just ignore her and quicken my pace. When I get to the classroom I sit on my usual spot.
"What's wrong with you today, Katniss?" asks Johanna who sits with Madge on the right from me. We're all sitting close to each other. Gale and Thresh are sitting behind me, Madge and Johanna are next to me and Annie sits with Finnick behind Madge and Johanna. I sit alone and I don't mind it at all. Sometimes I even like solitude.
"Nothing." I say annoyed. "Just walked into some idiots on my way." I mumble.
"Is it that Glimmer again?" Johanna asks in angry voice "I could beat her up for you." she says. "Kick her ass and punch her face so no makeup would help her." I snicker over the image and wave her offer away.
"Leave her be, she's just dumb." I say and then we went quiet because our English Teacher comes in.
This Monday feels like never-ending, but finally at three o'clock, I head out of school and to my car. I pick up Prim and then we pick up Rosie from day care. The day goes on quite normally as we get home. The rest of the week goes like this until Friday, which is going to change everything.
"Honey, we have a problem with tomorrow. They told me that the day care will be closed and I wasn't able to change my shift." mum says. Well it's the last day of school, it will not harm me to stay home.
"I can stay home, it's the last day of school, it's okay." I say.
"Ohh, no no no young lady. You're not going off school. I called the director and you can take Rosie with you. He said it's okay." she says and my mouth stays open.
"But mum..." I want to argue, but she won't let me.
"No buts Katniss. You must try your best at school so you would get into college." I just sigh. We had this argument so many times. I don't want to go to college, but I'm not into arguing about it again.
"Okay." I give up and go upstairs.
The next morning, I drop Prim at her school and park at our school. I'm here early on purpose. I don't need Glimmer to call insults after me, while Rosie can hear. I turn around and see her excited face.
"Rosie, you must promise me something." I say in a serious voice. She just nods.
"While we're at school, I have to pay attention and learn. So you have to be very quiet okay?" I ask.
"Okay mama." she smiles.
"You can draw something for Auntie Prim or Granny." I smile at her.
I take a deep breath, take Rosie and her stuff and head to the school. I take my things out of my locker and I'm lucky to get into the class unnoticed by Glimmer or anyone else from her gang. Luckily it's the last day of school and there's not much to do. Teachers usually give us some homework for summer and then they let us do whatever we want. In science, we are watching a document about bees and in maths we play some game. The teachers are kind enough to leave me be. As much as my schoolmates are giving me hard time, our teachers are very kind to me. I'm grateful for that.
My last class is music. None of my friends are there with me. They prefer sports and other things. Well I don't mind because there is only nine of us in this class and none of the kids is from Glimmer's friends. Mrs. Trinket is already there when I arrive ten minutes earlier.
"Oh hi Katniss. Who is this?" she asks with a smile as she notices my daughter.
"Hi! I'm Rosie." she beams. I guess she's never gonna be a shy person like me.
"Hi Rosie! I'm Mrs. Trinket." she smiles. "Katniss we will work in pairs today, each one will be in their own practice room. I guess you'll take the one with the piano won't you?" I just nod.
"Then you can take Rosie in there before the others come." she smiles at me.
"Thanks." I smile gratefully and take Rosie.
"Okay Bunny, you play here, I'll be back in five minutes okay?" I say.
I leave Rosie in the practice room and come back to Mrs. Trinket. She's just sending students to practice rooms. I was wondering if she will leave me alone, but then I noticed, there is one more person. To my horror it's Peeta Mellark. What is he doing here?! He was never attending music!
"Katniss, I know you wanted to stay alone, but Mr. Mellark would like to see how music goes. He's considering attending it next year." she says with an apologetic expression on her face.
"Of course." I sigh and lead him to the practice room. He stays in the doorway while I sit by the piano and start playing some random melody.
"Hi, I'm Rosie!" I hear behind me. I turn around just in time to see Peeta's confused expression as he looks down and sees the girl standing clumsily in front of him, giving him her shining smile.
"H-hi little one." he says a little unsure, he gave me one quick glance and looked back at her.
"I'm Peeta." he says and smiles at her. I didn't expect that.
"Sweetie do you remember what I told you this morning?" I ask.
"To be quiet." she says shyly.
"From now, the class starts so we will be doing music and you draw something for granny okay?" I smile at her.
"Okay, but can I draw for Peeta?" she asks pleadingly and both me and Peeta get surprised expressions.
"Of course, Rosie, you can draw something for Peeta if you want." I say. She sits back on the ground and starts drawing.
"So will you sing something?" I ask Peeta.
"What?!" he says.
"If you want to attend music class you have to sing." I point out and turn to see him. "You will have to sing in front the others. Sing now and I'll tell you if you are good enough for music class. I can save you a lot of embarrassment." I say and give him a provoking smile.
"You sing first." he says I just roll my eyes.
"I don't have to, I already am in the music class. What is your problem?" I ask.
"I'm shy." he says shyly. I burst out laughing.
"You're joking right?" I choke out between my laughs "Famous Peeta Mellark is shy?!" I laugh.
"Don't laugh at me, singing is a personal thing." he says seriously.
"Okay, okay." I take a few deep breaths to calm down. "Come on, sing."
"Mama can I sing?" Rosie comes to me "Maybe it will help Peeta if I sing first." she says quietly. When it comes to singing she's absolutely like me. She loves it with all her heart.
"Okay, what do you wanna sing?" I ask even though I probably know the answer.
"Snowmaaaan song." she grins. I laugh quietly. Exactly what I was expecting.
"Okay... I'll sing with you." I tell her. She loves singing, but the words are still hard for her.
"Okey dokey." she says and I sit her on my lap. I start to play and in a moment she starts to sing in her baby voice and I sing with her.
Do you want to build a snowmaaan.
Come on let's go and play.
I never see you anymore,
come out the door.
It's like you've gone away.
We used to be best buddies,
and now we're not.
I wish you could tell me why.
Do you want to build a snowmaaan.
It doesn't have to be a snowman.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bikes around the halls
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to
the pictures on the walls-
(Hang in there, Joan!)
It gets a little lonely
All these empty rooms,
just watching the hours tick by.
Please, I know you're in there,
People are asking where you've been
They say "have courage", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?
Do you wanna build a Snowman?
We start laughing together and I notice, that Peeta is looking at us with a strange curious look. I get Rosie down and sent her to continue in her drawing.
„So are you gonna sing something?" I ask almost annoyed with him. „You can't be that bad, why would you come to music class then." I say he sights.
„Okay." he says and takes a deep breath. He then steps towards a computer, finds the youtube page and finds a karaoke video for „Marry You" by Bruno Mars. Weird choice, but whatever. In the beginning he just taps his leg on the ground, but then he turns around, starts singing and he also start dancing like crazy. As much as I hate him, I must admit his voice is amazing.
It's a beautiful night ,
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby (he points his finger at me)
I think I want to marry you
He comes to me and looks down at me with those blue eyes.
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby
I think I wanna marry you
Well I know this little chapel
on the boulevard we can go
No one will know
Oh come on girl (he takes my hand and pulls me up against my will so I would start dancing with him. He takes my other hand too and he starts dancing crazily. As much as I try I can't suppress a little giggle).
Who cares if we're trashed
got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of patron
And it's on girl
He releases my hands and starts clapping with the song. Rosie laughs at us and joins to his clapping excited.
Don't say no, no, no, no-no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go-go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby
I think I wanna marry you
Again he takes my hands and starts singing another verse.
I'll go get a ring
let the choir bells sing like oooh
So whatcha wanna do?
Let's just run girl (he gives me a wink and I feel few butterflies in my belly. Weird.)
If we wake up and
you wanna break up that's cool
No, I won't blame you
It was fun girl
Again he starts clapping and I can hear Rosie laughing and clapping too.
Don't say no, no, no, no-no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go-go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
Cause it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you.(he twirls me around twice)
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
I must admit he's a good singer. He sings even the highest tones without any problem. He takes my hands and dances his crazy dance with me again.
Just say I do.
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby, baby.
Just say I do.
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby, baby.
He twirls me again and somehow, my face ends up just inches from his as he looks down at me standing in front of him. His blue eyes dart into mine with an intent look and suddenly a pack of butterflies starts flattering around my stomach frantically. I have never felt like this before, my knees feel week and my heart is running like crazy. This all happens in just one second before he sings the chorus for one last time. He sang it joyfully and loudly before, but now it's different. His voice is more quiet, he's looking me in the eyes intently and he looks almost serious. Like if he really means it.
It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby
I think I wanna marry you
As the last bells ring in the song, we're just standing there looking into each others eyes. And I feel something so intense in me, that it scares me. The butterflies in my stomach are still flying around and my heart is still pounding loudly. His eyes are locked on mine and I hold my breath in. I just can't breathe properly right now. Then I suddenly realize what has happened. I was dancing with him! He was holding my hand! He was standing so close to me and no flashbacks came to me. No bad memories. But as it hits my head I start to be anxious and I'm happy for Rosie who starts clapping and cheering happily, which interrupts this moment.
I turn around and take a deep breath to calm down. God, he made me feel weird. For a moment he's quiet too and then she speaks up.
"So..." he hesitates "you think I could join the music class?" he asks me.
"I think we will be honored Mr. Mellark." says Mrs. Trinket who's standing in the doorway. I wonder how long was she looking at us.
"You would be a great singer for our usual Christmas play. You and Katniss you will be a great main characters." she beams and goes away. Ohh, great, he'll be playing in the Christmas play. More time together with this jerk.
"Show-off." I say annoyed when I sit down to the piano. He chuckles quietly.
"Ohh you liked it." he says confidently and sits by the window so he could see my face.
"I did not." I say stubbornly and look down at the keyboard to hide the blush which I feel coming.
"You would not blush if you would not like it." he teases and I have an urge to throw something in his direction.
"Shut up." I mutter and start playing something. For a while he just sits there and then he speaks up again.
"Tell me Everdeen, why have we never been friends all this time? We're in the same grade since kindergarten." he says. I shrug.
"I guess the main reason is that you're a jerk." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Yes and you're damn stubborn, we can't be perfect, anything else?" he shots back which surprises me.
"I don't like your friends." I say honestly. "I generally don't like people who call me a slut without any reason. And I don't like people who call her bastard." I say coldly. He's quiet for a while.
"Sorry for that." he says quietly and I'm surprised because it seems that he honestly means it. We make some small talk and until the bell rings announcing the end of the class. I pack my stuff and pick up Rosie, who hands Peeta a paper with her drawing.
"It's for you." she smiles shyly and he takes it.
"Thanks, Rosie it's beautiful." and then he smiles so sweetly it warms my heart and I smile back.
Sweetly?! Peeta Mellark?! What the hell happened to you Katniss?! Why are you smiling back?!
"Well I guess I'll see you in September" I say and turn around.
"Yeah, see you." he says and I can't help but feel some kind of sadness in his voice. Strange.
"So how was music?" Johanna catches up with me in the hall.
"Most weird class ever." I say truthfully.
"We have a new friend." Rosie says proudly. "Peeta." she adds and I see Johanna's jaw drop.
"Peeta?" she looks at me "Peeta Mellark?"
"Yeah." I sigh.
"What was he doing there?"
"He said he wanted to see how it goes in music, he'll attend it next year." I say.
"And?" Johanna asks. "What happened?" she asks when I remain silent.
"He was funny." Rosie laughs "He sang and danced and made mama dance too."
"You danced with him?" Johanna looks at me astonished. "I thought you hate him?!"
"I do Johanna!" I shot back. "He was just showing off and... Well, he took my hand, pulled me up and he refused to let me go so I gave up." I say. Her jaw remains dropped.
"You let him hold your hand?! Total stranger?!" she says in disbelief.
"I don't know what happened." I admit. "I just wasn't thinking about it and when I realized it in the end I started to be anxious and I went away from him."
"Hmm..." Johanna hums. "Weird." she adds. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow right?" she says.
"Right. See you tomorrow." I say, get in my car, pick up Prim and we drive home.
And that's it. That's my last day of school and the day when summer brake begins. And I have no idea, that this summer is gonna change my life. Entirely.
So? What do you think? I would really appreciate all yuor opinions and critics :) Thanks for favorites, follows and reviews!